Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / fc / vera / fc_top.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: fc_top.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#define PROG_FILE
#include <vera_defines.vrh> // standard header file from Vera
#include <VeraListProgram.vrh> // standard header file from Vera
#include <ListMacros.vrh> // standard header file from Vera
#include "cpu.h" // constant definitions for CPU rtl at :/design/cpu/rtl/
// added this #ifndef for excluding code for NIU in Opensparc T2
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#include "mbox_class.vrh"
#include "get_mbox_id.vrh"
#include "niu_verilog_tasks.vri"
//IP PacketGen related
#include "pcg_defines.vri"
#include "pcg_types.vri"
#include "pack_db.vrh"
#include "flow_db.vrh"
#include "flow_db_tasks.vrh"
#include "pg_top_pp.vrh"
#include "pc_top_pp.vrh"
#include "mac_pio_class.vrh"
#include "pio_driver.vrh"
#include "bmac_util.vrh"
#include "pcs_util.vrh"
#include "xpcs_util.vrh"
#include "fflp_util.vrh"
#include "txc_util.vrh"
#include "niu_gen_pio.vrh"
// New code for pktconfig and RDMC MOdel
#include "pktConfig.vrh"
#include "niu_rxdmc.vrh"
#include "rand_packet.vrh"
#ifndef GATESIM
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
#include "niu_rx_coverage.vrh"
#ifndef RXC_SAT
#ifndef MAC_SAT
#include "niu_rxdma_wr_chk.vrh"
#ifndef MAC_SAT
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
#include "control_fifo_mon.vrh"
#include "control_fifo_chkr.vrh"
#include "rdmc_mon.vrh"
#include "mac_mon.vrh"
#include "hostRdCbMgr.vrh"
#endif // #ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
// interfaces & binds
#include <fc_top.if.vrh>
#include <ccxDevices.if.vrh>
#include <ccxDevices.binds.vrh>
#include "asmEventsToVera.if.vrh"
#include "errorCountTasks.if.vrh"
#include "sparcBenchUtils_if.vrh"
#ifndef GATESIM
#include "fc_jtpor.if.vrh"
// defines
#include "defines.vri"
#include <ccxDevicesDefines.vri>
#include "plusArgMacros.vri"
#include "std_display_defines.vri"
// classes refered to in this file
#include "std_display_class.vrh"
#include "baseUtilsClass.vrh"
#include "sparcBenchUtils.vrh"
#include "utilsClass.vrh"
#include "ssi.if.vrh"
#include "ssi.vrh"
#include "baseParamsClass.vrh"
#include "sparcParams.vrh"
#include "asmEvent.vrh"
#include "baseAsmToVeraIntf.vrh"
#include "asmEventsToVera.vrh"
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#include "asmToVeraIntf.vrh"
#include "niu_tx_descp.vrh"
#include "niu_tx_port.vrh"
#include "generic_ev_packet.vrh" // packet for generic user event
* TCU Driver classes *
#include "tcu_tasks.vrh"
#include "sys_reset.vrh"
#ifndef GATESIM
#include "fcShadowScanClass.vrh"
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#ifndef RXC_SAT
#include "rxc_class.vrh"
#include "ip_ingress_classes.vrh"
#include "ip_ingress_db.vrh"
#include "ip_util.vrh"
// Interrupt
#include "niu_int_qmgr.vrh"
#include "niu_int_mgr.vrh"
#include "niu_dma_bind.vrh"
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
#include "niu_intr_mon.vrh"
#endif //#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#include "ncu_coverage.vrh"
#include "ncu_rtl_cov.vrh"
//------- Run TCU along with SPARC diag ------------
extern function integer tcu_diag(StandardDisplay gDbg);
// verilog tasks/functions that vera is going to call
#include <verilog_tasks_misc.vri>
#include "seedingVerilogTasks.vri"
// PEU Integration
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
#include "report_verilog_tasks.vrh"
#include "cReport.vrh"
#include "Testbench.vrh"
#include "peu_verilog_tasks.vri"
#include "FNXPCIEXactorExports.vri"
// dma checker
#ifndef GATESIM
hdl_task mem_check ( bit [39:0] pa,
bit [(64*8)-1:0] data
) "tb_top.ldst_sync.ldst_l2.mem_check";
#include "top_defines.vrh"
#include "ios_l2_stub.vrh"
#include "fc_l2_sio_stub.vrh"
#include "niu_sig.if.vrh"
#include "niu_checker.vrh"
#ifdef USE_BOBO
hdl_task bobo_write_64bit (bit [39:0] pa,
bit [63:0] data64
) "tb_top.bobo_write_64bit";
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_T2
hdl_task pep_write_32bit (bit [39:0] pa,
bit [31:0] data32
) "tb_top.ept.pci_dma.dma.pio.pep_write_32bit";
