Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 /
## File:
## $Id:,v 2.20 2002/10/20 02:53:00 ehood Exp $
## Author:
## Earl Hood
## Description:
## Utility routines for MHonArc
## MHonArc -- Internet mail-to-HTML converter
## Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Earl Hood,
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
## 02111-1307, USA
package mhonarc;
## RFC 2369 header fields to check for URLs
my %HFieldsList = (
'list-archive' => 1,
'list-help' => 1,
'list-owner' => 1,
'list-post' => 1,
'list-subscribe' => 1,
'list-unsubscribe' => 1,
## Header fields that contain addresses
my %HFieldsAddr = (
'apparently-from' => 1,
'apparently-to' => 1,
'bcc' => 1,
'cc' => 1,
'dcc' => 1,
'from' => 1,
'mail-reply-to' => 1,
'original-bcc' => 1,
'original-cc' => 1,
'original-from' => 1,
'original-sender' => 1,
'original-to' => 1,
'reply-to' => 1,
'resent-bcc' => 1,
'resent-cc' => 1,
'resent-from' => 1,
'resent-sender' => 1,
'resent-to' => 1,
'return-path' => 1,
'sender' => 1,
'to' => 1,
'x-envelope' => 1,
## Clip text to specified length.
sub clip_text {
my $str = \shift; # Prevent unnecessary copy.
my $len = shift; # Clip length
my $is_html = shift; # If entity references should be considered
my $has_tags = shift; # If html tags should be stripped
if (!$is_html) {
return substr($$str, 0, $len);
my $text = "";
my $subtext = "";
my $html_len = length($$str);
my($pos, $sublen, $erlen, $real_len);
my $er_len = 0;
for ( $pos=0, $sublen=$len; $pos < $html_len; ) {
$subtext = substr($$str, $pos, $sublen);
$pos += $sublen;
# strip tags
if ($has_tags) {
# Strip full tags
$subtext =~ s/<[^>]*>//g;
# Check if clipped part of a tag
if ($subtext =~ s/<[^>]*\Z//) {
my $gt = index($$str, '>', $pos);
$pos = ($gt < 0) ? $html_len : ($gt+1);
# check for clipped entity reference
if (($pos < $html_len) && ($subtext =~ /\&[^;]*\Z/)) {
my $semi = index($$str, ';', $pos);
if ($semi < 0) {
# malformed entity reference
$subtext .= substr($$str, $pos);
$pos = $html_len;
} else {
$subtext .= substr($$str, $pos, $semi-$pos+1);
$pos = $semi+1;
# compute entity reference lengths to determine "real" character
# count and not raw character count.
while ($subtext =~ /(\&[^;]+);/g) {
$er_len += length($1);
$text .= $subtext;
# done if we have enough
$real_len = length($text)-$er_len;
if ($real_len >= $len) {
$sublen = $len - (length($text)-$er_len);
## Get an e-mail address from (HTML) $str.
sub extract_email_address {
return '' unless defined $_[0];
my $str = shift;
if ($str =~ /($AddrExp)/o) {
return $1;
if ($str =~ /<(\S+)>/) {
return $1;
if ($str =~ s/\([^\)]+\)//) {
$str =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*/;
return $1;
$str =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*/;
return $1;
