.\" @(#)getlogin.3 6.2 (Berkeley) %G% .\" .TH GETLOGIN 3 "" .AT 3 .SH NAME getlogin \- get login name .SH SYNOPSIS .B char *getlogin() .SH DESCRIPTION .I Getlogin returns a pointer to the login name as found in .IR /etc/utmp . It may be used in conjunction with .I getpwnam to locate the correct password file entry when the same userid is shared by several login names. .PP If .I getlogin is called within a process that is not attached to a terminal, or if there is no entry in .I /etc/utmp for the process's terminal, .I getlogin returns a NULL pointer (0). A reasonable procedure for determining the login name is to first call .I getlogin and if it fails, to call .IR getpwuid ( getuid ()). .SH FILES /etc/utmp .SH "SEE ALSO" getpwent(3), utmp(5), ttyslot(3) .SH DIAGNOSTICS Returns a NULL pointer (0) if name not found. .SH BUGS The return values point to static data whose content is overwritten by each call.