abilities ability able about above absence absent absentee absenteeism absolute absolutely abstract abstracts academic academically academician accept acceptability acceptable acceptably acceptance acceptances accepted accepting accepts access accessed accesses accessible accessing accession accessions accident accidental accidentally accidents accompany accompanying accomplished accomplishment accomplishments accordance accorded according accordingly account accountability accountable accountancy accountants accounted accounting accounts accumulated accuracy accurate accurately achieve achieved achievement achieving acknowledge acknowledging acknowledgments acquired acquiring acquisition across act acting action actions activated activates activation active actively activities activity acts actual actually actuate actuated acute acutely adapt adapted adaption add added adding addition additional additions additive address addressed addresses addressing adds adequacy adequate adequately adhesives adjacent adjudged adjunct adjuncts adjust adjusted adjusting adjustment adjustments administer administered administering administrate administrated administration administrative administrator administrators admit admittedly adopt adopted adopting adoption advance advanced advances advantage advantageously advantages adversary adverse adversely advise advised advisers advising advisors advisory affairs affect affected affecting affects affirmation affirmative affirmed aforementioned after afternoon again against age agencies agency agent ago agree agreeable agreed agreement agreements agrees ahead aid aide aided aids aimed air alert algebraic algol algorithm algorithms all allocate allocated allocates allocation allocations allow allowable allowance allowed allowing allows almost alone along alphabet already also alter alteration altered alternate alternating alternation alternative alternatively alternatives although always america american among amount amounts amplifier amplitude an analog analogous analogy analyses analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analyze analyzed analyzer analyzing ancillary and angle animal announced announcements announces annual anode anodes another answer answered answering answers anticipated any anyone anything anyway apart apparatus apparent apparently appeal appealing appeals appear appearance appeared appearing appears append appended appendices appending appendix appends applicability applicable applicant applicants application applications applied applies apply applying appointed appointment appoints appraisals approach approached approaches approaching appropriate appropriately appropriateness approval approvals approve approved approximate approximated approximately approximation april arbitrarily arbitrary are area areas argue argued argument arguments arise arisen arises arising arithmetic arose around arrange arranged arrangement arrangements arranges arranging array arrays arrival arrive arrives arriving art article arts as ascertain ascertained aside ask asked asking asks aspect aspects assembly assess assessed assessment asset assets assign assignable assigned assigning assignment assignments assigns assist assistance assistant assistants assisted associate associated associating association assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions assurance assure assured assures asymmetric at atmosphere atmospheric atom attach attached attack attempt attempted attempting attempts attend attendance attendant attended attention attitude attitudes attorney attract attraction attractive attractiveness attributable attributes audio augment augmentation augmented augmenting august author authorities authority authorization authorizations authorize authorized authorizing authors automated automatic automatically auxiliary availability available average averaged averages averaging avoid avoidance avoided avoiding aware awareness away axes axis back background backgrounds bad badly balance balanced ball band bandwidth bank banking banks bar bars base based bases basic basically basis batch be bear bearer bearing became because become becomes becoming been before began begin beginning begins begun behavior behavioral behind being belief beliefs believe believed believes bell belong belonging belongings below beneath beneficial benefit benefits bent besides best better betterment between beyond big bigger biggest bill billed billing bills binary biometrika bit bits black blank blanks block blocked blocking blocks blue board boards body bold bond bonds book books borrow borrowed both bottom bottoms bought bound boundaries boundary bounded bounds box branch branches break breakdown breaker breakers brief briefed briefing briefly bring brings broad broadened broader broadest broadly broken brought brown bubble budget budgetary budgets build building buildings builds built bureau bureaucracy bureaucratic burning bus buses business busy but buy buyer buying buys by bypass bypassing cabinet cabinets cable cabling calculate calculated calculates calculating calculation calculations calendar caliber calibrated calibrates calibration california call called calling calls came can candidate candidates cannot capabilities capability capable capacity capital capitalization capitalize capitalized card cards care career careful carefully carried carries carroll carry carrying case cases casual casually catalog catalogs categories category cathode cathodes catholic caught cause caused causes causing cease ceases cell cells center centered centers central centrally centuries