Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perlmod / DiagList / 1.11 / bin / dlist
eval 'exec $DV_ROOT/tools/perl-5.8.7/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use lib '.';
use DiagList ':script';
=head1 NAME
dlist - tool for locating diags
dlist [options] [<diag_name>]
This script queries the specified diag list and prints information.
If a diag name is specified, then the results are displayed only for
that particular diag. It first runs the diag list through cpp, unless
the -nocpp option is given. The E<lt>diag_nameE<gt> can either be a
diag alias or the E<lt>aliasE<gt>:E<lt>nametagE<gt> syntax. If a diag
name is not given, and no -group is given, then a list of all groups
is displayed.
=head2 Options
The following options are recognized:
=over 4
=item -h
Display man page.
=item -q
Quiet. Do not print much.
=item -find
Find a full path for files. Uses diag_root (default is
$DV_ROOT/verif/diag) as search root. Implies -q.
=item -group E<lt>groupE<gt>
Filter results to only display the specified group.
=item -buildtag [E<lt>buildtagE<gt>]
If a E<lt>buildtagE<gt> is specified, print the build arguments for
the tag and exit. If -buildtag is given with no argument, then the
build arguments for all buildtags are printed, and then the program exits.
=item -nocpp
Do not preprocess the diaglist
=item -cpp E<lt>cmdnameE<gt>
Use E<lt>cmdnameE<gt> as the preprocessor. Default = bw_cpp.
=item -cpp_args E<lt>argsE<gt>
Use E<lt>argsE<gt> as arguments to the preprocessor. Default = "-undef -B".
=item -nostdinc
Do not use standard include path with preprocessor. The standard
include path is the directory containing the diaglist.
=item -IE<lt>pathE<gt> -DE<lt>defineE<gt>
Pass these arguments to the preprocessor.
=item -diag_root E<lt>diag_rootE<gt>
Default diaglist (if -diaglist is not specified) is
E<lt>diag_rootE<gt>/master_diaglist. Default is $DV_ROOT/verif/diag.
=item -diaglist E<lt>diaglistE<gt>
Use this as the diaglist. Deafult is
E<lt>diag_rootE<gt>/master_diaglist where
E<lt>diag_rootE<gt> defaults to $DV_ROOT/verif/diag.
=head1 SEE ALSO