CC = cc PRINT = print DEFINES = INCLUDES = -I. OPTIMIZE = -O OPTIMIZE = -g CFLAGS = $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDES) $(DEFINES) # Lint flags LINTFLAGS = -hbxaz # How to install the bloody thing... DESTDIR= BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/ucb ETCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/man/man # Names for the terminal libraries... LIBCURSES = -lcurses LIBTERM = -ltermlib # The source files... ALLH = globals.h ALLC = globals.c # # In a vax environment, we use vaxbsubs.s, which gives us a fair amount # of increased performance. We have provided genbsubs.c, which perform # (more or less) the same function. SUBS = vaxbsubs.s SUBS = genbsubs.c SUBSO = vaxbsubs.o SUBSO = genbsubs.o ALLS = vaxbsubs.s ALLS = ALLO = globals.o ${SUBSO} .s.o: /lib/cpp -E $< | as -o $@ systemlib: ${ALLO} ar cr systemlib ${ALLO} ranlib systemlib clean: rm -f $(ALLO) errs makefile.bak systemlib print: ${PRINT} ${ALLH} ${ALLC} tags: ${ALLC} ${ALLH} ctags -t ${ALLC} ${ALLH} action: ${ACTION} lint: lint ${LINTFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} ${DEFINES} ${ALLC} .DEFAULT: sccs get $< depend: grep '^#include' ${ALLC} ${ALLH} | grep -v '<' | \ sed -e 's/:[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*/: \1/' \ -e 's/\.c/.o/' | \ awk ' { if ($$1 != prev) { print rec; rec = $$0; prev = $$1; } \ else { if (length(rec $$2) > 78) { print rec; rec = $$0; } \ else rec = rec " " $$2 } } \ END { print rec } ' > makedep echo '$$r makedep' >>eddep echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+1,$$d' >eddep echo '$$r makedep' >>eddep echo 'w' >>eddep cp makefile makefile.bak ed - makefile < eddep rm eddep makedep # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE globals.o: ../ctlr/hostctlr.h ../ascii/ascebc.h ../ctlr/dctype.h globals.o: ../ctlr/options.h ../ctlr/screen.h ../keyboard/state.h globals.h