Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / CommandTerm /
package CommandTerm::Tk;
use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::LabEntry;
use Term::ReadLine;
use FileHandle;
use POSIX;
use CommandTerm;
@CommandTerm::Tk::ISA = qw(CommandTerm Tk::Frame);
use vars qw(
%DerivedConfig = (
'width' => '80',
'height' => '24',
'textFont' => '-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
'entryFont' => '-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
'promptFont' => '-*-courier-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
'saveTextLines' => '5000',
'dataFace' => 'normal',
'statusFace' => 'italic',
'errorFace' => 'bold',
sub Populate {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $name = delete $args->{'-name'};
my $toplevel = delete $args->{'-toplevel'};
my $cfgfile = delete $args->{'-cfgfile'};
my $app_config = delete $args->{'-app_config'};
$self->Init($name, $cfgfile, $app_config, \%DerivedConfig);
my $prompt = delete $args->{'-prompt'} || $self->GetPrompt;
my $width = $self->{'Config'}{'width'};
my $height = $self->{'Config'}{'height'};
my $textFont = $self->{'Config'}{'textFont'};
my $entryFont = $self->{'Config'}{'entryFont'};
my $promptFont = $self->{'Config'}{'promptFont'};
my $italicFont = '-*-courier-medium-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*';
$self->{'TopLevel'} = $toplevel;
$self->{'RealWidth'} = $width;
$self->{'SaveTextLines'} = $self->{'Config'}{'saveTextLines'};
$self->{'DataFace'} = $self->{'Config'}{'dataFace'};
$self->{'StatusFace'} = $self->{'Config'}{'statusFace'};
$self->{'ErrorFace'} = $self->{'Config'}{'errorFace'};
my $TextFrame = $self->Frame;
my $Text = $TextFrame->Text(
-relief => 'sunken',
-wrap => 'word',
-state => 'disabled',
-font => $textFont,
-width => $width,
-height => $height,
$Text->bind( "<Configure>" => sub { $self->FigureOutWidth } );
$Text->tagConfigure( $self->DataFace, -font => $textFont );
$Text->tagConfigure( $self->StatusFace, -font => $italicFont );
$Text->tagConfigure( $self->ErrorFace, -font => $promptFont );
my $ScrollBar = $self->Scrollbar( -command => [$Text => 'yview']);
$Text->configure( -yscrollcommand => [$ScrollBar => 'set'] );
my %nopad = ( -pady => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 0, -ipadx => 0 );
$ScrollBar->pack( %nopad, -side => 'right', -fill => 'y' );
$Text->pack( %nopad, -side => 'left', -expand => 'both', -fill => 'both' );
my $EntryFrame = $self->Frame;
my $Entry = $EntryFrame->Component(
LabEntry => 'labEntry',
-label => $prompt,
-labelPack => [ -side => 'left' ],
-relief => 'sunken',
-font => $entryFont,
$Entry->Subwidget('label')->configure( -font => $promptFont );
$Entry->pack( -fill => 'x' );
$Entry->bind( '<Delete>' => 'Backspace' );
$Entry->bind( '<Return>' => sub { $self->ProcessEntry; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Tab>' => sub { $self->Complete; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Control-t>' => sub { $self->TogglePrompt; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Up>' => sub { $self->UpHistory; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Control-p>' => sub { $self->UpHistory; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Down>' => sub { $self->DownHistory; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Control-n>' => sub { $self->DownHistory; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Control-l>' => sub { $self->clear; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Control-u>' => sub { $Entry->delete(0, 'end'); } );
$Entry->bind( '<Control-c>' => sub { $self->HandleInterrupt; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Home>' => sub { $self->Home; } );
$Entry->bind( '<End>' => sub { $self->End; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Prior>' => sub { $self->ScrollUp; } );
