Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / sun4-solaris /
package Cudd;
use strict;
use Carp;
require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;
require AutoLoader;
@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT = qw(
$VERSION = '0.06';
# This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
# XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
# to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
my $constname;
($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
if ($! != 0) {
if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
else {
croak "Your vendor has not defined Cudd macro $constname";
eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
bootstrap Cudd $VERSION;
# Preloaded methods go here.
=head1 NAME
Cudd - Perl extension for BDDs
C<use Cudd;>
C<my $manager = new Cudd;>
and so on
Cudd extends Perl so that it manipulates Binary Decision Diagrams
(BDDs) by providing an object-oriented encapsulation of the CUDD
package. The CUDD package is written in C and contains a large
collection of efficient BDD manipulation functions. Only a small
fraction of those functions are currently made available by the Cudd
module. Those that are available, however, allow one to accomplish
most tasks.
The methods defined by Cudd are divided into two packages. The first
package, Cudd, defines methods that create and manipulate BDD managers
and BDD variables. These are the methods defined in package Cudd:
=over 4
=item new
Creates a new BDD manager.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $numVars = shift || 0;
my $numVarsZ = shift || 0;
my $numSlots = shift || &Cudd::UNIQUE_SLOTS;
my $cacheSize = shift || &Cudd::CACHE_SLOTS;
my $maxMemory = shift || 0;
my $manager = Init($numVars,$numVarsZ,$numSlots,$cacheSize,$maxMemory);
bless \$manager, $class;
return \$manager;
my $manager = shift;
my $retval = CheckZeroRef($$manager);
if ($retval != 0) {
print "In Cudd::DESTROY $retval non-zero references\n";
=item BddVar
Creates a new variable in a BDD manager.
sub BddVar {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = bddNewVar($$manager);
my $BDD = Cudd::BDD->new($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item BddOne
Returns the constant 1 of a BDD manager.
sub BddOne {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = ReadOne($$manager);
my $BDD = Cudd::BDD->new($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Reorder
Reorders the BDDs of a manager.
sub Reorder {
my $manager = shift;
my $method = shift || &Cudd::REORDER_SAME;
my $minsize = shift || 1;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
=item EnableDyn
Enables dynamic reordering for a BDD manager.
sub EnableDyn {
my $manager = shift;
my $method = shift || &Cudd::REORDER_SAME;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
=item DisableDyn
Disables dynamic reordering for a BDD manager.
sub DisableDyn {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
=item ReportReordering
Enables reporting of dynamic reordering.
sub ReportReordering {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
=item DoNotReportReordering
Disables reporting of dynamic reordering.
sub DoNotReportReordering {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
=item Info
Prints statistical information on a BDD manager.
sub Info {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $retval = Cudd::PrintInfo($$manager);
croak "Error while printing manager info" if ($retval != 1);
=item PeakLiveNodes
Returns the peak number of live nodes in the manager.
sub PeakLiveNodes {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $retval = Cudd::ReadPeakLiveNodeCount($$manager);
return $retval;
=item LiveNodes
Returns the number of live nodes in the manager.
sub LiveNodes {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $retval = Cudd::ReadNodeCount($$manager);
return $retval;
=item DynReorderingStatus
Returns a list with two elements. The first is 1 if reordering is
currently enabled and 0 otherwise; the second is the reordering method
currently selected.
sub DynReorderingStatus {
my $manager = shift;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @retval = Cudd::ReorderingStatus($$manager);
return @retval;
=back 4
package Cudd::BDD;
use Carp;
use overload
'+' => "Or",
'*' => "And",
'/' => "Cofactor",
'^' => "Xor",
'!' => "Not",
'==' => "Equal",
'!=' => "Unequal",
'<=' => "Leq",
'>=' => "Geq",
'""' => sub { return "OK"; },
'bool' => sub { my $self = shift; return $self->Unequal($self->Zero); }
The second package in module Cudd is Cudd::BDD. It defines methods
that manipulate BDDs. Starting with a set of variables belonging to a
manager, the functions in this package allow one to create BDDs for
arbitrary functions over those variables. These are the methods
defined by Cudd::BDD:
=over 4
sub new {
my ($class,$manager,$node) = @_;
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
# carp "In Cudd::BDD::new: creating $node\n";
bless { manager => $manager,
node => $node
}, $class;
my $self = shift;
my $manager = $self->{manager};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
# carp "In Cudd::BDD::DESTROY: dereferencing $self->{node}\n";
=item One
Returns the constant 1 BDD from the manager of $f.