#endif // FC_NO_PEU_T2
#endif // USE_BOBO
#endif // FC_NO_PEU_VERA
// Mcu Mon for Rx checker added here
#include "FcMcuMon.vrh"
#include "FcMcuMonPort.if.vrh"
// ras
#ifndef GATESIM
#include <verilog_tasks_RandErr.vri>
#include "ios_injerr.vrh"
#include "../../ios/vera/include/ios_verilog_tasks.vri"
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#include "sioniu_err_mon.vrh"
#include "siodmu_err_mon.vrh"
#ifndef GATESIM
#include "ios_err_interrupt.vrh"
// extern FcMcuMon fcmcumon[4]
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
//// extern class PEUTestBase {}
extern class N2fcCtx {}
// events. Note: these are macro, so no ';' at the end
hdl_task write_sys_mem (
bit [63:0] addr,
bit [63:0] data,
bit [7:0] be
) "tb_top.write_sys_mem";
hdl_task read_sys_mem (
bit [63:0] addr,
var bit [63:0] rd_data
) "tb_top.read_sys_mem" ;
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
hdl_task force_tcam_entry (bit [7:0] tcam_index, bit [199:0] tcam_key) "tb_top.force_tcam_entry" ;
hdl_task backdoor_init_tcam () "tb_top.backdoor_init_tcam" ;
hdl_task force_pkg_pin_TRIGIN(bit is_forcing, bit value) "tb_top.force_pkg_pin_TRIGIN";
hdl_task force_tcu_clk_stop_at_tcu(bit is_forcing, bit value) "tb_top.force_tcu_clk_stop_at_tcu";
hdl_task force_tcu_siu_L2_write(bit [39:0] addr, bit [63:0] wr_data) "tb_top.force_tcu_siu_L2_write";
hdl_task force_tcu_siu_L2_read(bit [39:0] addr, var bit [63:0] rd_data) "tb_top.force_tcu_siu_L2_read";
// for tlr glitch enable
hdl_task force_tlrState() "`TOP.force_tlrState";
hdl_task release_tlrState() "`TOP.release_tlrState";
// include interface coverages
#include "ncu_coverage.vrh"
#include "ncu_rtl_cov.vrh"
#include "l2sat_coverage.vrh"
#include "l2sat_misc_cov.vrh"
#include "mcusat_coverage.vri"
#include "dmu_coverage.vri"
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
#include "ilu_peu_coverage.vrh"
#ifndef GATESIM
#include "siu_coverage.vrh"
#include "fc_coverage.vrh"
#include "ncu_coverage.vrh"
#include "ncu_rtl_cov.vrh"
//SIU monitors/checkers
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#include "siu_niu_mon.vrh"
#include "siu_dmu_mon.vrh"
#include "siu_l2_mon.vrh"
#include "siu_order_checker.vrh"
#include "siu_err_mask.vrh"
//L2 monitors/checkers
#ifndef GATESIM
#include <l2jbi.if.vrh>
#include <l2jbi_ports_binds.vrh>
#include <cpxorder.if.vrh>
#include <cpxorder_ports_binds.vrh>
#include "siu_ncu_mondo.if.vrh"
#include "siu_ncu_mondo_ports_binds.vrh"
#include "siu_ncu_mondo_checker.vrh"
extern task MonitorCPX();
#ifndef GATESIM
extern task CheckJbiInvBeforeAck();
#include "fc_top_defines.vri" // common definitions for fc bench at /verif/env/common/vera/include/
#include "ucb_top.vri" // constants/port/if/bind definitions for UCB at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/include/
#include "ucb___packet.vrh" // UCB pkt definition at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/packets/
#include "ucb_monitor.vrh" // UCB protocol monitor at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/classes/
#ifndef GATESIM
#include "ccu_top.vri" // constants/port/if/bind definitions for CCU at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/include/
#include "cluster_hdr_top.vri" // constants/port/if/bind definitions for cluster hdrs at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/include/
#include "ccu_clk_packet.vrh" // ccu/clk pkt definition at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/packets/
#include "ccu_clks_states.vrh" // ccu/clk state at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/classes/
#include "ccu_checker.vrh" // ccu checker at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/classes/
#include "cluster_hdr_chkr.vrh" // cluster header checkers at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/classes/
#include "ccu_clk_chkr_4fc.vrh" // ccu and cluster header checkers at :/verif/env/tcu/vera/classes/
#endif // #ifndef GATESIM
//================ main vera program =================================
program fc_test
// This is where the global 'extern declerations' are. Typedefs too.
// Other files needing globals include this.
