.pa 1 .he 'DN (IV)'3/15/72'DN (IV)' .ti 0 NAME dn -- dn-11 ACU interface .sp .ti 0 DESCRIPTION dn?___ is a write-only file. Bytes written on dn?___ must be ASCII as follows: 0-9 dial 0-9 : dial * ; dial # = end-of-number The entire telephone number must be presented in a single write_____ system call. It is recommended that an end-of-number code be given even though only one of the ACU's (113C) actually requires it. .sp .ti 0 FILES /dev/dn0 connected to 801 with dp0 .br /dev/dn1 connected to 113C with ttyd .br /dev/dn2 not currently connected .sp .ti 0 SEE ALSO dp(IV), dc(IV), write(II) .sp .ti 0 BUGS --