## Get an e-mail name from $str.
sub extract_email_name {
my($str) = shift;
if ($str =~ s/<(\S+)>//) { # Check for: name <addr>
$ret = $1;
if ($str =~ /\S/) {
$ret = $str;
} else { # no name
$ret =~ s/@.*//;
} elsif ($str =~ /"([^"]+)"/) { # Name in ""'s
$ret = $1;
} elsif ($str =~ /\(([^\)]+)\)/) { # Name in ()'s
$ret = $1;
} else { # Just address
($ret = $str) =~ s/@.*//;
$ret =~ s/^["\s]+//g; $ret =~ s/["\s]+$//g;
## Routine to sort messages
sub sort_messages {
my($nosort, $subsort, $authsort, $revsort) = @_;
$nosort = $NOSORT if !defined($nosort);
$subsort = $SUBSORT if !defined($subsort);
$authsort = $AUTHSORT if !defined($authsort);
$revsort = $REVSORT if !defined($revsort);
if ($nosort) {
## Process order
if ($revsort) {
return sort { $IndexNum{$b} <=> $IndexNum{$a} } keys %Subject;
} else {
return sort { $IndexNum{$a} <=> $IndexNum{$b} } keys %Subject;
} elsif ($subsort) {
## Subject order
my(%sub, $idx, $sub);
use locale;
eval {
my $hs = scalar(%Subject); $hs =~ s|^[^/]+/||;
keys(%sub) = $hs;
while (($idx, $sub) = each(%Subject)) {
$sub = lc $sub;
1 while $sub =~ s/$SubReplyRxp//io;
$sub =~ s/$SubArtRxp//io;
$sub{$idx} = $sub;
if ($revsort) {
return sort { ($sub{$a} cmp $sub{$b}) ||
(get_time_from_index($b) <=> get_time_from_index($a))
} keys %Subject;
} else {
return sort { ($sub{$a} cmp $sub{$b}) ||
(get_time_from_index($a) <=> get_time_from_index($b))
} keys %Subject;
} elsif ($authsort) {
## Author order
my(%from, $idx, $from);
use locale;
eval {
my $hs = scalar(%From); $hs =~ s|^[^/]+/||;
keys(%from) = $hs;
while (($idx, $from) = each(%From)) {
$from = lc extract_email_name($from);
$from{$idx} = $from;
if ($revsort) {
return sort { ($from{$a} cmp $from{$b}) ||
(get_time_from_index($b) <=> get_time_from_index($a))
} keys %Subject;
} else {
return sort { ($from{$a} cmp $from{$b}) ||
(get_time_from_index($a) <=> get_time_from_index($b))
} keys %Subject;
} else {
## Date order
if ($revsort) {
return sort { (get_time_from_index($b) <=> get_time_from_index($a))
|| ($IndexNum{$b} <=> $IndexNum{$a})
} keys %Subject;
} else {
return sort { (get_time_from_index($a) <=> get_time_from_index($b))
|| ($IndexNum{$a} <=> $IndexNum{$b})
} keys %Subject;
## Message-sort routines for sort().
sub increase_index {
(&get_time_from_index($a) <=> &get_time_from_index($b)) ||
($IndexNum{$a} <=> $IndexNum{$b});
## Routine for formating a message number for use in filenames or links.
sub fmt_msgnum {
sprintf("%05d", $_[0]);
## Routine to get filename of a message number.
sub msgnum_filename {
my($fmtstr) = "$MsgPrefix%05d.$HtmlExt";
$fmtstr .= ".gz" if $GzipLinks;
sprintf($fmtstr, $_[0]);
## Routine to get filename of an index
sub get_filename_from_index {
## Routine to get time component from index
sub get_time_from_index {
(split(/$X/o, $_[0], 2))[0];
## Routine to get annotation of a message
sub get_note {
my $index = shift;
my $file = join($DIRSEP, get_note_dir(),
if (!open(NOTEFILE, $file)) { return ""; }
my $ret = join("", <NOTEFILE>);
## Routine to determine if a message has an annotation
sub note_exists {
my $index = shift;
-e join($DIRSEP, get_note_dir(),
## Routine to get full pathname to annotation directory
sub get_note_dir {
if (!OSis_absolute_path($NoteDir)) {
return join($DIRSEP, $OUTDIR, $NoteDir);
## Routine to get lc author name from index
sub get_base_author {
lc extract_email_name($From{$_[0]});
## Determine time from date. Use %Zone for timezone offsets
sub get_time_from_date {
my($mday, $mon, $yr, $hr, $min, $sec, $zone) = @_;
my($time) = 0;
$yr -= 1900 if $yr >= 1900; # if given full 4 digit year
$yr += 100 if $yr <= 37; # in case of 2 digit years
if (($yr < 70) || ($yr > 137)) {
warn "Warning: Bad year (", $yr+1900, ") using current\n";
$yr = (localtime(time))[5];
## If $zone, grab gmt time, else grab local
if ($zone) {
$zone =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$time = &timegm($sec,$min,$hr,$mday,$mon,$yr);
# try to modify time/date based on timezone
# numeric timezone
if ($zone =~ /^[\+-]\d+$/) {
$time -= &zone_offset_to_secs($zone);
last OFFSET;
# Zone
if (defined($Zone{$zone})) {
# timezone abbrev
$time += &zone_offset_to_secs($Zone{$zone});
last OFFSET;
# Zone[+-]DDDD
if ($zone =~ /^([A-Z]\w+)([\+-]\d+)$/) {
$time -= &zone_offset_to_secs($2);
if (defined($Zone{$1})) {
$time += &zone_offset_to_secs($Zone{$1});
last OFFSET;
# undefined timezone
warn qq|Warning: Unrecognized time zone, "$zone"\n|;
} else {
$time = &timelocal($sec,$min,$hr,$mday,$mon,$yr);
