Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / vera / classes / std_display_class.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: std_display_class.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
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// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include "std_display_defines.vri"
#include "plusArgMacros.vri"
#define STD_GET_TIME sprintf (tmp_str,"%9d: ",get_cycle())
#define STD_GET_TIME sprintf (tmp_str,"%9d: ",{get_time(HI),get_time(LO)})
#ifdef NTB
// NTB does not suport get_time(HI), sighhh
// get_time(LO) returns nothing, double sighhh
#define STD_GET_TIME sprintf (tmp_str,"%8d__: ",get_cycle())
class StandardDisplay {
local reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] verbosity[];
local reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] default_verbosity = NORMAL_VERBOSITY;
local string context_name[];
local string vlabel[MAX_VERBOSITY];
local reg [63:0] tmpTime;
// these are not local so they can be accessed directly.
integer errors = 0;
integer warnings = 0;
integer info_all = 0;
// The following plus args are "standard":
integer maxerror = 1;
integer maxwarning = 5;
integer wait_cycle_to_kill = 5;
integer debug = 0;
integer debug_all = 0;
integer info = 0;
integer start_debug = 0;
integer quiet = 0;
static reg [1:0] instanceCount;
// task new. paramater passing not required...
task new (integer maxErrors = 1,
integer errorCnt = 0,
integer maxWarnings = 5,
integer wait_cycle_to_kill = 5,
integer start_debug = 0)
reg[2048:0] arg_bit_str = 0;
string src_str;
if (instanceCount !== 2'bxx) instanceCount++;
else instanceCount = 1;
// sanity check
if (instanceCount > 1) {
printf("More than one instance of std_display_class.vr/StandardDisplay detected!\n");
printf("Since this class keeps error counts, we only want one. You can have as\n");
printf("many pointers as you want to the single instance though. (A=new();B=A;C=A;)\n");
error("Need to FAIL, sorry!\n");
maxerror = maxErrors;
errors = errorCnt;
maxwarning = maxWarnings;
wait_cycle_to_kill = wait_cycle_to_kill;
start_debug = start_debug;
if (mChkPlusarg(quiet) && !mChkPlusarg(noquiet)) {
default_verbosity = QUIET_VERBOSITY;
quiet = 1;
info_all = 0;
info = 0;
debug_all = 0;
debug = 0;
if (mChkPlusarg(info_all)) {
default_verbosity = INFO_VERBOSITY;
quiet = 0;
info_all = 1;
info = 1;
debug_all = 0;
debug = 0;
if (mChkPlusarg(debug_all)) {
default_verbosity = DEBUG_VERBOSITY;
quiet = 0;
info_all = 1;
info = 1;
debug_all = 1;
debug = 1;
if (mChkPlusarg(info)) {
quiet = 0;
info = 1;
debug = 0;
if (mChkPlusarg(debug)) {
quiet = 0;
info = 1;
debug = 1;
if (mChkPlusarg(mon+)) {
src_str.bittostr (arg_bit_str);
parse_mon_arg_str (src_str);
if (mChkPlusarg(maxerror=)) {
if (mChkPlusarg(maxwarning=)) {
if (mChkPlusarg(wait_cycle_to_kill=)) {
if (mChkPlusarg(start_debug=)) {
} // end task new
// task dispmon
task dispmon (string context_str, integer level, string message,
string file = null, integer lineNum = 0 ) {
reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] verbosity_enabled;
string tmp_str;
if (level == MON_DEBUG)
if (start_debug && get_cycle() < start_debug) return;
// !context_exists(context_str)
if (! assoc_index(CHECK,verbosity,context_ndx(context_str))) {
create_context (context_str);
verbosity_enabled = verbosity[context_ndx(context_str)];
if (verbosity_enabled[level]) {
if (file == null) {
printf("%s%s%s[]: %s\n", tmp_str, vlabel[level], context_str, message);
else {
printf("%s%s%s[%s:%0d]: %s\n", tmp_str, vlabel[level], context_str, file, lineNum, message);
if (level == MON_ERR) errors++;
else if (level == MON_WARN) warnings++;
} // end task dispmon
task writemon (string context_str, integer level,
string message, string file = null, integer lineNum = 0 ) {
reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] verbosity_enabled;
string tmp_str;
if (level == MON_DEBUG)
if (start_debug && get_cycle() < start_debug) return;
// !context_exists(context_str)
if (! assoc_index(CHECK,verbosity,context_ndx(context_str))) {
create_context (context_str);
verbosity_enabled = verbosity[context_ndx(context_str)];
if (verbosity_enabled[level]) {
if (file == null) {