#include "globals.vri"
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#include "global_variable.vri"
string dispmonScope = "vera_top"; // display scope for dispmon (ie. gDbg and dbg)
integer verbose = (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "fc_vera_top_verbose"))? 1 : 0; // non-zero: print out info for debugging fc_top.vr
integer generic_ev_mbox; // mailbox for generic user event
SSI bootrom;
reg asmDiagRun;
reg asmDiagDone;
integer ipp_config0[4];
integer ipp_config1[4];
integer opp_config0[4];
integer opp_config1[4];
integer mac_config0[4];
integer mac_config1[4];
integer ntx_config[2];
integer bif_config[2];
integer RX_TEST_REACHED_END = 0;
//Block detection
integer port_type_flag[9]; // Port Types
bit [8:0] active_port=0; // Active ports on fedx
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
bit [3:0] rtl_mac; // For each rtl level mac the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] gate_mac=0; // For each gate level mac the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] active_mac=0; // For each active mac the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] fake_mac=0; // For each fake level mac the bit is set to 1
//Block detection IPP
bit [3:0] rtl_ipp=0; // For each rtl level ipp the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] gate_ipp=0; // For each gate level ipp the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] active_ipp=0; // For each active ipp the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] fake_ipp=0; // For each fake level ipp the bit is set to 1
//Block detection OPP
bit [3:0] rtl_opp=0; // For each rtl level opp the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] gate_opp=0; // For each gate level opp the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] active_opp=0; // For each active opp the bit is set to 1
bit [3:0] fake_opp=0; // For each fake level opp the bit is set to 1
//Block detection BIF
bit rtl_mif=0; // For rtl level bif the bit is set to 1
bit gate_mif=0; // For gate level bif the bit is set to 1
bit active_mif=0; // For active bif the bit is set to 1
bit fake_mif=0; // For fake level bif the bit is set to 1
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
//Setting Multiple Mac Port
bit[31:0] get_mac_port;
integer mac_speed0,mac_speed1,mac_speed2,mac_speed3;
bit [2047:0] bit_str;
string init_mac_ports,temp_port;
integer port_no[];
integer i;
string str;
bit [39:0] address; // MAQ_Tx
bit [511:0] wri_data; // MAQ_Tx
FcMcuMon fcmcumon[4];
bit [63:0] FCMemoryAddress_A[4];
bit [63:0] FCMemoryAddress_B[4];
bit [63:0] FCMemoryAddress_C[4];
event FCMemorySync_A[4];
event FCMemorySync_B[4];
event FCMemorySync_C[4];
#ifndef GATESIM
ios_err_interrupt_mon ras_interrupt;
#endif // #ifndef GATESIM
ios_ras_inj ras_injector;
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
sioniu_err_mon sioniu_errmon;
siodmu_err_mon siodmu_errmon;
//SIU monitors
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
siu_niu_monitor siuniu_mon;
siu_dmu_monitor siudmu_mon;
siu_l2_monitor siul2_mon[];
siu_order_checker order_chk;
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
integer niu_snd_mbox, niu_rec_mbox;
integer dmu_snd_mbox, dmu_rec_mbox, ncu_rec_mbox;
integer l2_snd_mbox[], l2_rec_mbox[];
siu_ncu_mondo_checker siu_ncu_mondo_chk;
// **************************************************
// ***Variables for Checker tasks
// **************************************************
bit VERIF_RESET=0; // reset for the verification environment.
bit token_debug=1; // for comments concerning the token flow.
bit TCU_DONE=1; // indicate when the TCU is done default is 1
// when TCU is run will be set to 0 & 1
bit TCU_Test_En=0;
bit jtag_reset_done = 0; // when USE_JTAG_DRIVER, set it to 1 after reseting jtag completed
integer numberOfCores = 0; // Keep track of how many cores available
reg [63:0] bootedThreads; // to store which threads booted
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
//Checker Interface enable
bit mac_ipp_interface_ena =1;
bit mac_opp_interface_ena =1;
//Checker Protocol Check Enable
bit mac_ipp_proto_ena =1;
bit mac_opp_proto_ena =1;
//Checker Data Check Enable
bit mac_ipp_data_ena =1;
bit mac_opp_data_ena =1;
// interface coverages.
