Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / design / sys / iop / niu / rtl / lib.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: lib.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
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// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
/*%W% %G%*/
// File Name : lib.v
// Author Name : John Lo
// Description : This is a collection of library elements from big_mac,
// xmac, xpcs, pcs ... etc.
// Parent Module: many
// Child Module: many
// Interface Mod: many
// Copyright (c) 2008, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
// Sun Proprietary and Confidential
module CtsRoot (Z, A);
output Z;
input A;
assign Z = A;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* If the 10 bit data stream is i,i,i,....,i,i,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,
* the 20 bit interface can be one of the two:
* 1. {a,i} -> {c,b} -> {e,d} -> {g,f}
* 2. {b,a} -> {d,c} -> {f,e} -> {h,g}
* The a,b,c,d,e,f,g order remains the same between the above two data
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
module mac_10to20 (
input clk10b;
input [9:0] din10b;
input clk20b;
output [19:0] dout20b;
wire [9:0] din10b;
wire [9:0] din10b_lo;
wire [9:0] din10b_hi;
wire clk;
`ifdef NEPTUNE
CtsRoot clk_CtsRoot (.Z(clk),.A(clk20b));
assign clk = clk20b;
RegDff #(10) din10b_hi_10to20_RegDff (.din(din10b), .clk(clk10b),.qout(din10b_hi));
RegDff #(10) din10b_lo_10to20_RegDff (.din(din10b_hi),.clk(clk10b),.qout(din10b_lo));
RegDff #(20) dout20b_10to20_RegDff (.din({din10b_hi[9:0],din10b_lo[9:0]}),.clk(clk),.qout(dout20b[19:0]));
endmodule // mac_10to20
module mac_20to10 (
input FUNC_MODE;
input clk20b;
input [19:0] din20b;
input clk10b;
output [9:0] dout10b;
wire [19:0] din20b;
wire [19:0] din20b_reg;
wire [9:0] dout10b;
wire [9:0] ddr_out;
wire clk;
wire clk_FUNC_MODE;
`ifdef NEPTUNE
CtsRoot clk_CtsRoot (.Z(clk),.A(clk20b));
assign clk = clk20b;
RegDff #(20) din_20to10_RegDff (.din(din20b[19:0]),.clk(clk),.qout(din20b_reg[19:0]));
// SYNC RULE 3 of LV requirements to intercept offending path in LV_TM mode.
assign clk_FUNC_MODE = clk | (~FUNC_MODE);
assign ddr_out = clk_FUNC_MODE ? din20b_reg[9:0] : din20b_reg[19:10];
RegDff #(10) dout10b_20to10_RegDff (.din(ddr_out[9:0]),.clk(clk10b),.qout(dout10b[9:0]));
endmodule // mac_20to10
// digitally delay 4 clk.
module DLY8CLK (
input clk;
input din;
output dly4;
output dly8;
reg dly1,dly2,dly3,dly4,dly5,dly6,dly7,dly8;
always @ (posedge clk)
dly1 <= din;
dly2 <= dly1;
dly3 <= dly2;
dly4 <= dly3;
dly5 <= dly4;
dly6 <= dly5;
dly7 <= dly6;
dly8 <= dly7;
endmodule // DLY8CLK
module DIV4_CLK (
input reset;
input clk;
output clk4;
wire hw_reset_clk;
wire hw_reset_clk_lead;
reg [1:0] count;
SYNC_CELL hw_reset_clk_SYNC_CELL(.D(reset),.CP(clk),.Q(hw_reset_clk));
pls_gen hw_reset_clk_lead_pls_gen (.clk(clk),.in(hw_reset_clk),.out(hw_reset_clk_lead));
always @ (posedge clk)
if (hw_reset_clk_lead)
count <= 0;
else count <= count + 1;
assign clk4 = count[1];
endmodule // DIV4_CLK
module DIV2_CLK (
input reset;
input clk;
output clk2;
wire hw_reset_clk;
wire hw_reset_clk_lead;
SYNC_CELL hw_reset_clk_SYNC_CELL(.D(reset),.CP(clk),.Q(hw_reset_clk));
pls_gen hw_reset_clk_lead_pls_gen (.clk(clk),.in(hw_reset_clk),.out(hw_reset_clk_lead));
TFF clk2_TFF (.toggle(1'b1),
endmodule // DIV2_CLK
* Counter
module Counter (reset,clk,ce,count);
parameter dwidth = 9;
input reset,clk,ce;
output [dwidth-1:0] count;
reg [dwidth-1:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
count <= 0;
casex(ce) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
1'b0: count <= count;
1'b1: count <= count + 1;
endmodule // Counter
// Set Reset Flip Flop
module SRFF (reset,clk,iSet,iRst,oQ);
input reset, clk, iSet, iRst;
output oQ;
reg oQ;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
oQ <= 0;
casex({iSet, iRst}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
2'b00: oQ <= oQ;
2'b01: oQ <= 0;
2'b1x: oQ <= 1;
endmodule // end of Set Reset Flip Flop
// Reset Set Flip Flop
module RSFF (reset,clk,iSet,iRst,oQ);
input reset, clk, iSet, iRst;
output oQ;
reg oQ;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
oQ <= 0;
casex({iSet, iRst}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
2'b00: oQ <= oQ;
2'bx1: oQ <= 0;
2'b10: oQ <= 1;
endmodule // end of Reset Set Flip Flop
// Register xREG
module xREG (clk,reset,en,din,qout);
parameter dwidth = 10;
input clk, en, reset;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= 0;
else if (en)
qout <= din;
qout <= qout;
endmodule // end of xREG
// Register xREG2
module xREG2 (clk,reset,reset_value,load,din,qout);
parameter dwidth = 10;
input clk;
input reset;
input [dwidth-1:0] reset_value;
input load;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= reset_value;
else if (load)
qout <= din;
qout <= qout;
endmodule // end of xREG2
// Register xREG3
module xREG3 (clk,reset,rst,en,din,qout);
parameter dwidth = 10;
input clk, en, reset, rst;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= 0;
else if (rst)
qout <= 0;
else if (en)
qout <= din;
qout <= qout;
endmodule // end of xREG3
* Rising edge pulse gen
module PlsGen (reset,clk,iSigIn,oPlsOut);
input reset, clk, iSigIn;
output oPlsOut;
reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
Q <= 0;
Q <= iSigIn;
wire Qb = ~Q;
wire oPlsOut = iSigIn & Qb;
// High Speed Loadable Counter
module hs_cntr_cell_X16 (
// Outputs
// Inputs
clk, reset, cnt, clr, load, load_value
input clk;
input reset;
input cnt;
input clr;
input load;
input [15:0] load_value;
output [15:0] Q;
wire [15:1] toggle;
reg [15:0] Q;
assign toggle[15] = Q[14] & Q[13] & Q[12] & Q[11] & Q[10] & Q[9] & Q[8] & Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[14] = Q[13] & Q[12] & Q[11] & Q[10] & Q[9] & Q[8] & Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[13] = Q[12] & Q[11] & Q[10] & Q[9] & Q[8] & Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[12] = Q[11] & Q[10] & Q[9] & Q[8] & Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[11] = Q[10] & Q[9] & Q[8] & Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[10] = Q[9] & Q[8] & Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[9] = Q[8] & Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[8] = Q[7] & Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[7] = Q[6] & Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[6] = Q[5] & Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[5] = Q[4] & Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[4] = Q[3] & Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[3] = Q[2] & Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[2] = Q[1] & Q[0] ;
assign toggle[1] = Q[0] ;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset | clr)
Q <= 16'b0;
else if (load)
Q <= load_value[15:0];
else if (cnt)
Q[15] <= toggle[15] ? ~Q[15] : Q[15];
Q[14] <= toggle[14] ? ~Q[14] : Q[14];
Q[13] <= toggle[13] ? ~Q[13] : Q[13];
Q[12] <= toggle[12] ? ~Q[12] : Q[12];
Q[11] <= toggle[11] ? ~Q[11] : Q[11];
Q[10] <= toggle[10] ? ~Q[10] : Q[10];
Q[9] <= toggle[9] ? ~Q[9] : Q[9] ;
Q[8] <= toggle[8] ? ~Q[8] : Q[8] ;
Q[7] <= toggle[7] ? ~Q[7] : Q[7] ;
Q[6] <= toggle[6] ? ~Q[6] : Q[6] ;
Q[5] <= toggle[5] ? ~Q[5] : Q[5] ;
Q[4] <= toggle[4] ? ~Q[4] : Q[4] ;
Q[3] <= toggle[3] ? ~Q[3] : Q[3] ;
Q[2] <= toggle[2] ? ~Q[2] : Q[2] ;
Q[1] <= toggle[1] ? ~Q[1] : Q[1] ;
Q[0] <= ~Q[0] ;
Q <= Q; // Hold the value.
endmodule // hs_cntr_cell_X16
// High Speed Loadable Counter
module hs_ld_counter_X32 (
// Outputs
Q, max_value_reached,
// Inputs
clk, reset, inc, clr, max_value, load, load_value
input clk;
input reset; // global signals
input inc; // Count Enable
input clr; // read auto clear input.
