Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / fnx / runsim / bin /
# ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
# OpenSPARC T2 Processor File:
# Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
# 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
# choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
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# software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
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# Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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# have any questions.
# ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
use File::Basename;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;
sub usage () {
Usage: $0 -libn libname -current_dir cwd -o output_file -VERA_LIBDIR object_dir
# Protos, globals
@libnames = (); # list of seed libraries. find all the libs these depend on.
@libpaths = (); # Array returned from GetVlibs script setting list of paths to search for the libraries (in order)
%paths = (); # directory part of actual path to library, per library, hashed by libname
%deps = (); # libvrl dependencies per library hashed by libname
%srcs = (); # source and obj dependencies per library, hashed by libname
%cvera = (); # combine_vera flag per library, hashed by libname
$depth = 0; # for debug of traverse code
usage if (! GetOptions("help",
"libn=s@", \@libnames,
"current_dir=s", \$current_directory,
"debug", \$debug,
"no_peu", \$NO_PEU,
usage if (defined $opt_help);
usage if (not defined $opt_o);
usage if (not defined $current_directory);
usage if (not defined $VERA_LIBDIR);
if (defined $debug) {
print "libnames is: @libnames\n" ;
print "remainder is: @ARGV\n" ;
# added this...
sub get_vlib_paths {
my($cwd) = @_;
my $dv_root = $ENV{DV_ROOT};
# Our search path is currently two locations:
# The testbench directory itself, and
# "$DV_ROOT/verif/env/fnx/vlib", in that order.
push(@result, $cwd);
push(@result, "$dv_root/verif/env/fnx/vlib");
return @result;
# Start here
sub main {
my %seen = ();
my %udeps = (); # unique dependency list
my $out_fh = new FileHandle;
# If there are no libnames provided, we are likely in a non-vlib,
# non-testbench place. Don't bother to check. Make an output file
# though since gmake will try to include it.
if (scalar(@libnames) != 0) {
# Call subroutine to get list of vlib paths to
# search for library includes.
@libpaths = get_vlib_paths($current_directory);
print "libpaths are: @libpaths\n" if (defined $debug);
# Open the output file only if everything is cool so far.
$out_fh->open("> $opt_o") or die basename($0), ": Cannot open $opt_o: $!\n";
# Parse all the lib config files
foreach $libname (@libnames) {
# Uniquify the libvrl dependency list
foreach $libname (keys %paths) {
%seen = ();
@{$udeps{$libname}} = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @{$deps{$libname}}
# tell xemacs to colorize
print $out_fh "# -*-Makefile-*-\n";
# Make a macro to define the actual complete list of .libvrls
print $out_fh "actual_lib_list = \\\n";
foreach $libname (keys %paths) {
print $out_fh "\t$libname \\\n";
print $out_fh "\n#" . "-"x40 . "\n"; # print a separator
# Make a macro to define the actual complete list of lib dirs
print $out_fh "actual_libdir_list = \\\n";
foreach $libname (keys %paths) {
print $out_fh "\t$paths{$libname} \\\n";
print $out_fh "\n#" . "-"x40 . "\n"; # print a separator
# Done.
# Walk the dependency tree for the libs on the command line. Gather
# dependencies for all the dependent libs on the way. Return a list of
# library names on which $libname depends.
sub traverse {
my $libname = shift;
# commenting these out because they are PEU dependent
next if ($libname eq "DenaliPCIE") && (defined $NO_PEU);
next if ($libname eq "FNXPCIEXactor") && (defined $NO_PEU);
#if FC_NO_PEU_T2 == 1
# next if $libname eq "DenaliPCIE";
# next if $libname eq "FNXPCIEXactor";
my @tdeps = ();
#print "traverse($depth): " . " "x$depth . "traversing $libname\n";
# Find the path to the lib
foreach $libpath (@libpaths) {
last if ($paths{$libname}); # skip if we've been here already
$configpath = "$libpath/$libname/GNUmakefile" ;
next unless ( -e $configpath);
# get the seed dependencies
open(LIB_FILE, "$configpath") or die "Can't open lib config file $configpath : $!\n";
@{$deps{$libname}} = get_libvrl_deps(\*LIB_FILE, $libname, "lib_list");
@{$srcs{$libname}} = get_libsrc_deps(\*LIB_FILE, $libname, "lib_" . $libname . "_vera_src");
get_combine_vera( \*LIB_FILE, $libname );
#print "traverse($depth): " . " "x$depth . "$libname seed: @{$deps{$libname}}\n" ;
# get the dependencies for the dependencies ...
foreach $rlibname (@{$deps{$libname}}) {
push @tdeps, traverse($rlibname);
push @{$deps{$libname}}, @tdeps;
#print "traverse($depth): " . " "x$depth . "$libname depends on: @{$deps{$libname}}\n";
# remember the path to the lib. this also serves as a flag to
# indicate the lib has been traversed already.
$paths{$libname} = "$libpath/$libname" ;
# stop looking after first lib with the right name
last ;
@{$deps{$libname}} ;
sub get_libvrl_deps {
my $lib_file = shift;
my $libname = shift;
my $matcher = shift;
get_lib_list($lib_file, $libname, $matcher);
sub get_libsrc_deps {
my $lib_file = shift;
my $libname = shift;
my $matcher = shift;
get_lib_list($lib_file, $libname, $matcher, fix_addprefix);
# Fixup $(addprefix foo, bar) in makefile. This does *not* support use of
# make macros in the arguments to addprefix.
sub fix_addprefix {
my $line = shift;
my $prefix = "";
# If the line is written with addprefix, do the addprefix.
if ($$line =~ /\$\(\s*addprefix/) {
# Delete the addprefix function name, retrieve the prefix string
# this does *not* support variable names for the prefix.
$$line =~ s!\$\(\s*addprefix\s+(\w+/?)\s*,\s*!! ;
$prefix = $1;
# Delete the trailing close paren
$$line =~ s/\)// ;
# print "Line is: \`$$line\`\n";
# Do the addprefix using map and make it back into a single string
$$line = join (" ", map "$prefix$_", split (/\s+/, $$line));
# Look for the string in $matcher. Return the list of things the matched
# pattern was set equal to. Call $fixer with the RHS string if $fixer is
# defined.
sub get_lib_list {
my $lib_file = shift;
my $libname = shift;
my $matcher = shift;
my $fixer = shift;
my @list = ();
seek $lib_file, 0, 0;
while ($line=<$lib_file>) {
if ($line =~ s/\\$//) {
$line .= <$lib_file>;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/ ;
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ ;
# find the lib list
if ($line =~ /^\s*$matcher\s*=\s*(.*$)/ ) {
$foo = $1;
if (defined $fixer) {
@list = split (/\s+/, $foo) ;
#print "get_lib_list: liblist is: @list\n" ;
@list ;
sub get_combine_vera {
my $lib_file = shift;
my $libname = shift;
my $matcher;
$matcher = "lib_" . "$libname" . "_combine_vera";
$cvera{$libname} = 0;
seek $lib_file, 0, 0;
while ($line=<$lib_file>) {
if ($line =~ s/\\$//) {
$line .= <$lib_file>;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/ ;
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ ;
# find the lib_$(lib_name)_combine_vera
if ($line =~ /^\s*$matcher\s*=\s*1.*$/ ) {
$cvera{$libname} = 1;