printf("%s%s%s[]: %s", tmp_str, vlabel[level], context_str, message);
else {
printf("%s%s%s[%s:%0d]: %s", tmp_str, vlabel[level], context_str, file, lineNum, message);
if (level == MON_ERR) errors++;
if (level == MON_WARN) warnings++;
} // end task writemon
task appendmon (string context_str, integer level, string message) {
reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] verbosity_enabled;
string tmp_str;
if (!context_exists(context_str)) {
create_context (context_str);
verbosity_enabled = verbosity[context_ndx(context_str)];
if (verbosity_enabled[level]) {
} // end task appendmon
// function integer get_errors()
function integer get_errors() {
get_errors = errors;
task getCounts(var integer err, var integer warn) {
err = errors;
warn = warnings;
// task init_vlabels
protected task init_vlabels() {
integer ii;
vlabel[MON_ALWAYS] = "";
vlabel[MON_WARN] = "WARNING: ";
vlabel[MON_ERR] = "ERROR: ";
for (ii=1;ii<MON_INFO;ii++) {
vlabel[ii] = "DBG: ";
for (ii=MON_INFO;ii<MON_NORMAL;ii++) {
vlabel[ii] = "INFO: ";
for (ii=MON_NORMAL;ii<MON_WARN;ii++) {
vlabel[ii] = "";
} // end task init_vlabels
// task parse_mon_arg_str
protected task parse_mon_arg_str ( string src_str ) {
integer eos = 0; // end of string flag
integer ii = 0;
integer jj = 0;
integer kk = 0;
integer nxt_marker;
integer level;
integer value;
string marker[3];
string args[];
string context_str;
marker[0] = "="; marker[1] = "="; marker[2] = ",";
while (!eos) {
nxt_marker =[jj]);
if (nxt_marker == -1) {
args[ii++] = src_str.substr(0);
eos = 1;
else {
args[ii++] = src_str.substr(0,nxt_marker-1); // extract the first element
src_str = src_str.substr(nxt_marker+1); // update arg string head pointer
jj = (jj+1) % 3; // update delimiter search pattern pointer
nxt_marker =[jj]); // search for next delimiter
} // end while loop
if (!(jj==2) || (ii==0)) {
error ("Test Error -- Unmatched arguments.\n");
while (kk < ii) {
context_str = args[kk++];
level = args[kk++].atoi();
value = args[kk++].atoi();
if (!(context_exists(context_str))) {
set_level (context_str, level, value);
} // end while
} // end task parse_arg_str
// function integer context_exists
function integer context_exists ( string context_str ) {
context_exists = assoc_index(CHECK,verbosity,context_ndx(context_str));
} // end function context_exists
// task create_context
task create_context ( string context_str ) {
string tmp_str;
if ( context_exists (context_str) ) {
sprintf(tmp_str,"Context %s already exists",context_str);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_ERR, tmp_str, SCOPE);
else {
verbosity[context_ndx(context_str)] = default_verbosity;
set_context_name (context_str);
sprintf(tmp_str, "Created Verbosity[%s] element",context_str);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_DEBUG, tmp_str, SCOPE);
} // end task create_context
// task set_context_verbosity
task set_context_verbosity (string context_str, reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0]value = NORMAL_VERBOSITY) {
string tmp_str;
if (value[0] == 0) {
sprintf(tmp_str,"Invalid Verbosity Setting %h",value);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_ERR, tmp_str, SCOPE);
if ( !(context_exists(context_str)) ) {
sprintf(tmp_str,"Context %s does not exist",context_str);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_INFO, tmp_str, SCOPE);
create_context (context_str);
verbosity[context_ndx(context_str)] = value;
sprintf(tmp_str, "Set verbosity[%s] = %h",context_str, value);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_INFO, tmp_str, SCOPE);
} // end task set_context_verbosity
// function get_verbosity
function reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] get_verbosity (string context_str) {
get_verbosity = verbosity[context_ndx(context_str)];
} // end function get_verbosity
// task set_level
task set_level ( string context_str = null, integer level, integer value ) {
reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] tmp_value;
string tmp_str;
integer mycontext;
integer ii;
if (value == 0) {
if (!(level == MON_ALWAYS)) {
tmp_value = DEBUG_VERBOSITY;
tmp_value[level] = value;
else {
this.dispmon("SDC", MON_ERR, "Sorry, you cannot turn MON_ALWAYS messages off",SCOPE);
