Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / vera / classes / sparcParams.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: sparcParams.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include <globals.vri>
// defines
#include <plusArgMacros.vri>
#include <ccx.vri>
#include <std_display_defines.vri>
#include <baseParamDefines.vri>
// classes
#include <std_display_class.vrh>
#include <baseParamsClass.vrh>
class Params extends BaseParams {
local string className = "paramsClass";
local StandardDisplay dbg;
// Temporary/scratch variables
local string tempstr, tempstr2;
local reg [2048:0] getstr;
local integer i;
local bit [63:0] tmp;
// misc
integer coreCount = 0;
// variables that only come in as +args (not in a config file)
string paramPath = null;
string paramFile = null;
string forceParamFile = null;
string dv_root = null;
// reg [63:0] thread_enables = 1;
// CCX
reg ccxPktPrint [5]; // print packets
reg [16:0] ccxPktPrintMask = 0;
reg ccxPktPrintOn = 0;
// MCU
reg mcuMemPrint [2];
reg mcuMemPrintOn = 0;
string veraDiagName = null;
string asmDiagName = null;
// config file paramaters (can also be +args)
// -- SPC2 specific
reg stub_l1_enable; // if 0, disable tag table updates in ccx stub
reg [7:0] min_ccx_gnt_delay;
reg [7:0] max_ccx_gnt_delay;
reg rand_ccx_gnt_enable;
reg l2latOn; // To use L2 latency values from file
reg l2lat_fixed; // Allow L2 latency to vary
integer l2lat_value; // L2 latency between gnt and gnt_data
// file names
string l2lat_in = null;
integer FPl2lat; // Used for file pointers
// SPC2 debug testing
reg noDebugDrv;
reg noDebugChecks;
reg noDebugModes;
reg showDebugCounts;
reg wmrVecMask;
integer ssModeFreq;
integer ssModeMaxSessions;
integer ssModeInterleaveWeight;
reg [7:0] ssModeTidMask;
integer ssModeMin;
integer ssModeMax;
integer ssModeBurstMin;
integer ssModeBurstMax;
integer ssModeHolesMin;
integer ssModeHolesMax;
integer doModeFreq;
integer doModeMaxSessions;
reg [7:0] doModeTidMask;
integer doModeLenMin;
integer doModeLenMax;
integer softStopFreq;
integer softStopMaxSessions;
reg [7:0] softStopTidMask;
integer softStopLenMin;
integer softStopLenMax;
reg nodebugParkExit;
reg por_enable;
reg lbist_enable;
reg [2:0] mbist_mode;
reg mbist_enable;
reg mbist_errinj;
reg [7:0] user_loop_count;
reg user_loop_mode;
reg [15:0] lbist_abort_count;
reg [2:0] lbist_run_count;
reg lbist_pgm;
reg [23:0] mbist_fail_count;
integer err_freq;
integer err_burst_freq;
integer err_burst_len_min;
integer err_burst_len_max;
integer err_ce_wt;
integer err_nd_wt;
reg rand_err;
reg err_itlb_on;
integer err_itlb_freq;
reg err_dtlb_on;
integer err_dtlb_freq;
reg err_ic_on;
integer err_ic_freq;
reg err_dc_on;
integer err_dc_freq;
reg err_irf_on;
integer err_irf_freq;
reg err_frf_on;
integer err_frf_freq;
reg err_stb_on;
integer err_stb_freq;
reg err_sca_on;
integer err_sca_freq;
reg err_tcc_on;
integer err_tcc_freq;
reg err_tsa_on;
integer err_tsa_freq;
reg err_mra_on;
integer err_mra_freq;
reg err_l2c_on;
integer err_l2c_freq;
reg err_mamem_on;
integer err_mamem_freq;
// -- end SPC2 specific
// Coverage Vars
reg coverage_on;
reg coverage_off;
reg force_save_cov;
// CMP regs
reg [63:0] coreAvilableReg;
reg [63:0] coreEnableReg;