sub One {
my $f = shift;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
return $manager->BddOne;
=item Zero
Returns the constant 0 BDD from the manager of $f.
sub Zero {
my $f = shift;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
return !$manager->BddOne;
=item And
Computes the conjunction of two BDDs. Overloads '*'.
sub And {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddAnd($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Or
Computes the disjunction of two BDDs. Overloads '+'.
sub Or {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddOr($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Xor
Computes the exclusive or of two BDDs. Overloads '^'.
sub Xor {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddXor($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
sub Xnor {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddXnor($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Nand
Computes the NAND of two BDDs.
sub Nand {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddNand($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Nor
Computes the NOR of two BDDs.
sub Nor {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddNor($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Cofactor
Computes the cofactor of a BDD with respect to another. Uses the constrain
algorithm. Overloads '/'.
sub Cofactor {
my ($f,$c) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
my $node = Cudd::bddConstrain($$manager,$f->{'node'},$c->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Restrict
Computes the cofactor of a BDD with respect to another. Uses the restrict
sub Restrict {
my ($f,$c) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
my $node = Cudd::bddRestrict($$manager,$f->{'node'},$c->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Squeeze
Finds a small BDD in an interval.
sub Squeeze {
my ($l,$u) = @_;
my $manager = $l->{'manager'};
my $node = Cudd::bddSqueeze($$manager,$l->{'node'},$u->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Exists
Existentially quantifies the variables in a cube from a BDD.
sub Exists {
my ($cube,$f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddExistAbstract($$manager,$f->{'node'},$cube->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Forall
Universally quantifies the variables in a cube from a BDD.
sub Forall {
my ($cube,$f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddUnivAbstract($$manager,$f->{'node'},$cube->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item AndExists
Existentially quantifies the variables in a cube from the conjunction of
two BDDs.
sub AndExists {
my ($cube,$f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddAndAbstract($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'},
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Compose
Composes a BDD $g into a BDD $f substituting variable $var.
sub Compose {
my ($f,$var,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $index = Cudd::NodeReadIndex($var->{'node'});
my $node = Cudd::bddCompose($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'},$index);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item BooleanDiff
Computes the boolean difference of a BDD with respect to one variable.
sub BooleanDiff {
my ($f,$var) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $index = Cudd::NodeReadIndex($var->{'node'});
my $node = Cudd::bddBooleanDiff($$manager,$f->{'node'},$index);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Correlation
Computes the correlation of two BDDs. The result is a number between 0
and 1. A value of 1 indicates that the functions $f and $g are
identical. A value of 0 indicates that they are complementary.
sub Correlation {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $correl = Cudd::bddCorrelation($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
return $correl;
=item Decreasing
Returns 1 if the BDD $f is monotonic decreasing (negative unate) in
variable $var; 0 otherwise.
sub Decreasing {
my ($f,$var) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $index = Cudd::NodeReadIndex($var->{'node'});
my $retval = Cudd::Decreasing($$manager,$f->{'node'},$index);
return $retval;
=item Increasing
Returns 1 if the BDD $f is monotonic increasing (positive unate) in
variable $var; 0 otherwise.
sub Increasing {
my ($f,$var) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $index = Cudd::NodeReadIndex($var->{'node'});
my $retval = Cudd::Increasing($$manager,$f->{'node'},$index);
return $retval;
=item Essentials
Finds the essential variables of a BDD. Returns an array of all essentials.