StandardDisplay dbg;
bit coverage_on;
event dmu_diag_done;
ncu_intf_cov ncu_intf_cov_obj;
ncu_rtl_cov ncu_rtl_cov_obj;
ncu_intf_cov ncu_intf_cov_obj;
ncu_rtl_cov ncu_rtl_cov_obj;
l2sat_intf_coverage_class Interface_coverage;
dram_coverage dram_coverage_obj;
dmu_coverage dmu_coverage_obj;
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
ilu_peu_intf_coverage ilu_peu_intf_coverage_obj;
siu_intf_coverage siu_intf_coverage_obj;
siu_intf_schmoo_coverage siu_schmoo_coverage_obj;
siu_ipcs_coverage siu_ipcs_coverage_obj;
siu_opcs_coverage siu_opcs_coverage_obj;
fc_cov fc_cov_obj;
fc_modes_cov fc_modes_cov_obj; //Modes coverage object
fc_ncu_internal_coverage fc_ncu_internal_coverage_obj;
fc_siu_internal_coverage fc_siu_internal_coverage_obj;
fc_l2_internal_coverage fc_l2_internal_coverage_obj;
fc_siu_ras_coverage fc_siu_ras_coverage_obj;
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
fc_niu_coverage fc_niu_coverage_obj;
fc_mcu_ras_coverage fc_mcu_ras_coverage_obj;
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
mbox_class mbox_id;
Mesg be_msg;
integer pack_db_lock;
integer flow_db_lock;
integer pack_db_index = 0;
integer flow_num = 0;
integer quiet_on = 0;
integer n;
integer tcuerrorcount = 0;
integer flow_mb;
integer config_mb;
integer config0_mb;
integer config1_mb;
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
CSparseMem SparseMem;
CHostErrInjTab HostErrInj;
CHostRdCbMgr hostRdCbMgr;
pg pack_gen[16]; // Allocate pointers for 4 packet generators
pg ptr_to_first_pg;
pc pack_check[4];
pack_db_entry pack_db[];
flow_db_entry flow_db[];
node_db node[32];
tup_descr tud[32];
fr_cl fr[8];
DMAChannel dma[32];
#ifndef MAC_SAT
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
control_fifo_mon control_fifo_monitor;
control_fifo_chkr control_fifo_checker;
RdmcMonitor rdmc_mon;
MacMonitor mac_mon_rx; // 02/16/06
MacMonitor mac_mon_tx;
pio_drv pio_driver_class;
mac_pio_cl mac_pio_class;
mac_util_class mac_util;
bmac_util_class bmac_util;
pcs_util_class pcs_util;
xpcs_util_class xpcs_util;
fflp_util_class fflp_util;
CNiuDMABind NiuDMABind;
niu_gen_pio gen_pio_drv;
event RX_chk_done;
event mac_init_done;
event TX_rvcd_allpkts[4];
txc_util_class txc_util;
CpktConfig pktConfig;
CRDMC rdmc;
rand_packet rx_rand_packet;
#ifndef GATESIM
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
niu_intf_coverage niu_rx_intf_coverage;
#ifndef RXC_SAT
#ifndef MAC_SAT
Cniu_rxdma_wr_chkr niu_rxdma_wrchk;
#ifndef MAC_SAT
RxDMAChannel rx_dma[32];
#ifndef RXC_SAT
Crxc rxc_cl;
/* Interrupt Related variables*/
CNiuIntrQMgr NiuIntrQ;
CNiuIntrMgr NiuIntrMgr;
#ifndef GATESIM
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
CNiuIntMonitor NiuIntMon;
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
ReportClass MyReport;
N2fcCtx peutest;
integer non_posted_read_cmpl_outstanding;
integer non_posted_write_cmpl_outstanding;
bit PEU_Test_En = 0;
event e_StartPEUTest;
integer asm2peu_mbox;
N2fcPiuShadowRegs PiuCsrs;
bit [63:0] IOSMemoryAddress[8];
event IOSMemorySync[8];
integer fc_peu_dma_ptr=0;
fc_l2_sio_stub l2sio_stub;
ios_l2_stub l2_stub[];
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list0;
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list1;
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list2;
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list3;
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list4;
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list5;
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list6;
VeraList_l2_packet l2_list7;
niu_checker niuchk;
#endif // #ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
#endif // #ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
bit vera_top_debug = 0;
bit reset_complete = 0;
#ifndef GATESIM
//CCU_clk_chkr_4fc ccu_clk_chkr_4fc; // ccu and clock checkers
* TCU Driver *
SystemTap dft;
SystemReset reset;
tcu_siu_packet tcu_siu_pkt; // for L2 access
reg [39:0] jtagDoneMemAddr; // indicate JTAG done to ASM
#ifndef GATESIM
fcShadowScanClass shScanCapture; // capture the shadow scan bits
event e_StartJtag;
// review
// VeraListIterator_EventClass event_it;
// VeraList_EventClass vera_tasks[];
// VeraList_string str_list = new;
// vera tasks that verilog calls, if any
//#include "vera_tasks.vrh"
//====== end of variable declarations ===================
// You must seed the RNG from *top* *BEFORE* class instantiations and forks.
// YES, this matters in vera > V5, see vera docs. If you don't seed before
// instantiating a class, that class ALWAYS repeats random numbers which is
// NOT what you want.
