Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 /
## File:
## $Id:,v 2.10 2001/09/17 16:09:35 ehood Exp $
## Author:
## Earl Hood
## Description:
## Time related routines for mhonarc
## Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Earl Hood,
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
## 02111-1307, USA
package mhonarc;
## Date variables for date routines
my %Month2Num = (
'jan', 0, 'feb', 1, 'mar', 2, 'apr', 3, 'may', 4, 'jun', 5, 'jul', 6,
'aug', 7, 'sep', 8, 'oct', 9, 'nov', 10, 'dec', 11,
'january', 0, 'february', 1, 'march', 2, 'april', 3,
'may', 4, 'june', 5, 'july', 6, 'august', 7,
'september', 8, 'october', 9, 'november', 10, 'december', 11,
my %WDay2Num = (
'sun', 0, 'mon', 1, 'tue', 2, 'wed', 3, 'thu', 4, 'fri', 5, 'sat', 6,
'sunday', 0, 'monday', 1, 'tuesday', 2, 'wednesday', 3, 'thursday', 4,
'friday', 5, 'saturday', 6,
my @wdays = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
my @Wdays = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
'Friday', 'Saturday');
my @mons = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
my @Mons = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November',
## The following used in parse_date() regexes
my $p_weekdays = 'Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun';
my $p_Weekdays = 'Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday';
my $p_months = 'Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec';
my $p_Months = 'January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August'.
my $p_hrminsec = '\d{1,2}:\d\d:\d\d';
my $p_hrmin = '\d{1,2}:\d\d';
my $p_day = '\d{1,2}';
my $p_year = '\d\d\d\d|\d\d';
## Set weekday and month names. This allows localization of
## names.
sub set_date_names {
my($in_wd, $in_Wd, $in_m, $in_M) = @_;
@wdays = @$in_wd if defined($in_wd) && scalar(@$in_wd);
@Wdays = @$in_Wd if defined($in_Wd) && scalar(@$in_Wd);
@mons = @$in_m if defined($in_m) && scalar(@$in_m);
@Mons = @$in_M if defined($in_M) && scalar(@$in_M);
## Get date in date(1)-like format. $local flag is if local time
## should be used.
sub getdate {
&time2str('', time, $_[0]);
## Convert a calander time to a string.
sub time2str {
my($fmt, $time, $local) = @_;
my($date) = "";
## Get current date/time
my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
($local ? localtime($time) : gmtime($time));
## If format string blank, use default format
if ($fmt !~ /\S/) {
$fmt = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S';
$fmt .= ' GMT' unless $local;
$fmt .= ' %Y';
last POSIXMODCHK unless $POSIXstrftime;
eval { require POSIX; };
last POSIXMODCHK if ($@) || !defined(&POSIX::strftime);
return POSIX::strftime($fmt, $sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,
## Get here, we have to do it ourselves.
my($yearfull, $hour12);
$yearfull = $year + 1900;
$year = $year % 100;
$hour12 = $hour > 12 ? $hour-12 : $hour;
## Format output
$fmt =~ s/\%c/\%a \%b \%d \%H:\%M:\%S \%Y/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%a/$wdays[$wday]/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%A/$Wdays[$wday]/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%[bh]/$mons[$mon]/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%B/$Mons[$mon]/g;
$sec = sprintf("%02d", $sec);
$min = sprintf("%02d", $min);
$hour = sprintf("%02d", $hour);
$hour12 = sprintf("%02d", $hour12);
$mday = sprintf("%02d", $mday);
$mon = sprintf("%02d", $mon+1);
$year = sprintf("%02d", $year);
$yearfull = sprintf("%04d", $yearfull);
$wday = sprintf("%02d", $wday+1);
$yday = sprintf("%03d", $yday);
$fmt =~ s/\%d/$mday/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%H/$hour/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%I/$hour12/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%j/$yday/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%m/$mon/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%M/$min/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%n/\n/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%p/am/g if ($hour < 12);
$fmt =~ s/\%p/pm/g if ($hour >= 12);
$fmt =~ s/\%P/AM/g if ($hour < 12);
$fmt =~ s/\%P/PM/g if ($hour >= 12);
$fmt =~ s/\%S/$sec/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%w/$wday/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%y/$year/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%Y/$yearfull/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%\%/\%/g ;
$date = $fmt ;
$date ;