$Entry->bind( '<Next>' => sub { $self->ScrollDown; } );
ref($Entry->Subwidget('entry')), 'all']
# Button 2 release events will paste the X selection into the
# entry widget no matter where the cursor is over $self
$self->bind( 'Tk::Entry', '<ButtonRelease-2>', undef);
$self->bind( 'Tk::Text', '<ButtonRelease-2>', undef);
$self->bind( 'all', '<ButtonRelease-2>' =>
sub {
Tk::catch {
$Entry->insert($Entry->index('insert'), $self->SelectionGet)
$EntryFrame->pack( -side => 'bottom' , -fill => 'x' );
$TextFrame->pack( -side => 'top' , -fill => 'both', -expand => 'both' );
$self->Advertise('Text' => $Text );
$self->Advertise('Entry' => $Entry );
sub history {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my ($opt_h, $opt_r, $opt_n);
$self->get_options(\@args, ['no_pass_through'], 'h' => \$opt_h, 'r' => \$opt_r) or return;
$opt_n = shift @args;
if( $opt_n and $opt_n !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$self->PrintError("Argument to history '$opt_n' isn't numeric.\n");
my $str = '';
my @history = $self->ReadLine->GetHistory;
if( $opt_r ) {
for(my $i=$#history; $i>=0; $i--) {
$str .= ($opt_h ? '' : "\t$i\t" . "$history[$i]\n");
last if $opt_n and ($#history - $i + 1) >= $opt_n;
} else {
$opt_n = $#history unless defined($opt_n);
for(my $i=$#history-$opt_n+1; $i<=$#history; $i++) {
$str .= ($opt_h ? '' : "\t$i\t" . "$history[$i]\n");
sub ShellExec {
my ($self, $cmd, @args) = @_;
if( $cmd eq 'cd' ) {
my ($dir) = @args;
$dir = '' unless $dir;
$dir = $self->GlobExpand($dir);
return unless defined($dir);
$dir =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$dir =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
if( chdir $dir ) {
$self->PrintData( getcwd . "\n" );
} else {
$self->PrintError("Couldn't cd to '$dir': $!\n");
} else {
if( $self->Which($cmd) ) {
$self->PrintData( `$cmd @args` );
} else {
$self->PrintError("Command not found: '$cmd'\n");
sub ProcessEntry {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Entry = $self->Subwidget('Entry');
my $line = $Entry->get;
$Entry->delete(0, 'end');
sub ProcessLine {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
my $ReadLine = $self->ReadLine;
$self->PrintError("> $line\n");
$self->Subwidget('Entry')->configure( -label => $self->GetPrompt );
# Since we're not using ReadLine interactively, set the history position
# to the end every time through.
$ReadLine->history_set_pos( scalar($ReadLine->GetHistory()) );
sub InitReadLine {
my ($self) = @_;
my $NULLOUT = FileHandle->new('> /dev/null') or
die "Couldn't open '/dev/null': $!\n";
$self->Attribs->{'outstream'} = $NULLOUT;
#In Tk mode, don't want any dinging at all, it's alarming. :-)
$self->ReadLine->parse_and_bind('set bell-style none');
sub TogglePrompt {
my ($self) = @_;
&{ $self->TogglePromptCallback };
$self->Subwidget('Entry')->configure( -label => $self->GetPrompt );
sub Complete {
my ($self) = @_;
my $ReadLine = $self->ReadLine;
my $Attribs = $self->Attribs;
my $Entry = $self->Subwidget('Entry');
my $line = $Entry->get;
$Attribs->{'line_buffer'} = $line;
$Attribs->{'point'} = $Entry->index('insert');
$Attribs->{'end'} = length($Attribs->{'line_buffer'});
if( $line ne $Attribs->{'line_buffer'} ) {
# completion took place
$Entry->delete(0, 'end');
$Entry->insert(0, $Attribs->{'line_buffer'});
} else {
# no completion took place, list possible completions
sub PrintCompletions {
my ($self, $matchlist_ref, $num_matches, $longest, $striplen) = @_;
my $match;
my @matches = ();
my $appended = 0;
for(my $i=1; $i<=$num_matches; $i++) {
$match = $matchlist_ref->[$i];
if( -d $match ) {
$match .= '/';
$appended = 1;
} elsif( -l $match ) {
$match .= '@';
$appended = 1;
} elsif( -x $match ) {
$match .= '*';
$appended = 1;
push @matches, substr $match, $striplen;
$longest++ if $appended;