#define HDNLNAME gSeedFileHndl
#define SEEDNAME gSeed
#include "seeding.vri"
gDbg = new();
dbg = gDbg; // gDbg and dbg are the same
#ifndef GATESIM
//ccu_clk_chkr_4fc = new(dbg); // ccu and cluster header checkers. By default, they're disable
generic_ev_mbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
mbox_id = new;
ptr_to_first_pg = null;
be_msg = new(e_mesg_debug2);
SparseMem = new();
HostErrInj = new();
hostRdCbMgr = new(0);
flow_mb = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
config_mb = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
config0_mb = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
config1_mb = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
NiuIntrQ = new();
NiuIntrMgr = new();
NiuDMABind = new();
#ifndef GATESIM
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
NiuIntMon = new();
mac_pio_class = new( );
mac_util = new();
bmac_util = new();
pcs_util = new();
xpcs_util = new();
fflp_util = new;
gen_pio_drv = new();
pktConfig = new();
rdmc = new();
txc_util = new();
// For Rx checker
fcmcumon[0] = new(DramWriteMCU0, 2'b00);
fcmcumon[1] = new(DramWriteMCU1, 2'b01);
fcmcumon[2] = new(DramWriteMCU2, 2'b10);
fcmcumon[3] = new(DramWriteMCU3, 2'b11);
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ENABLE_RANDOM_LAYER"))
rx_rand_packet = new();
printf("\n Random Layer disabled \n");
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ENABLE_COV_OBJECT"))
#ifndef GATESIM
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
niu_rx_intf_coverage = new();
printf("\n coverage objects disabled \n");
#endif // FC_NO_NIU_T2
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "PEU_TEST") ) {
l2_list0 = new();
l2_list1 = new();
l2_list2 = new();
l2_list3 = new();
l2_list4 = new();
l2_list5 = new();
l2_list6 = new();
l2_list7 = new();
printf("Time before L2 %0d\n", get_time(LO));
l2sio_stub = new(dbg);
l2_stub[0] = new(l2_stub_bind0, 0, dbg, l2_list0);
l2_stub[1] = new(l2_stub_bind1, 1, dbg, l2_list1);
l2_stub[2] = new(l2_stub_bind2, 2, dbg, l2_list2);
l2_stub[3] = new(l2_stub_bind3, 3, dbg, l2_list3);
l2_stub[4] = new(l2_stub_bind4, 4, dbg, l2_list4);
l2_stub[5] = new(l2_stub_bind5, 5, dbg, l2_list5);
l2_stub[6] = new(l2_stub_bind6, 6, dbg, l2_list6);
l2_stub[7] = new(l2_stub_bind7, 7, dbg, l2_list7);
niuchk = new(dbg);
PEU_Test_En = 1;
//printf(" DENALI= %s \n", get_env("DENALI")); // now this is printed by sims
printf(" PATH= %s \n", get_env("PATH"));
//printf(" LM_LICENSE_FILE= %s \n", get_env("LM_LICENSE_FILE")); // now this is printed by sims
MyReport = new;
asm2peu_mbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
#endif // FC_NO_PEU_VERA
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
mac_config0[0] = 1; // config1 config0
mac_config0[1] = 1; // 0 1 RTL
mac_config0[2] = 1; // 1 1 DUmmy
mac_config0[3] = 1;
mac_config1[0] =1 ;
mac_config1[1] =1 ;
mac_config1[2] =1 ;
mac_config1[3] =1 ;
if( get_plus_arg( CHECK, "GET_MAC_PORTS="))
get_mac_port = get_plus_arg( STR, "GET_MAC_PORTS=");
printf("The val of get_mac_port is %h\n",get_mac_port);
for (i=0; i<init_mac_ports.len();i++)
temp_port =init_mac_ports.substr(i,i);
printf("\nTemp = %d",temp_port.atoi());
#ifndef MAC_SAT
#ifndef NIU_SYSTEMC_T2
// Control Fifo Monitors per port
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "DIS_CTRL_MON"))
printf("\n Control FIFO Monitor Disabled \n");
control_fifo_monitor = new(get_mac_port[1:0]);
// Control Fifo Checkers per port
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "ENABLE_CTRL_FIFO_CHKR"))
