Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / src / nas,5.n2.os.2 / lib / python / include / rstzip3 / Rstzip.H
#ifndef _Rstzip_H_
#define _Rstzip_H_
// version number of Rstzip.H interface. not of the rstzip library
#define RSTZIP_VERSION_STR "3.19"
// #include "Compressor.H"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef enum {
} RstzipReturnVals;
// this constant is provided as the default optimal buffer size.
// alternative buffer sizes may be specified to the compressor using the options string
// FIXME: the rstzip object can be queried for the buffer size of the input trace after the open() call
const int rstzip_opt_buffersize = 1<<15; // new since library version 3.22
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef __cplusplus
// ==== C++ Compression example ====
// rz = new Rstzip;
// rz->open(outfile, "w", "verbose=0");
// nrecs = fread(rstbuf, sizeof(rstf_unionT), RZ_opt_bufsize, infp);
// while (nrecs > 0) {
// rstzip->compress(rstbuf, nrecs);
// nrecs = fread(rstbuf, sizeof(rstf_unionT), opt_bufsize, infp);
// }
// rz->close();
// delete rz;
// ==== C++ Decompression example ====
// rz = new Rstzip;
// rz->open(infile, "r", "verbose=0");
// nrecs = rstzip->decompress(rstbuf, RZ_opt_bufsize);
// while (nrecs > 0) {
// fwrite(rstbuf, sizeof(rstf_unionT), nrecs, outfp);
// nrecs = rz->decompress(rstbuf, RZ_opt_bufsize;
// }
// rz->close();
// class Rstzip : public Compressor {
class Rstzip {
// virtual int getMajorVersion();
// virtual int getMinorVersion();
// virtual const char* getVersionStr();
// Return compressor library version information.
virtual int getMajorVersion();
virtual int getMinorVersion();
virtual const char* getVersionStr();
// virtual int
// open(const char* file, const char* md, const char* options)
// Opens 'file' for compressing or decompressing, and associates the
// rstzip object with it.
// The argument 'md' points to a string with one of the following
// sequences:
// r Open the compressed file for reading (decompression).
// w Open the noncompressed file for writing (compression).
// One of "r" and "w" must be specified.
// If the file parameter is NULL, the input file is set to stdin or stdout
// depending on the mode: stdin if "r" and stdout if "w"
// options: all rstzip2 options are optional with this version.
// Unrecognized options will be discarded. Recognized options are:
// verbose=0|1 <= produce verbose output while compressing/decompressing
// stats=0|1 <= print compression statistics
// ver=0|1|2|3 <= for decompression only: specify version of incoming file
// when opening a disk file, rstzip detects its version automatically.
// however, when reading from stdin, rstzip v3 is assumed unless specified in
// this manner. If more than one version is specified, results are unpredictable
// Version 0 indicates a RAW RST trace file.
// FIXME: ADD information about buffersize here
// Note: normally, a raw RST trace can be detected by the presence of a valid RST
// Header record. However, if this record is absent, manually specifying ver=0 is
// the only way to indicate to rstzip that the input file is a raw rst file.
// example: const char * rz3_options = "verbose=0 stats=1"
// Returns RSTZIP_OK (1) if the file is successfully opened; returns
// RSTZIP_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
virtual int open(const char* file, const char* md, const char* options);
// virtual int compress(rstf_unionT* rstbuf, int nrecs);
// Compresses exactly 'nrecs' RST records from 'rstbuf', and writes
// the compressed data to the file opened by open().
// For best performance, 'nrecs' should be set to rstzip_opt_buffersize
// or an integral multiple thereof. This minimizes memcpy() overhead.
// The number of RST records compressed is returned; this value
// should be equal to 'nrecs'.
virtual int compress(rstf_unionT* rstbuf, int nrecs);
// virtual int decompress(rstf_unionT* rstbuf, int nrecs);
// Decompresses up to 'nrecs' records from the file opened by
// open(), and writes the decompressed records into 'rstbuf'.
// For best performance, 'nrecs' should be set to rstzip3_opt_buffersize
// or an integral multiple thereof. This minimizes memcpy() overhead.
// The number of RST records decompressed is returned; this value
// should be equal to 'nrecs', unless the end of the compressed
// trace is reached. Subsequent calls to decompress() will return 0.
virtual int decompress(rstf_unionT* rstbuf, int nrecs);
// virtual void close();
// Flushes all internal buffers, and closes the file specified by open().
// This function must be called before exiting the program, or the
// (de)compressed file will be corrupted.
// None.
virtual void close();
// FIXME: add function to flush internal buffer while compressing
// while decompressing, we don't have this option because the
// buffer size is fixed in the input compressed file.
// virtual void flush();
// FIXME: add function to return the dynamic optimal buffer size
// for compression, the optimal buffer size is one that would exactly
// fill up the internal buffer, if any so that subsequent compress() calls
// would not require memcpy() into the internal buffer.
// for decompression, the optimal buffer size is one that would exactly
// empty the internal buffer, if any, so that subsequent decompress() calls
// would directly decompress into the caller's buffer.
// virtual int opt_buffer_size();
// protected:
// Compressor* rstzip;
struct Rstzip_impl * impl;
}; // class Rstzip;
#else // __cplusplus
typedef struct Rstzip Rstzip;
#endif // __cplusplus
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Rstzip* rzMakeRstzip();
// Allocate an Rstip Compressor object. The object is deallocated by the
// rzClose() function.
// Pointer to the allocated Rstzip Compressor object.
Rstzip* rzMakeRstzip();
int rzGetMajorVersion(Rstzip* rstzip);
int rzGetMinorVersion(Rstzip* rstzip);
const char* rzGetVersionStr(Rstzip* rstzip);
int rzOpen(Rstzip* rstzip, const char* file, const char* md, const char* options);
int rzCompress(Rstzip* rstzip, rstf_unionT* rstbuf, int nrecs);
int rzDecompress(Rstzip* rstzip, rstf_unionT* rstbuf, int nrecs);
void rzClose(Rstzip* rstzip);
#ifdef __cplusplus
// for backwards compatibility. this structure is not used in rstzip3
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
uint32_t buffersize;
uint8_t numcpus;
uint8_t gzip;
uint8_t stats;
uint8_t version;
uint8_t rstzip; // For Zio.H
} RstzipOptions;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // #ifdef __cplusplus
char* makeRstzipOptionsString(RstzipOptions* opts);
#endif // _Rstzip_H_