#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. # # %W% (Berkeley) %G% # # %M% [ 6250 | 1600 [ tapename [ remotetapemachine ] ] ] miniroot=hp0d tape=/dev/rmt12 type=6250 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then type=$1; fi if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then tape=$2; fi tartape=$tape if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then remote=$3; tartape='-'; fi # trap "rm -f /tmp/tape.$$; exit" 0 1 2 3 13 15 $remote mt -t ${tape} rew date echo "Add user contributed software" if [ ${type} != '6250' ] then cd /nbsd/usr/src/new; eval tar cf ${tartape} \ B X ansi apl bib courier cpm dipress dsh emacs enet help \ hyper icon jove kermit mh mkmf mmdf.tar.Z news notes \ np100 patch pathalias rcs rn spms sumacc.tar.Z sunrpc \ tac tools umodem xns \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} else cd /nbsd/usr/src/new; eval tar cf ${tartape} \ B X ansi apl bib courier cpm dipress dsh emacs enet help \ hyper icon jove kermit mh mkmf mmdf news notes \ np100 patch pathalias rcs rn spms sumacc sunrpc \ tac tools umodem xns \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} fi echo "Add ingres source" cd /nbsd/usr/ingres; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \ ${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'} echo "Done, rewinding tape" $remote mt -t ${tape} rew &