Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh / Strategy /
package Psh::Strategy::Darwin_apps;
=item * C<darwin_apps>
This strategy will search for Mac OS X/Darwin .app bundles and
execute them using the system 'open' command'
require Psh::Strategy;
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_TOKENS;
sub runs_before {
return qw(eval);
sub _recursive_search {
my $file= shift;
my $dir= shift;
my $lvl= shift;
opendir( DIR, $dir) || return ();
my @files= readdir(DIR);
closedir( DIR);
my @result= map { Psh::OS::catdir($dir,$_) }
grep { lc("$") eq lc($_) } @files;
return $result[0] if @result;
if ($lvl<10) {
foreach my $tmp (@files) {
my $tmpdir= Psh::OS::catdir($dir,$tmp);
next if ! -d $tmpdir || !Psh::OS::no_upwards($tmp);
next if index($tmpdir,'.')>=0;
push @result, _recursive_search($file, $tmpdir, $lvl+1);
return $result[0] if @result;
sub applies {
my $com= @{$_[2]}->[0];
if ($com !~ m/$Psh::which_regexp/) { return ''; }
my $path=$ENV{APP_PATH}||'/Applications';
my @path= split /:/, $path;
my $executable;
foreach (@path) {
$executable= _recursive_search($com,$_,1);
last if $executable;
return $executable if defined $executable;
return '';
sub execute {
my $executable= $_[3];
my $tmp= CORE::system("/usr/bin/open $executable");
$tmp= $tmp/256;
return ($tmp==0, undef, undef, $tmp);