// copies reduced to 8
reg [7:0] coreAvilable;
reg [7:0] coreEnable;
reg [2:0] coreMax = 0; // max/highest core number (0-7)
reg [3:0] bank_set_mask = 4'hf;
reg [7:0] banksMask = 8'hff;
// MCU BFM (CMP bench)
integer mcuReq2ackDelayMin;
integer mcuReq2ackDelayMax;
integer mcuAck2dataDelayMin;
integer mcuAck2dataDelayMax;
integer mcuIntraDataDelayMin;
integer mcuIntraDataDelayMax;
integer mcuWrReq2ackDelayMin;
integer mcuWrReq2ackDelayMax;
integer mcuWrReq2ackFullDelay;
// CCX BFMs (CMP/CCM bench)
reg [7:0] enableSpcBFM; // instantiate if set
reg [7:0] enableMemBFM; // instantiate if set
integer stallStart; // start stalling when this many outstanding requests
integer stallStop; // stop stalling when this many outstanding requests
integer hitRate; // percent of time that shorter "hit" latencies will be used
integer hitDelayMin; // min value of latency if "hit"
integer hitDelayMax; // max value of latency if "hit"
integer missDelayMin; // min value of latency if NOT "hit"
integer missDelayMax; // max value of latency if NOT "hit"
integer pkt2DelayMin; // min value of latency for second pkt of pair
integer pkt2DelayMax; // max value of latency for second pkt of pair
integer evictFloodFreq;
integer evictFloodAmount;
reg [7:0] evictFloodTargets;
integer bufferFloodFreq;
integer bufferFloodAmount;
integer bufferFloodTarget;
integer burstAmount;
integer burstHoldoff;
integer burstSync;
// misc
reg hash_on;
integer por_delay_min; // # clocks between POR packets
integer por_delay_max; // # clocks between POR packets
reg pokeCorners; // concentrate randoms on corner cases.
reg show_store; // Display store data to logfile
reg show_load; // Display load data to logfile
integer inval_rate; // evict # times per 10000
reg [2:0] inval_type;
reg[39:0] inval_pa_min; // eviction pa range
reg[39:0] inval_pa_max;
reg[1:0] l2miss_type; // 0,1,2 - off, on, random
reg forcePORstate;
// interrupts
integer intr_tid; // 1st TID that get Interrupt packet
integer intr_delay; // # clocks between Intr packets
integer intr_wait; // # clocks before Intr packets
reg [1:0] intr_type; // Ext Intr type value
reg [5:0] intr_vect; // Ext Intr vector value
reg [63:0] intr_en; // Threads that are enabled to send ext Intr
// simulation
integer maxCycle; // max clks
integer timeOut; // idle
reg [63:0] finishMask;
task new(StandardDisplay dbgin);
task getCfg(string fileName);
local task getPlus();
task check4conflict();
task Params::new(StandardDisplay dbgin) {
integer i;
this.dbg = dbgin;
for (i=0;i<5;i++) ccxPktPrint[i] = 0;
for (i=0;i<2;i++) mcuMemPrint[i] = 0;
// This is where it all happens. Put all knobs, +args here.
// Paramater precedence is:
// highest) If paramater is a +arg passed into vcs.
// middle) If paramater is in the config/param file.
// last) Default value given in getParam call.
// There will always be a value.
// Any vera testcase can change knobs on the fly, after the fact,
// by calling getCfg(path/testcaseTestConfig.cfg);
task Params::getCfg(string fileName = null)
integer i;
// check to see if fileName is null or bogus
// if so, we will be using defaults only.
if (fileName.len() < 3) fileName = null;
// "open" config/param/knob file for the testcase, even if null!
// CMP regs
coreAvilableReg = getParam(HEX, "ASI_CORE_AVILABLE", 0, 64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 64'hFF);
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
if (coreAvilableReg[i*8+7:i*8]) {
coreAvilable[i] = 1;
coreMax = i;
} else coreAvilable[i] = 0;
coreEnableReg = getParam(HEX, "ASI_CORE_ENABLE", 0, 64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 64'hFF);
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
if (coreEnableReg[i*8+7:i*8]) {
coreEnable[i] = 1;
else coreEnable[i] = 0;
// getParam(type,name,min,max,default,RANDOK)
// see base class
// partial banks
bank_set_mask = getParam(HEX, "bank_set_mask", 1, 4'hf, 4'hf);
banksMask[1:0] = {bank_set_mask[0],bank_set_mask[0]};
banksMask[3:2] = {bank_set_mask[1],bank_set_mask[1]};
banksMask[5:4] = {bank_set_mask[2],bank_set_mask[2]};
banksMask[7:6] = {bank_set_mask[3],bank_set_mask[3]};
#ifdef CMP_BENCH
// MCU
// delay from read request to read ack
mcuReq2ackDelayMin = getParam(DEC, "mcuReq2ackDelayMin", 1, 500, 1);
mcuReq2ackDelayMax = getParam(DEC, "mcuReq2ackDelayMax", 1, 500, 8);
// delay from read ack to read data returning
mcuAck2dataDelayMin = getParam(DEC, "mcuAck2dataDelayMin", 1, 500, 4);
mcuAck2dataDelayMax = getParam(DEC, "mcuAck2dataDelayMax", 1, 500, 11);
// delay between the 4 read data chunks
mcuIntraDataDelayMin = getParam(DEC, "mcuIntraDataDelayMin", 1, 16, 1);
mcuIntraDataDelayMax = getParam(DEC, "mcuIntraDataDelayMax", 1, 16, 9);
// delay from write request to write ack
mcuWrReq2ackDelayMin = getParam(DEC, "mcuWrReq2ackDelayMin", 1, 500, 2);
mcuWrReq2ackDelayMax = getParam(DEC, "mcuWrReq2ackDelayMax", 1, 500, 5);
// every 64 writes, really extend the ack delay as if the 8 write buffers are full.
mcuWrReq2ackFullDelay = getParam(DEC, "mcuWrReq2ackFullDelay", 1, 500, 6);
// CCX BFMs instantiate if set
enableSpcBFM = getParam(HEX, "enableSpcBFM", 0, 8'hff, 8'h00);
enableMemBFM = getParam(HEX, "enableMemBFM", 0, 8'hff, 8'h00);
// getArray(DEC, "knobName", min, max, default, variableName, elementCount);
// percent of time that shorter "hit" latencies will be used
hitRate = getParam(DEC, "hitRate", 1, 100, 90);
// min value of latency if "hit"
hitDelayMin = getParam(DEC, "hitDelayMin", 1, 30, 1);
// max value of latency if "hit"
hitDelayMax = getParam(DEC, "hitDelayMax", 2, 60, 5);
// min value of latency if NOT "hit"
missDelayMin = getParam(DEC, "missDelayMin", 1, 100, 10);
// max value of latency if NOT "hit"
missDelayMax = getParam(DEC, "missDelayMax", 2, 500, 20);
// min value of latency for second pkt of pair
pkt2DelayMin = getParam(DEC, "pkt2DelayMin", 1, 3, 1);
// max value of latency for second pkt of pair
pkt2DelayMax = getParam(DEC, "pkt2DelayMax", 1, 5, 3);
// start stalling when this many outstanding requests
// Number of cores * 8 (should be based on # cores)
stallStart = getParam(DEC, "stallStart", 4, 50, coreCount*8);
// stallStartNcu = (DEC, "stallStartNcu", 4, 50, coreCount*12);
// stop stalling when this many outstanding requests
// Number of cores * 8 - 2 (should be based on # cores)
stallStop = getParam(DEC, "stallStop", 2, 45, (coreCount*8)-3);
// make responses bursty. Will burst once there are this many responses held up.
burstAmount = getParam(DEC, "burstAmount", 0, 35, 0);
// Will always burst when this many clocks have elapsed. Prevents starvation.
burstHoldoff = getParam(DEC, "burstHoldoff", 10, 500, 150);
// Setting burstSync will cause all banks to burst at once
// if possible. All banks will follow the master bank when it bursts.