input [31:0] max_value; // compared value
input load;
input [31:0] load_value; // compared value
output [31:0] Q ;
output max_value_reached;
wire inc_msb;
wire set_flag;
wire [31:0] max_value;
wire [15:0] Q1;
wire [15:0] Q0;
wire [31:0] Q = {Q1[15:0],Q0[15:0]};
wire flag_lv;
wire max_value_reached = (max_value[31:0] == Q[31:0]);
wire inc_count = ~max_value_reached & inc;
assign set_flag = (Q0[15:0] == 16'hFFFE) & inc_count;
SR_FF flag_count_SR_FF(.set(set_flag),
.reset(reset | clr), // loj @6-16-06
// flag_lv = (Q0 == 16'hFFFF)
assign inc_msb = flag_lv & inc_count;
/* ----- counter instantiation ----- */
hs_cntr_cell_X16 lsb_hs_cntr_cell_X16(
hs_cntr_cell_X16 msb_hs_cntr_cell_X16(
endmodule // hs_ld_counter_X31
// Register RAC_FF
module RAC_FF (clk,reset,set,rst,
input clk,reset ; // global signals
input set,rst ;
input load ;
input load_data ; // compared value
output dout ;
reg dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset | rst)
dout <= 0;
else if (set)
dout <= 1;
else if (load)
dout <= load_data;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // RAC_FF
// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
* From here on are mainly for mac and xmac design
* ********************************************************************/
/* ------------------------------ Flip-Flops ------------------------------- */
module FD1(CP, D, Q);
input CP, D;
output Q;
reg Q;
always @(posedge CP) Q <= D;
endmodule // FD1
module FD1H(CP, D, Q);
input CP, D;
output Q;
reg Q;
// vlint flag_negedge_always_block off
always @(negedge CP) Q <= D;
// vlint flag_negedge_always_block on
endmodule // FD1H
/* ----------------------- Synchronizers ----------------------------- */
* The following SYNC_CELLs are used by mac
module SYNC_CELL(D,CP,Q);
input D;
input CP;
output Q;
`ifdef NEPTUNE
reg Q,sync1;
always @ (posedge CP)
sync1 <= D;
Q <= sync1;
// vlint flag_dangling_net_within_module off
// vlint flag_net_has_no_load off
wire so;
// vlint flag_net_has_no_load on
// vlint flag_dangling_net_within_module on
cl_a1_clksyncff_4x SYNC_CELL (.l1clk(CP),
.so(so) );
endmodule // SYNC_CELL
input D;
input CP;
output Q;
reg Q,sync1;
always @ (posedge CP)
sync1 <= D;
// vlint flag_negedge_always_block off
always @ (negedge CP) // Negative edge clock
Q <= sync1;
// vlint flag_negedge_always_block on
endmodule // FAST_SYNC_CELL
input D;
input CP;
output Q;
reg Q,sync1;
// vlint flag_negedge_always_block off
always @ (negedge CP)
sync1 <= D;
// vlint flag_negedge_always_block on
always @ (posedge CP)
Q <= sync1;
endmodule // FAST_INV_SYNC_CELL
module SYNC_PLS (src_pls,src_clk,src_reset,des_clk,out_pls);
input src_pls;
input src_clk;
input src_reset; // power on reset
input des_clk;
output out_pls;
wire sr_ff_2_sync_cell,src_rst_internal,des_level_out;
SR_FF SR_FF_u1(.set(src_pls),
SYNC_CELL go_to_des_SYNC_CELL (.D(sr_ff_2_sync_cell),.CP(des_clk),
SYNC_CELL back_to_src_SYNC_CELL(.D(des_level_out),.CP(src_clk),
pls_gen pls_gen_u6(.clk(des_clk),.in(des_level_out),.out(out_pls));
endmodule // SYNC_PLS
* The following SYNC_CELLs are used by pcs
** NEC library dependent wrapper for SYNC generic
module SYNCREG (qout, clk, din);
//non-resettable variable width register
//only one Q output
output qout;
input clk;
input din;
SYNC_CELL PCS_SYNC_CELL(.D(din),.CP(clk),.Q(qout));
module SYNCREG16 (qout, clk, din);
//non-resettable variable width register
//only one Q output
output [15:0] qout;
input clk;
input [15:0] din;
SYNCREG R_SYNC_0(.din(din[0]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[0]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_1(.din(din[1]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[1]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_2(.din(din[2]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[2]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_3(.din(din[3]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[3]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_4(.din(din[4]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[4]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_5(.din(din[5]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[5]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_6(.din(din[6]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[6]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_7(.din(din[7]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[7]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_8(.din(din[8]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[8]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_9(.din(din[9]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[9]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_10(.din(din[10]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[10]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_11(.din(din[11]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[11]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_12(.din(din[12]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[12]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_13(.din(din[13]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[13]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_14(.din(din[14]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[14]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_15(.din(din[15]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[15]));
// @(#)SYNCREG17.v 1.2 06/07/99
module SYNCREG17 (qout, clk, din);
//non-resettable variable width register
//only one Q output
output [16:0] qout;
input clk;
input [16:0] din;
SYNCREG R_SYNC_0(.din(din[0]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[0]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_1(.din(din[1]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[1]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_2(.din(din[2]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[2]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_3(.din(din[3]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[3]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_4(.din(din[4]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[4]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_5(.din(din[5]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[5]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_6(.din(din[6]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[6]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_7(.din(din[7]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[7]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_8(.din(din[8]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[8]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_9(.din(din[9]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[9]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_10(.din(din[10]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[10]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_11(.din(din[11]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[11]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_12(.din(din[12]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[12]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_13(.din(din[13]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[13]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_14(.din(din[14]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[14]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_15(.din(din[15]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[15]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_16(.din(din[16]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[16]));
// @(#)SYNCREG22.v 1.2 06/07/99
module SYNCREG22 (qout, clk, din);
//non-resettable variable width register
//only one Q output
output [21:0] qout;
input clk;
input [21:0] din;
SYNCREG R_SYNC_0(.din(din[0]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[0]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_1(.din(din[1]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[1]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_2(.din(din[2]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[2]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_3(.din(din[3]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[3]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_4(.din(din[4]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[4]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_5(.din(din[5]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[5]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_6(.din(din[6]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[6]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_7(.din(din[7]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[7]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_8(.din(din[8]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[8]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_9(.din(din[9]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[9]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_10(.din(din[10]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[10]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_11(.din(din[11]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[11]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_12(.din(din[12]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[12]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_13(.din(din[13]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[13]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_14(.din(din[14]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[14]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_15(.din(din[15]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[15]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_16(.din(din[16]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[16]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_17(.din(din[17]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[17]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_18(.din(din[18]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[18]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_19(.din(din[19]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[19]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_20(.din(din[20]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[20]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_21(.din(din[21]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[21]));
// @(#)SYNCREG6.v 1.2 06/07/99
module SYNCREG6 (qout, clk, din);
//non-resettable variable width register
//only one Q output
output [5:0] qout;
input clk;
input [5:0] din;
SYNCREG R_SYNC_0(.din(din[0]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[0]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_1(.din(din[1]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[1]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_2(.din(din[2]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[2]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_3(.din(din[3]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[3]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_4(.din(din[4]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[4]));
SYNCREG R_SYNC_5(.din(din[5]), .clk(clk), .qout(qout[5]));
/* -----------------end of Synchronizers ----------------------------- */
/* ------------------------- Registers ------------------------------- */
module register_X8(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [7:0] din;
output [7:0] dout;
wire [7:0] din;
reg [7:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
dout <= din;
endmodule // register_X8
module register_X8_inv(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [7:0] din;
output [7:0] dout;
wire clk_n = ~clk;
wire [7:0] din;
reg [7:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk_n)
dout <= din;
endmodule // register_X8_inv
module register_X10(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [9:0] din;
output [9:0] dout;
wire [9:0] din;
reg [9:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
dout <= din;
endmodule // register_X10
module register_X14(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [13:0] din;
output [13:0] dout;
wire [13:0] din;
reg [13:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
dout <= din;
module register_X15(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [14:0] din;
output [14:0] dout;
wire [14:0] din;
reg [14:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
dout <= din;