century certain certainly chain chained chaining chairman chairmen chance chances chang change changed changes changing channel channels chapter chapters character characteristic characteristics characterize characterized characterizes characters charge chargeable charged charges charging chart charter chartered charts cheaper cheapest check checked checking checks chemical chemicals chemistry chief chiefs children choice choices choose choosing chosen circle circles circuit circuitry circuits circumstances cited cites citing citizens city civil claim claimed claiming claims class classes classification classified clean cleaning cleanliness clear clearance cleared clearing clearly clears clerical clerk clerks clock close closed closely closer closes closest closing closure clue cluster clustering clusterings clusters cm code codes codifying coding coefficient coefficients coffee coherency coherent cold collaboration collaborative colleagues collected collection collections collective collects college color colored column columns combination combinations combinatorial combine combined combining come comes coming command commands comment comments commerce commercial commercially commitment commitments committed committee committees common commonly communicate communicated communicates communicating communication communications communist communities community compact companies companion companions company comparability comparable comparative comparatively compare compared compares comparing comparison comparisons compatibility compatible compensate compensating compensation compensatory compete competence competency competent competently competes competing competition competitive compilation compilations compiled compiler compilers compiles compiling complement complementary complements complete completed completely completes completion complex complexities complexity compliance complicate complicated complicating component components composed composite composition compositions comprehend comprehended comprehending comprehension comprehensive comprise comprises comprising compromise compromised compromises computation computational computations compute computed computer computerized computers computes computing conceivable conceived concentrate concentrated concentration concept conceptions concepts conceptually concern concerned concerning concerns conclude concluded concludes conclusion conclusions condensed condition conditional conditionally conditioned conditioning conditions conducive conduct conducted conductivity conductor conductors conference conferences confidence confident confidential confidentiality configuration configurations confirm confirmation confirmations confirmed confirms confounded confounding confuse confused confusion congruent conjectured conjectures connect connected connecting connection connections connects conscious consequence consequences consequently consider considerable considerably consideration considerations considered considering considers consist consisted consistency consistent consisting consists constant constants constitute constituting constrain constrained constraint constraints construct constructed constructing construction constructs consult consultant consultants consulted consulting consults consumable consumed consumer consuming consumption contact contacted contacts contain contained containers containing contains contemplate content contention contents context continuation continue continued continues continuing continuity continuous continuously contract contractions contractor contracts contractual contradicting contradiction contradictions contrast contributed contributions control controllable controlled controller controlling controls convenience convenient conveniently convention conventional conventions conversant conversation conversations converse conversely conversion convert converted converter convertibility converting convey conveyed convince convinced convincing cooperate cooperates cooperation cooperative cooperators coordinate coordinated coordinates coordinating copied copies copy core corner corners corporate corporation correct corrected correcting correction corrections corrective correctly correctness corrects correlated correlation correlations correspond corresponded correspondence corresponding corresponds cosines cost costing costly costs could council councils count counted counter counting countries country counts couple coupled coupling course courses court cover covered covering covers create created creates creating creation creative creativeness credit crisis criteria criterion critical critically criticism criticisms criticize criticized critics crop crops cross crossovers cubic cultural culture cultures currencies currency current currently curve curves customer customers cut cutoff cuts cutting cycle cycles cyclic cycling daily dallas damage damaged damages damaging danger dangerous dark data date dated dates day days dead deal dealing deals dealt debug debugged debugging december decide decided decides deciding decision decisions declared decoded decoder decoding decomposition decrease decreases decreasing deep deeply defect defective defects defend defendant defendants defense define defined defines defining definite definitely definition definitions degree degrees delay delayed delaying delays delete deleted deletes deleting deletion deletions deliver deliverable delivered delivers delivery demand demanding demands demonstrate demonstrated demonstration demonstrations density deny department departmental departments