// +burstSync=master <0-16> port number
burstSync = getParam(DEC, "burstSync", 0, 16, 99);
// CCX coverage/irritator activity. Flood of bogus evictions.
evictFloodFreq = getParam(DEC, "evictFloodFreq", 0, 100000, 0);
evictFloodAmount = getParam(DEC, "evictFloodAmount", 1, 100, 10);
evictFloodTargets = getParam(HEX, "evictFloodTargets", 1, 8'hff, 1);
// CCX coverage/irritator activity. ifills followed by evictions.
// Will target any SPC port that does not have a real core.
bufferFloodFreq = getParam(DEC, "bufferFloodFreq", 0, 100000, 0);
bufferFloodAmount = getParam(DEC, "bufferFloodAmount", 1, 100, 10);
bufferFloodTarget = getParam(HEX, "bufferFloodTarget", 0, 7, 7);
hash_on = getParam(FLAG, "hash_on", 0, 1, 0);
// clocks between POR
por_delay_min = getParam(DEC, "por_delay_min", 1, 10000, 25);
por_delay_max = getParam(DEC, "por_delay_max", 1, 20000, 200);
// FC like state for SPC
forcePORstate = getParam(FLAG, "forcePORstate", 0, 1, 0);
// concentrate randoms on corner cases (if you coded it that way).
pokeCorners = getParam(DEC, "pokeCorners", 0, 1, 0);
// interrupts (from spc)
// 1st TID that get Interrupt packet
intr_tid = getParam(DEC,"intr_tid", 0, 63, RAND, RANDOK);
// # clocks between Intr packets
intr_delay = getParam(DEC,"intr_delay", 0, 100000, 10);
// # clocks before Intr packets
intr_wait = getParam(DEC,"intr_wait", 0, 100000, 3000);
// Ext Intr type value
intr_type = getParam(HEX, "intr_type", 0, 32'hffffffff, INTR_RESET);
// Ext Intr vector value
intr_vect = getParam(HEX, "intr_vect", 0, 32'hffffffff, INTR_XIR);
// Threads that are enabled to send ext Intr
intr_en = getParam(HEX, "intr_en", 0, 64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0);
// # times per 10000 to evict
inval_rate = getParam(DEC, "inval_rate", 0, 10000, 0); // Default OFF
inval_type = getParam(DEC, "inval_type", 1, 7, 1); // Default evict only
inval_pa_min = getParam(HEX, "inval_pa_min", 0, 40'hffffffffff, 0);
inval_pa_max = getParam(HEX, "inval_pa_max", 0, 40'hffffffffff, 40'hffffffffff);
// value that CCX stub will use for l2miss
l2miss_type = getParam(HEX, "l2miss_type", 0, 2'h2, 2'h2);
// sim
maxCycle = getParam(DEC,"max_cycle", 0, MAXINT,MAXINT);//,*,NOWARN); // max clks
timeOut = getParam(DEC,"TIMEOUT", 0, MAXINT,MAXINT);//,*,NOWARN); // idle timmer
show_store = getParam(FLAG, "show_store", 0, 1, 0);
show_load = getParam(FLAG, "show_load", 0, 1, 0);
// coverage
force_save_cov = getParam(FLAG, "force_save_cov", 0, 1, 0);
coverage_on = getParam(FLAG, "coverage_on", 0, 1, 0);
coverage_on = ~getParam(FLAG, "coverage_off", 0, 1, 0);
// //
// debug logic testing //
// //
#ifdef SPC_BENCH
// enable warm reset vector
wmrVecMask = getParam(FLAG, "wmrVecMask", 0, 1, 0);
// enable fast boot
wmrVecMask = getParam(FLAG, "fast_boot", 0, 1, 0); // alias
// do not use
showDebugCounts = getParam(FLAG, "showDebugCounts", 0, 1, 0);
// no vera driver
noDebugDrv = getParam(FLAG, "noDebugDrv", 0, 1, 0);
// no verilog checker
noDebugChecks = getParam(FLAG, "noDebugChecks", 0, 1, 0);
// cancel all use of debug knobs. for diags that can not do debug.
