.TH AD 4 "27 July 1983" .UC 4 .SH NAME ad \- Data Translation A/D converter .SH SYNOPSIS .B "device ad0 at uba0 csr 0170400 vector adintr" .SH DESCRIPTION .I Ad provides the interface to the Data Translation A/D converter. This is .B not a real-time driver, but merely allows the user process to sample the board's channels one at a time. Each minor device selects a different A/D board. .PP The driver communicates to a user process by means of ioctls. The AD_CHAN ioctl selects which channel of the board to read. For example, .br .in +.5i chan = 5; ioctl(fd, AD_CHAN, &chan); .in -.5i selects channel 5. The AD_READ ioctl actually reads the data and returns it to the user process. An example is .br .in +.5i ioctl(fd, AD_READ, &data); .in -.5i .SH FILES /dev/ad .SH DIAGNOSTICS None.