Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / tcu / vera / classes / ucb_monitor.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: ucb_monitor.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include <ListMacros.vrh> // Vera's linked list
#include "std_display_class.vrh"
#include "ucb_defines.vri"
#include "ucb___packet.vrh"
#include "ucb_top.vri"
// creating a list. NOTE: it's a macro, so no ';'
class UCB_monitor {
//---public vars---
event req_begin; // triggered when NCU starts a new request
event rsp_begin; // triggered when target blk starts a response to NCU
event req_end; // triggered when NCU completes a request. Also, req_pkt is updated
event rsp_end; // triggered when target blk completes a response. Also, rsp_pkt is updated.
integer ignore_err = 0; // ignore all errors
//---ports and classes---
local UCB_port ucb_port; // UCB port
local StandardDisplay dbg; // Standard display for printing
//---local vars---
local string dispScope; // for standard display
local integer bus_width; // width of data bus. Valid values: 4 or 8 bits
local bit [127:0] req_pkt; // the latest request pkt which is updated when a new req is completed
local bit [127:0] rsp_pkt; // the latest response pkt which is updated when a new rsp is completed
VeraList_UCB___packet pend_rd_reqs; // list of pending read requests
local bit [7:0] g_asi; // global addr identifier (ie. [39:32] of PA or UCB pkt bits [54:47])
local integer ntransfer; // number of data transfers for one req/rsp (ie. 128/bus_width)
local integer num_req; // number of requests
local integer num_rsp; // number of responses
local integer running; // init to 0. Set to 1 when this monitor starts
local integer error_cnt; // Error count. Init to 0. WARN: become negative if exeed max integer
local integer max_error_printed; // stop print out error message when (error_cnt > max_error_printed)
local integer semaphore_id; // semaphore for accessing Vera list pend_rd_reqs
//---public subroutines---
task new(string dispScope="UCB_monitor", StandardDisplay dbg, UCB_port ucb_port, integer bus_width, bit [7:0] g_asi, integer start_it=0);
task start(); // start the monitor. Do nothing if the monitor is already running
function UCB___packet get_req_pkt();
function UCB___packet get_rsp_pkt();
function integer get_error_cnt() { get_error_cnt = this.error_cnt; }
task ignore_errors() { this.ignore_err = 1; }
//--- local subroutines ---
local task monitor_req(); // monitor the request bus
local task monitor_rsp(); // monitor the response bus
local function bit [127:0] get_request_pkt(); // return this.req_pkt
local function bit [127:0] get_response_pkt(); // return this.rsp_pkt
task print_error_msg(integer err_cnt, string error_msg);
//######### implementation of subroutines ###########
task UCB_monitor::new(string dispScope="UCB_monitor", StandardDisplay dbg, UCB_port ucb_port, integer bus_width, bit [7:0] g_asi, integer start_it=0) {
//---from arg list---
this.dispScope = dispScope;
this.dbg = dbg;
this.ucb_port = ucb_port;
this.bus_width = bus_width;
this.g_asi = g_asi;
//---the rest---
this.req_pkt = 128'h0; // init to bad value
this.rsp_pkt = 128'h0; // init to bad value
this.pend_rd_reqs = new(); // empty list
this.ntransfer = 128 / bus_width;
this.num_req = 0;
this.num_rsp = 0;
this.running = 0; // monitor is not running yet
this.error_cnt = 0;
this.max_error_printed = 10;
semaphore_id = alloc(SEMAPHORE, 0, 1, 1); // 0: semaphore ID, 1: semaphore count, 1: one key initially
if (semaphore_id == 0)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "alloc(SEMAPHORE, 0, 1, 1) : failed");
//---sanity check---
if ((bus_width != 4) && (bus_width != 8)) {
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, psprintf("ucb bus width %0d <= monitor only supports 4/8-bit bus", this.bus_width));
//---start back ground threads---
if (start_it)
this.start(); // start the monitor
// WHAT: start the monitor
task UCB_monitor::start() {
if (running) {
return; // monitor is already running
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, "UCB monitor starts");
fork { monitor_req(); } join none
fork { monitor_rsp(); } join none
running = 1; // monitor is now running
// WHAT: monitor the requests from NCU to target unit.