## parse_date takes a string date specified like the output of
## date(1) into its components. Parsing a string for a date is
## ugly since we have to watch out for differing formats.
## The following date formats are looked for:
## Wdy DD Mon YY HH:MM:SS Zone
## DD Mon YY HH:MM:SS Zone
## Wdy Mon DD HH:MM:SS Zone YYYY
## The routine keys off of the day of time field "HH:MM:SS" and
## scans realtive to its location.
## If the parse fails, a null array is returned. Thus the routine
## may be used as follows:
## if ( (@x = &parse_date($date)) ) { Success }
## else { Fail }
## If success the array contents are as follows:
## (Weekday (0-6), Day of the month (1-31), Month (0-11),
## Year, Hour, Minutes, Seconds, Time Zone)
## Contributer(s): Frank J. Manion <>
sub parse_date {
my($date) = $_[0];
my($wday, $mday, $mon, $yr, $time, $hr, $min, $sec, $zone);
my($start, $rest);
# Try to find the date by focusing on the "\d\d:\d\d" field.
# All parsing is then done relative to this location.
$date =~ s/^\s+//; $time = ""; $rest = "";
# Don't use $p_hrmin(sec) vars in split due to bug in perl 5.003.
($start, $time, $rest) = split(/(\b\d{1,2}:\d\d:\d\d)/o, $date, 2);
($start, $time, $rest) = split(/(\b\d{1,2}:\d\d)/o, $date, 2)
if !defined($time) or $time eq "";
return ()
unless defined($time) and $time ne "";
($hr, $min, $sec) = split(/:/, $time);
$sec = 0 unless $sec; # Sometimes seconds not defined
# Strip $start of all but the last 4 tokens,
# and stuff all tokens in $rest into @array
@array = split(' ', $start);
$start = join(' ', ($#array-3 < 0) ? @array[0..$#array] :
@array = split(' ', $rest);
$rest = join(' ', ($#array >= 1) ? @array[0..1] :
# Wdy DD Mon YY HH:MM:SS Zone
if ( $start =~
/($p_weekdays),*\s+($p_day)\s+($p_months)\s+($p_year)$/io ) {
($wday, $mday, $mon, $yr, $zone) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $array[0]);
# DD Mon YY HH:MM:SS Zone
} elsif ( $start =~ /($p_day)\s+($p_months)\s+($p_year)$/io ) {
($mday, $mon, $yr, $zone) = ($1, $2, $3, $array[0]);
# Wdy Mon DD HH:MM:SS Zone YYYY
} elsif ( $start =~ /($p_weekdays),?\s+($p_months)\s+($p_day)$/io ) {
($wday, $mon, $mday) = ($1, $2, $3);
if ( $rest =~ /^(\S+)\s+($p_year)/o ) { # Zone YYYY
($zone, $yr) = ($1, $2);
} elsif ( $rest =~ /^($p_year)/o ) { # YYYY
($yr) = ($1);
} else { # zilch, use current year
warn "Warning: No year in date ($date), using current\n";
$yr = (localtime(time))[5];
# Weekday Month DD YYYY HH:MM Zone
} elsif ( $start =~
/($p_Weekdays),?\s+($p_Months)\s+($p_day),?\s+($p_year)$/ ) {
($wday, $mon, $mday, $yr, $zone) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $array[0]);
# All else fails!
} else {
return ();
# Modify month and weekday for lookup
$mon = $Month2Num{lc $mon} if defined($mon);
$wday = $WDay2Num{lc $wday} if defined($wday);
($wday, $mday, $mon, $yr, $hr, $min, $sec, $zone);
## Routine to convert time in seconds to a month, day, and year
## format. The format can be "mmddyy", "yymmdd", "ddmmyy". The
## year can be specifed as "yyyy" if a 4 digit year is needed.
sub time2mmddyy {
my($time, $fmt) = ($_[0], $_[1]);
if ($time) {
($day,$mon,$year) = (localtime($time))[3,4,5];
$year += 1900;
## Compute length for year field
$ylen = $fmt =~ s/y/y/g;
substr($year, 0, 4 - $ylen) = '';
## Create string
if ($fmt =~ /ddmmyy/i) { # DDMMYY
$tmp = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%0${ylen}d", $day, $mon+1, $year);
} elsif ($fmt =~ /yymmdd/i) { # YYMMDD
$tmp = sprintf("%0${ylen}d/%02d/%02d", $year, $mon+1, $day);
} else { # MMDDYY
$tmp = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%0${ylen}d", $mon+1, $day, $year);
} else {
$tmp = "--/--/--";
## zone_offset_to_secs translates a [+-]HHMM zone offset to
## seconds.
sub zone_offset_to_secs {
my($off) = shift;
my($sign, $min);
## Check if just an hour specification
if (length($off) < 4) {
return $off * 3600;
## Check for sign
if ($off =~ s/-//) {
$sign = -1;
} else {
$sign = 1; s/\+//;
## Extract minutes
$min = substr($off, -2, 2);
substr($off, -2, 2) = ""; # Just leave hour in $off
## Translate to seconds
$sign * (($off * 3600) + ($min * 60));