MKDIR(1) BSD Reference Manual MKDIR(1) NNAAMMEE mmkkddiirr - make directories SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS mmkkddiirr [--pp] _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y___n_a_m_e _._._. DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN MMkkddiirr creates the directories named as operands, in the order specified, using mode 0777 modified by the current umask(2). The options are as follows: --pp Create intermediate directories as required. If this option is not specified, the full path prefix of each operand must already exist. The user must have write permission in the parent directory. MMkkddiirr exits 0 if successful, and >0 if an error occurred. SSEEEE AALLSSOO rmdir(1) SSTTAANNDDAARRDDSS The mmkkddiirr utility is expected to be IEEE Std1003.2 (``POSIX'') compati- ble. 4.4BSD May 31, 1993 1