module register_X16(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [15:0] din;
output [15:0] dout;
wire [15:0] din;
reg [15:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
dout <= din;
endmodule // register_X16
module register_X17(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [16:0] din;
output [16:0] dout;
wire [16:0] din;
reg [16:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
dout <= din;
endmodule // register_X17
module register_X32(clk,din,dout,dout_n);
input clk;
input [31:0] din;
output [31:0] dout;
output [31:0] dout_n;
wire [31:0] din;
wire [31:0] dout_n;
reg [31:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
dout <= din;
assign dout_n = ~dout;
endmodule // register_X32
module register_load_X4(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [3:0] din;
output [3:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [3:0] din;
reg [3:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
module register_load_X8(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [7:0] din;
output [7:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [7:0] din;
reg [7:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // register_load_X8
module register_load_X10(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [9:0] din;
output [9:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [9:0] din;
reg [9:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // register_load_X10
module register_load_X14(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [13:0] din;
output [13:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [13:0] din;
reg [13:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // register_load_X14
module register_load_X15(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [14:0] din;
output [14:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [14:0] din;
reg [14:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // register_load_X15
module register_load_X16(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [15:0] din;
output [15:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [15:0] din;
reg [15:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // register_load_X16
module register_load_X17(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [16:0] din;
output [16:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [16:0] din;
reg [16:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // register_load_X17
module register_load_X64(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [63:0] din;
output [63:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [63:0] din;
reg [63:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
module register_load_X66(clk,load,din,dout);
input clk;
input load;
input [65:0] din;
output [65:0] dout;
wire clk;
wire load;
wire [65:0] din;
reg [65:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (load)
dout <= din;
dout <= dout;
endmodule // register_load_X66
/* ------------------------------- Pipelines ------------------------------- */
module pipeline_4X8(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [7:0] din;
output [7:0] dout;
wire [7:0] stage0_dout,stage1_dout,stage2_dout;
register_X8 STAGE0(clk,din,stage0_dout);
register_X8 STAGE1(clk,stage0_dout,stage1_dout);
register_X8 STAGE2(clk,stage1_dout,stage2_dout);
register_X8 STAGE3(clk,stage2_dout,dout);
module bit_shifter_en_ld_X32(reset,clk,ld_en,shift_en,shift_in,din,shift_out,dout);
input reset;
input clk;
input ld_en;
input shift_en;
input shift_in;
input [31:0] din;
output shift_out;
output [31:0] dout;
wire shift_in;
wire shift_out;
wire [31:0] din;
reg [31:0] dout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
dout <= 0;
else if (ld_en)
dout <= din;
else if (shift_en)
dout[0 ] <= shift_in;
dout[1 ] <= dout[0 ];
dout[2 ] <= dout[1 ];
dout[3 ] <= dout[2 ];
dout[4 ] <= dout[3 ];
dout[5 ] <= dout[4 ];
dout[6 ] <= dout[5 ];
dout[7 ] <= dout[6 ];
dout[8 ] <= dout[7 ];
dout[9 ] <= dout[8 ];
dout[10] <= dout[9 ];
dout[11] <= dout[10];
dout[12] <= dout[11];
dout[13] <= dout[12];
dout[14] <= dout[13];
dout[15] <= dout[14];
dout[16] <= dout[15];
dout[17] <= dout[16];
dout[18] <= dout[17];
dout[19] <= dout[18];
dout[20] <= dout[19];
dout[21] <= dout[20];
dout[22] <= dout[21];
dout[23] <= dout[22];
dout[24] <= dout[23];
dout[25] <= dout[24];
dout[26] <= dout[25];
dout[27] <= dout[26];
dout[28] <= dout[27];
dout[29] <= dout[28];
dout[30] <= dout[29];
dout[31] <= dout[30];
assign shift_out = dout[31];
endmodule // bit_shifter_en_ld_X32
module nibble_shifter_X16(clk,din,dout);
input clk;
input [3:0] din;
output [15:0] dout;
FD1 FD1_0(.D(din[0]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[0]));
FD1 FD1_1(.D(din[1]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[1]));
FD1 FD1_2(.D(din[2]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[2]));
FD1 FD1_3(.D(din[3]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[3]));
FD1 FD1_4(.D(dout[0]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[4]));
FD1 FD1_5(.D(dout[1]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[5]));
FD1 FD1_6(.D(dout[2]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[6]));
FD1 FD1_7(.D(dout[3]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[7]));
FD1 FD1_8(.D(dout[4]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[8]));
FD1 FD1_9(.D(dout[5]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[9]));
FD1 FD1_10(.D(dout[6]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[10]));
FD1 FD1_11(.D(dout[7]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[11]));
FD1 FD1_12(.D(dout[8]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[12]));
FD1 FD1_13(.D(dout[9]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[13]));
FD1 FD1_14(.D(dout[10]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[14]));
FD1 FD1_15(.D(dout[11]),.CP(clk),.Q(dout[15]));
endmodule // nibble_shifter_X16
module byte_shifter_X16(clk,din,dout); // for fedx
input clk;
input [7:0] din;
output [15:0] dout;
wire [7:0] stage0_dout,stage1_dout;
register_X8 STAGE0(clk,din,stage0_dout);
register_X8 STAGE1(clk,stage0_dout,stage1_dout);
assign dout = {stage0_dout,stage1_dout};
endmodule // byte_shifter_X16
module byte_shifter_X64(clk,din,dout); // for cassini
input clk;
input [7:0] din;
output [63:0] dout;
wire [7:0] stage0_dout,stage1_dout,stage2_dout,stage3_dout,
register_X8 STAGE0(clk,din,stage0_dout);
register_X8 STAGE1(clk,stage0_dout,stage1_dout);
register_X8 STAGE2(clk,stage1_dout,stage2_dout);
register_X8 STAGE3(clk,stage2_dout,stage3_dout);
register_X8 STAGE4(clk,stage3_dout,stage4_dout);
register_X8 STAGE5(clk,stage4_dout,stage5_dout);
register_X8 STAGE6(clk,stage5_dout,stage6_dout);
register_X8 STAGE7(clk,stage6_dout,stage7_dout);
assign dout = {stage0_dout,stage1_dout,stage2_dout,stage3_dout,
/* -------------------------------- Counters ------------------------------- */
module counter_X2(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [1:0] count;
reg [1:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X2
module counter_X3(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [2:0] count;
reg [2:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X3
module counter_X4(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [3:0] count;
reg [3:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X4
module counter_X5(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [4:0] count;
reg [4:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X5
module counter_X6(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [5:0] count;
reg [5:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X6
module counter_X8(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [7:0] count;
reg [7:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X8
module counter_X10(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [9:0] count;
reg [9:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X10
module counter_X12(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [11:0] count;
reg [11:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X12
module counter_X14(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [13:0] count;
reg [13:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X14
module counter_X15(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [14:0] count;
reg [14:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
module counter_X16(clk,clr,enable,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
output [15:0] count;
reg [15:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_X16
module counter_load_X8(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [7:0] din;
output [7:0] count;
reg [7:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X8
module counter_rac_load_X8(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [7:0] din;
output [7:0] count;
reg [7:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {8{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X8
module counter_load_X10(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [9:0] din;
output [9:0] count;
reg [9:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X10
module counter_ld_dn_X15(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [14:0] din;
output [14:0] count;
reg [14:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count - 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_ld_dn_X15
module counter_load_X16(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [15:0] din;
output [15:0] count;
reg [15:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X16
module counter_rac_load_X16(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [15:0] din;
output [15:0] count;
reg [15:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {16{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X16
module counter_load_X17(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [16:0] din;
output [16:0] count;
reg [16:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X17
module counter_rac_load_X17(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [16:0] din;
output [16:0] count;
reg [16:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {17{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X17
module counter_load_X18(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [17:0] din;
output [17:0] count;
reg [17:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X18
module counter_rac_load_X18(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [17:0] din;
output [17:0] count;
reg [17:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {18{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X18
module counter_load_X19(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [18:0] din;
output [18:0] count;
reg [18:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X19
module counter_rac_load_X19(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [18:0] din;
output [18:0] count;
reg [18:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {19{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X19
module counter_rac_load_X20(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [19:0] din;
output [19:0] count;
reg [19:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {20{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X20
module counter_load_X21(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [20:0] din;
output [20:0] count;
reg [20:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X21
module counter_rac_load_X21(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [20:0] din;
output [20:0] count;
reg [20:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {21{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X21
module counter_load_X24(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [23:0] din;
output [23:0] count;
reg [23:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X24
module counter_rac_load_X24(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [23:0] din;
output [23:0] count;
reg [23:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {24{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X24
module counter_load_X27(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [26:0] din;
output [26:0] count;
reg [26:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_load_X27
module counter_rac_load_X27(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [26:0] din;
output [26:0] count;
reg [26:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable & (count != {27{1'b1}}))
count <= count + 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_rac_load_X27
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module counter_ld_dn_X16(clk,clr,enable,load,din,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable;
input load;