departure departures depend dependency dependent depending depends depicted deposit deposition deposits depth derive derived deriving descendant descendants descending describe described describes describing description descriptions descriptive descriptors design designate designated designating designed designing designs desirability desirable desire desired desires desiring despite destination detail detailed detailing details detect detected detecting detection detects determination determine determined determines determining develop developed developers developing development developments develops deviance deviant deviation deviations device devices diagnose diagnosed diagnoses diagnostic diagonal diagram diagrams dial dialing diameter dictated dictates dictionary did die dielectric differ differed difference differences different differential differentiate differentiating differently differing differs difficult difficulties difficulty diffusion digit digital digits dimension dimensional dimensionality dimensions direct directed direction directions directive directives directly director directories directors directory disagreement disagreements disappear disappears discharge discharges disclose disclosed discloses disclosure disconnected discount discounts discourage discouraged discourages discouraging discover discovered discovers discovery discrepancies discrepancy discrete discriminable discriminate discriminated discriminating discrimination discriminatory discuss discussed discusses discussing discussion discussions dispense dispensing display displayed displaying displays disposal disposed dissimilar dissimilarities dissimilarity distance distances distant distinct distinction distinctions distinctive distinctly distinguish distinguished distinguishing distorted distortion distortions distractions distribute distributed distributing distribution distributions disturb disturbed disturbing diverse divide divided divides division divisions do document documentation documented documenting documents does doing dollars domain dominance dominant dominated done door doors doped dotted double doubling doubt doubtful down dr draft drafting drafts draftsman drastically draw drawing drawings drawn drew drink drinks drive drives driving drop dropped dropping drops dubious due duplicates duplicating duplication duration during dust duties duty dynamic each earlier earliest early earmarked earth ease eased easier easily east easy economic economical economically economics economists economy edge edges edit edited editing editor editorial editors educate educated educating education educational educationally effect effective effectively effectiveness effects efficiency efficient efficiently effort efforts eight either elaborate electric electrical electrode electrodes electron electronic electronically electronics electrons element elements eliminate eliminated eliminates eliminating elimination else elsewhere embedded embedding embodies embodiment embodiments embodying emergencies emergency emotional emotionally emotions emphasis emphasized emphasizes empirical empirically employed employee employees employer employment empty enable enabled enables enabling enclose enclosed encloses encode encoded encoding encounter encountered encounters encourage encouraged encouragement encourages end ended ending ends energy enforced enforcement enforcing engage engaged engineer engineering engineers english enhance enhanced enhancement enjoy enjoys enlarged enough ensure ensures enter entered entering enters enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entirely entities entitled entity entries entry envelope environment environmental environments environs epitaxial equal equality equally equals equated equation equations equilibrium equipment equipped equitable equivalence equivalent equivalently error errors escape especially essential essentially essentials establish established establishing establishment establishments estimate estimated estimates estimation et etc evaluate evaluated evaluating evaluation evaluations even evening event events ever every everybody everyone everyones everything everywhere evidence evidenced evident evidently evil exact exactly exaggerated exaggerates examination examinations examine examined examines examining example examples exceed exceeded exceeding exceedingly exceeds excellence excellent except exception exceptionally exceptions excess excessive excessively exchange exclude excluded exclusive executable execute executed executes executing execution executive executives exercise exercised exercises exhaust exhaustion exhaustive exhibit exhibited exhibitions exist existed existence existent existing exists exit exiting exits expand expanded expanding expansion expect expectancy expectation expected expects expedite expeditious expendable expended expenditure expenditures expense expenses expensive experience experienced experiences experiment experimental experimentally experimentation experimented experimenters experimenting experiments expert expertise experts explain explained explaining explains explanation explicit explicitly exploit exploitation exploited exploration exploratory explore explored exponential exponentially exposed exposure express expressed expression expressions extend extended extending extension extensive extensively extent external extinguished extra extracted extracting extreme extremely extremes fabricated face faced faces facilitate facilitated facilities facility fact factor factorial factors facts faculties faculty fail failed failing fails failure