noDebugModes = getParam(FLAG, "noDebugModes", 0, 1, 0);
// ssModeFreq = initiate SS session every freq clocks.
ssModeFreq = getParam(DEC, "ssModeFreq", 0, 100000, 0);
// ssModeMaxSessions = limit SS sessions to this many sessions
ssModeMaxSessions = getParam(DEC, "ssModeMaxSessions", 0, 100, 50);
// ssModeInterleaveWeight = do interleaving or not within SS session based on weight
ssModeInterleaveWeight = getParam(DEC, "ssModeInterleaveWeight", 0, 100, 40);
// ssModeTidMask = which tids to involve in SS sessions
ssModeTidMask = getParam(HEX, "ssModeTidMask", 0, 8'hff, 0);
// ssModeBurstMin,ssModeBurstMax = how many steps to take per tid interleave
ssModeBurstMin = getParam(DEC, "ssModeBurstMin", 0, 500, 10);
ssModeBurstMax = getParam(DEC, "ssModeBurstMax", 1, 500, 250);
// ssModeMin,ssModeMax = how many total steps to take per SS session
ssModeMin = getParam(DEC, "ssModeMin", 0, 5000, 20+ssModeBurstMin);
ssModeMax = getParam(DEC, "ssModeMax", 1, 5000, 500+ssModeBurstMax);
// let dead clks pass before next SS req in session
ssModeHolesMin = getParam(DEC, "ssModeHolesMin", 0, 500, 0);
ssModeHolesMax = getParam(DEC, "ssModeHolesMax", 1, 500, 10);
// doModeFreq = initiate session every freq clocks.
doModeFreq = getParam(DEC, "doModeFreq", 0, 100000, 0);
// doModeMaxSessions = limit DO sessions to this many sessions
doModeMaxSessions = getParam(DEC, "doModeMaxSessions", 0, 100, 50);
// doModeTidMask = which tids to involve in sessions
doModeTidMask = getParam(DEC, "doModeTidMask", 0, 8'hff, 0);
// doModeLenMin,doModeLenMax = how many total clocks to run per session
doModeLenMin = getParam(DEC, "doModeLenMin", 1, 5000000, 200);
doModeLenMax = getParam(DEC, "doModeLenMax", 1, 5000000, 5000);
// softStopFreq = initiate session every freq clocks.