input [15:0] din;
output [15:0] count;
reg [15:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr) count <= 0;
else if (load) count <= din;
else if (enable) count <= count - 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_ld_dn_X16
module inc_1_2_3_4(clk,clr,inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input inc3;
input inc4;
output [2:0] count;
wire [2:0] new_count;
function [2:0] counter_logic;
input clr;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input inc3;
input inc4;
input [2:0] count;
reg [2:0] new_count;
if (clr) new_count = 3'h0;
case ({inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: new_count = count;
4'h1: new_count = count + 3'h1;
4'h2: new_count = count + 3'h1;
4'h3: new_count = count + 3'h2;
4'h4: new_count = count + 3'h1;
4'h5: new_count = count + 3'h2;
4'h6: new_count = count + 3'h2;
4'h7: new_count = count + 3'h3;
4'h8: new_count = count + 3'h1;
4'h9: new_count = count + 3'h2;
4'hA: new_count = count + 3'h2;
4'hB: new_count = count + 3'h3;
4'hC: new_count = count + 3'h2;
4'hD: new_count = count + 3'h3;
4'hE: new_count = count + 3'h3;
4'hF: new_count = count + 3'h4;
counter_logic = new_count;
assign new_count = counter_logic(clr,inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4,count);
RegDff #(3) inc_1_2_3_4_RegDff(.din(new_count),.clk(clk),.qout(count));
endmodule // inc_1_2_3_4
module inc_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8(clk,clr,inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4,inc5,inc6,inc7,inc8,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input inc3;
input inc4;
input inc5;
input inc6;
input inc7;
input inc8;
output [2:0] count;
wire [2:0] new_count;
wire [2:0] add_count_1;
wire [2:0] add_count_2;
function [2:0] counter_logic_1;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input inc3;
input inc4;
reg [2:0] add_count_1;
case ({inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: add_count_1 = 3'h0;
4'h1: add_count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h2: add_count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h3: add_count_1 = 3'h2;
4'h4: add_count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h5: add_count_1 = 3'h2;
4'h6: add_count_1 = 3'h2;
4'h7: add_count_1 = 3'h3;
4'h8: add_count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h9: add_count_1 = 3'h2;
4'hA: add_count_1 = 3'h2;
4'hB: add_count_1 = 3'h3;
4'hC: add_count_1 = 3'h2;
4'hD: add_count_1 = 3'h3;
4'hE: add_count_1 = 3'h3;
4'hF: add_count_1 = 3'h4;
counter_logic_1 = add_count_1;
assign add_count_1 = counter_logic_1(inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4);
function [2:0] counter_logic_2;
input inc5;
input inc6;
input inc7;
input inc8;
reg [2:0] add_count_2;
case ({inc5,inc6,inc7,inc8}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: add_count_2 = 3'h0;
4'h1: add_count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h2: add_count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h3: add_count_2 = 3'h2;
4'h4: add_count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h5: add_count_2 = 3'h2;
4'h6: add_count_2 = 3'h2;
4'h7: add_count_2 = 3'h3;
4'h8: add_count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h9: add_count_2 = 3'h2;
4'hA: add_count_2 = 3'h2;
4'hB: add_count_2 = 3'h3;
4'hC: add_count_2 = 3'h2;
4'hD: add_count_2 = 3'h3;
4'hE: add_count_2 = 3'h3;
4'hF: add_count_2 = 3'h4;
counter_logic_2 = add_count_2;
assign add_count_2 = counter_logic_2(inc5,inc6,inc7,inc8);
function [2:0] counter_logic_3;
input clr;
input [2:0] add_count_1;
input [2:0] add_count_2;
input [2:0] count;
reg [2:0] new_count;
if (clr) new_count = 3'h0;
else new_count = count + add_count_1 + add_count_2;
counter_logic_3 = new_count;
assign new_count = counter_logic_3(clr,add_count_1,add_count_2,count);
RegDff #(3) inc_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_RegDff(.din(new_count),.clk(clk),.qout(count));
endmodule // inc_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8
module counter_udh_X3(clk,clr,enable_up,enable_down,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable_up;
input enable_down;
output [2:0] count;
reg [2:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr)
count <= 0;
else if (enable_up & !enable_down & (count != 3'h7))
count <= count + 1;
else if (!enable_up & enable_down & (count != 3'h0))
count <= count - 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_udh_X3
module inc_1_16(clk,clr,inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4,inc5,inc6,inc7,inc8,inc9,inc10,inc11,
input clk;
input clr;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input inc3;
input inc4;
input inc5;
input inc6;
input inc7;
input inc8;
input inc9;
input inc10;
input inc11;
input inc12;
input inc13;
input inc14;
input inc15;
input inc16;
output [3:0] count;
wire [2:0] count_1;
wire [2:0] count_2;
wire [2:0] count_3;
wire [2:0] count_4;
wire [3:0] add_1;
wire [3:0] add_2;
wire [3:0] add_3;
wire [3:0] new_count;
function [2:0] encoder_1;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input inc3;
input inc4;
reg [2:0] count_1;
case ({inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: count_1 = 3'h0;
4'h1: count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h2: count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h3: count_1 = 3'h2;
4'h4: count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h5: count_1 = 3'h2;
4'h6: count_1 = 3'h2;
4'h7: count_1 = 3'h3;
4'h8: count_1 = 3'h1;
4'h9: count_1 = 3'h2;
4'hA: count_1 = 3'h2;
4'hB: count_1 = 3'h3;
4'hC: count_1 = 3'h2;
4'hD: count_1 = 3'h3;
4'hE: count_1 = 3'h3;
4'hF: count_1 = 3'h4;
encoder_1 = count_1;
assign count_1 = encoder_1(inc1,inc2,inc3,inc4);
function [2:0] encoder_2;
input inc5;
input inc6;
input inc7;
input inc8;
reg [2:0] count_2;
case ({inc5,inc6,inc7,inc8}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: count_2 = 3'h0;
4'h1: count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h2: count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h3: count_2 = 3'h2;
4'h4: count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h5: count_2 = 3'h2;
4'h6: count_2 = 3'h2;
4'h7: count_2 = 3'h3;
4'h8: count_2 = 3'h1;
4'h9: count_2 = 3'h2;
4'hA: count_2 = 3'h2;
4'hB: count_2 = 3'h3;
4'hC: count_2 = 3'h2;
4'hD: count_2 = 3'h3;
4'hE: count_2 = 3'h3;
4'hF: count_2 = 3'h4;
encoder_2 = count_2;
assign count_2 = encoder_2(inc5,inc6,inc7,inc8);
function [2:0] encoder_3;
input inc9;
input inc10;
input inc11;
input inc12;
reg [2:0] count_3;
case ({inc9,inc10,inc11,inc12}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: count_3 = 3'h0;
4'h1: count_3 = 3'h1;
4'h2: count_3 = 3'h1;
4'h3: count_3 = 3'h2;
4'h4: count_3 = 3'h1;
4'h5: count_3 = 3'h2;
4'h6: count_3 = 3'h2;
4'h7: count_3 = 3'h3;
4'h8: count_3 = 3'h1;
4'h9: count_3 = 3'h2;
4'hA: count_3 = 3'h2;
4'hB: count_3 = 3'h3;
4'hC: count_3 = 3'h2;
4'hD: count_3 = 3'h3;
4'hE: count_3 = 3'h3;
4'hF: count_3 = 3'h4;
encoder_3 = count_3;
assign count_3 = encoder_3(inc9,inc10,inc11,inc12);
function [2:0] encoder_4;
input inc13;
input inc14;
input inc15;
input inc16;
reg [2:0] count_4;
case ({inc13,inc14,inc15,inc16}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: count_4 = 3'h0;
4'h1: count_4 = 3'h1;
4'h2: count_4 = 3'h1;
4'h3: count_4 = 3'h2;
4'h4: count_4 = 3'h1;
4'h5: count_4 = 3'h2;
4'h6: count_4 = 3'h2;
4'h7: count_4 = 3'h3;
4'h8: count_4 = 3'h1;
4'h9: count_4 = 3'h2;
4'hA: count_4 = 3'h2;
4'hB: count_4 = 3'h3;
4'hC: count_4 = 3'h2;
4'hD: count_4 = 3'h3;
4'hE: count_4 = 3'h3;
4'hF: count_4 = 3'h4;
encoder_4 = count_4;
assign count_4 = encoder_4(inc13,inc14,inc15,inc16);
assign add_1 = {1'b0,count_1} + {1'b0,count_2};
assign add_2 = {1'b0,count_3} + {1'b0,count_4};
assign add_3 = add_1 + add_2;
assign new_count = clr ? 4'h0 : (count + add_3);
RegDff #(4) inc_1_16_RegDff(.din(new_count),.clk(clk),.qout(count));
endmodule // inc_1_16
module counter_udh_X4(clk,clr,enable_up,enable_down,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input enable_up;
input enable_down;
output [3:0] count;
reg [3:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (clr)
count <= 0;
else if (enable_up & !enable_down & (count != 4'hF))
count <= count + 1;
else if (!enable_up & enable_down & (count != 4'h0))
count <= count - 1;
else count <= count;
endmodule // counter_udh_X4
module inc_1_2_dec_1(clk,clr,inc1,inc2,dec,count);
input clk;
input clr;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input dec;
output [1:0] count;
wire [1:0] new_count;
function [1:0] counter_logic;
input clr;
input inc1;
input inc2;
input dec;
input [1:0] count;
reg [1:0] new_count;
if (clr) new_count = 2'h0;
case ({inc1,inc2,dec}) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
3'h0: new_count = count;
3'h1: new_count = count - 2'h1;
3'h2: new_count = count + 2'h1;
3'h3: new_count = count;
3'h4: new_count = count + 2'h1;
3'h5: new_count = count;
3'h6: new_count = count + 2'h2;
3'h7: new_count = count + 2'h1;
counter_logic = new_count;
assign new_count = counter_logic(clr,inc1,inc2,dec,count);
FD1 FD1_0(.D(new_count[0]),.CP(clk),.Q(count[0]));
FD1 FD1_1(.D(new_count[1]),.CP(clk),.Q(count[1]));
endmodule // inc_1_2_dec_1
/* ------------- ---------- Muxes --------------------------------- */
module xMUX_2to1 (din0,din1,sel,dout);
// variable width row of 2 to 1 muxes; active high output
parameter dwidth = 4;
input [dwidth-1:0] din0;
input [dwidth-1:0] din1;
input sel;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din1;
wire sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or din0 or din1)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
1'b0: dout = din0;
1'b1: dout = din1;
endmodule // end of xMUX_2to1
module xMUX_3to1(dout,sel,din0,din1,din2);
// variable width row of 3 to 1 muxes; active high output
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
input [1:0] sel;
input [dwidth-1:0] din0;
input [dwidth-1:0] din1;
input [dwidth-1:0] din2;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din2;
wire [1:0] sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or din0 or din1 or din2)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
2'b00: dout = din0;
2'b01: dout = din1;
2'b10: dout = din2;
2'b11: dout = din2;
module xMUX_4to1 (din0,din1,din2,din3,sel,dout);
// variable width row of 4 to 1 muxes; active high output
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
input [1:0] sel;
input [dwidth-1:0] din0;
input [dwidth-1:0] din1;
input [dwidth-1:0] din2;
input [dwidth-1:0] din3;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din2;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din3;
wire [1:0] sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or din0 or din1 or din2 or din3)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
2'b00: dout = din0;
2'b01: dout = din1;
2'b10: dout = din2;
2'b11: dout = din3;
endmodule // xMUX_4to1
module xMUX_6to1 (dout,sel,din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5);
// variable width row of 6 to 1 muxes; active high output
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
input [2:0] sel;
input [dwidth-1:0] din0;
input [dwidth-1:0] din1;
input [dwidth-1:0] din2;
input [dwidth-1:0] din3;
input [dwidth-1:0] din4;
input [dwidth-1:0] din5;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din2;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din3;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din4;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din5;
wire [2:0] sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or din0 or din1 or din2 or din3 or din4 or din5)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
3'h0: dout = din0;
3'h1: dout = din1;
3'h2: dout = din2;
3'h3: dout = din3;
3'h4: dout = din4;
3'h5: dout = din5;
default: dout= din0;
module func_mux1(dout, select, din1, din0);
input select;
input din1, din0;
output dout;
wire din0;
wire din1;
wire select;
`ifdef NEPTUNE
reg dout;
always @ (select or din1 or din0)
begin :func_mux
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case infer_mux
1'b0: dout = din0;
1'b1: dout = din1;
`else // n2
wire dout;
// wire dout = select ? din1 : din0;
// sel0 is negative signal so the din1 and din0 are swapped.
cl_a1_clk_mux2_8x n2_FUNC_MUX (
endmodule // func_mux1
module lv_mux1(dout, select, din1, din0);
input select;
input din1, din0;
output dout;
wire din0;
wire din1;
wire select;
`ifdef NEPTUNE
reg dout;
always @ (select or din1 or din0)
begin :lv_mux
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case infer_mux
1'b0: dout = din0;
1'b1: dout = din1;
`else // n2
wire dout;
// wire dout = select ? din1 : din0;
// sel0 is negative signal so the din1 and din0 are swapped.