control_fifo_checker = new(get_mac_port[1:0]);
printf("\n Control FIFO Checkers Disabled \n");
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "RDMC_MON_ENABLE")) {
rdmc_mon = new(vera_top_debug);
join none
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "MAC_MON_ENABLE")) {
mac_mon_tx = new(vera_top_debug, "Tx");
mac_mon_rx = new(vera_top_debug, "Rx");
join none
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "MAC_SPEED0=") )
mac_speed0 = get_plus_arg(NUM, "MAC_SPEED0") ;
printf("INFO:MAC0 port is set %0d Speed\n" ,mac_speed0);
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "MAC_SPEED1=") )
mac_speed1 = get_plus_arg(NUM, "MAC_SPEED1") ;
printf("INFO:MAC1 port is set %0d Speed\n" ,mac_speed1);
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "MAC_SPEED2=") )
mac_speed2 = get_plus_arg(NUM, "MAC_SPEED2") ;
printf("INFO:MAC2 port is set %0d Speed\n" ,mac_speed2);
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "MAC_SPEED3=") )
mac_speed3 = get_plus_arg(NUM, "MAC_SPEED3") ;
printf("INFO:MAC3 port is set %0d Speed\n" ,mac_speed3);
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "TX_TEST") ) {
else {
// dmc_util.dmc_init();
for (i=0; i<init_mac_ports.len();i++)
0: {
1: {
2: {
3: {
ntx_config[0] = 1;
ntx_config[1] = 1;
for(n=0;n<4;n++) {
rtl_mac[n] = (!mac_config1[n] & mac_config0[n]);
for(n=0;n<4;n++) {
if (rtl_mac[n] ) {
pack_gen[n] = new(n,0); // Attach a pg to port #n
pack_gen[n+8] = new(n+8,0); // Attach a pg to port #n+8 for tx side
// 02/02/06
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "REG_TEST") ) {
printf("do not init TXC\n");
#ifndef MAC_SAT
#endif // FC_NO_NIU_T2
// Classes and forks (POST SEEDING!!!)
gOutOfBoot = 0;
gClkPeriod = period_if.core_period async;
// clock period can be dynamic so track it.
fork {
while (1) {
@(posedge period_if.core_period_change);
gClkPeriod = period_if.core_period async;
} join none
// Check Plusargs, knob/parameter files, config files, etc
gParam = new(gDbg);
if (gParam.asmDiagName !== null) {
asmDiagRun = 1; // indicate that an assembly diag will be run
asmDiagDone = 0; // set to 1 when assembly diag completes
} else {
asmDiagRun = 0;
asmDiagDone = 1;
// utils, base utils
gUtil = new(gDbg, gClkPeriod);
// $EVENTs
gAsmEventsToVera = new(gDbg,gParam.coreEnableReg,0,0); // main/common $EVENTs code
// check coverage option
if( mChkPlusarg(coverage_on) ) coverage_on = 1;
else coverage_on = 0; // off by default
if ((coverage_on) &&
! mChkPlusarg(coverage_off)) {
fork {
printf("Instantiating vera coverage objects\n");
ncu_intf_cov_obj = new("ncu_intf_cov_obj", gDbg );
ncu_rtl_cov_obj = new("ncu_rtl_cov_obj", gDbg );
}join none
if (( mChkPlusarg(fc_coverage) || coverage_on) &&
! mChkPlusarg(coverage_off)) {
fork {
printf("Instantiating vera coverage objects\n");
ncu_intf_cov_obj = new("ncu_intf_cov_obj", gDbg );
ncu_rtl_cov_obj = new("ncu_rtl_cov_obj", gDbg );
}join none
* TCU Driver *
#ifdef USE_JTAG_DRIVER // added this to not drive Tap pins in functional Mode.
dft = new(gDbg); // warning: new() resets JTAG TAP, so advances sim time
reset = new(dbg, dft);
fork {
dft.fc_bench_jtag_POR_reset(); // reset JTAG TAP (see tcu_task.vr for details)
jtag_reset_done = 1;
} join none
// for L2 access from TCU
tcu_siu_pkt = new (JTAG_RD, 0, 0);
bootrom = new (gDbg,ncu,ssi);
// Initialize bench, virtual ports, $EVENTs, etc.
gUtil.initTB(0,0,0,1); // initTB(reg useMCUbfms = 0, reg useL1Tags = 0);
// this waits for reset to be done.
// skip it when vera diag wants to run very early on (reset diag).
