%{ static char *sccsid = "@(#)bc.y 4.2 (Berkeley) 81/02/28"; int *getout(); %} %right '=' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right '^' %left UMINUS %term LETTER DIGIT SQRT LENGTH _IF FFF EQ %term _WHILE _FOR NE LE GE INCR DECR %term _RETURN _BREAK _DEFINE BASE OBASE SCALE %term EQPL EQMI EQMUL EQDIV EQREM EQEXP %term _AUTO DOT %term QSTR %{ #include int in; char cary[1000], *cp = { cary }; char string[1000], *str = {string}; int crs = '0'; int rcrs = '0'; /* reset crs */ int bindx = 0; int lev = 0; int ln; char *ss; int bstack[10] = { 0 }; char *numb[15] = { " 0", " 1", " 2", " 3", " 4", " 5", " 6", " 7", " 8", " 9", " 10", " 11", " 12", " 13", " 14" }; int *pre, *post; %} %% start : | start stat tail = output( $2 ); | start def dargs ')' '{' dlist slist '}' ={ bundle( 6,pre, $7, post ,"0",numb[lev],"Q"); conout( $$, $2 ); rcrs = crs; output( "" ); lev = bindx = 0; } ; dlist : tail | dlist _AUTO dlets tail ; stat : e ={ bundle(2, $1, "ps." ); } | ={ bundle(1, "" ); } | QSTR ={ bundle(3,"[",$1,"]P");} | LETTER '=' e ={ bundle(3, $3, "s", $1 ); } | LETTER '[' e ']' '=' e ={ bundle(4, $6, $3, ":", geta($1)); } | LETTER EQOP e ={ bundle(6, "l", $1, $3, $2, "s", $1 ); } | LETTER '[' e ']' EQOP e ={ bundle(8,$3, ";", geta($1), $6, $5, $3, ":", geta($1));} | _BREAK ={ bundle(2, numb[lev-bstack[bindx-1]], "Q" ); } | _RETURN '(' e ')' = bundle(4, $3, post, numb[lev], "Q" ); | _RETURN '(' ')' = bundle(4, "0", post, numb[lev], "Q" ); | _RETURN = bundle(4,"0",post,numb[lev],"Q"); | SCALE '=' e = bundle(2, $3, "k"); | SCALE EQOP e = bundle(4,"K",$3,$2,"k"); | BASE '=' e = bundle(2,$3, "i"); | BASE EQOP e = bundle(4,"I",$3,$2,"i"); | OBASE '=' e = bundle(2,$3,"o"); | OBASE EQOP e = bundle(4,"O",$3,$2,"o"); | '{' slist '}' ={ $$ = $2; } | FFF ={ bundle(1,"fY"); } | error ={ bundle(1,"c"); } | _IF CRS BLEV '(' re ')' stat ={ conout( $7, $2 ); bundle(3, $5, $2, " " ); } | _WHILE CRS '(' re ')' stat BLEV ={ bundle(3, $6, $4, $2 ); conout( $$, $2 ); bundle(3, $4, $2, " " ); } | fprefix CRS re ';' e ')' stat BLEV ={ bundle(5, $7, $5, "s.", $3, $2 ); conout( $$, $2 ); bundle(5, $1, "s.", $3, $2, " " ); } | '~' LETTER '=' e ={ bundle(3,$4,"S",$2); } ; EQOP : EQPL ={ $$ = "+"; } | EQMI ={ $$ = "-"; } | EQMUL ={ $$ = "*"; } | EQDIV ={ $$ = "/"; } | EQREM ={ $$ = "%%"; } | EQEXP ={ $$ = "^"; } ; fprefix : _FOR '(' e ';' ={ $$ = $3; } ; BLEV : ={ --bindx; } ; slist : stat | slist tail stat ={ bundle(2, $1, $3 ); } ; tail : '\n' ={ln++;} | ';' ; re : e EQ e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "=" ); | e '<' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, ">" ); | e '>' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "<" ); | e NE e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "!=" ); | e GE e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "!>" ); | e LE e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "!<" ); | e = bundle(2, $1, " 0!