cl_a1_clk_mux2_8x n2_LV_MUX (
endmodule // lv_mux1
module mux_2_1_X1(dout, select, din1, din0);
input select;
input din1, din0;
output dout;
wire din0;
wire din1;
wire select;
reg dout;
always @ (select or din1 or din0)
begin :mux_2_1_X1
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
1'b0: dout = din0;
1'b1: dout = din1;
endmodule // mux_2_1_X1
// by loj
module mux_2_1_X2(dout, select, din1, din0);
input select;
input [1:0] din1, din0;
output [1:0] dout;
wire [1:0] din0;
wire [1:0] din1;
wire select;
reg [1:0] dout;
always @ (select or din1 or din0)
begin :mux_2_1_X2
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
1'b0: dout = din0;
1'b1: dout = din1;
endmodule // mux_2_1_X2
module mux_2_1_X4(dout, select, din1, din0);
input select;
input [3:0] din1, din0;
output [3:0] dout;
wire [3:0] din0;
wire [3:0] din1;
wire select;
reg [3:0] dout;
always @ (select or din1 or din0)
begin :mux_2_1_X4
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
1'b0: dout = din0;
1'b1: dout = din1;
endmodule // mux_2_1_X4
module mux_821_X16(din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,select,dout);
input [2:0] select;
input [15:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7;
output [15:0] dout;
wire [2:0] select;
wire [15:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7;
reg [15:0] dout_reg;
always @ (/*AUTOSENSE*/din0 or din1 or din2 or din3 or din4 or din5
or din6 or din7 or select)
begin: mux_821_X16
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
3'h0: dout_reg = din0;
3'h1: dout_reg = din1;
3'h2: dout_reg = din2;
3'h3: dout_reg = din3;
3'h4: dout_reg = din4;
3'h5: dout_reg = din5;
3'h6: dout_reg = din6;
3'h7: dout_reg = din7;
endmodule // mux_821_X16
module mux_821_X17(din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,select,dout);
input [2:0] select;
input [16:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7;
output [16:0] dout;
wire [2:0] select;
wire [16:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7;
reg [16:0] dout;
always @ (/*AUTOSENSE*/din0 or din1 or din2 or din3 or din4 or din5
or din6 or din7 or select)
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
3'h0: dout = din0;
3'h1: dout = din1;
3'h2: dout = din2;
3'h3: dout = din3;
3'h4: dout = din4;
3'h5: dout = din5;
3'h6: dout = din6;
3'h7: dout = din7;
endmodule // mux_821_X17
module mux_421_X64(din0,din1,din2,din3,select,dout);
input [1:0] select;
input [63:0] din0,din1,din2,din3;
output [63:0] dout;
wire [1:0] select;
wire [63:0] din0,din1,din2,din3;
reg [63:0] dout;
always @ (/*AUTOSENSE*/din0 or din1 or din2 or din3 or select)
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
2'h0: dout = din0;
2'h1: dout = din1;
2'h2: dout = din2;
2'h3: dout = din3;
endmodule // mux_421_X64
module mux_821_X64(din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,select,dout);
input [2:0] select;
input [63:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7;
output [63:0] dout;
wire [2:0] select;
wire [63:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7;
reg [63:0] dout;
always @ (/*AUTOSENSE*/din0 or din1 or din2 or din3 or din4 or din5
or din6 or din7 or select)
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
3'h0: dout = din0;
3'h1: dout = din1;
3'h2: dout = din2;
3'h3: dout = din3;
3'h4: dout = din4;
3'h5: dout = din5;
3'h6: dout = din6;
3'h7: dout = din7;
endmodule // mux_821_X64
module mux_1621_X65(din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,din8,din9,din10,
input [3:0] select;
input [64:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,din8,din9,din10,din11,
output [64:0] dout;
wire [3:0] select;
wire [64:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,din8,din9,din10,din11,
reg [64:0] dout;
always @ (/*AUTOSENSE*/din0 or din1 or din10 or din11 or din12
or din13 or din14 or din15 or din2 or din3 or din4 or din5
or din6 or din7 or din8 or din9 or select)
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: dout = din0;
4'h1: dout = din1;
4'h2: dout = din2;
4'h3: dout = din3;
4'h4: dout = din4;
4'h5: dout = din5;
4'h6: dout = din6;
4'h7: dout = din7;
4'h8: dout = din8;
4'h9: dout = din9;
4'hA: dout = din10;
4'hB: dout = din11;
4'hC: dout = din12;
4'hD: dout = din13;
4'hE: dout = din14;
4'hF: dout = din15;
endmodule // mux_1621_X65
module mux_1621_X66(din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,din8,din9,din10,
input [3:0] select;
input [65:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,din8,din9,din10,din11,
output [65:0] dout;
wire [3:0] select;
wire [65:0] din0,din1,din2,din3,din4,din5,din6,din7,din8,din9,din10,din11,
reg [65:0] dout;
always @ (/*AUTOSENSE*/din0 or din1 or din10 or din11 or din12
or din13 or din14 or din15 or din2 or din3 or din4 or din5
or din6 or din7 or din8 or din9 or select)
case (select) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
4'h0: dout = din0;
4'h1: dout = din1;
4'h2: dout = din2;
4'h3: dout = din3;
4'h4: dout = din4;
4'h5: dout = din5;
4'h6: dout = din6;
4'h7: dout = din7;
4'h8: dout = din8;
4'h9: dout = din9;
4'hA: dout = din10;
4'hB: dout = din11;
4'hC: dout = din12;
4'hD: dout = din13;
4'hE: dout = din14;
4'hF: dout = din15;
endmodule // mux_1621_X65
/* ------ end of big_mac stuff --------------------------------------- */
module RS_FF (set,rst,clk,reset,qout);
input set,rst,clk,reset;
output qout;
reg qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= 0;
casex({set, rst})
2'b00: qout <= qout;// hold
2'bx1: qout <= 0; // rst
2'b10: qout <= 1; // set
endmodule // RS_FF
module SR_FF (set,rst,clk,reset,qout);
input set,rst,clk,reset;
output qout;
reg qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= 0;
casex({set, rst})
2'b00: qout <= qout;// hold
2'b01: qout <= 0; // rst
2'b1x: qout <= 1; // set
endmodule // SR_FF
module TFF (toggle,clk,reset,qout);
input toggle,clk,reset;
output qout;
reg qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= 0;
1'b0: qout <= qout; // hold
1'b1: qout <= ~qout;// toggle
endmodule // TFF
//* Leading Edge Digital Pulse Generator
module pls_gen (clk,in,out);
input clk;
input in;
output out;
wire Qb;
wire out;
reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk)
Q <= in;
assign Qb = ~Q;
assign out = in & Qb;
endmodule // pls_gen
//* Trailing Edge Digital Pulse Generator
module pls_gen_trail (clk,in,out);
input clk;
input in;
output out;
wire out;
reg Q;
always @ (posedge clk)
Q <= in;
assign out = ~in & Q;
endmodule // pls_gen
* RegDff
* *********************************/
module RegDff (din,clk,qout);
parameter dwidth = 10;
input clk;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
qout <= din;
endmodule // RegDff
* RegDffWithMux
* *********************************/
module RegDffWithMux (din0,din1,sel,clk,qout);
parameter dwidth = 10;
input clk;
input [dwidth-1:0] din0;
input [dwidth-1:0] din1;
input sel;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] din1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] dout;
wire [dwidth-1:0] qout;
wire sel;
wire clk;
xMUX_2to1 #(dwidth) dout_xMUX_2to1(.din0(din0),
RegDff #(dwidth) qout_RegDff(.din(dout),.clk(clk),.qout(qout));
//always @ (posedge clk)
// qout <= dout;
endmodule // RegDffWithMux
* RegRst
module RegRst (clk,reset,din,qout);
parameter dwidth = 10;