failures fair fairly fairness faith fall falls false familiar families family far fashion fast faster fastest favor favorable fear feasibility feasible feature features february federal federally feed feedback feel feeling feels feet felt female females few fewer field fields fifteen fifth fig figs figure figures file filed files filing fill filled filling fills film filter filtered filtering filters final finally finance financed finances financial financing find finding findings finds fine finely finish finished finite fire fires firm firmly first fiscal fiscally fit fits fitted fitting five fix fixed flat flexibility flexible flip floor flop flops flow flowing follow followed following follows food foot for force forced forceful forces foregoing foreign forest form formal formally format formation formats formatted formed former forming forms formula formulae formulated formulation forth fortran forward found four fourth fraction fractions frame frames framework framing free freed freedom freely french frequencies frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friends from front fulfill fulfilled fulfilling full fully function functional functionally functioning functions fund fundamental funded funding funds furnish furnished furnishes further furthermore future gain gained gainers gaining gains gap gas gaseous gases gate gates gather gathered gathering gating gauge gauges gave general generalist generalists generality generalization generalize generalized generally generals generate generated generates generating generation generator generators geographical geographically geometries geometry german germany get gets getting give given gives giving glance glass glasses global glow go goal goals goes going gone good goods govern governed governing government governmental governments gradually graduate graduates graduating grant granted granting graph graphic graphical graphics graphs great greater greatest greatly green gross grossly ground grounded grounds group grouped grouping groupings groups grow growing grown grows growth guarantee guaranteed guaranteeing guarantees guard guarded gudeance guess guessed guesses guests guidance guide guided guidelines guiding habit habits had hair half hall halls hand handbook handle handled handler handles handling hands hang hanging hangs happen happened happening happens hard harder hardly hardware has have having hazy he head headings heads health healthy hear heard hearing heat heating heavily heavy height heights held help helped helpful helps hence her here herein hereinafter hers hesitate hidden hierarchal hierarchical hierarchy high higher highest highly hill him himself hire hired hiring his historic historical history hold holding holds hole holes holidays home hook hope hoped hopefully hopes horizontal horizontally hospital hospitals host hot hour hours house houses housing how however human humanly humans hundred hundreds hypotheses hypothesis hypothesized hypothetical idea ideal ideally ideas identical identifiable identification identifications identified identifies identify identifying identity idle if ignore ignored ignores ignoring illness illustrate illustrated illustrates illustrating illustration illustrations illustrative illustratively image images immediate immediately impact impedance impede implement implementation implemented implementing implementors implications implicitly implied implies imply implying importance important impose imposed impossibility impossible impressed impression impressions impressive impressively improve improved improvement improvements improving impurities impurity in inability inaccessible inactive inadequacy inadequate inappropriate inches inclination inclined include included includes including incoming incompetence incompetent incomplete inconsistent inconvenience inconvenienced inconvenient incorporate incorporated incorporates incorporating incorporation incorrect incorrectly increase increased increases increasing increasingly increment incremental incremented incrementing increments incur incurred incurring indeces indeed indefinite independence independent independently index indexed indexes indexing india indicate indicated indicates indicating indication indications indicative indicator indicators indices indifferent individual individualized individuals industrial industry ineffective inefficiency inefficient inequalities inequality inexperienced infer inference inferences influence influencing influential inform informal informally information informational informations informative informed informing infrequently inherent inhibits initial initialed initialization initialize initializes initially initiate initiated initiating initiation initiative inner input inputs insert inserted inserting insertion insertions inserts inside insight insights insist instability install installation installations installed installing instance instances instant instantaneously instead institute instituted institutes institution institutional institutions instructed instruction instructional instructions instructor instructors insufficient insurance insure insured insures integer integers integral integrated integrating intellectual intelligibility intelligible intended intends intense intensely intensity intensive intent inter interact interacting interaction interactions interactive interacts interchange interchangeable interchangeably interconnect interconnected interconnection interconnections interconnects interest interested interesting interests interface interfaces interior interlocation intermediary intermediate