## Routine to check if time has expired.
sub expired_time {
($ExpireTime && (time - $_[0] > $ExpireTime)) ||
($_[0] < $ExpireDateTime);
## Get HTML tags for formatting message headers
sub get_header_tags {
my($f) = shift;
my($ftago, $ftagc, $tago, $tagc);
## Get user specified tags (this is one funcky looking code)
$tag = (defined($HeadHeads{$f}) ?
$HeadHeads{$f} : $HeadHeads{"-default-"});
$ftag = (defined($HeadFields{$f}) ?
$HeadFields{$f} : $HeadFields{"-default-"});
if ($tag) { $tago = "<$tag>"; $tagc = "</$tag>"; }
else { $tago = $tagc = ''; }
if ($ftag) { $ftago = "<$ftag>"; $ftagc = "</$ftag>"; }
else { $ftago = $ftagc = ''; }
($tago, $tagc, $ftago, $ftagc);
## Format message headers in HTML.
## $html = htmlize_header($fields_hash_ref);
sub htmlize_header {
my $fields = shift;
$tago, $tagc,
$ftago, $ftagc,
my $mesg = "";
my %hf = %$fields;
foreach $item (@FieldOrder) {
if ($item eq '-extra-') {
foreach $key (sort keys %hf) {
next if $FieldODefs{$key};
next if $key =~ /^x-mha-/;
delete $hf{$key}, next if &exclude_field($key);
@array = @{$hf{$key}};
foreach $tmp (@array) {
$tmp = $HFieldsList{$key} ? mlist_field_add_links($tmp) :
$tmp = field_add_links($key, $tmp, $fields);
($tago, $tagc, $ftago, $ftagc) = get_header_tags($key);
$mesg .= join('', $LABELBEG,
$tago, htmlize(ucfirst($key)), $tagc,
$FLDBEG, $ftago, $tmp, $ftagc, $FLDEND,
delete $hf{$key};
} else {
if (!&exclude_field($item) && $hf{$item}) {
@array = @{$hf{$item}};
foreach $tmp (@array) {
$tmp = $HFieldsList{$item} ? mlist_field_add_links($tmp) :
$tmp = field_add_links($item, $tmp, $fields);
($tago, $tagc, $ftago, $ftagc) = &get_header_tags($item);
$mesg .= join('', $LABELBEG,
$tago, htmlize(ucfirst($item)), $tagc,
$FLDBEG, $ftago, $tmp, $ftagc, $FLDEND,
delete $hf{$item};
if ($mesg) { $mesg = $FIELDSBEG . $mesg . $FIELDSEND; }
sub mlist_field_add_links {
my $txt = shift;
my $ret = "";
foreach (split(/(<[^>]+>)/, $txt)) {
if (/^<\w+:/) {
chop; substr($_, 0, 1) = "";
$ret .= qq|&lt;<a href="$_">$_</a>&gt;|;
} else {
$ret .= &$MHeadCnvFunc($_);