input clk, reset;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= 0;
qout <= din;
endmodule // RegRst
* RegRst2
module RegRst2 (clk,reset,reset_value,din,qout);
parameter dwidth = 10;
input clk, reset;
input [dwidth-1:0] reset_value;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
qout <= reset_value;
qout <= din;
endmodule // RegRst2
// PlsGen2 2/24/00
module PlsGen2 (sig_in,clk,lead,trail);
input sig_in, clk;
output lead,trail;
wire sig_in, sig_out,lead,trail;
FD1 sig_out_FD1(.D(sig_in),.CP(clk),.Q(sig_out));
assign lead = sig_in & ~sig_out;
assign trail= ~sig_in & sig_out;
endmodule // PlsGen2
/* ---------- start of 5bit domain ----------------------------------- */
module g_cntr_5bit (reset,clk,ce,g_cnt);
input reset;
input clk;
input ce;
output [4:0] g_cnt;
/* 0in gray_code
-var g_cnt
-clock clk
-reset reset
-message "(* 0in test 5bit gray_code counter *)"
wire [4:0] g_cnt; // current state
reg [4:0] nx_g_cnt; // next state
parameter g_ZERO = 5'b0_0000,
g_ONE = 5'b0_0001,
g_TWO = 5'b0_0011,
g_THREE = 5'b0_0010,
g_FOUR = 5'b0_0110,
g_FIVE = 5'b0_0111,
g_SIX = 5'b0_0101,
g_SEVEN = 5'b0_0100,
g_EIGHT = 5'b0_1100,
g_NINE = 5'b0_1101,
g_TEN = 5'b0_1111,
g_ELEVEN = 5'b0_1110,
g_TWELVE = 5'b0_1010,
g_THIRTEEN = 5'b0_1011,
g_FORTEEN = 5'b0_1001,
g_FIFTEEN = 5'b0_1000, // reflection
g_SIXTEEN = 5'b1_1000, // reflection
g_SEVENTEEN = 5'b1_1001,
g_EIGHTEEN = 5'b1_1011,
g_NINETEEN = 5'b1_1010,
g_TWENTY = 5'b1_1110,
g_TWENTY_ONE = 5'b1_1111,
g_TWENTY_TWO = 5'b1_1101,
g_TWENTY_THREE = 5'b1_1100,
g_TWENTY_FOUR = 5'b1_0100,
g_TWENTY_FIVE = 5'b1_0101,
g_TWENTY_SIX = 5'b1_0111,
g_TWENTY_SEVEN = 5'b1_0110,
g_TWENTY_EIGHT = 5'b1_0010,
g_TWENTY_NINE = 5'b1_0011,
g_THIRTY = 5'b1_0001,
g_THIRTY_ONE = 5'b1_0000;
// com part
always @ (ce or g_cnt)
nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
if (ce)
case(g_cnt) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
g_ZERO : nx_g_cnt = g_ONE;
g_ONE : nx_g_cnt = g_TWO;
g_TWO : nx_g_cnt = g_THREE;
g_THREE : nx_g_cnt = g_FOUR;
g_FOUR : nx_g_cnt = g_FIVE;
g_FIVE : nx_g_cnt = g_SIX;
g_SIX : nx_g_cnt = g_SEVEN;
g_SEVEN : nx_g_cnt = g_EIGHT;
g_EIGHT : nx_g_cnt = g_NINE;
g_NINE : nx_g_cnt = g_TEN;
g_TEN : nx_g_cnt = g_ELEVEN;
g_ELEVEN : nx_g_cnt = g_TWELVE;
g_TWELVE : nx_g_cnt = g_THIRTEEN;
g_THIRTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_FORTEEN;
g_FORTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_FIFTEEN;
g_FIFTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_SIXTEEN;
g_SIXTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_SEVENTEEN;
g_SEVENTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_EIGHTEEN;
g_EIGHTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_NINETEEN;
g_NINETEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY;
g_TWENTY : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_ONE;
g_TWENTY_ONE : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_TWO;
g_TWENTY_TWO : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_THREE;
g_TWENTY_THREE : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_FOUR;
g_TWENTY_FOUR : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_FIVE;
g_TWENTY_FIVE : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_SIX;
g_TWENTY_SIX : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_SEVEN;
g_TWENTY_EIGHT : nx_g_cnt = g_TWENTY_NINE;
g_TWENTY_NINE : nx_g_cnt = g_THIRTY;
g_THIRTY : nx_g_cnt = g_THIRTY_ONE;
g_THIRTY_ONE : nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
default : nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
endcase // case(g_cnt)
else nx_g_cnt = g_cnt; // hold the value
end // always @ (ce or g_cnt)
// seq part
RegRst #(5) gb5_cntr_RegRst (.clk(clk),
endmodule // g_cntr_5bit
module g2b_5bit (g_cnt,b_cnt);
input [4:0] g_cnt;
output [4:0] b_cnt;
reg [4:0] b_cnt;
parameter g_ZERO = 5'b0_0000,
g_ONE = 5'b0_0001,
g_TWO = 5'b0_0011,
g_THREE = 5'b0_0010,
g_FOUR = 5'b0_0110,
g_FIVE = 5'b0_0111,
g_SIX = 5'b0_0101,
g_SEVEN = 5'b0_0100,
g_EIGHT = 5'b0_1100,
g_NINE = 5'b0_1101,
g_TEN = 5'b0_1111,
g_ELEVEN = 5'b0_1110,
g_TWELVE = 5'b0_1010,
g_THIRTEEN = 5'b0_1011,
g_FORTEEN = 5'b0_1001,
g_FIFTEEN = 5'b0_1000, // reflection
g_SIXTEEN = 5'b1_1000, // reflection
g_SEVENTEEN = 5'b1_1001,
g_EIGHTEEN = 5'b1_1011,
g_NINETEEN = 5'b1_1010,
g_TWENTY = 5'b1_1110,
g_TWENTY_ONE = 5'b1_1111,
g_TWENTY_TWO = 5'b1_1101,
g_TWENTY_THREE = 5'b1_1100,
g_TWENTY_FOUR = 5'b1_0100,
g_TWENTY_FIVE = 5'b1_0101,
g_TWENTY_SIX = 5'b1_0111,
g_TWENTY_SEVEN = 5'b1_0110,
g_TWENTY_EIGHT = 5'b1_0010,
g_TWENTY_NINE = 5'b1_0011,
g_THIRTY = 5'b1_0001,
g_THIRTY_ONE = 5'b1_0000;
parameter ZERO = 5'b0_0000,
ONE = 5'b0_0001,
TWO = 5'b0_0010,
THREE = 5'b0_0011,
FOUR = 5'b0_0100,
FIVE = 5'b0_0101,
SIX = 5'b0_0110,
SEVEN = 5'b0_0111,
EIGHT = 5'b0_1000,
NINE = 5'b0_1001,
TEN = 5'b0_1010,
ELEVEN = 5'b0_1011,
TWELVE = 5'b0_1100,
THIRTEEN = 5'b0_1101,
FORTEEN = 5'b0_1110,
FIFTEEN = 5'b0_1111,
SIXTEEN = 5'b1_0000,
SEVENTEEN = 5'b1_0001,
EIGHTEEN = 5'b1_0010,
NINETEEN = 5'b1_0011,
TWENTY = 5'b1_0100,
TWENTY_ONE = 5'b1_0101,
TWENTY_TWO = 5'b1_0110,
TWENTY_THREE = 5'b1_0111,
TWENTY_FOUR = 5'b1_1000,
TWENTY_FIVE = 5'b1_1001,
TWENTY_SIX = 5'b1_1010,
TWENTY_SEVEN = 5'b1_1011,
TWENTY_EIGHT = 5'b1_1100,
TWENTY_NINE = 5'b1_1101,
THIRTY = 5'b1_1110,
THIRTY_ONE = 5'b1_1111;
// g to b decoder
always @ (g_cnt)
b_cnt = ZERO;
case(g_cnt) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
g_ZERO : b_cnt = ZERO;
g_ONE : b_cnt = ONE;
g_TWO : b_cnt = TWO;
g_THREE : b_cnt = THREE;
g_FOUR : b_cnt = FOUR;
g_FIVE : b_cnt = FIVE;
g_SIX : b_cnt = SIX;
g_SEVEN : b_cnt = SEVEN;
g_EIGHT : b_cnt = EIGHT;
g_NINE : b_cnt = NINE;
g_TEN : b_cnt = TEN;
g_ELEVEN : b_cnt = ELEVEN;
g_TWELVE : b_cnt = TWELVE;
g_FORTEEN : b_cnt = FORTEEN;
g_FIFTEEN : b_cnt = FIFTEEN;
g_SIXTEEN : b_cnt = SIXTEEN;
g_TWENTY : b_cnt = TWENTY;
g_THIRTY : b_cnt = THIRTY;
default : b_cnt = ZERO;
end // always @ (g_cnt)
endmodule // g2b_5bit
/* ---------- end of 5bit domain ------------------------------------- */
/* ---------- start of 4bit domain ----------------------------------- */
module g_cntr_4bit (reset,clk,ce,g_cnt);
input reset;
input clk;
input ce;
output [3:0] g_cnt;
/* 0in gray_code
-var g_cnt
-clock clk
-reset reset
-message "(* 0in test 4bit gray_code counter *)"
wire [3:0] g_cnt; // current state
reg [3:0] nx_g_cnt; // next state
parameter g_ZERO = 4'b0000,
g_ONE = 4'b0001,
g_TWO = 4'b0011,
g_THREE = 4'b0010,
g_FOUR = 4'b0110,
g_FIVE = 4'b0111,
g_SIX = 4'b0101,
g_SEVEN = 4'b0100,
g_EIGHT = 4'b1100,
g_NINE = 4'b1101,
g_TEN = 4'b1111,
g_ELEVEN = 4'b1110,
g_TWELVE = 4'b1010,
g_THIRTEEN = 4'b1011,
g_FORTEEN = 4'b1001,
g_FIFTEEN = 4'b1000; // reflection
// com part
always @ (ce or g_cnt)
nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
if (ce)
case(g_cnt) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
g_ZERO : nx_g_cnt = g_ONE;
g_ONE : nx_g_cnt = g_TWO;
g_TWO : nx_g_cnt = g_THREE;
g_THREE : nx_g_cnt = g_FOUR;
g_FOUR : nx_g_cnt = g_FIVE;
g_FIVE : nx_g_cnt = g_SIX;
g_SIX : nx_g_cnt = g_SEVEN;
g_SEVEN : nx_g_cnt = g_EIGHT;
g_EIGHT : nx_g_cnt = g_NINE;
g_NINE : nx_g_cnt = g_TEN;
g_TEN : nx_g_cnt = g_ELEVEN;
g_ELEVEN : nx_g_cnt = g_TWELVE;
g_TWELVE : nx_g_cnt = g_THIRTEEN;
g_THIRTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_FORTEEN;