my $width = $self->RealWidth;
my $num_cols = int($width/($longest+1)) || 1;
my $skip = int($num_matches/$num_cols);
$skip++ if ($num_matches/$num_cols) != $skip;
my ($i, $j, $index);
my $str = '';
for($i=0; $i<$skip; $i++) {
for($j=0; $j<$num_cols; $j++) {
$index = $i + ($j * $skip);
if( $index < $num_matches ) {
$str .= sprintf("%-${longest}s ", $matches[$index]);
$str =~ s/ $/\n/;
sub Shutdown { }
sub Quit {
sub Title {
my ($self, $titlestr) = @_;
$self->TopLevel->title($titlestr) if $self->TopLevel;
sub Icon {
my ($self, $iconstr) = @_;
$self->TopLevel->iconname($iconstr) if $self->TopLevel;
sub Print {
my ($self, $how, @what) = @_;
my $Text = $self->Subwidget('Text');
my ($top, $bottom) = $Text->yview;
my $LogFH = $self->LogFH;
my $ReDirFH = $self->ReDirFH;
my $what = join '', @what;
print $LogFH $what if defined $LogFH;
if( $ReDirFH ) {
print $ReDirFH $what;
} else {
$Text->configure( -state => 'normal' );
if( $what =~ /[\b]/ ) {
foreach my $bsline (split("(\b)", $what)) {
if( $bsline eq "\b" ) {
$Text->delete('end -2 chars');
} else {
$Text->insert('end', $bsline, $how );
} else {
$Text->insert('end', $what, $how );
my $deletelines = ($Text->index('end') - 2.0) - $self->SaveTextLines;
$Text->delete( '1.0', $deletelines . ".0" ) if $deletelines > 1;
$Text->see( 'end' ) if $bottom == 1.0;
$Text->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
sub UpHistory {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Entry = $self->Subwidget('Entry');
my $line = $self->ReadLine->previous_history;
if( $line ne '' ) {
$Entry->delete(0, 'end');
$Entry->insert(0, $line );
sub DownHistory {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Entry = $self->Subwidget('Entry');
my $line = $self->ReadLine->next_history;
$Entry->delete(0, 'end');
$Entry->insert(0, $line );
sub HandleInterrupt {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Entry = $self->Subwidget('Entry');
if( $Entry->get ne '' ) {
$Entry->delete(0, 'end');
} else {
&{ $self->HandleInterruptCallback };
sub DefaultInterruptCallback {
my ($self) = @_;
sub FigureOutWidth {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($i, $xleft, $xright, $ytop, $ybot, $line);
my $Text = $self->Subwidget('Text');
($ytop, $ybot) = $Text->yview;
$line = $Text->index( 'end' ) - 1;
$Text->configure( -state => 'normal', -wrap => 'none' );
$Text->see( 'end' );
$i = 0;
($xleft, $xright) = $Text->xview;
while( $xleft == 0.0 and $xright == 1.0 ) {
$Text->insert( 'end' => 'O', 'italic' );
($xleft, $xright) = $Text->xview;
$Text->delete( "$line.0", 'end -1 chars' );
$Text->yview( 'moveto' => $ytop );
$Text->configure( -state => 'disabled', -wrap => 'word' );
sub clear {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Text = $self->Subwidget('Text');
$Text->configure( -state => 'normal' );
$Text->delete( '1.0', 'end' );
$Text->see( '1.0' );
$Text->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
sub Home {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Text = $self->Subwidget('Text');
$Text->configure( -state => 'normal' );
$Text->see( '1.0' );
$Text->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
sub End {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Text = $self->Subwidget('Text');
$Text->configure( -state => 'normal' );
$Text->see( 'end' );
$Text->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
sub ScrollUp {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Text = $self->Subwidget('Text');
$Text->configure( -state => 'normal' );
$Text->yview( 'scroll' => -1, 'pages');
$Text->configure( -state => 'disabled' );
sub ScrollDown {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Text = $self->Subwidget('Text');
$Text->configure( -state => 'normal' );
$Text->yview( 'scroll' => 1, 'pages');
$Text->configure( -state => 'disabled' );