## Routine to add mailto/news links to a message header string.
sub field_add_links {
my $label = lc shift;
my $fld_text = shift;
my $fields = shift;
if ($HFieldsAddr{$label}) {
if (!$NOMAILTO) {
$fld_text =~ s|([\!\%\w\.\-+=/]+@[\w\.\-]+)
|&mailUrl($1, $fields->{'x-mha-message-id'},
} else {
$fld_text =~ s|([\!\%\w\.\-+=/]+@[\w\.\-]+)
last LBLSW;
if ($label eq 'newsgroup') {
$fld_text = newsurl($fld_text) unless $NONEWS;
last LBLSW;
last LBLSW;
## Routine to add news links of newsgroups names
sub newsurl {
my $str = shift;
my $h = "";
if ($str =~ s/^([^:]*:\s*)//) {
$h = $1;
$str =~ s/\s//g; # Strip whitespace
my @groups = split(/,/, $str); # Split groups
foreach (@groups) { # Make hyperlinks
s|(.*)|<a href="news:$1">$1</a>|;
$h . join(', ', @groups); # Rejoin string
## $html = mailUrl($email_addr, $msgid, $subject, $from);
sub mailUrl {
my $eaddr = shift || '';
my $msgid = shift || '';
my $sub = shift || '';
my $from = shift || '';
local $_;
my($url) = ($MAILTOURL);
my($to) = (&urlize($eaddr));
my($toname, $todomain) = map { urlize($_) } split(/@/,$eaddr,2);
my($froml, $msgidl) = (&urlize($from), &urlize($msgid));
my($fromaddrl) = (&extract_email_address($from));
my($faddrnamel, $faddrdomainl) = map { urlize($_) } split(/@/,$fromaddrl,2);
$fromaddrl = &urlize($fromaddrl);
# Add "Re:" to subject if not present
if ($sub !~ /^$SubReplyRxp/io) {
$subjectl = 'Re:%20' . &urlize($sub);
} else {
$subjectl = &urlize($sub);
$url =~ s/\$FROM\$/$froml/g;
$url =~ s/\$FROMADDR\$/$fromaddrl/g;
$url =~ s/\$FROMADDRNAME\$/$faddrnamel/g;
$url =~ s/\$FROMADDRDOMAIN\$/$faddrdomainl/g;
$url =~ s/\$MSGID\$/$msgidl/g;
$url =~ s/\$SUBJECT\$/$subjectl/g;
$url =~ s/\$SUBJECTNA\$/$subjectl/g;
$url =~ s/\$TO\$/$to/g;
$url =~ s/\$TOADDRNAME\$/$toname/g;
$url =~ s/\$TOADDRDOMAIN\$/$todomain/g;
$url =~ s/\$ADDR\$/$to/g;
qq|<a href="$url">| . &htmlize(&rewrite_address($eaddr)) . q|</a>|;
## Routine to parse variable definitions in a string. The
## function returns a list of variable/value pairs. The format of
## the string is similiar to attribute specification lists in
## SGML, but NAMEs are any non-whitespace character.
sub parse_vardef_str {
my($org) = shift;
my($lower) = shift;
my(%hash) = ();
my($str, $q, $var, $value);
($str = $org) =~ s/^\s+//;
while ($str =~ s/^([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*//) {
$var = $1;
if ($str =~ s/^(['"])//) {
$q = $1;
if (!($q eq "'" ? $str =~ s/^([^']*)'// :
$str =~ s/^([^"]*)"//)) {
warn "Warning: Unclosed quote in: $org\n";
return ();
$value = $1;
} else {
if ($str =~ s/^(\S+)//) {
$value = $1;
} else {
warn "Warning: No value after $var in: $org\n";
return ();
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
$hash{$lower? lc($var): $var} = $value;
if ($str =~ /\S/) {
warn "Warning: Trailing characters in: $org\n";
sub msgid_to_filename {
my $msgid = shift;
if ($VMS) {
$msgid =~ s/([^\w\-])/sprintf("=%02X",unpack("C",$1))/geo;
} else {
$msgid =~ s/([^\w.\-\@])/sprintf("=%02X",unpack("C",$1))/geo;
## Check if new follow up list for a message is different from
## old follow up list.
sub is_follow_ups_diff {
my $f = $Follow{$_[0]};
my $o = $FollowOld{$_[0]};
if (defined($f) && defined($o)) {
return 1 unless @$f == @$o;
local $^W = 0;
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i < @$f; ++$i) {
return 1 if $f->[$i] ne $o->[$i];
return 0;
return (defined($f) || defined($o));
## Retrieve icon URL for specified content-type.
sub get_icon_url {
my $ctype = shift;
my $icon = $Icons{$ctype};
last ICON if defined $icon;
if ($ctype =~ s|/.*||) {
$ctype .= '/*';
$icon = $Icons{$ctype};
last ICON if defined $icon;
$icon = $Icons{'*/*'} || $Icons{'unknown'};
if (!defined($icon)) {
return (undef, undef, undef);
if ($icon =~ s/\[(\d+)x(\d+)\]//) {
return ($icon, $1, $2);
($icon, undef, undef);
sub log_mesg {
my $fh = shift;
my $doDate = shift;
if ($doDate) {
my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time);
print $fh sprintf("[%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] ",
$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
print $fh @_;
sub dump_hash {
my $fh = shift;
my $h = shift;
local $_;
foreach (sort keys %$h) {
print $fh "$_ => ", $h->{$_}, "\n";