softStopFreq = getParam(DEC, "softStopFreq", 1000, 100000, 0);
// softStopMaxSessions = limit sessions to this many sessions
softStopMaxSessions = getParam(DEC, "softStopMaxSessions", 0, 100, 50);
// doModeTidMask = which tids to involve in sessions
softStopTidMask = getParam(DEC, "softStopTidMask", 0, 8'hff, 0);
// softStopLenMin,doModeLenMax = how many total clocks to run per session
softStopLenMin = getParam(DEC, "softStopLenMin", 0, 500, 50);
softStopLenMax = getParam(DEC, "softStopLenMax", 1, 600, 500);
// exit diag if it parks and we are doing do/ss/softStop
nodebugParkExit = getParam(FLAG, "nodebugParkExit", 0, 1, 0);
// //
// end debug logic testing //
// //
#ifdef SPC_BENCH
// ccx stub
rand_ccx_gnt_enable = getParam(FLAG, "random_ccx_gnt", 0, 1, 0);
min_ccx_gnt_delay = getParam(DEC, "min_ccx_gnt_delay", 0, 1000, 0);
max_ccx_gnt_delay = getParam(DEC, "max_ccx_gnt_delay", 0, 1000, 0);
stub_l1_enable = getParam(FLAG, "stub_l1_disable", 0, 1, 1);
l2lat_value = getParam(DEC, "l2lat_value", 0, 500, 6);
l2lat_fixed = getParam(FLAG, "l2lat_fixed", 0, 1, 0);
l2lat_in = getStringParam("latmom");
por_enable = getParam(FLAG, "por_enable", 0, 1, 0);
lbist_enable = getParam(FLAG, "lbist_enable", 0, 1, 0);
mbist_mode = getParam(DEC, "mbist_mode", 0, 7, 0);
mbist_enable = mbist_mode[2];
mbist_errinj = getParam(FLAG, "mbist_errinj", 0, 1, 0);
user_loop_mode = getParam(DEC, "user_loop_mode", 0, 1, 0);
user_loop_count = getParam(DEC, "user_loop_count", 0, 256, 3);
lbist_abort_count = getParam(DEC, "lbist_abort_count", 0, 65000, 0);
lbist_run_count = getParam(HEX, "lbist_run_count", 1, 7, 1);
lbist_pgm = getParam(DEC, "lbist_pgm",0, 1, 0);
mbist_fail_count = getParam(DEC, "mbist_fail_count", 0, 16777000, 0);
err_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_freq", 0, 100, 10);
err_burst_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_burst_freq", 0, 100, 5);
err_burst_len_min = getParam(DEC, "err_burst_len_min", 0, 10, 1);
err_burst_len_max = getParam(DEC, "err_burst_len_max", 1, 50, 10);
err_ce_wt = getParam(DEC, "err_ce_wt", 0, 100, 50);
err_nd_wt = getParam(DEC, "err_nd_wt", 0, 100, 25);
rand_err = getParam(FLAG, "rand_err", 0, 1, 0);
err_itlb_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_itlb_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_itlb_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_itlb_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_dtlb_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_dtlb_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_dtlb_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_dtlb_freq", 0, 100, 5);
err_ic_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_ic_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_ic_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_ic_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_dc_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_dc_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_dc_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_dc_freq", 0, 100, 5);
err_irf_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_irf_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_irf_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_irf_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_frf_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_frf_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_frf_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_frf_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_stb_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_stb_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_stb_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_stb_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_sca_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_sca_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_sca_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_sca_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_tcc_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_tcc_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_tcc_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_tcc_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_tsa_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_tsa_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_tsa_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_tsa_freq", 0, 100, 4);
err_mra_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_mra_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_mra_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_mra_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_l2c_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_l2c_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_l2c_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_l2c_freq", 0, 100, 20);
err_mamem_on = getParam(FLAG, "err_mamem_on", 0, 1, 0);
err_mamem_freq = getParam(DEC, "err_mamem_freq", 0, 100, 20);
// add more here...
// things that are ONLY gotten from +args, not in config/paramaters file.
// strings mostly.
// Put all "knobs" in getCfg task above!!!
task Params::getPlus() {
// +dv_root is passed in by sims. Everything lives below that.
// +dv_root=path
if (mChkPlusarg(dv_root=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
dv_root = tempstr;
//printf("\n%7d paramsClass::getPlus dv_root = %s\n",get_cycle(),dv_root);
// If all param files are in one dir or are along one path, why not
// get that partial path and then go from there? If you set it, you
// should use it.
// Put in bench.config as vcs_run_arg=+paramPath=verif/diag/bench.
// Will prepend dv_root. +paramPath=path
if (mChkPlusarg(paramPath=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
paramPath = tempstr;
// You could pass in the default location (in bench.config) for a
// default paramFile that will be used when none other is given, either
// on the command line or in the testlist (which becomes the command line).