=" ); ; e : e '+' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "+" ); | e '-' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "-" ); | '-' e %prec UMINUS = bundle(3, " 0", $2, "-" ); | e '*' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "*" ); | e '/' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "/" ); | e '%' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "%%" ); | e '^' e = bundle(3, $1, $3, "^" ); | LETTER '[' e ']' ={ bundle(3,$3, ";", geta($1)); } | LETTER INCR = bundle(4, "l", $1, "d1+s", $1 ); | INCR LETTER = bundle(4, "l", $2, "1+ds", $2 ); | DECR LETTER = bundle(4, "l", $2, "1-ds", $2 ); | LETTER DECR = bundle(4, "l", $1, "d1-s", $1 ); | LETTER '[' e ']' INCR = bundle(7,$3,";",geta($1),"d1+",$3,":",geta($1)); | INCR LETTER '[' e ']' = bundle(7,$4,";",geta($2),"1+d",$4,":",geta($2)); | LETTER '[' e ']' DECR = bundle(7,$3,";",geta($1),"d1-",$3,":",geta($1)); | DECR LETTER '[' e ']' = bundle(7,$4,";",geta($2),"1-d",$4,":",geta($2)); | SCALE INCR = bundle(1,"Kd1+k"); | INCR SCALE = bundle(1,"K1+dk"); | SCALE DECR = bundle(1,"Kd1-k"); | DECR SCALE = bundle(1,"K1-dk"); | BASE INCR = bundle(1,"Id1+i"); | INCR BASE = bundle(1,"I1+di"); | BASE DECR = bundle(1,"Id1-i"); | DECR BASE = bundle(1,"I1-di"); | OBASE INCR = bundle(1,"Od1+o"); | INCR OBASE = bundle(1,"O1+do"); | OBASE DECR = bundle(1,"Od1-o"); | DECR OBASE = bundle(1,"O1-do"); | LETTER '(' cargs ')' = bundle(4, $3, "l", getf($1), "x" ); | LETTER '(' ')' = bundle(3, "l", getf($1), "x" ); | cons ={ bundle(2, " ", $1 ); } | DOT cons ={ bundle(2, " .", $2 ); } | cons DOT cons ={ bundle(4, " ", $1, ".", $3 ); } | cons DOT ={ bundle(3, " ", $1, "." ); } | DOT ={ $$ = "l."; } | LETTER = { bundle(2, "l", $1 ); } | LETTER '=' e ={ bundle(3, $3, "ds", $1 ); } | LETTER EQOP e %prec '=' ={ bundle(6, "l", $1, $3, $2, "ds", $1 ); } | LETTER '[' e ']' '=' e = { bundle(5,$6,"d",$3,":",geta($1)); } | LETTER '[' e ']' EQOP e = { bundle(9,$3,";",geta($1),$6,$5,"d",$3,":",geta($1)); } | LENGTH '(' e ')' = bundle(2,$3,"Z"); | SCALE '(' e ')' = bundle(2,$3,"X"); /* must be before '(' e ')' */ | '(' e ')' = { $$ = $2; } | '?' ={ bundle(1, "?" ); } | SQRT '(' e ')' ={ bundle(2, $3, "v" ); } | '~' LETTER ={ bundle(2,"L",$2); } | SCALE '=' e = bundle(2,$3,"dk"); | SCALE EQOP e %prec '=' = bundle(4,"K",$3,$2,"dk"); | BASE '=' e = bundle(2,$3,"di"); | BASE EQOP e %prec '=' = bundle(4,"I",$3,$2,"di"); | OBASE '=' e = bundle(2,$3,"do"); | OBASE EQOP e %prec '=' = bundle(4,"O",$3,$2,"do"); | SCALE = bundle(1,"K"); | BASE = bundle(1,"I"); | OBASE = bundle(1,"O"); ; cargs : eora | cargs ',' eora = bundle(2, $1, $3 ); ; eora: e | LETTER '[' ']' =bundle(2,"l",geta($1)); ; cons : constant ={ *cp++ = '\0'; } constant: '_' ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = '_'; } | DIGIT ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = $1; } | constant DIGIT ={ *cp++ = $2; } ; CRS : ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = crs++; *cp++ = '\0'; if(crs == '[')crs+=3; if(crs == 'a')crs='{'; if(crs >= 0241){yyerror("program too big"); getout(); } bstack[bindx++] = lev++; } ; def : _DEFINE LETTER '(' ={ $$ = getf($2); pre = ""; post = ""; lev = 1; bstack[bindx=0] = 