else {
tmp_value = NO_VERBOSITY;
for (ii=level;ii<MAX_VERBOSITY;ii++) {
tmp_value[ii] = value;
if (context_str == null) {
if (assoc_index (FIRST, verbosity, mycontext)) {
verbosity[mycontext] = (value) ? tmp_value : (verbosity[mycontext] & tmp_value);
sprintf(tmp_str, "Set verbosity[%s] = %h",get_context_name(mycontext), verbosity[mycontext]);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_INFO, tmp_str, SCOPE);
while ( assoc_index (NEXT, verbosity, mycontext) ) {
verbosity[mycontext] = (value) ? tmp_value : (verbosity[mycontext] & tmp_value);
sprintf(tmp_str, "Set verbosity[%s] = %h",get_context_name(mycontext), verbosity[mycontext]);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_INFO, tmp_str, SCOPE);
else {
dispmon ("SDC", MON_ERR, "There are no verbosity elements.",SCOPE);
else {
if ( !(context_exists (context_str)) ) {
sprintf(tmp_str, "The context %s does not exist",context_str);
this.dispmon("SDC",MON_INFO, tmp_str, SCOPE);
create_context (context_str);
mycontext = context_ndx(context_str);
verbosity[mycontext] = (value) ? tmp_value : (verbosity[mycontext] & tmp_value);
sprintf(tmp_str, "Set verbosity[%s] = %h",context_str, verbosity[mycontext]);
dispmon ("SDC", MON_INFO, tmp_str, SCOPE);
} // end task set_level
// task set_verbosity
task set_verbosity (reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] value = NORMAL_VERBOSITY) {
integer mycontext;
if ( assoc_index (FIRST, verbosity, mycontext) ) {
verbosity[mycontext] = value;
while ( assoc_index (NEXT, verbosity, mycontext) ) {
verbosity[mycontext] = value;
else {
dispmon("SDC", MON_ERR, "There are no verbosity elements to set",SCOPE);
} // end task set_verbosity
// task print_verbosity
task print_verbosity (integer level, string context_str = null) {
integer mycontext;
string tmp_str;
if (context_str == null) {
this.dispmon ("SDC",level,"Printing Current Verbosity Levels:",SCOPE);
if ( assoc_index (FIRST, verbosity, mycontext) ) {
sprintf(tmp_str, "verbosity[%s] = %h",get_context_name(mycontext), verbosity[mycontext]);
this.dispmon ( get_context_name(mycontext), level, tmp_str, SCOPE);
while ( assoc_index (NEXT, verbosity, mycontext) ) {
sprintf(tmp_str, "verbosity[%s] = %h",get_context_name(mycontext), verbosity[mycontext]);
dispmon ( get_context_name(mycontext), level, tmp_str, SCOPE);
else {
sprintf(tmp_str, "There are no verbosity elements");
dispmon ( "SDC", MON_WARN, tmp_str, SCOPE);
else {
if ( context_exists (context_str) ) {
sprintf(tmp_str, "verbosity[%s] = %h \n",context_str, verbosity[context_ndx(context_str)]);
dispmon (context_str, level, tmp_str, SCOPE);
else {
sprintf(tmp_str, "Cannot print verbosity for context %s. Does not exist.",context_str);
dispmon (context_str, MON_WARN, tmp_str, SCOPE);
} // end task print_verbosity
// function context_ndx
function integer context_ndx (string context_str) {
context_ndx = context_str.hash(MAX_HASH_VALUE);
// task set_context_name
local task set_context_name (string context_str) {
context_name[context_ndx(context_str)] = context_str;
// function get_context_name
function string get_context_name (integer mycontext) {
string tmp_str;
if (assoc_index(CHECK,context_name,mycontext)) {
get_context_name = context_name[mycontext];
else {
sprintf(tmp_str, "context name for index %d does not exist",mycontext);
dispmon ("SDC",MON_ERR, tmp_str, SCOPE);
// task set_default_verbosity
task set_default_verbosity (reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] value) {
string tmp_str;
if (value[0] == 0) {
this.dispmon("SDC", MON_WARN, "Cannot disable MON_ALWAYS messaging.",SCOPE);
default_verbosity = value | 1;
sprintf(tmp_str, "Setting the current default verbosity to %h",default_verbosity);
dispmon("SDC", MON_INFO, tmp_str, SCOPE);
} // end task set_default_verbosity
// function get_default_verbosity
function reg[MAX_VERBOSITY-1:0] get_default_verbosity () {
get_default_verbosity = default_verbosity;
// task print_default_verbosity
task print_default_verbosity (integer level = MON_ALWAYS){
string tmp_str;
sprintf(tmp_str, "current default verbosity is %h",default_verbosity);
dispmon("SDC", level, tmp_str, SCOPE);
} // end task print_default_verbosity
} // end class StdDisplayClass