Negative essentials correspond to negative literals.
sub Essentials {
my ($f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $essref = Cudd::FindEssential($$manager,$f->{'node'});
my @essentials = ();
foreach (@$essref) {
my $ess = $_;
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$ess);
return \@essentials;
=item Support
Returns a cube of all the variables in the support of $f.
sub Support {
my ($f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $support = Cudd::Support($$manager,$f->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$support);
return $BDD;
=item LiteralSetIntersection
Computes the intersection of two literal sets represented by cube BDDs.
sub LiteralSetIntersection {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddLiteralSetIntersection($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item SwapVariables
Swaps two sets of variables in a BDD.
sub SwapVariables {
my ($f,$xref,$yref) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @xvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$xref);
my @yvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$yref);
my $node = Cudd::bddSwapVariables($$manager,$f->{'node'},\@xvars,\@yvars);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item SolveEqn
Solves a boolean equation. The first argument $f is the left-hand side
of the equation $f = 0. The second argument is a reference to the
array of the unknowns. The variables that are not unknowns are
sub SolveEqn {
my ($f,$varref) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $cube = $manager->BddOne;
foreach (@$varref) {
my $var = $_;
$cube *= $var;
my $numvar = @$varref;
my ($consist,$solref) = Cudd::SolveEqn($$manager,$f->{'node'},
my $BDD;
$BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$consist);
my @solutions = ();
foreach (@$solref) {
my $sol = $_;
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$sol);
=item Signatures
Computes the variable signatures in a BDD. The signature of a variable
is the fraction of minterms in the on-set of the cofactor w.r.t. to
that variable. The function returns an array of as many signatures as
there are variables plus one. The last element of the array is the
fraction of minterms in the ON-set of the BDD, and can be used to
normalize the variable signatures.
sub Signatures {
my $f = shift;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
return Cudd::CofMinterm($$manager,$f->{'node'});
=item NormSignatures
Returns signatures normalized between 0 and 2. See also Signatures.
sub NormSignatures {
my $f = shift;
my $raw = Cudd::BDD::Signatures($f);
my $size = @$raw;
my $result = [map {$$raw[$_] / $$raw[$size-1]} (0..$size-2)];
=item SubsetHB
Computes a subset of a BDD with a maximum number of nodes. Uses the
heavy branch approach.
sub SubsetHB {
my ($f,$th) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $numVars = Cudd::ReadSize($$manager);
my $node = Cudd::SubsetHeavyBranch($$manager,$f->{'node'},$numVars,$th);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
=item SubsetSP
Computes a subset of a BDD with a maximum number of nodes. Uses the
short paths approach.
sub SubsetSP {
my ($f,$th) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $numVars = Cudd::ReadSize($$manager);
my $node = Cudd::SubsetShortPaths($$manager,$f->{'node'},$numVars,$th,0);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
=item SupersetHB
Computes a superset of a BDD with a maximum number of nodes. Uses the
heavy branch approach.
sub SupersetHB {
my ($f,$th) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $numVars = Cudd::ReadSize($$manager);
my $node = Cudd::SupersetHeavyBranch($$manager,$f->{'node'},$numVars,$th);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
=item SupersetSP
Computes a superset of a BDD with a maximum number of nodes. Uses the
short paths approach.
sub SupersetSP {
my ($f,$th) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $numVars = Cudd::ReadSize($$manager);
my $node = Cudd::SupersetShortPaths($$manager,$f->{'node'},$numVars,$th,0);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
=item NewAdjVar
Creates a new variable adjacent to the given variable. Useful in creating the next state variables of FSMs.
sub NewAdjVar {
my $var = shift;
my $manager = $var->{manager};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $index = Cudd::NodeReadIndex($var->{node});
my $level = Cudd::ReadPerm($$manager,$index);
my $node = Cudd::bddNewVarAtLevel($$manager,$level);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item GroupVars
Creates a group of variables to be kept adjacent during reordering.