// WARNING: per NCU and UCB specs, NCU must deassert ncu_xxx_vld
// for at least one cycle before sending the next request.
task UCB_monitor::monitor_req() {
while (1) {
@(posedge ucb_port.$req_vld); // wait for new request
trigger(this.req_begin); // inform the caller
this.req_pkt = get_request_pkt(); // get the pkt
trigger(this.req_end); // inform the caller
// WHAT: monitor the response from target unit to NCU.
// WARNING: per NCU and UCB specs, target unit must deassert
// xxx_ncu_vld for at least one cycle before sending the next response.
task UCB_monitor::monitor_rsp() {
while (1) {
@(posedge ucb_port.$rsp_vld); // wait for new response
trigger(this.rsp_begin); // inform the caller
this.rsp_pkt = get_response_pkt(); // get the pkt
trigger(this.rsp_end); // inform the caller
// WHAT: get the request packet (ie. 128-bit pkt NCU sends to target block
// WARNING: per NCU and UCB specs, NCU must deassert ncu_xxx_vld
// for at least one cycle before sending the next request.
function bit [127:0] UCB_monitor::get_request_pkt() {
integer i, lsb=0, req_err_cnt = 0;
bit [127:0] data;
string pkt_type_str;
UCB___packet pkt;
//---get req pkt from the bus---
fork {
@(negedge ucb_port.$req_vld);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "NCU deasserts ncu_xxx_vld before ucb req pkt completed");
for (i = 0; i < this.ntransfer; i++) {
if (ucb_port.$req_stall == 1'b1)
@(negedge ucb_port.$req_stall);
data[lsb + bus_width - 1 : lsb] = ucb_port.$req_data;
if (i != (this.ntransfer - 1)) // not the last data transfer
@(posedge ucb_port.$clk);
lsb = lsb + bus_width; // for next data transfer
} join any
//--- NCU must deassert ncu_xxx_vld for at least one cycle----
fork {
@(posedge ucb_port.$clk);
if (ucb_port.$req_vld != 1'b0)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "NCU does not deassert ncu_xxx_vld after request completed");
} join none
//---print out req for info---
pkt = new(*, data);
case (pkt.pkt_type) {
UCB_PKT_READ_REQ: pkt_type_str = "rd req";
UCB_PKT_WRITE_REQ: pkt_type_str = "wr req";
default: pkt_type_str = "unkown req";
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("%s : addr=0x%h, payload=0x%h, threadID=0x%h, cpuID=0x%h, bufferID=0x%h",
pkt_type_str, pkt.addr, pkt.payload, pkt.thread_id, pkt.cpu_id, pkt.buffer_id));
//---check for protocol/restriction violations---
if (pkt.req_size !== UCB_PKT_REQSIZE__8B)
print_error_msg(req_err_cnt++, psprintf("ucb req pkt=0x%h <= not 8B req", data));
if ((pkt.pkt_type != UCB_PKT_READ_REQ) && (pkt.pkt_type != UCB_PKT_WRITE_REQ))
print_error_msg(req_err_cnt++, psprintf("ucb req pkt=0x%h <= not rd/wr req", data));
if (pkt.addr[39:32] != this.g_asi)
print_error_msg(req_err_cnt++, psprintf("ucb req pkt=0x%h <= global asi or [54:47] is not 0x%h ", data, this.g_asi));
if ((pkt.buffer_id != 2'b00) && (pkt.buffer_id != 2'b01))
print_error_msg(req_err_cnt++, psprintf("ucb req pkt=0x%h <= buffer ID or [11:10] is bad", data));
//---for read request---
if (pkt.pkt_type == UCB_PKT_READ_REQ) {
void = semaphore_get(WAIT, semaphore_id, 1); // only one thread can access pending rd list.
this.pend_rd_reqs.push_back(pkt); // add new rd req to the end of the list
semaphore_put(semaphore_id, 1);
//---return value---
get_request_pkt = data;
// WHAT: get the response packet (ie. 128-bit pkt target block sent to NCU)
// WARNING: per NCU and UCB specs, target unit must deassert
// xxx_ncu_vld for at least one cycle before sending the next response.
