.\" Copyright (c) 1980, 1991 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" %sccs.include.redist.roff% .\" .\" @(#)init.8 6.4 (Berkeley) %G% .\" .Dd .Dt INIT 8 .Os BSD 4 .Sh NAME .Nm init .Nd process control initialization .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm init .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm init program is the last stage of the boot process. It normally runs the automatic reboot sequence as described in .Xr reboot 8 , and if this succeeds, begins multi-user operation. If the reboot fails, it commences single user operation by giving the super-user a shell on the console. The .Nm init program may be passed parameters from the boot program to prevent the system from going multi-user and to instead execute a single user shell with out starting the normal daemons. The system is then quiescent for maintenance work and may later be made it go multi-user by killing the the single-user shell (with ^D). This causes .Nm init to run the .Pa /etc/rc start up command file without the reboot parameter. .Pp In multi-user operation, .Nm init maintains processes for the terminal ports found in the file .Xr ttys 5. .Nm Init reads this file, and executes the command found in the second field. This command is usually .Xr getty 8 ; .Xr getty opens and initializes the tty line and executes the .Xr login program. The .Xr login program, when a valid user logs in, exectutes a shell for that user. When this shell dies, either because the user logged out or an abnormal termination occured (a signal), the .Nm init program wakes up, deletes the user from the .Xr utmp 5 file of current users and records the logout in the .Xr wtmp file. The cycle is then restarted by .Nm init excuting a new .Xr getty for the line. .Pp Lines may be added or deleted from the .Xr ttys file without a reboot by sending the signal .Dv SIGHUP to .Nm init with the command .Dq Li "kill -HUP 1" Upon receipt of this signal, .Nm init re-reads the .Xr ttys file. Engaged (in use) ports are not disturbed, and if an engaged port has been deleted from the file, it will only become inactive after the engaging process has terminated (the user has logged off). If a port is inactive (only a .Xr getty or terminated processes are attached to it) .Nm init elimiates these processes. For these ports and any new ports, for which a command is found in the .Xr ttys file, .Nm init executes a new .Xr getty . .Pp .Nm Init will terminate multi-user operations and resume single-user mode if sent a terminate .Pq Dv TERM signal, for example, .Dq Li "kill \-TERM 1" . If there are processes outstanding which are deadlocked (due to hardware or software failure), .Xr init will not wait for them all to die (which might take forever), but will time out after 30 seconds and print a warning message. .Pp .Nm Init will cease creating new .Xr getty Ns 's and allow the system to slowly die away, if it is sent a terminal stop .Pq Dv TSTP signal, i.e. .Dq Li "kill \-TSTP 1" . A later hangup will resume full multi-user operations, or a terminate will initiate a single user shell. This hook is used by .Xr reboot 8 and .Xr halt 8 . .Pp The role of .Nm init is so critical that if it dies, the system will reboot itself automatically. If, at bootstrap time, the .Xr init process cannot be located, the system will loop in user mode at location 0x13. .Sh DIAGNOSTICS .Bl -diag .It "/usr/libexec/getty \\*(eMgettyargs\\*(fP failing, sleeping." A process being started to service a line is exiting quickly each time it is started. This is often caused by a ringing or noisy terminal line. .Em "Init will sleep for 30 seconds" , .Em "then continue trying to start the process" . .Pp .It "WARNING: Something is hung (wont die); ps axl advised." A process is hung and could not be killed when the system was shutting down. This is usually caused by a process which is stuck in a device driver due to a persistent device error condition. .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width /var/log/wtmp -compact .It Pa /dev/console System console device. .It Pa /dev/tty* Terminal ports found in .Xr ttys . .It Pa /var/run/utmp Record of Current users on the system. .It Pa /var/log/wtmp Record of all logins and logouts. .It Pa /etc/ttys The terminal initialization information file. .It Pa /etc/rc System startup commands. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr login 1 , .Xr kill 1 , .Xr sh 1 , .Xr ttys 5 , .Xr crash 8 , .Xr getty 8 , .Xr rc 8 , .Xr reboot 8 , .Xr halt 8 , .Xr shutdown 8 .Sh HISTORY A .Nm command appeared in .At v6 .