// +defaultParam
// Look for +paramFile= to append to +paramPath=path
// +paramFile=file.cfg
if (mChkPlusarg(paramFile=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
paramFile = tempstr;
//printf("%7d paramsClass::getPlus paramFile = %s\n",get_cycle(),paramFile);
// Look for +forceParamFile= so user can force a param/config/knobs file.
// Will ignore +paramPath= and +paramFile= and +dv_root=
// +forceParamFile=FULLPATH/slowMem.cfg
if (mChkPlusarg(forceParamFile=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
forceParamFile = tempstr;
printf("\n%7d paramsClass::getPlus forceParamFile = %s\n",get_cycle(),forceParamFile);
// OK make sense of it...
if (forceParamFile !== null) {
printf("using forceParamFile: %s\n",forceParamFile);
printf("You probably need to repeat this to reproduce failures!\n");
printf("Use -vcs_run_args=+forceParamFile=%s to do that!\n",forceParamFile);
else if (paramFile !== null) {
printf("using paramFile: %s\n",paramFile);
printf("You may need to repeat this to reproduce failures!\n");
printf("Use -vcs_run_args=+paramFile=%s (or +forceParamFile=) to do that!\n",paramFile);
// now use paramFile. May be null and if so, default params will be used.
if (paramFile !== null) {
paramFile = {paramPath,paramFile};
if (forceParamFile !== null) {
paramFile = forceParamFile;
// what kind of diags are running?
if (mChkPlusarg(vera_diag_name=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
veraDiagName = tempstr;
if (mChkPlusarg(asm_diag_name=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
asmDiagName = tempstr;
// only Verilog knows what this is because it can be randomized in verilog.
// Use gUtil.getThreadEnables or sparcBenchUtils_if.th_check_enable
// if (mChkPlusarg(thread=)) {
// mGetPlusargStr(thread=,getstr);
// tempstr.bittostr(getstr);
// if (tempstr == "all") getstr = 64'hffffffffffffffff; // special case
// else getstr = tempstr.atohex();
// thread_enables = getstr;
// }
// CCX packet print
if (mChkPlusarg(ccxPktPrint=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
if (tempstr == "all") {
ccxPktPrint[PP_PCX] = 1;
ccxPktPrint[PP_CPX] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "pcx") ccxPktPrint[PP_PCX] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "cpx") ccxPktPrint[PP_CPX] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "mem") ccxPktPrint[PP_MEM] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "spc") ccxPktPrint[PP_SPC] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "targets") ccxPktPrint[PP_TRG] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "target") ccxPktPrint[PP_TRG] = 1;
else ccxPktPrintMask = tempstr.atohex();
ccxPktPrintOn = 1;
// MCU mem print
if (mChkPlusarg(mcuMemPrint=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
if (tempstr == "all") {
mcuMemPrint[READ] = 1;
mcuMemPrint[WRITE] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "rd" || tempstr == "read") mcuMemPrint[READ] = 1;
else if (tempstr == "wr" || tempstr == "write") mcuMemPrint[WRITE] = 1;
mcuMemPrintOn = 1;
if (mChkPlusarg(finish_mask=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
if (tempstr == "all") tmp = 64'hffffffffffffffff; // special case
else tmp = tempstr.atohex();
finishMask = tmp;
} else if (mChkPlusarg(threads=)) {
tempstr.bittostr (getstr);
if (tempstr == "all") tmp = 64'hffffffffffffffff; // special case
else tmp = tempstr.atohex();
finishMask = tmp;
} else finishMask = 1;
// you probably don't want to add here, see task getCfg above.
// This task will try to resolve conflicts in paramaters
// PROVIDED that someone has thought of them.
task Params::check4conflict() {
integer i;
intr_en = intr_en & coreEnableReg;
finishMask = finishMask & coreEnableReg & coreAvilableReg;