g_FORTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_FIFTEEN;
g_FIFTEEN : nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
default : nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
endcase // case(g_cnt)
else nx_g_cnt = g_cnt; // hold the value
end // always @ (ce or g_cnt)
// seq part
RegRst #(4) g_cnt_RegRst (.clk(clk),
endmodule // g_cntr_4bit
module g2b_4bit (g_cnt,b_cnt);
input [3:0] g_cnt;
output [3:0] b_cnt;
reg [3:0] b_cnt;
parameter g_ZERO = 4'b0000,
g_ONE = 4'b0001,
g_TWO = 4'b0011,
g_THREE = 4'b0010,
g_FOUR = 4'b0110,
g_FIVE = 4'b0111,
g_SIX = 4'b0101,
g_SEVEN = 4'b0100,
g_EIGHT = 4'b1100,
g_NINE = 4'b1101,
g_TEN = 4'b1111,
g_ELEVEN = 4'b1110,
g_TWELVE = 4'b1010,
g_THIRTEEN = 4'b1011,
g_FORTEEN = 4'b1001,
g_FIFTEEN = 4'b1000; // reflection
parameter ZERO = 4'b0000,
ONE = 4'b0001,
TWO = 4'b0010,
THREE = 4'b0011,
FOUR = 4'b0100,
FIVE = 4'b0101,
SIX = 4'b0110,
SEVEN = 4'b0111,
EIGHT = 4'b1000,
NINE = 4'b1001,
TEN = 4'b1010,
ELEVEN = 4'b1011,
TWELVE = 4'b1100,
THIRTEEN = 4'b1101,
FORTEEN = 4'b1110,
FIFTEEN = 4'b1111;
// g to b decoder
always @ (g_cnt)
b_cnt = ZERO;
case(g_cnt) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
g_ZERO : b_cnt = ZERO;
g_ONE : b_cnt = ONE;
g_TWO : b_cnt = TWO;
g_THREE : b_cnt = THREE;
g_FOUR : b_cnt = FOUR;
g_FIVE : b_cnt = FIVE;
g_SIX : b_cnt = SIX;
g_SEVEN : b_cnt = SEVEN;
g_EIGHT : b_cnt = EIGHT;
g_NINE : b_cnt = NINE;
g_TEN : b_cnt = TEN;
g_ELEVEN : b_cnt = ELEVEN;
g_TWELVE : b_cnt = TWELVE;
g_FORTEEN : b_cnt = FORTEEN;
g_FIFTEEN : b_cnt = FIFTEEN;
default : b_cnt = ZERO;
end // always @ (g_cnt)
endmodule // g2b_4bit
/* ---------- end of 4bit domain ------------------------------------- */
/* ---------- start of 3bit domain ----------------------------------- */
module g_cntr_3bit (reset,clk,ce,g_cnt);
input reset;
input clk;
input ce;
output [2:0] g_cnt;
/* 0in gray_code
-var g_cnt
-clock clk
-reset reset
-message "(* 0in test 3bit gray_code counter *)"
wire [2:0] g_cnt; // current state
reg [2:0] nx_g_cnt; // next state
parameter g_ZERO = 3'b000,
g_ONE = 3'b001,
g_TWO = 3'b011,
g_THREE = 3'b010,
g_FOUR = 3'b110,
g_FIVE = 3'b111,
g_SIX = 3'b101,
g_SEVEN = 3'b100; // reflection
// com part
always @ (ce or g_cnt)
nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
if (ce)
case(g_cnt) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
g_ZERO : nx_g_cnt = g_ONE;
g_ONE : nx_g_cnt = g_TWO;
g_TWO : nx_g_cnt = g_THREE;
g_THREE : nx_g_cnt = g_FOUR;
g_FOUR : nx_g_cnt = g_FIVE;
g_FIVE : nx_g_cnt = g_SIX;
g_SIX : nx_g_cnt = g_SEVEN;
g_SEVEN : nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
default : nx_g_cnt = g_ZERO;
endcase // case(g_cnt)
else nx_g_cnt = g_cnt; // hold the value
end // always @ (ce or g_cnt)
// seq part
RegRst #(3) g_cnt_RegRst (.clk(clk),
endmodule // g_cntr_3bit
module g2b_3bit (g_cnt,b_cnt);
input [2:0] g_cnt;
output [2:0] b_cnt;
reg [2:0] b_cnt;
parameter g_ZERO = 3'b000,
g_ONE = 3'b001,
g_TWO = 3'b011,
g_THREE = 3'b010,
g_FOUR = 3'b110,
g_FIVE = 3'b111,
g_SIX = 3'b101,
g_SEVEN = 3'b100; // reflection
parameter ZERO = 3'b000,
ONE = 3'b001,
TWO = 3'b010,
THREE = 3'b011,
FOUR = 3'b100,
FIVE = 3'b101,
SIX = 3'b110,
SEVEN = 3'b111;
// g to b decoder
always @ (g_cnt)
b_cnt = ZERO;
case(g_cnt) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
g_ZERO : b_cnt = ZERO;
g_ONE : b_cnt = ONE;
g_TWO : b_cnt = TWO;
g_THREE : b_cnt = THREE;
g_FOUR : b_cnt = FOUR;
g_FIVE : b_cnt = FIVE;
g_SIX : b_cnt = SIX;
g_SEVEN : b_cnt = SEVEN;
default : b_cnt = ZERO;
end // always @ (g_cnt)
endmodule // g2b_3bit
/* ---------- end of 3bit domain ------------------------------------- */
module SYNC_FAST_5bit (din,clk,qout);
input [4:0] din;
input clk;
output [4:0] qout;
endmodule // SYNC_FAST_5bit
module SYNC_5bit (din,clk,qout);
input [4:0] din;
input clk;
output [4:0] qout;
SYNC_CELL bit_0_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[0]),
SYNC_CELL bit_1_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[1]),
SYNC_CELL bit_2_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[2]),
SYNC_CELL bit_3_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[3]),
SYNC_CELL bit_4_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[4]),
endmodule // SYNC_5bit
module SYNC_4bit (din,clk,qout);
input [3:0] din;
input clk;
output [3:0] qout;
SYNC_CELL bit_0_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[0]),
SYNC_CELL bit_1_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[1]),
SYNC_CELL bit_2_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[2]),
SYNC_CELL bit_3_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[3]),
endmodule // SYNC_4bit
module SYNC_3bit (din,clk,qout);
input [2:0] din;
input clk;
output [2:0] qout;
SYNC_CELL bit_0_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[0]),
SYNC_CELL bit_1_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[1]),
SYNC_CELL bit_2_SYNC_CELL (.D(din[2]),
endmodule // SYNC_3bit
module byte_counter (
dv_en_8bit, // data valid enable
// outputs
input clk;
input reset;
input byte_count_en;
input [7:0] dv_en_8bit;
// outputs
output [13:0] byte_count;
output [13:0] nx_byte_count;
wire [13:0] nx_byte_count;
wire [13:0] byte_count;
reg [13:0] addend;
/***** byte_count * ****/
always @ (byte_count_en or dv_en_8bit)
if (byte_count_en)
casex (dv_en_8bit) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
8'b1xxxxxxx: addend = 14'd8;
8'b01xxxxxx: addend = 14'd7;
8'b001xxxxx: addend = 14'd6;
8'b0001xxxx: addend = 14'd5;
8'b00001xxx: addend = 14'd4;
8'b000001xx: addend = 14'd3;
8'b0000001x: addend = 14'd2;
8'b00000001: addend = 14'd1;
8'b00000000: addend = 14'd0; // hold
default: addend = 14'd0; // hold
endcase // casex(dv_en_8bit)
else addend = 14'd0; // hold
assign nx_byte_count = byte_count + addend;
// original total cell: 396
// improved total cell: 269 + very fast compilation time
// We can only support 16k jumbo packet
RegRst #(14) byte_count_RegRst (.clk(clk),
endmodule // byte_counter
module ones_comp_16bit_adder (
sum_big // in big endian format
input [15:0] addend1;
input [15:0] addend2;
output [15:0] sum_big; // in big endian format
* the look_ahead_adder: to save one adder for just adding "1", a technique
* is used. By adding one more bit to look_ahead_adder LSB on both addends
* and make them '1' then effectively the result is 2'b10. Discard the
* LSB position to get the effective 1
* ************************************************************************/
wire [17:0] look_ahead_adder = {1'b0, addend1, 1'b1} + {1'b0, addend2, 1'b1};
wire [17:0] twos_comp_16bit_adder = {1'b0, addend1, 1'b0} + {1'b0, addend2, 1'b0};
wire [15:0] sum_big;
assign sum_big [15:0]= twos_comp_16bit_adder[17] ? look_ahead_adder[16:1]:
endmodule // ones_comp_16bit_adder
module delay_cell (Z,A);
input A;
output Z;
wire Z,b;
assign b = ~A;
assign Z = ~b;
endmodule // delay_cell
module clock_doubler_model(rbc0,rbc1,rbcx2);
input rbc0; // input from external SERDES, clocks odd bytes
input rbc1; // input from external SERDES, clocks even bytes
output rbcx2; // doubled version of clocks
wire rbc0_del4ns; // rbc0 delayed 4 ns
wire rbc1_del4ns; // rbc1 delayed 4 ns
// The following two lines should be replaced with ASIC vendor's delay cell.
