Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh /
package Psh::PerlEval;
# Must be on top of file before any "my" variables!
# array protected_eval(string EXPR, string FROM)
# Evaluates "$Psh::eval_preamble EXPR", handling trapped signals and
# printing errors properly. The FROM string is passed on to
# handle_message to indicate where errors came from.
# If EXPR ends in an ampersand, it is stripped and the eval is done in
# a forked copy of perl.
sub protected_eval
# Local package variables because lexical variables here mask
# variables of the same name in main!!
local ($Psh::PerlEval::str, $Psh::PerlEval::from) = @_;
local $Psh::PerlEval::redo_sentinel = 0;
# It's not possible to use fork_process for foreground perl
# as we would lose all variables etc.
{ #Dummy block to catch loop-control statements at outermost
#level in EXPR
# First, protect against infinite loop
# caused by redo:
if ($Psh::PerlEval::redo_sentinel) { last; }
$Psh::PerlEval::redo_sentinel = 1;
local $Psh::currently_active= -1;
$_= $Psh::PerlEval::lastscalar;
@_= @Psh::PerlEval::lastarray;
local @Psh::PerlEval::result= eval $Psh::eval_preamble.' package '.$Psh::PerlEval::current_package.'; '.$Psh::PerlEval::str;
$Psh::PerlEval::lastscalar= $_;
@Psh::PerlEval::lastarray= @_;
if ( !$@ && @Psh::PerlEval::result &&
$#Psh::PerlEval::result==0 && $Psh::PerlEval::str &&
$Psh::PerlEval::result[0] &&
$Psh::PerlEval::result[0] eq $Psh::PerlEval::str &&
!Psh::is_number($Psh::PerlEval::str) &&
$Psh::PerlEval::str=~ /^\s*\S+\s*$/ &&
$Psh::PerlEval::str!~ /^\s*(\'|\")\S+(\'|\")\s*$/ ) {
# Very whacky error handling
# If you pass one word to perl and it's no function etc
# it will simply return the word - that's not even a
# bug actually but in case of psh it's annoying
# so we try to detect these cases
return undef;
else {
if ($@) {
Psh::handle_message($@, $Psh::PerlEval::from);
return @Psh::PerlEval::result;
Psh::handle_message("Can't use loop control outside a block",
return undef;
# array variable_expansion (arrayref WORDS)
# For each element x of the array referred to by WORDS, substitute
# perl variables that appear in x respecting the quoting symbols ' and
# ", and return the array of substituted values. Substitutions inside
# quotes always return a single element in the resulting array;
# outside quotes, the result is split() and pushed on to the
# accumulating array of substituted values
sub variable_expansion
local ($Psh::arref) = @_;
local @Psh::retval = ();
local $Psh::word;
for $Psh::word (@{$Psh::arref}) {
if ($Psh::word =~ m/^\'/) { push @Psh::retval, $Psh::word; }
elsif ($Psh::word =~ m/^\"/) {
local $Psh::word2= $Psh::word;
$Psh::word2 =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
local $Psh::val = eval("$Psh::eval_preamble $Psh::word2");
if ($@) { push @Psh::retval, $Psh::word; }
else { push @Psh::retval, "\"$Psh::val\""; }
} else {
local $Psh::word2= $Psh::word;
$Psh::word2 =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
local $Psh::val = eval("$Psh::eval_preamble \"$Psh::word2\"");
if ($@) { push @Psh::retval, $Psh::word; }
else { push @Psh::retval, $Psh::val; }
# in former times we used to do a wordsplit here in
# case of success, but this breaks certain things and
# don't know exactly why it was here in the first place
return @Psh::retval;
=head1 NAME
Psh::PerlEval - package containing perl evaluation codes
use Psh::PerlEval;
=head1 AUTHOR
Glen Whitney I think..
=head1 SEE ALSO
# The following is for Emacs - I hope it won't annoy anyone
# but this could solve the problems with different tab widths etc
# Local Variables:
# tab-width:4
# indent-tabs-mode:t
# c-basic-offset:4
# perl-indent-level:4
# End: