Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / sun4-solaris / Tk / demos / widtrib /
# A N-puzzle implemented via the Grid geometry manager.
# This program is described in the Perl/Tk column from Volume 1, Issue 4 of
# The Perl Journal (, and is included in the Perl/Tk
# distribution with permission. It has been modified slightly to conform
# to the widget demo standard.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# puz - demonstrate the Grid geometry manager by implementing an n-puzzle.
# Stephen O. Lidie, Lehigh University Computing Center, lusol@Lehigh.EDU
# 96/08/11.
# Copyright (C) 1996 - 1998 Stephen O. Lidie. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as Perl itself.
require 5.002;
use Tk;
use Tk::Dialog;
use strict;
use subs qw(beep create_puz create_ui puz_fini move_piece new_puz randomly xy);
my $CAMEL; # Perl/Tk Xcamel.gif Photo image
my $CAMEL_HEIGHT; # Xcamel height
my $CAMEL_WIDTH; # Xcamel width
my (@LEVELS) = (9, 16, 36, 64); # possible puzzle piece counts
my $MW = MainWindow->new; # program's main window
my @ORDER; # random puzzle piece ordinals
my $PIECES = $LEVELS[1]; # total puzzle piece count
my $OLD_PIECES = -1; # previous puzzle piece count
my $PF; # puzzle Frame
my @PUZ; # puzzle piece information
my $SIDE; # pieces per side of puzzle
my $SPACE; # shortcut to puzzle space piece
my $SPACE_IMAGE; # space piece image
sub beep {$MW->bell}
sub create_puz {
return if $PIECES == $OLD_PIECES;
# Create all the puzzle pieces - buttons with images - and arrange them
# in a rectangular grid. @PUZ is a list of button widget references which
# represent the puzzle pieces.
# The actual ordering is controlled by @ORDER, a list of list of two:
# $ORDER[$i]->[0] = puzzle piece ordinal
# $ORDER[$i]->[1] = random number used to shuffle the puzzle ordinals
# If the puzzle frame $PF exists, we've been here before, which means that
# all images and widgets associated with the previous puzzle need
# destroying, plugging a potential memory leak. It's important to note
# that an image must be explicity deleted - it doesn't magically go away
# if a widget, which just happens to use it, is destroyed. So, loop
# through all the puzzle pieces and delete their images, then destroy the
# puzzle's master frame $PF, destroying all child widgets. Now, this
# scheme isn't particulary efficient, but it is simple; ideally, we'd like
# to create these images only once and reuse them as required.
if (Exists $PF) {
my $image;
foreach (@PUZ) {
$image = $_->cget(-image);
$image = $SPACE_IMAGE if not defined $image;
$PF = $MW->Frame->grid; # create the puzzle frame grid master
$#PUZ = $#ORDER = $PIECES - 1;
$SIDE = sqrt $PIECES;
my($i, $o, $c, $r, $w, $h, $x, $y, $but, $gif);
foreach (0..$#ORDER) {$ORDER[$_] = [$_, undef]}
for($i = 0; $i <= $#PUZ; $i++) {
$o = $ORDER[$i]->[0];
($c, $r) = xy $o; # puzzle ordinal to column/row
$x = $c * $w; # x/column pixel offset
$y = $r * $h; # y/row pixel offset
$gif = $PF->Photo; # new, empty, GIF image
$gif->copy($CAMEL, -from => $x, $y, $x+$w, $y+$h);
$but = $PF->Button(-image => $gif,
-relief => 'flat',
-borderwidth => 0,
-command => \&beep,
-highlightthickness => 0,
$PUZ[$o] = $but;
($c, $r) = xy $i;
$but->grid(-column => $c, -row => $r, -sticky => 'nsew');
if ($o == 0) {
$SPACE_IMAGE = $gif;
$SPACE = $but;