internal internally international internationally interpret interpretable interpretation interpretations interpreted interrelationship interrelationships interrupt interrupted interrupting interruption interruptions interstage interval intervals interview interviewed interviewing interviews intimate intimately into introduce introduced introduces introducing introduction introductory invalid invalidates invent invented invention inventive inventor inventories inventory inverse inversely inverted inverter invest investigate investigated investigation investigations investment investments invite invites involve involved involvement involves involving ion ions irrelevant is isolate isolated isolation issue issued issues it item itemized items iteration iterations its itself james january jargon jersey job jobs john johnson join joined joint jointly journal journals jr judge judged judgment judgmental judgments judicious judiciously july jump jumps june just justice justification justified justify justifying keep keeping keeps kennedy kept key keyed keys kill kind kinds knew know knowing knowingly knowledge knowledgeable known knows label labeled labeling labelled labelling labels laboratories laboratory lack lacking lacks lag laid land language languages large largely larger largest laser lasers last late later latest latter law laws lay layer layers laying layout layouts lays lead leader leaders leadership leading leads learn learned learning least leave leaves leaving led left leftmost legal legally legitimate lend lending length lengthening lengthens lengths lengthy less lessened lesser let lets letter letters letting level levels liability liable liason liberal liberalized librarian librarians libraries library lie lies life light lighting lights like likely likened likewise limit limitation limitations limited limiting limits line linear linearly lines link linkage linkages linked linking links list listed listing lists literal literally literature little live lived load loaded loading loads loan loaned loans local locally locate located locates locating location locations log logged logging logic logical long longer longest look looked looking looks loop loops lose loses losing loss losses lost lot low lower lowest machine machinery machines made magnetic magnitude magnitudes mail mailed mailing mails main mainly maintain maintained maintaining maintains maintenance major majority majors make maker makers makes making male males man manage manageable managed management managements manager managerial managers managing manipulate manipulation manned manner manning manual manually manuals manufactured manufacturer manufacturers manufacturing manuscript manuscripts many map mapped mapping maps march margin marginal margins mark marked markedly market marketability marketing markets marking marks mask masked masking mass master mastered masters match matched matches matching material materials mathematical mathematically mathematician mathematicians mathematics matrices matrix matter matters maximizes maximum may me mean meaning meaningful meaningfulness meaningless meanings means meant measurable measure measured measurement measurements measures measuring mechanical mechanics mechanism mechanisms media median medical medicine medium meet meeting meetings meets member members membership memberships memoranda memorandum memory men mention mentioned mere merely merge merged merging merit message messages met metal metallization metallurgy metals method methodological methodologies methodology methods metric microfilm middle might mileage miles military million mind minded minds minimal minimize minimized minimizes minimizing minimum minister minor minority minute minutes miscellaneous missed missing mistake mistakes mix mixed mixes mixture mode model modeling models moderate modern modes modification modifications modified modifies modify modifying modular module modules modulo moment momentarily money monitor monotone monotonic monotonically month monthly months moon moral more moreover morgan morning most mostly motivated motivation motor mount mounted mounting move moved moves moving much multi multidimensional multiple multiplication multiplied multiplier multipliers multiply multiprogram multiprogrammed multiprogramming multistage multivariate murder murray must mutually my name named namely names naming narrow nation national nationally nations natural naturally nature near nearer nearest nearly necessarily necessary necessitate necessitates necessity need needed needing needs negate negated negative neglect neglected neighbor neighboring neither net network networks neutral never nevertheless new newer newest newly news next nice night nine no nobody node nodes noise noisy non none nonexistence nonlinear nonlinearity nonowners nonzero nor norm normal normality normalized normalizes normally norms north not notable notably notation note noted notes noteworthy nothing notice noticeable noticeably noticed notification notified notify noting novel november now nuclear number numbered numbering numbers numeric numerical numerically numerous object objectionable objective objectively objectives objects obligation obligatory observation observations observe observed observer observing obsolete obtain obtained obtaining obtains obvious obviously occasion occasional occasionally occupancy occupations occupied occupies occupy occupying occur occurred occurrence occurrences occurring occurs october odd of off offer offered offering offerings offers office officer officers offices official officially officials