//DEL4ns d_rbc0_del4ns (.A(rbc0),.Z(rbc0_del4ns));
//DEL4ns d_rbc1_del4ns (.A(rbc1),.Z(rbc1_del4ns));
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control off
assign #4 rbc0_del4ns = rbc0;
assign #4 rbc1_del4ns = rbc1;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control on
assign rbcx2 = (~rbc0_del4ns & rbc0) | (~rbc1_del4ns & rbc1);
module inv_buffer (z,a);
input a;
output z;
wire z = ~a;
endmodule // inv_buffer
module my_buffers (z,a);
parameter dwidth = 8;
input [dwidth-1:0] a;
output [dwidth-1:0] z;
wire [dwidth-1:0] b = ~a;
wire [dwidth-1:0] z = ~b;
// 1ns delay
module DEL1ns(A,Z);
input A;
output Z;
wire A,Z;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control off
assign #1 Z = A;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control on
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// NEC relatively balanced (rise/fall) output delay cell spec.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Tpd Tpd Tdp of delay circuit
// cell name Min case Max case Typ (info only)
// --------- -------- -------- ------ -----------------
// TCDLY1VX2 ~200ps ~400ps 300ps 2 levels
// TCDLY2VX2 ~350ps ~700ps 500ps 4 levels
// TCDLY3VX2 ~500ps ~1000ps 750ps 6 levels
// 2ns delay
module DEL2ns(A,Z);
input A;
output Z;
wire A,Z;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control off
assign #2 Z = A;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control on
module DEL4ns (Z,A);
input A;
output Z;
wire A,Z;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control off
assign #4 Z = A;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control on
// 5ns delay
module DEL5ns(A,Z);
input A;
output Z;
wire A,Z;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control off
assign #5 Z = A;
// vlint flag_unsynthesizable_delay_control on
/* Project Name : GEM */
/* Module Name : DEL_PAT */
/* Description : Delay element to aid in meeting hold requirement */
/* to lfsr. */
/* Assumptions : none */
/* */
/* */
/* Parent module : pcs_lfsr.v */
/* Child modules : none */
/* Author Name : Linda Cheng */
/* Date Created : 11/7/97 */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994, Sun Microsystems, Inc. */
/* Sun Proprietary and Confidential */
/* */
/* Modifications : none yet */
/* Synthesis Notes : none yet */
module DEL2ns_PAT (Z,A);
input [17:0] A;
output [17:0] Z;
DEL2ns PAT0_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[0]), .A(A[0]));
DEL2ns PAT1_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[1]), .A(A[1]));
DEL2ns PAT2_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[2]), .A(A[2]));
DEL2ns PAT3_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[3]), .A(A[3]));
DEL2ns PAT4_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[4]), .A(A[4]));
DEL2ns PAT5_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[5]), .A(A[5]));
DEL2ns PAT6_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[6]), .A(A[6]));
DEL2ns PAT7_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[7]), .A(A[7]));
DEL2ns PAT8_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[8]), .A(A[8]));
DEL2ns PAT9_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[9]), .A(A[9]));
DEL2ns PAT10_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[10]), .A(A[10]));
DEL2ns PAT11_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[11]), .A(A[11]));
DEL2ns PAT12_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[12]), .A(A[12]));
DEL2ns PAT13_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[13]), .A(A[13]));
DEL2ns PAT14_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[14]), .A(A[14]));
DEL2ns PAT15_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[15]), .A(A[15]));
DEL2ns PAT16_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[16]), .A(A[16]));
DEL2ns PAT17_DEL2ns (.Z(Z[17]), .A(A[17]));
* copy from: /import/cassini/central/asic/LIB/
* Used by pcs
module MUX2TO1 (dout, sel, data0, data1);
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
input sel;
input [dwidth-1:0] data0;
input [dwidth-1:0] data1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data1;
wire sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or data0 or data1)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
1'b0: dout = data0;
1'b1: dout = data1;
// but from /vobs/vega_asic/mac/phy/rtl/
module MUX3TO1(dout,sel,data0,data1,data2);
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
input [1:0] sel;
input [dwidth-1:0] data0;
input [dwidth-1:0] data1;
input [dwidth-1:0] data2;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data2;
wire [1:0] sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or data0 or data1 or data2)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
2'b00: dout = data0;
2'b01: dout = data1;
2'b10: dout = data2;
2'b11: dout = data2;
module MUX4TO1 (dout, sel, data0, data1, data2, data3);
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
input [1:0] sel;
input [dwidth-1:0] data0;
input [dwidth-1:0] data1;
input [dwidth-1:0] data2;
input [dwidth-1:0] data3;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data2;
wire [dwidth-1:0] data3;
wire [1:0] sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or data0 or data1 or data2 or data3)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
2'b00: dout = data0;
2'b01: dout = data1;
2'b10: dout = data2;
2'b11: dout = data3;
module MUX6TO1 (dout,sel,D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5);
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] dout;
input [2:0] sel;
input [dwidth-1:0] D0;
input [dwidth-1:0] D1;
input [dwidth-1:0] D2;
input [dwidth-1:0] D3;
input [dwidth-1:0] D4;
input [dwidth-1:0] D5;
wire [dwidth-1:0] D0;
wire [dwidth-1:0] D1;
wire [dwidth-1:0] D2;
wire [dwidth-1:0] D3;
wire [dwidth-1:0] D4;
wire [dwidth-1:0] D5;
wire [2:0] sel;
reg [dwidth-1:0] dout;
always @ (sel or D0 or D1 or D2 or D3 or D4 or D5)
case (sel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
3'h0: dout = D0;
3'h1: dout = D1;
3'h2: dout = D2;
3'h3: dout = D3;
3'h4: dout = D4;
3'h5: dout = D5;
default: dout= D0;
module REG (qout, clk, din);
//non-resettable variable width register
//only one Q output
//if used as flop, just instantiate with #1
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
input clk;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
qout <= din;
module RREG (qout, clk, rst, din);
//synchronous reset variable width register
//active hi reset (rst);
//only one Q output
//if used as flop, just instantiate with #1
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
input clk, rst;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (rst)
qout <= 0;
qout <= din;
module SRREG (qout, clk, en, rst, din);
//synchronous reset variable width register with active hi enable
//active hi reset (rst);
//only one Q output
//if used as flop, just instantiate with #1
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
input clk, en, rst;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (rst)
qout <= 0;
else if (en)
qout <= din;
qout <= qout;
module EREG (qout, clk, en, din);
//synchronous variable width register with active hi enable
//only one Q output
//if used as flop, just instantiate with #1
parameter dwidth = 2;
output [dwidth-1:0] qout;
input clk, en;
input [dwidth-1:0] din;
reg [dwidth-1:0] qout;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (en)
qout <= din;
qout <= qout;
Project : Niu
Date : Oct. 2005
Description : 4 sets of {nand3, nor2, inv, mux2, reg}
Synthesis Notes:
Modification History:
Date Description
---- -----------
`ifdef NEPTUNE
module mac_spare_gates (
input [2:0] di_nd3;
input [2:0] di_nd2;
input [2:0] di_nd1;
input [2:0] di_nd0;
input [1:0] di_nr3;
input [1:0] di_nr2;
input [1:0] di_nr1;
input [1:0] di_nr0;
input [3:0] di_inv;
input [1:0] di_mx3;
input [1:0] di_mx2;
input [1:0] di_mx1;
input [1:0] di_mx0;
input [3:0] mx_sel;
input [3:0] di_reg;
input [3:0] wt_ena;
input [3:0] rst;
input si;
input se;
input clk;
output [3:0] do_nad;
output [3:0] do_nor;
output [3:0] do_inv;
output [3:0] do_mux;
output [3:0] do_q;
output so;
wire [3:0] do_nad;
wire [3:0] do_nor;
wire [3:0] do_inv;
wire [3:0] do_mux;
wire [3:0] do_q;
wire so = do_q[3];
wire [3:0] rst_l;
ND3M1P nand3_3 ( .Z(do_nad[3]), .A(di_nd3[0]), .B(di_nd3[1]), .C(di_nd3[2]) );
ND3M1P nand3_2 ( .Z(do_nad[2]), .A(di_nd2[0]), .B(di_nd2[1]), .C(di_nd2[2]) );
ND3M1P nand3_1 ( .Z(do_nad[1]), .A(di_nd1[0]), .B(di_nd1[1]), .C(di_nd1[2]) );
ND3M1P nand3_0 ( .Z(do_nad[0]), .A(di_nd0[0]), .B(di_nd0[1]), .C(di_nd0[2]) );
NR2M1P nor_3 ( .Z(do_nor[3]), .A(di_nr3[0]), .B(di_nr3[1]) );
NR2M1P nor_2 ( .Z(do_nor[2]), .A(di_nr2[0]), .B(di_nr2[1]) );
NR2M1P nor_1 ( .Z(do_nor[1]), .A(di_nr1[0]), .B(di_nr1[1]) );
NR2M1P nor_0 ( .Z(do_nor[0]), .A(di_nr0[0]), .B(di_nr0[1]) );
N1M1P inv_3 ( .Z(do_inv[3]), .A(di_inv[3]) );
N1M1P inv_2 ( .Z(do_inv[2]), .A(di_inv[2]) );
N1M1P inv_1 ( .Z(do_inv[1]), .A(di_inv[1]) );
N1M1P inv_0 ( .Z(do_inv[0]), .A(di_inv[0]) );
MUX21HM1P mux21_3 ( .Z(do_mux[3]), .A(di_mx3[0]), .B(di_mx3[1]), .S(mx_sel[3]) );
MUX21HM1P mux21_2 ( .Z(do_mux[2]), .A(di_mx2[0]), .B(di_mx2[1]), .S(mx_sel[2]) );
MUX21HM1P mux21_1 ( .Z(do_mux[1]), .A(di_mx1[0]), .B(di_mx1[1]), .S(mx_sel[1]) );
MUX21HM1P mux21_0 ( .Z(do_mux[0]), .A(di_mx0[0]), .B(di_mx0[1]), .S(mx_sel[0]) );
FD2SL2QM1P regtre_3 ( .Q(do_q[3]), .D(di_reg[3]), .CP(clk), .CD(rst_l[3]), .TI(do_q[2]), .TE(se), .LD(wt_ena[3]) );
FD2SL2QM1P regtre_2 ( .Q(do_q[2]), .D(di_reg[2]), .CP(clk), .CD(rst_l[2]), .TI(do_q[1]), .TE(se), .LD(wt_ena[2]) );
FD2SL2QM1P regtre_1 ( .Q(do_q[1]), .D(di_reg[1]), .CP(clk), .CD(rst_l[1]), .TI(do_q[0]), .TE(se), .LD(wt_ena[1]) );
FD2SL2QM1P regtre_0 ( .Q(do_q[0]), .D(di_reg[0]), .CP(clk), .CD(rst_l[0]), .TI(si), .TE(se), .LD(wt_ena[0]) );
N1M1P inv_rst_3( .Z(rst_l[3]), .A(rst[3]) );
N1M1P inv_rst_2( .Z(rst_l[2]), .A(rst[2]) );
N1M1P inv_rst_1( .Z(rst_l[1]), .A(rst[1]) );
N1M1P inv_rst_0( .Z(rst_l[0]), .A(rst[0]) );
`else // !ifdef NEPTUNE