} # forend all puzzle pieces
} # end create_puz
sub create_ui {
# Create a color Photo image of the Xcamel puzzle.
$CAMEL = $MW->Photo(-file => "$WIDTRIB/lib/npuz/Xcamel.npuz");
$CAMEL_WIDTH = $CAMEL->image('width');
$CAMEL_HEIGHT = $CAMEL->image('height');
# Create the menubar.
my $mf = $MW->Frame(-bg => 'blue')->grid(-sticky => 'ew');
$mf->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 1);
my $mbf = $mf->Menubutton(-text => 'File', -relief => 'raised');
$mbf->command(-label => 'New Puzzle', -command => \&new_puz);
$mbf->command(-label => 'Quit', -command => [$MW => 'bell']);
my $mbp = $mf->Menubutton(-text => 'Prefs', -relief => 'raised');
my $pieces = 'Pieces';
$mbp->cascade(-label => $pieces);
my $mbpm = $mbp->cget(-menu);
my $mbpmp = $mbpm->Menu;
$mbp->entryconfigure($pieces, -menu => $mbpmp);
foreach (@LEVELS) {
$mbpmp->radiobutton(-label => $_,
-variable => \$PIECES,
-value => $_,
-command => \&create_puz,
my $mbq = $mf->Menubutton(-text => 'Help', -relief => 'raised');
my $about = $MW->Dialog(-text => <<"END"
npuz Version 1.0\n
Select \"File/New Puzzle\", then click around the red \"space\" to rearrange the pieces and solve the puzzle!\n\nThis program is described in the Perl/Tk column from Volume 1, Issue 4 of The Perl Journal (, and is included in the Perl/Tk distribution with permission.
$about->configure(-wraplength => '6i');
$mbq->command(-label => 'About', -command => [$about => 'Show']);
$mbf->grid(-row => 0, -column => 0, -sticky => 'w');
$mbp->grid(-row => 0, -column => 1, -sticky => 'w');
$mbq->grid(-row => 0, -column => 2, -sticky => 'e');
} # end create_ui
sub puz_fini {
# Return true iff all puzzle pieces are in order.
my($i, $c, $r, %info);
for($i = 0; $i <= $#PUZ; $i++) {
($c, $r) = xy $i;
%info = $PUZ[$i]->gridInfo;
return 0 if $c != $info{-column} or $r != $info{-row};
return 1;
} # end puz_fini
sub move_piece {
my($piece) = @_;
my(%info, $c, $r, $sc, $sr);
%info = $piece->gridInfo; ($c, $r) = @info{-column,-row};
%info = $SPACE->gridInfo; ($sc, $sr) = @info{-column,-row};
if ( ($sr == $r and ($sc == $c-1 or $sc == $c+1)) or
($sc == $c and ($sr == $r-1 or $sr == $r+1)) ) {
$SPACE->grid(-column => $c, -row => $r);
$piece->grid(-column => $sc, -row => $sr);
if (puz_fini) {
my $color = ($SPACE->configure(-activebackground))[3];
$SPACE->configure(-image => $SPACE_IMAGE,
-activebackground => $color,
-background => $color,
-relief => 'flat',
foreach (@PUZ) {$_->configure(-command => \&beep)}
} # end move_piece
sub new_puz {
srand time;
foreach (0..$#ORDER) {$ORDER[$_]->[1] = rand $#ORDER}
my @order = sort randomly @ORDER;
#@order = @ORDER; # here's how I solve the puzzle (;
my($i, $o, $c, $r, $but);
for($i = 0; $i <= $#PUZ; $i++) {
$o = $order[$i]->[0];
$but = $PUZ[$o];
if ($o == 0) {
$but->configure(-background => 'red',
-relief => 'sunken',
-image => undef,
-activebackground => 'red',
} else {
$but->configure(-command => [\&move_piece, $but]);
($c, $r) = xy $i;
$but->grid(-column => $c, -row => $r, -sticky => 'nsew');
} # end new_puz
sub randomly {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} # randomize order of puzzle pieces
sub xy {my($n) = @_; ($n % $SIDE, int $n / $SIDE)} # ordinal to X/Y