Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / doc / MHonArc / resources / textclipfunc.html
<title>MHonArc Resources: TEXTCLIPFUNC</title>
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<dt><strong>Command-line Option</strong></dt>
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<p>TEXTCLIPFUNC defines the the Perl function to invoke when
MHonArc clips text. For example, the function specified would
be invoked when a length specifier is used for a
<a href="../rcvars.html">resource variable</a>, e.g.
<p>The syntax for TEXTCLIPFUNC is as follows:
<p>The definition of each semi-colon-separated value is as follows:
<dd><p>The actual routine name of the filter. The name
should be fully qualified by the package it is defined in
(e.g. "<code>mypackage::filter</code>").
<dd><p>The name of the file that defines
<var>routine-name</var>. If the file is not a full
pathname, MHonArc finds the file by looking in the
standard include paths of Perl, and the paths specified by the
<A HREF="perlinc.html">PERLINC</A>
<p><var>file-of-routine</var> can be left blank if it is
known that <var>routine-name</var> will already be loaded, as
is the case for the default value for this resource since the
routine is an internal MHonArc function.
<h3><a name="writing">Writing a Clipping Function</a></h3>
<p>If you want to write your own function, you need to know the Perl
programming language. The following information assumes you know Perl.
<h4>Function Interface</h4>
<P>MHonArc interfaces with text clipping function by calling the routine
with a specific set of arguments. The prototype of the interface
routine is as follows: </P>
sub <var>clip</var> {
my(<b>$text</b>, <b>$clip_length</b>, <b>$is_html</b>, <b>$has_tags</b>) = @_;
<var># code here
<h5>Parameter Descriptions</h5>
<table cellspacing=1 border=0 cellpadding=4>
<tr valign=top>
<td><p>The text to be clipped.
<p><b>NOTE:</b> Since Perl allows one to modify the data passed into
it, the first argument should <strong>NOT</strong> be modified. If
you copy arguments from <tt>@_</tt> as shown above, then you will be
okay since the <tt>my</tt> operation creates a copy of the arguments
in <tt>@_</tt>.
<tr valign=top>
<td><p>The number of characters <code>$text</code> should be clipped to.
<tr valign=top>
<td><p>The text may contain entity references, e.g. "<tt>&amp;amp;</tt>".
Entity references should be considered a single character when
clipping <code>$text</code>.
<tr valign=top>
<td><p>The text may contain HTML tags, and the tags should be stripped
from <code>$text</code> when generating the clip string. For example,
if <code>$text</code> equals "<tt>&lt;b&gt;MHonArc&lt;/b&gt;</tt>" and
<code>$clip_length</code> equals 2, then the return value of the
function should be "<tt>MH</tt>".
<table border=0 cellpadding=4>
<tr valign=top>
<td><p>The <code>$has_tags</code> argument is currently
not used within MHonArc, but it will likely be used in a future release.
<h5>Return Value</h5>
<p>The return value should be the clipped version of <code>$text</code>.
<H4>Writing Tips</h4>
<li><p>Qualify your filter in its own package. This eliminates possible
variable/routine conflicts with MHonArc.
<li><p>Make sure your Perl source file ends with a true statement
(like "<code>1;</code>"). MHonArc just performs a
on the file, and if the file does not return
true, MHonArc will revert to the default value for TEXTCLIPFUNC.
<li><p>Test your function before production use.
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<h2>Default Setting</h2>
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<h2>Resource Variables</h2>
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<p>The <a href="../rcfileexs/utf-8.mrc.html">Unicode</a> example
resource file sets TEXTCLIPFUNC to a routine that understands UTF-8
<p>The following is the implementation (as of this writing) of
MHonArc's default clipping function:
sub clip_text {
my $str = \shift; # Prevent unnecessary copy.
my $len = shift; # Clip length
my $is_html = shift; # If entity references should be considered
my $has_tags = shift; # If html tags should be stripped
if (!$is_html) {
return substr($$str, 0, $len);
my $text = "";
my $subtext = "";
my $html_len = length($$str);
my($pos, $sublen, $erlen, $real_len);
my $er_len = 0;
for ( $pos=0, $sublen=$len; $pos &lt; $html_len; ) {
$subtext = substr($$str, $pos, $sublen);
$pos += $sublen;
# strip tags
if ($has_tags) {
$subtext =~ s/\A[^&lt;]*&gt;//; # clipped tag
$subtext =~ s/&lt;[^&gt;]*&gt;//g;
$subtext =~ s/&lt;[^&gt;]*\Z//; # clipped tag
# check for clipped entity reference
if (($pos &lt; $html_len) &amp;&amp; ($subtext =~ /\&amp;[^;]*\Z/)) {
my $semi = index($$str, ';', $pos);
if ($semi &lt; 0) {
# malformed entity reference
$subtext .= substr($$str, $pos);
$pos = $html_len;
} else {
$subtext .= substr($$str, $pos, $semi-$pos+1)
if $semi &gt; $pos;
$pos = $semi+1;
# compute entity reference lengths to determine "real" character
# count and not raw character count.
while ($subtext =~ /(\&amp;[^;]+);/g) {
$er_len += length($1);
$text .= $subtext;
# done if we have enough
$real_len = length($text)-$er_len;
if ($real_len &gt;= $len) {
$sublen = $len - (length($text)-$er_len);
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<h2>See Also</h2>
<p><a href="../rcvars.html"><cite>Resource Variables</cite></a>
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$Date: 2002/08/04 03:58:27 $<br>
<img align="top" src="../monicon.png" alt="">
<a href=""><strong>MHonArc</strong></a><br>
Copyright &#169; 2002, <a href=""
>Earl Hood</a>, <a href=""