function bit [127:0] UCB_monitor::get_response_pkt() {
integer i, lsb=0, rsp_err_cnt=0;
bit [127:0] data;
bit [3:0] pkt_type;
string pkt_type_str;
UCB___packet pkt, oldest_rd_pkt;
integer is_rd_nack=0; // 1: read_nack rsp, 0: not a read_nack rsp
integer nbits=0; // number of bits transferred
//--- sanity check ---
if (pend_rd_reqs.size() < 1)
print_error_msg(0, "got rd rsp, but there is no pending rd req");
//---get response pkt---
fork {
@(negedge ucb_port.$rsp_vld);
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "target unit deasserts *_ncu_vld before completing rd response pkt");
for (i = 0; i < this.ntransfer; i++) {
if (ucb_port.$rsp_stall == 1'b1)
@(negedge ucb_port.$rsp_stall);
data[lsb + bus_width - 1 : lsb] = ucb_port.$rsp_data;
nbits += this.bus_width;
//---check for READ_NACK---
if (i == 0) {
case (pkt_type) {
UCB_PKT_READ_ACK : is_rd_nack = 0;
UCB_PKT_READ_NACK : is_rd_nack = 1;
default :
print_error_msg(rsp_err_cnt++, psprintf("ucb rsp pkt type=0x%h <= not READ_ACK nor READ_NACK rsp", pkt_type));
//---for next data transfer---
if ((is_rd_nack) && (nbits >= 64))
break; // in read_nack, client sends UCB pkt without payload (ie. 64-bit pkt only)
if (i != (this.ntransfer - 1)) // not the last response
@(posedge ucb_port.$clk);
lsb = lsb + bus_width;
} join any
//---- target unit must deassert xxx_ncu_vld for at least one cycle---
fork {
@(negedge ucb_port.$clk);
if (ucb_port.$rsp_vld != 1'b0)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, "target unit does not deassert *_ncu_vld after rd response completed");
} join none
//----print out rsp pkt for info----
pkt = new(*, data);
case (pkt.pkt_type) {
UCB_PKT_READ_ACK : pkt_type_str = "rd rsp";
UCB_PKT_READ_NACK : pkt_type_str = "rd nack";
default: pkt_type_str = "unkown rsp";
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_INFO, psprintf("%s : payload=0x%h, threadID=0x%h, cpuID=0x%h, bufferID=0x%h",
pkt_type_str, pkt.payload, pkt.thread_id, pkt.cpu_id, pkt.buffer_id));
//---check rsp pkt header matches rd req pkt---
if (pend_rd_reqs.size() > 0) { // check only when there is a pending rd req
void = semaphore_get(WAIT, semaphore_id, 1); // only one thread can access pending rd list.
oldest_rd_pkt = pend_rd_reqs.front();
if (pkt.buffer_id != oldest_rd_pkt.buffer_id)
print_error_msg(0, psprintf("ucb rsp pkt=0x%h, req pkt=0x%h <= buffer ID or [11:10] not matched", data, oldest_rd_pkt.pkt));
if (pkt.cpu_id != oldest_rd_pkt.cpu_id)
print_error_msg(0, psprintf("ucb rsp pkt=0x%h, req pkt=0x%h <= CPU ID or [9:7] not matched", data, oldest_rd_pkt.pkt));
if (pkt.thread_id != oldest_rd_pkt.thread_id)
print_error_msg(0, psprintf("ucb rsp pkt=0x%h, req pkt=0x%h <= thread ID or [6:4] not matched", data, oldest_rd_pkt.pkt));
pend_rd_reqs.pop_front(); // remove oldest pending read req from list, no matter rsp matches or not
semaphore_put(semaphore_id, 1);
//---rd req is now completed---
get_response_pkt = data;
// WHAT: print error message
// NOTE:
// err_cnt is local error count of a particular error type.
// this.error_cnt is global error count of this vera class.
task UCB_monitor::print_error_msg(integer err_cnt, string error_msg) {
this.error_cnt++; // increment global error count
if (this.ignore_err)
if (err_cnt <= max_error_printed)
dbg.dispmon(this.dispScope, MON_ERR, error_msg);
// Return the req pkt to the caller
function UCB___packet UCB_monitor::get_req_pkt() {
UCB___packet ucb_pkt = new(*, this.req_pkt); // create a separate copy
get_req_pkt = ucb_pkt;
// Return rsp pkt to the caller
function UCB___packet UCB_monitor::get_rsp_pkt() {
UCB___packet ucb_pkt = new(*, this.rsp_pkt); // create a separate copy
get_rsp_pkt = ucb_pkt;