often oil old older omission omitted on once one ones only onto open opened opening openings opens operable operate operated operates operating operation operational operations operative operator operators opinion opinions opportunism opportunities opportunity opposite optical optically optimal optimality optimistic optimization optimum option options or oral orally order ordered ordering orderings orderly orders ordinary organization organizational organizations organize organized organizer organizing orientation oriented origin original originally originals originated originating originator orthogonal other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outcomes outgoing outline outlined outlines outlining output outputs outs outset outside outsiders over overall overhead overlap overlaps overly overview overviews own owned owner owners owns package packages packing packs page pages paid pain painful pair paired pairs panel panels paper papers paragraph paragraphs parallel parameter parameters paramount part partial partially participants participated participating particular particularly parties partition partitioned partitioning partitions partly parts party pass passage passed passes passing past patent patentable patented patents path paths patient patients pattern patterns pause pauses pay pays peak pension pensions people per perceived percent percentage percentages perceptible perceptibly perceptions perceptual perfect perfectly perform performance performed performing performs perhaps period periodic periodically periodicals periods peripheral peripherals periphery permanent permanently permissible permission permissions permissive permit permits permitted permitting person personal personalized personally personnel persons pertain pertaining pertains pertinent perusal phase phased phases phenomena philosophy photocopied photocopies photocopy photocopying physical physically pick picked picking pickup pictorial picture pictures piece pieces pile piles pilot pipe piped pipes pitfalls place placed places placing plan planar plane planned planner planning plans plant plants plausible play played players playing plays pleasant please pleased pleasing plots plotted plotter plotters plotting plurality plus point pointed pointer pointers pointing points polarity police policies policy political politically pollution polymers polynomial polynomials pool pooled pooling pools poor poorer poorly popular popularity populating population porter portion portions position positions positive possess possession possibilities possibility possible possibly post posts potential potentially power powerful practicable practical practice practiced practices practicing practitioners preassigned precede preceded preceding precise precisely precision predetermined predict predicted predicting prediction predictions prefer preferable preference preferences preferred premium premiums preparation prepare prepared preparing prescription presence present presentation presentations presented presently presents press pressed pressure pressurized presumably presumed pretty prevent prevented preventing preventive prevents previous previously price priced prices pricing primarily primary prime priming principal principle principles print printed printer printers printing prints prior priori priorities priority privacy private privilege privileged privileges probabilities probability probable probably problem problematical problems proc procedural procedure procedures proceed proceeded proceeding proceeds process processed processes processing processor processors produce produced produces producing product production productive productivity products profession professional professionalism professionally professionals professor professors profile profiles program programmed programmer programmers programming programs progress progresses prohibited prohibitively prohibits project projected projection projections projectors projects promotion promotional promotions prompt prompting promptly pronounced proof propagate propagated propagating propagation proper properly properties property proportion proportional proportionate proportions proposal proposals propose proposed proposes prospects protect protected protecting protection protects proters prove proved proven proves provide provided provides providing proving provision provisional provisionally provisions public publication publications publicly publish published pulse pulses purchase purchased purchases purchasing pure purely purpose purposes pushed pushing put puts putting qualities quality quantities quantity quantization quarter quarterly question questionable questioning questionnaire questionnaires questions quick quickly quiet quite quote quoted quotes radio raise raised random randomly range ranged ranges ranging rank ranking rankings ranks rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rated rates rather rating ratings ratio rational ratios ray rays reach reached reaches reaching reaction reactions read readable reader readers readily reading readings reads ready real realistic realistically realities reality realization realize realized realizing really rear reason reasonable reasonably reasons reassigned reassignment receipts receive received receiver receivers receives receiving recent recently recognition recognize recognized recognizes recognizing recommend recommendation recommendations recommended recommending record recorded recorders recording recordings records recover recovered recovering recovers recovery rectangular recurring recursive recursively