November 16, 1977 This directory contains the source for pxp. Many of the files here were linked to the same in the directory ../pi. The links were broken by tp. The a.out binary here can be installed install This is all that should be necessary. To make a pxp do makepxp To print a listing do printpxp The variable DEBUG can be defined allowing tracing of the error recovery in the parser. Look at the first line of "0.h" to see if DEBUG is defined. A smaller pxp results if it is not. Non-standard programs required to make a pxp cc Version 7 C compiler, version 6 will not work eyacc Need modified yacc distributed with pxp set time=3 Causes commands taking more than 3 seconds of processor time to be "timed" in a variant shell. You can comment out this line or do cp /dev/null set; chmod 755 set to avoid a "set: Not found" diagnostic. I would like to know of any problems with pxp, or of any local modifications which you find necessary or desirable. Bill Joy Computer Science Division EECS Department University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94704 Office: (415) 642-4948 Home: (415) 524-4510