.\" Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" @(#)last.1 6.2 (Berkeley) %G% .\" .TH LAST 1 "" .UC 4 .SH NAME last \- indicate last logins of users and ttys .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlast\fP [-f file] [-#] [users ...] [ttys ...] [hosts ...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fILast\fP will list the sessions of specified \fIusers,\fP \fIttys,\fP and \fIhosts,\fP in reverse time order. Each line of output contains the user name, the tty from which the session was conducted, any hostname, the start and stop times for the session, and the duration of the session. If the session is still continuing or was cut short by a reboot, \fIlast\fP will so indicate. .PP \fILast\fP reads the file \fIfile\fP, or by default, /usr/adm/wtmp. The \fI-#\fP option limits the report to \fI#\fP lines. .PP Other arguments specify \fIusers,\fP \fIttys\fP or \fIhosts\fP of interest. Tty names may be given fully or abbreviated, e.g., "last 03" is equivalent to "last tty03". Host names should not include domain information, and may be internet numbers. If multiple arguments are given, the information which applies to any of the arguments is printed, e.g., "last root console" would list all of "root's" sessions as well as all sessions on the console terminal. If no users or terminals are specified, \fIlast\fP prints a record of all logins and logouts. .PP The pseudo-user \fBreboot\fP logs in at reboots of the system, thus .DT .PP last reboot .PP will give an indication of mean time between reboot. .PP If \fIlast\fP is interrupted, it indicates to what date the search has progressed. If interrupted with a quit signal \fIlast\fP indicates how far the search has progressed and then continues. .SH FILES /usr/adm/wtmp login data base .br .SH "SEE ALSO" lastcomm(1), utmp(5), ac(8) .SH BUGS \fILast\fP does not distinguish between different types of information. The command "last ucbvax" will report all sessions of the user "ucbvax" as well as all logins from the host "ucbvax.berkeley.edu". .SH AUTHOR Howard Katseff