//if (! mChkPlusarg(vera_driven_reset))
reset_complete = 1'b1; // inidicate the fulsh reset complete
join none
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
if(gParam.coreAvilable[i]) {
if(!numberOfCores) {
numberOfCores = 1; // default
// - ported from IOS sat
// ------- start coverage objects after reset has been de-asserted ---------
if (( mChkPlusarg(fc_coverage) || coverage_on) && !mChkPlusarg(coverage_off)) {
printf("probe_if.flush_reset_complete = %d \n", probe_if.flush_reset_complete);
fork {
// @(posedge probe_if.flush_reset_complete);
printf("Instantiating vera coverage objects\n");
printf("probe_if.flush_reset_complete = %d \n", probe_if.flush_reset_complete);
//ncu_intf_cov_obj = new("ncu_intf_cov_obj", gDbg );
//ncu_rtl_cov_obj = new("ncu_rtl_cov_obj", gDbg );
Interface_coverage = new(gDbg);
dram_coverage_obj = new();
dmu_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
ilu_peu_intf_coverage_obj = new();
siu_intf_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
siu_schmoo_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
siu_ipcs_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
siu_opcs_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
fc_cov_obj = new("fc_cov_obj", gDbg );
fc_modes_cov_obj = new(); //New modes coverage object
fc_ncu_internal_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
fc_siu_internal_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
fc_l2_internal_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
fc_siu_ras_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
fc_niu_coverage_obj = new(dbg);
fc_mcu_ras_coverage_obj = new();
} join none
#endif // FC_COVERAGE
// set name of coverage database file
// Note: this file contains results for _all_ coverage objects
// by default, no data saved (until diag passes)
// unless +force_save_cov is set as vcs plusarg
if ( mChkPlusarg(force_save_cov) ) {
} else {
fork {
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
niu_snd_mbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
niu_rec_mbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
siuniu_mon = new(niumon_bind, niu_snd_mbox, niu_rec_mbox, dbg);
dmu_snd_mbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
dmu_rec_mbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
siudmu_mon = new(dmumon_bind, dmu_snd_mbox, dmu_rec_mbox, dbg);
ncu_rec_mbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
// mailbox
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
l2_snd_mbox[i] = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
l2_rec_mbox[i] = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1);
siul2_mon[0] = new(l2_mon_bind0, l2_snd_mbox[0], l2_rec_mbox[0], 0, dbg);
siul2_mon[1] = new(l2_mon_bind1, l2_snd_mbox[1], l2_rec_mbox[1], 1, dbg);
siul2_mon[2] = new(l2_mon_bind2, l2_snd_mbox[2], l2_rec_mbox[2], 2, dbg);
siul2_mon[3] = new(l2_mon_bind3, l2_snd_mbox[3], l2_rec_mbox[3], 3, dbg);
siul2_mon[4] = new(l2_mon_bind4, l2_snd_mbox[4], l2_rec_mbox[4], 4, dbg);
siul2_mon[5] = new(l2_mon_bind5, l2_snd_mbox[5], l2_rec_mbox[5], 5, dbg);
siul2_mon[6] = new(l2_mon_bind6, l2_snd_mbox[6], l2_rec_mbox[6], 6, dbg);
siul2_mon[7] = new(l2_mon_bind7, l2_snd_mbox[7], l2_rec_mbox[7], 7, dbg);
order_chk = new(
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
niu_snd_mbox, niu_rec_mbox,
dmu_snd_mbox, dmu_rec_mbox, ncu_rec_mbox,
l2_snd_mbox[0], l2_rec_mbox[0],
l2_snd_mbox[1], l2_rec_mbox[1],
l2_snd_mbox[2], l2_rec_mbox[2],
l2_snd_mbox[3], l2_rec_mbox[3],
l2_snd_mbox[4], l2_rec_mbox[4],
l2_snd_mbox[5], l2_rec_mbox[5],
l2_snd_mbox[6], l2_rec_mbox[6],
l2_snd_mbox[7], l2_rec_mbox[7],
} join
//L2 monitors
if (!get_plus_arg(CHECK, "cpxorder_disable"))
#ifndef GATESIM
if (!get_plus_arg(CHECK, "l2jbi_disable"))
join none
if (get_plus_arg(CHECK, "siu_ncu_mondo_chk_on"))
siu_ncu_mondo_chk = new(mondo_ncu_bind);
#ifndef RXC_SAT
#ifndef MAC_SAT
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "RX_TEST") ) {
niu_rxdma_wrchk = new;
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "NIU_NO_PACKET_CHECKER") ) {
else {
if (mac_speed0 == 10000) {
pack_check[0] = new(0,8); // Attach a pc to port 0
} else if (mac_speed0 == 1000) {
pack_check[0] = new(0,1); // Attach a pc to port 0
else {
pack_check[0] = new(0,0); // Attach a pc to port 0
if (mac_speed1 == 10000) {
pack_check[1] = new(1,8); // Attach a pc to port 1
} else
if (mac_speed1 == 1000) {
pack_check[1] = new(1,1); // Attach a pc to port 1
else {
pack_check[1] = new(1,0); // Attach a pc to port 1
ras_injector = new(
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
sio_dmu_inj_bind, l2_0_sio_inj_bind, l2_1_sio_inj_bind,
l2_2_sio_inj_bind, l2_3_sio_inj_bind, l2_4_sio_inj_bind,
l2_5_sio_inj_bind, l2_6_sio_inj_bind, l2_7_sio_inj_bind,
sii_ncu_inj_bind, dbg);
join none
#ifndef GATESIM
ras_interrupt = new (1000); // interrupt itme out = 1000
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
sioniu_errmon = new(sioniu_errmon_bind, dbg);
siodmu_errmon = new(siodmu_errmon_bind, dbg);
//// OK, all setup is done. Do the testing ////
gUtil.wait4termination(gParam.maxCycle); // this task running in background
//============= start of big testcases(s) fork/join ==================
{ //---- this thread runs PEU diag --------
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
// PEU section
// Executing the PEU diag here
if (PEU_Test_En == 1) {
// call this to stop verilog from doing $finish once the asm finishes
//verilog_set_no_verilog_finish(); // only Vera can finish the simulation
// Since peutest.execute() never seems to return right now, doing the above
// will cause the sim to run forever.