red reduce reduced reduces reducing reduction reductions refer reference referenced references referencing referral referred referring refers reflect reflected reflecting reflection reflections refused regard regarded regarding regardless region regional regionally regions register registered registers registration regression regular regularly regulated regulations reinforced reinforces reinforcing reject rejected rejecting rejection rejects relate related relates relating relation relations relationship relationships relative relatively relay relayed release released releases relevance relevant reliability reliable relief remain remainder remained remaining remains remarkable remarkably remarks remember remembered remembers remote remotely removal remove removed removes removing rent rental rentals renting repair repaired repairing repairs repeat repeated repeatedly repeater repeaters repeating repeats repetitions repetitive replace replaced replacement replaces replacing report reported reporters reporting reports represent representation representations representative representatives represented representing represents reproduce reproducing reproduction reputation request requested requesting requests require required requirement requirements requires requiring requisite requisition requisitions research researcher researchers resemblance resemble resembles reserve reserved reset resetting resident resist resistance resisted resistivity resistor resistors resolution resolve resolved resource resources respect respected respective respectively respects respond respondent respondents response responses responsibilities responsibility responsible responsibly responsive rest resting restore restored restoring restrict restricted restriction restrictions restrictive result resultant resulted resulting results retrieval retrieve retrieved return returned returning returns reveal revealed revealing reveals reverse review reviewed revised revision revisions reward rewarding rewards rewritten rich right rights rigid rigidly rise risk risks roads role roles room rooms root rooted roots rose rotate rotation rotations rough roughly round rounded rounding route routed routes routine routines routing routings row rows rule ruled rules run running runs sacrificing safe safely safety said salary sale saleable sales same sample samples sampling san satisfaction satisfactorily satisfactory satisfied satisfies satisfy satisfying save saved saving savings say saying says scalar scale scaled scaling scan scanned scanning scans schedule scheduled schedules scheduling schematically scheme schemes school schooled schools science sciences scientific scientifically scientist scientists scope score scorers scores screen screened screening sea search searched searches searching second secondary secondly seconds secret secretarial secretaries secretary secretive secrets section sectional sections secure securely security see seeing seek seeking seem seemed seems seen sees segment segmented segments seldom select selected selection selective selectively selects self sell selling sells semiconductor send sending sense sensitive sensitivity sent separate separated separately separates separation september sequence sequences sequential sequentially serial series serious seriously serve served serves service serviced services servicing serving set sets setting settings seven several severe shall shape share shared sharing sharp she sheet sheets shift shifting shifts ship shipped shipping ships shop shopping shops short shortage shortages shortened shortens shorter shortest shortly shot shots should show showed showing shown shows side sides sign signal signals signature signed significance significant significantly signing similar similarity similarly simple simpler simplest simplicity simplified simplify simply simultaneous simultaneously since single sit site sits situation situations six sixth size sized sizes skill skilled skills slide slides sliding slight slightly slips slot slots slow slower slowly slows small smaller smallest snow so social societal society soft softest software sole solely solid solution solutions solve solved solving some someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son soon sooner sophisticated sort sorted sorter sorters sorting sorts sought sound sounds source sources space spaced spaces spacing spatial speaker speaking special specialist specialists specialization specialized specializing specially specialties specialty specific specifically specification specifications specifics specified specifies specify specifying spectrum speech speed spell spelling spells spend spent sphere spherical spirit spite splitting spoke sponsor sponsored sponsors spot spots spread spring square squares stability stabilize stable staff staffed staffing staffs stage stages stand standard standards standing stands start started starting starts state stated statement statements states static station stations statistic statistical statistically statisticians statistics status stay steady step steps still stimulate stimuli stimulus stop stopped stopping stops storage store stored stores storing straight straightforward strange strangers strategies strategy stream streams street streets strength strengthened stress strict strictest strictly strikes striking string strings strong stronger strongly structural structurally structure structured structures structuring struggle student students studied studies study studying style subject subjected subjective subjects submit submitted submitting subordinate subroutine subroutines