From 79b1237ee2c78f85a3831f0602c884552a946ac0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CSRG Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 21:04:52 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] BSD 4_4 development Work on file usr/share/man/cat1/login.0 Synthesized-from: CSRG/cd3/4.4 --- usr/share/man/cat1/login.0 | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+) create mode 100644 usr/share/man/cat1/login.0 diff --git a/usr/share/man/cat1/login.0 b/usr/share/man/cat1/login.0 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ef82646d8e --- /dev/null +++ b/usr/share/man/cat1/login.0 @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +LOGIN(1) BSD Reference Manual LOGIN(1) + +NNAAMMEE + llooggiinn - log into the computer + +SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS + llooggiinn [--ffpp] [--hh _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e] [_u_s_e_r] + +DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN + The llooggiinn utility logs users (and pseudo-users) into the computer system. + + If no user is specified, or if a user is specified and authentication of + the user fails, llooggiinn prompts for a user name. Authentication of users + is done via passwords. + + The options are as follows: + + --ff The --ff option is used when a user name is specified to indicate + that proper authentication has already been done and that no + password need be requested. This option may only be used by the + super-user or when an already logged in user is logging in as + themselves. + + --hh The --hh option specifies the host from which the connection was + received. It is used by various daemons such as telnetd(8). + This option may only be used by the super-user. + + --pp By default, llooggiinn discards any previous environment. The --pp op- + tion disables this behavior. + + If the file _/_e_t_c_/_n_o_l_o_g_i_n exists, llooggiinn dislays its contents to the user + and exits. This is used by shutdown(8) to prevent users from logging in + when the system is about to go down. + + Immediately after logging a user in, llooggiinn displays the system copyright + notice, the date and time the user last logged in, the message of the day + as well as other information. If the file ``_._h_u_s_h_l_o_g_i_n'' exists in the + user's home directory, all of these messages are suppressed. This is to + simplify logins for non-human users, such as uucp(1). LLooggiinn then records + an entry in the wtmp(5) and utmp(5) files and executes the user's command + interpretor. + + Login enters information into the environment (see environ(7)) specify- + ing the user's home directory (HOME), command interpreter (SHELL), search + path (PATH), terminal type (TERM) and user name (both LOGNAME and USER). + + The standard shells, csh(1) and sh(1), do not fork before executing the + llooggiinn utility. + +FFIILLEESS + /etc/motd message-of-the-day + /etc/nologin disallows logins + /var/run/utmp current logins + /var/log/wtmp login account records + /var/mail/user system mailboxes + .hushlogin makes login quieter + +SSEEEE AALLSSOO + chpass(1), passwd(1), rlogin(1), getpass(3), utmp(5), environ(7), + +HHIISSTTOORRYY + A llooggiinn appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. + +4th Berkeley Distribution June 9, 1993 1 -- 2.20.1