Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Inline / C /
package Inline::C::ParseRegExp;
use strict;
use Carp;
sub register {
extends => [qw(C)],
overrides => [qw(get_parser)],
sub get_parser {
bless {}, 'Inline::C::ParseRegExp'
sub code {
my($self,$code) = @_;
# These regular expressions were derived from Regexp::Common v0.01.
my $RE_comment_C = q{(?:(?:\/\*)(?:(?:(?!\*\/)[\s\S])*)(?:\*\/))};
my $RE_comment_Cpp = q{(?:\/\*(?:(?!\*\/)[\s\S])*\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*\n)};
my $RE_quoted = (q{(?:(?:\")(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\\"]*)*)(?:\")}
our $RE_balanced_brackets =
our $RE_balanced_parens =
# First, we crush out anything potentially confusing.
# The order of these _does_ matter.
$code =~ s/$RE_comment_C/ /go;
$code =~ s/$RE_comment_Cpp/ /go;
$code =~ s/^\#.*(\\\n.*)*//mgo;
$code =~ s/$RE_quoted/\"\"/go;
$code =~ s/$RE_balanced_brackets/{ }/go;
$self->{_the_code_most_recently_parsed} = $code; # Simplifies debugging.
my $normalize_type = sub {
# Normalize a type for lookup in a typemap.
my($type) = @_;
# Remove "extern".
# But keep "static", "inline", "typedef", etc,
# to cause desirable typemap misses.
$type =~ s/\bextern\b//g;
# Whitespace: only single spaces, none leading or trailing.
$type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$type =~ s/^\s//; $type =~ s/\s$//;
# Adjacent "derivative characters" are not separated by whitespace,
# but _are_ separated from the adjoining text.
# [ Is really only * (and not ()[]) needed??? ]
$type =~ s/\*\s\*/\*\*/g;
$type =~ s/(?<=[^ \*])\*/ \*/g;
return $type;
# The decision of what is an acceptable declaration was originally
# derived from version 0.30 (Inline 0.43).
my $re_plausible_place_to_begin_a_declaration = qr {
# The beginning of a line, possibly indented.
# (Accepting indentation allows for C code to be aligned with
# its surrounding perl, and for backwards compatibility with
# Inline 0.43).
(?m: ^ ) \s*
# Instead of using \s , we dont tolerate blank lines.
# This matches user expectation better than allowing arbitrary
# vertical whitespace.
my $sp = qr{[ \t]|\n(?![ \t]*\n)};
my $re_type = qr {(
(?: \w+ $sp* )+? # words
(?: \* $sp* )* # stars
my $re_identifier = qr{ (\w+) $sp* }xo;
while($code =~ m{
( $re_type $re_identifier $RE_balanced_parens $sp* (\;|\{) )
my($type, $identifier, $args, $what) = ($2,$3,$4,$5);
$args = "" if $args =~ /^\s+$/;
my $is_decl = $what eq ';';
my $function = $identifier;
my $return_type = &$normalize_type($type);
my @arguments = split ',', $args;
goto RESYNC if $is_decl && !$self->{data}{AUTOWRAP};
goto RESYNC if $self->{data}{done}{$function};
goto RESYNC if !defined
my $dummy_name = 'arg1';
foreach my $arg (@arguments) {
if(my($type, $identifier) =
$arg =~ /^\s*$re_type(?:$re_identifier)?\s*$/o)
my $arg_name = $identifier;
my $arg_type = &$normalize_type($type);
if(!defined $arg_name) {
goto RESYNC if !$is_decl;
$arg_name = $dummy_name++;
goto RESYNC if !defined
elsif($arg =~ /^\s*\.\.\.\s*$/) {
else {
goto RESYNC;
# Commit.
push @{$self->{data}{functions}}, $function;
$self->{data}{function}{$function}{return_type}= $return_type;
$self->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_names} = [@arg_names];
$self->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_types} = [@arg_types];
$self->{data}{done}{$function} = 1;
RESYNC: # Skip the rest of the current line, and continue.
$code =~ /\G[^\n]*\n/gc;
return 1; # We never fail.
=head1 NAME
Inline::C::ParseRegExp - The New and Improved Inline::C Parser
use Inline C => DATA =>
USING => ParseRegExp;
This module is a much faster version of Inline::C's Parse::RecDescent
parser. It is based on regular expressions instead.
=head2 AUTHOR
Mitchell N Charity <>
Copyright (c) 2002. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.