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL,"PEU Diag Starting Now ; Later it will be initialization of PEU");
repeat (40) @(posedge probe_if.clk);
PiuCsrs = new();
peutest = new();
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL,"PEU B4 Test.Execute. Waiting for assembly to enable peutest");
sync (ALL, e_StartPEUTest);
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL,"PEU B4 Test.Execute. Done Waiting for assembly to enable peutest");
peutest.execute(); // THIS BETTER BLOCK UNTIL DONE!!!
{ //---- this thread invokes vera diag when use JTAG driver -----
// if (!jtag_reset_done)
// wait_var(jtag_reset_done); // wait for JTAG TAP is reseted.
// skip this stuff when vera diag wants to run very early on (reset diag).
//if (! mChkPlusarg(vera_driven_reset)) {
// call this to stop verilog from doing $finish once the asm finishes
verilog_set_no_verilog_finish(); // only Vera can finish the simulation
#ifndef GATESIM
shScanCapture = new(gDbg); // shadow scan capture whenever tcu_shscan_scan_en = '1'
TCU_Test_En = 1;
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL, psprintf("Number of Cores Available: %d", numberOfCores));
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL, psprintf("Number of Cores Available: %d", numberOfCores));
bootedThreads = gUtil.getThreadEnables(); // get 64-bit finish_mask
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL, psprintf("Number of threads enabled: %d", bootedThreads));
tcuerrorcount = tcu_diag(gDbg); // run vera diag
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL,"DEBUG : TCU Vera Diag completed");
{ //--- use this thread to run non tcu/peu vera diag --------------------
if (gParam.veraDiagName !== null) {
// call this to stop verilog from doing $finish once the asm finishes
//verilog_set_no_verilog_finish(); // only Vera can finish the simulation
// Run the testcase
// TestCase testCase = new(); // NEEDS to be blocking
// or block here
// printf("DEBUG : Other Vera Diag Has Completed \n");
{ //----- thread to wait for assembly diag to complete------
if (!get_plus_arg(CHECK, "nowait_asmdiag_done") && gParam.asmDiagName !== null) {
// if you don't want to wait for asm code to finish,
// put a condition here other than "1".
// MUST be off of time zero or sim_status will X -> 0!
repeat (2) @(posedge probe_if.clk);
if (asmDiagRun) @(probe_if.sim_status); // verilog half is done
asmDiagDone = 1; // indicate Assembly diag done
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL,"DEBUG : Assembly Diag Has Completed");
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
// check whether the peu transations have completed
if (PEU_Test_En == 1) peutest.CheckIfDone();
join all // JOIN ALL this may require assembly code to run and finish!
//============= end of big testcase fork/join ==============================
#ifndef FC_NO_NIU_T2
// All final wrapup messages etc. here. Assumes an assembly diag
// ran and passed. If an assembly diag ran and failed this is a don't care.
if (probe_if.sim_status[ASM_PASS]) {
// wait for all packets in flight to be checked
if ( get_plus_arg(CHECK, "RX_TEST") ) {
sync (ALL, RX_chk_done);
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL,"Synced on Event RX_chk_done");
if (TCU_Test_En == 1) {
gDbg.errors += tcuerrorcount; // error count from running tcu diag
#ifndef FC_NO_PEU_VERA
if (PEU_Test_En == 1) {
gDbg.errors += be_msg.get_error_count();
gDbg.warnings += be_msg.get_warning_count();
PR_NORMAL(dispmonScope, MON_NORMAL,"DEBUG : A PEU diag ran.\n");
// let vera check for errors, print pass/fail only if
// verilog did not see an error!!!
if (probe_if.sim_status[ASM_ERR])
// have verilog error so tell exitBench
gUtil.exitBench(*,*,1,1); // (scope, message, noPrint, externalFail)
// will check gDbg.errors & gDbg.warnings
} // end of main vera program (ie. program fc_test)