subsequent subsequently subset subsets substantial substantially substantive substitute substituted substituting substitution substrate succeed succeeding success successful successfully succession successive successively such sudden suddenly suffer suffice sufficiency sufficient sufficiently suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggestions suggestive suggests suitability suitable suitably suited sum summaries summarize summarized summarizes summary summing sums super superior supervise supervised supervises supervising supervision supervisor supervisors supervisory supplement supplementary supplied supplier suppliers supplies supply supplying support supported supporting supports suppose supposed supposedly sure surface surprised surprising surround surrounded surrounds survey surveyed surveyors surveys suspect suspected suspects switch switched switches switching symbol symbolically symbols symmetric symmetrically symmetry system systematic systematically systems table tables tabling take taken takes taking talk talked talker talkers talking talks tape tapes target task tasks tax taxed teach teacher teachers teaching teachings team teams technical technically technician technicians technique techniques technological technologically technologies technologist technologists technology teeth telecommunication telecommunications telephone telephones telephoning telephony tell tellers telling tells temp temperature temporarily temporary ten tend tended tendencies tendency tends term termed terminal terminals terminate terminated terminates terminating termination terms test tested testing tests texas text texts than that the their them themselves then theorem theoretical theoretically theory there thereby therefore thereof these they thick thickness thin thing things think thinking thinks third thirty this thoroughly those though thought three threshold thresholds through throughout thus tight time timed timely times timing tip tips title titles to today together toggled told tolerance tolerances tolerant tolerated toll tolls tone tones too took tool tools top topic topical topics tops total totally totals touch toward towards trace traced tracing tracings track tracks trade traditional traditionally traffic train trained trainee trainees training transaction transactions transcribe transcribed transcribes transcribing transcription transfer transferred transfers transform transformation transformations transformed transforming transistor transistors transit transition transitions transitory translate translated translation translations translator translators transmission transmit transmitted transmitter transmitting transport transportation transporting travel traveled travelers traveling traverse traversed traverses traversing tray trays treasury treat treated treating treatment treats tree trees trial trials triangle triangles triangular tried triggered trip trivial trivially trouble troubles truck true truly try trying tube turn turned turning turns twelve twenty twice two type typed types typewriter typical typically typing typist typists ultimate ultimately unable unacceptable unacceptably unaffected unaltered unassigned unauthorized unavoidable unaware unchanged uncommon uncover uncovered undefined under undergraduate underlying understand understandable understanding understands understood undesirable undetected undivided undocumented unduly uneasy unequal unexpected unfamiliar unfortunate unfortunately unidirectionality unidirectionally uniform uniformity uniformly unimportant union unique unit united units unity universal universally universe universities university unknowingly unknown unless unlikely unlimited unnecessarily unnecessary unofficial unpublished unrealistic unrelated unreliable unresponsive unsatisfactory unspecified unstable unsupported until unused unusual unwanted unwilling unwise unwritten up update updated updates updating upon upper us usage use used useful usefulness useless user users uses using usual usually utilities utility utilization utilize utilized utilizing vacation vacations valid validate validated validating validation validity valuable value valued values van variability variable variables variance variances variation variations varied varies varieties variety various variously vary varying vast vector vectors verbal verification verified verifiers verifies verify verifying version versions vertical vertically very via viability viable vice view viewed viewpoint views vis visible vision visit visited visiting visitor visitors visits visual vital vocational voice voids voltage voltages volume volumes wait waited waiting walk walking walks wall walls want wanted wanting wants war warn warned warning warnings warrant warranted warrants warranty was washington wastage waste wasted wasteful wasting water wavelength way ways we weak weakest week weekly weeks weight weighted weighting weights welcome welcomes well went were western what whatever when whenever where whereas whereby wherein wherever whether which while white who whole whom whose why wide widely wider widespread width will willfully william willing willingly willingness wind window windows wire wired wires wiring wise wiser wish wishes wishful with withdraw withdrawal withdrawals within without witnessed witnesses women word wording words work workable worked worker workers working works workshop workshops world worlds worry worse worst worth worthy would write writer writers writes writing written wrong wrote year years yes yet yield yielded yields york you young your yours zero zeros zone zones