sub GroupVars {
my $self = shift;
my $size = shift || 2;
my $method = shift || &Cudd::MTR_DEFAULT;
my $manager = $self->{manager};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $index = Cudd::NodeReadIndex($self->{node});
my $retval = Cudd::MakeTreeNode($$manager,$index,$size,$method);
return $retval;
=item Not
Returns the complement of a BDD. Overloads '!'.
sub Not {
my ($f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::Not($f->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Equal
Returns 1 if the two arguments are equivalent; 0 otherwise. Overloads '=='.
sub Equal {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
return (${$f->{'node'}} == ${$g->{'node'}}) ? 1 : 0;
=item Unequal
Returns 1 if the two arguments are not equivalent; 0 otherwise. Overloads '!='.
sub Unequal {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
return (${$f->{'node'}} != ${$g->{'node'}}) ? 1 : 0;
=item Leq
Compares two BDDs $f and $g and returns 1 if $f is less than or equal to $g.
Overloads '<='.
sub Leq {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
return Cudd::bddLeq($$manager, $f->{'node'}, $g->{'node'});
=item Geq
Compares two BDDs $f and $g and returns 1 if $f is greater than or equal to $g.
Overloads '>='.
sub Geq {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
return Cudd::bddLeq($$manager, $g->{'node'}, $f->{'node'});
=item IsComplement
Returns 1 if the BDD node is complemented, that is, if the BDD evaluates to 0 when all variables are assigned 1.
sub IsComplement {
my $f = shift;
return Cudd::IsComplement($f->{'node'});
=item ShortestPath
Computes a shortest path in a BDD.
sub ShortestPath {
my ($f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $length = 0;
my $node = Cudd::ShortestPath($$manager, $f->{'node'}, $length);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Size
Returns the number of nodes in the BDD or BDDs passed as arguments.
sub Size {
my ($f) = @_;
if (ref($f) eq "Cudd::BDD") {
$f = [$f->{'node'}];
} elsif (ref($f) eq "ARRAY") {
$f = [map $_->{'node'}, (@$f)];
} elsif (ref($f) eq "HASH") {
$f = [map $_->{'node'}, values(%$f)];
my $size = Cudd::SharingSize($f);
return $size;
=item Minterms
Returns the number of minterms of the BDD. The function of the BDD is
supposed to depend on C<$n> variables.
sub Minterms {
my ($f,$n) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $retval = Cudd::CountMinterm($$manager, $f->{'node'}, $n);
return $retval;
=item Print
Prints information about a BDD $f. The $pr parameter controls how much
information is printed. The $n parameter specifies how many inputs $f depends
on. This information is necessary to compute the number of minterms.
sub Print {
my ($f,$n,$pr) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $retval = Cudd::PrintDebug($$manager,$f->{'node'},$n,$pr);
return $retval;
=item Dot
Prints a description of a set of BDDs in dot format. The function has
one mandatory parameter, the list of BDDs for which the dot
description is desired, and two optional parameters, the array of
input names and the array of output names. All parameters are array
references. If the input names are omitted but the output names are
not, a reference to an empty array ([]) should be passed for the input
sub Dot {
my $fref = shift;
my ($inameref,$onameref);
if (@_) {
$inameref = shift;
} else {
$inameref = [];
if (@_) {
$onameref = shift;
} else {
$onameref = [];
my $first = $$fref[0];
my $manager = $first->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @f = ();
foreach (@$fref) {
my $f = $_;
my $retval = Cudd::DumpDot($$manager,\@f,$onameref,$inameref);
warn "Error while writing dot file" if ($retval != 1);
return $retval;
=item Intersect
Computes a function included in the intersection of $f and $g. (That
is, a witness that the intersection is not empty.) Intersect tries to
build as few new nodes as possible.
sub Intersect {
my ($f,$g) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::bddIntersect($$manager,$f->{'node'},$g->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item ConstrainDecomp
BDD conjunctive decomposition as in the CAV96 paper by McMillan. The
decomposition is canonical only for a given variable order. If
canonicity is required, variable ordering must be disabled after the
decomposition has been computed. Returns an array with one entry for
each BDD variable.