0; } ; dargs : | lora ={ pp( $1 ); } | dargs ',' lora ={ pp( $3 ); } ; dlets : lora ={ tp($1); } | dlets ',' lora ={ tp($3); } ; lora : LETTER | LETTER '[' ']' ={ $$ = geta($1); } ; %% # define error 256 int peekc = -1; int sargc; int ifile; char **sargv; char funtab[52] = { 01,0,02,0,03,0,04,0,05,0,06,0,07,0,010,0,011,0,012,0,013,0,014,0,015,0,016,0,017,0, 020,0,021,0,022,0,023,0,024,0,025,0,026,0,027,0,030,0,031,0,032,0 }; char atab[52] = { 0241,0,0242,0,0243,0,0244,0,0245,0,0246,0,0247,0,0250,0,0251,0,0252,0,0253,0, 0254,0,0255,0,0256,0,0257,0,0260,0,0261,0,0262,0,0263,0,0264,0,0265,0,0266,0, 0267,0,0270,0,0271,0,0272,0}; char *letr[26] = { "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j", "k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t", "u","v","w","x","y","z" } ; char *dot = { "." }; yylex(){ int c, ch; restart: c = getch(); peekc = -1; while( c == ' ' || c == '\t' ) c = getch(); if(c == '\\'){ getch(); goto restart; } if( c<= 'z' && c >= 'a' ) { /* look ahead to look for reserved words */ peekc = getch(); if( peekc >= 'a' && peekc <= 'z' ){ /* must be reserved word */ if( c=='i' && peekc=='f' ){ c=_IF; goto skip; } if( c=='w' && peekc=='h' ){ c=_WHILE; goto skip; } if( c=='f' && peekc=='o' ){ c=_FOR; goto skip; } if( c=='s' && peekc=='q' ){ c=SQRT; goto skip; } if( c=='r' && peekc=='e' ){ c=_RETURN; goto skip; } if( c=='b' && peekc=='r' ){ c=_BREAK; goto skip; } if( c=='d' && peekc=='e' ){ c=_DEFINE; goto skip; } if( c=='s' && peekc=='c' ){ c= SCALE; goto skip; } if( c=='b' && peekc=='a' ){ c=BASE; goto skip; } if( c=='i' && peekc == 'b'){ c=BASE; goto skip; } if( c=='o' && peekc=='b' ){ c=OBASE; goto skip; } if( c=='d' && peekc=='i' ){ c=FFF; goto skip; } if( c=='a' && peekc=='u' ){ c=_AUTO; goto skip; } if( c == 'l' && peekc=='e'){ c=LENGTH; goto skip; } if( c == 'q' && peekc == 'u'){getout();} /* could not be found */ return( error ); skip: /* skip over rest of word */ peekc = -1; while( (ch = getch()) >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ); peekc = ch; return( c ); } /* usual case; just one single letter */ yylval = letr[c-'a']; return( LETTER ); } if( c>= '0' && c <= '9' || c>= 'A' && c<= 'F' ){ yylval = c; return( DIGIT ); } switch( c ){ case '.': return( DOT ); case '=': switch( peekc = getch() ){ case '=': c=EQ; goto gotit; case '+': c=EQPL; goto gotit; case '-': c=EQMI; goto gotit; case '*': c=EQMUL; goto gotit; case '/': c=EQDIV; goto gotit; case '%': c=EQREM; goto gotit; case '^': c=EQEXP; goto gotit; default: return( '=' ); gotit: peekc = -1; return(c); } case '+': return( cpeek( '+', INCR, cpeek( '=', EQPL, '+') ) ); case '-': return( cpeek( '-', DECR, cpeek( '=', EQMI, '-') ) ); case '<': return( cpeek( '=', LE, '<' ) ); case '>': return( cpeek( '=', GE, '>' ) ); case '!': return( cpeek( '=', NE, '!' ) ); case '/': if((peekc = getch()) == '*'){ peekc = -1; while((getch() != '*') || ((peekc = getch()) != '/')); peekc = -1; goto restart; } else if (peekc == '=') { c=EQDIV; goto gotit; } else return(c); case '*': return( cpeek( '=', EQMUL, '*' ) ); case '%': return( cpeek( '=', EQREM, '%' ) ); case '^': return( cpeek( '=', EQEXP, '^' ) ); case '"': yylval = str; while((c=getch()) != '"'){*str++ = c; if(str >= &string[999]){yyerror("string space exceeded"); getout(); } } *str++ = '\0'; return(QSTR); default: return( c ); } } cpeek( c, yes, no ){ if( (peekc=getch()) != c ) return( no ); else { peekc = -1; return( yes ); } } getch(){ int ch; loop: ch = (peekc < 0) ? getc(in) : peekc; peekc = -1; if(ch != EOF)return(ch); if(++ifile > sargc){ if(ifile >= sargc+2)getout(); in = stdin; ln = 0; goto loop; } fclose(in); if((in = fopen(sargv[ifile],"r")) != NULL){ ln = 0; ss = sargv[ifile]; goto loop; } yyerror("cannot open input file"); } # define b_sp_max 3000 int b_space [ b_sp_max ]; int * b_sp_nxt = { b_space }; int bdebug = 0; bundle(a){ int i, *p, *q; p = &a; i = *p++; q = b_sp_nxt; if( bdebug ) printf("bundle %d elements at %o\n",i, q ); while(i-- > 0){ if( b_sp_nxt >= & b_space[b_sp_max] ) yyerror( "bundling space exceeded" ); * b_sp_nxt++ = *p++; } * b_sp_nxt++ = 0; yyval = q; return( q ); } routput(p) int *p; { if( bdebug ) printf("routput(%o)\n", p ); if( p >= &b_space[0] && p < &b_space[b_sp_max]){ /* part of a bundle */ while( *p != 0 ) routput( *p++ ); } else printf( p ); /* character string */ } output( p ) int *p; { routput( p ); b_sp_nxt = & b_space[0]; printf( "\n" ); fflush(stdout); cp = cary; crs = rcrs; } conout( p, s ) int *p; char *s; { printf("["); routput( p ); printf("]s%s\n", s ); fflush(stdout); lev--; } yyerror( s ) char *s; { if(ifile > sargc)ss="teletype"; printf("c[%s on line %d, %s]pc\n", s ,ln+1,ss); fflush(stdout); cp = cary; crs = rcrs; bindx = 0; lev = 0; b_sp_nxt = &b_space[0]; } pp( s ) char *s; { /* puts the relevant stuff on pre and post for the letter s */ bundle(3, "S", s, pre ); pre = yyval; bundle(4, post, "L", s, "s." ); post = yyval; } tp( s ) char *s; { /* same as pp, but for temps */ bundle(3, "0S", s, pre ); pre = yyval; bundle(4, post, "L", s, "s." ); post = yyval; } yyinit(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[];{ signal( 2, (int(*)())1 ); /* ignore all interrupts */ sargv=argv; sargc= -- argc; if(sargc == 0)in=stdin; else if((in = fopen(sargv[1],"r")) == NULL) yyerror("cannot open input file"); ifile = 1; ln = 0; ss = sargv[1]; } int *getout(){ printf("q"); fflush(stdout); exit(); } int * getf(p) char *p;{ return(&funtab[2*(*p -0141)]); } int * geta(p) char *p;{ return(&atab[2*(*p - 0141)]); } main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int p[2]; if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-') { if((argv[1][1] == 'd')||(argv[1][1] == 'c')){ yyinit(--argc, ++argv); yyparse(); exit(); } if(argv[1][1] != 'l'){ printf("unrecognizable argument\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(); } argv[1] = "/usr/lib/lib.b"; } pipe(p); if (fork()==0) { close(1); dup(p[1]); close(p[0]); close(p[1]); yyinit(argc, argv); yyparse(); exit(); } close(0); dup(p[0]); close(p[0]); close(p[1]); execl("/bin/dc", "dc", "-", 0); execl("/usr/bin/dc", "dc", "-", 0); }