.TH SYMLINK 2 "27 July 1983" .UC 4 .SH NAME symlink \- make symbolic link to a file .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .ft B symlink(name1, name2) char *name1, *name2; .fi .ft R .SH DESCRIPTION A symbolic link .I name2 is created to .IR name1 (\fIname2\fP is the name of the file created, \fIname1\fP is the string used in creating the symbolic link). Either name may be an arbitrary path name; the files need not be on the same file system. .SH "RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, a zero value is returned. If an error occurs, the error code is stored in \fIerrno\fP and a \-1 value is returned. .SH "ERRORS The symbolic link is made unless on or more of the following are true: .TP 15 [EPERM] Either .I name1 or .I name2 contains a character with the high-order bit set. .TP 15 [ENOENT] One of the pathnames specified was too long. .TP 15 [ENOTDIR] A component of the \fIname2\fP prefix is not a directory. .TP 15 [EEXIST] \fIName2\fP already exists. .TP 15 [EACCES] A component of the \fIname2\fP path prefix denies search permission. .TP 15 [EROFS] The file \fIname2\fP would reside on a read-only file system. .TP 15 [EFAULT] .I Name1 or .I name2 points outside the process's allocated address space. .TP 15 [ELOOP] Too may symbolic links were encountered in translating the pathname. .SH "SEE ALSO" link(2), ln(1), unlink(2)