sub ConstrainDecomp {
my ($f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $decref = Cudd::bddConstrainDecomp($$manager,$f->{'node'});
my @decomp = ();
foreach (@$decref) {
my $dec = $_;
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$dec);
return \@decomp;
=item CharToVect
Computes a vector of functions such that their image equals a non-zero
function. Returns an array with one entry for each BDD variable.
sub CharToVect {
my ($f) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $vecref = Cudd::bddCharToVect($$manager,$f->{'node'});
my @vect = ();
foreach (@$vecref) {
my $vec = $_;
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$vec);
return \@vect;
=item PrioritySelect
Selects pairs from a relation C<R(x,y)> (given as a BDD)
in such a way that a given x appears in one pair only. Uses a
priority function to determine which y should be paired to a given x.
sub PrioritySelect {
my ($f,$Pi,$xref,$yref,$zref) = @_;
my $manager = $f->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @xvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$xref);
my @yvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$yref);
my @zvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$zref);
my $node = Cudd::PrioritySelect($$manager,$f->{'node'},$Pi->{'node'},
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item PiDxygtdxz
Returns the priority function that is 1 if the distance of x from y is greater than the distance of x from z.
sub PiDxygtdxz {
my ($xref,$yref,$zref) = @_;
my $first = $$xref[0];
my $manager = $first->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @xvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$xref);
my @yvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$yref);
my @zvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$zref);
my $node = Cudd::Dxygtdxz($$manager,\@xvars,\@yvars,\@zvars);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item PiDxygtdyz
Returns the priority function that is 1 if the distance of x from y is greater than the distance of y from z.
sub PiDxygtdyz {
my ($xref,$yref,$zref) = @_;
my $first = $$xref[0];
my $manager = $first->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @xvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$xref);
my @yvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$yref);
my @zvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$zref);
my $node = Cudd::Dxygtdyz($$manager,\@xvars,\@yvars,\@zvars);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item PiXgty
Returns the priority function that is 1 if x is greater than y.
sub PiXgty {
my ($zref,$xref,$yref) = @_;
my $first = $$xref[0];
my $manager = $first->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @zvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$zref);
my @xvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$xref);
my @yvars = map $_->{'node'}, (@$yref);
my $node = Cudd::Xgty($$manager,\@zvars,\@xvars,\@yvars);
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item CProjection
Applies the C-Projection to a relation R.
sub CProjection {
my ($R,$Y) = @_;
my $manager = $R->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my $node = Cudd::CProjection($$manager,$R->{'node'},$Y->{'node'});
my $BDD = new Cudd::BDD($manager,$node);
return $BDD;
=item Shuffle
Imposes a given order.
sub Shuffle {
my $varref = shift;
my $first = $$varref[0];
my $manager = $first->{'manager'};
croak "Invalid reference" unless ref $manager;
my @permutation = ();
foreach (@$varref) {
my $var = $_;
my $index = Cudd::NodeReadIndex($var->{node});
return Cudd::ShuffleHeap($$manager,\@permutation);
package Cudd;
# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
# Documentation.
=back 4
Package Cudd:BDD overloads common operators as follows:
C<+ > -> Or
C<* > -> And
C<^ > -> Xor
C<! > -> Not
C</ > -> Cofactor
C<==> -> Equal
C<!=> -> Unequal
C<E<lt>=> -> Leq
C<E<gt>=> -> Geq
=head1 EXAMPLE
The following code fragment creates a manager, two variables C<$x> and
C<$y> in it, and then builds and prints the conjunction of the two
my $manager = new Cudd;
my $x = $manager->BddVar;
my $y = $manager->BddVar;
my $z = $x * $y;
$z->Print(2,1); # (2 variables, verbosity 1)
=head1 AUTHOR
Fabio Somenzi, Fabio@Colorado.EDU
=head1 SEE ALSO