Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / design / sys / iop / dmu / rtl / dmu_mmu_srq_iommu.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: dmu_mmu_srq_iommu.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
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// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
module dmu_mmu_srq_iommu
l2clk, // clock for ram
clk, // clock
rst_l, // synchronous reset
por_l, // por synchronous reset
ld, // load
ds, // data select
di, // data in
sun4v_mode, // 1 if sun4v_mode
do, // data out
srq2vab_sun4v_pgsz, // sun4v page size to vab to zero before tlb lookup
srq2vab_sun4v_byp_ps0, // true if sun4v mode and bypass
srq2tmc_sun4v_pgsz_err, // true if sun4v mode and illegal sun4v page size
iotsbno, // iotsb number in stage ps0 to vtb and vab
iotsb_basepa, // iotsb base pa for tablewalks
srq2vab_np, // number of pages out of iotsb for sun4v out of range calc
srq2vab_adva, // adjusted va after offset
srq2tmc_ivld, // iotsb valid bit and'ed with sun4v_mode
srq2tmc_ipe, // iotsb parity error or tmc block
dsn_dmc_iei, // NCU can force a parity error on deviotsb reads
//efu wires
efu_dmu_data, // input efu to devtsb
efu_dmu_xfer_en, // input efu to devtsb
efu_dmu_clr , // input efu to devtsb
dmu_efu_data, // output of devtsb to efu
dmu_efu_xfer_en // output of devtsb to efu
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
parameter QD = 4, // queue depth
// QW = 2; // queue width
QW = 85; // queue width
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ports
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
input l2clk;
input clk;
input rst_l;
input por_l;
input scan_in;
input tcu_array_bypass;
input tcu_scan_en;
input tcu_se_scancollar_in;
input tcu_array_wr_inhibit;
input tcu_pce_ov;
input tcu_aclk;
input tcu_bclk;
output scan_out;
input [QD-1:0] ld;
input [QD-2:0] ds;
input [QW-1:0] di;
input sun4v_mode;
input [`FIRE_CSR_DATA_BITS] csr2dev_iotsb_wd;
input csr2dev2iotsb_we;
input csr2dev2iotsb_re;
input csr2IotsbDesc_we;
input csr2IotsbDesc_re;
input [4:0] csr2dev_iotsb_rwa;
input busid_sel;
output [2:0] srq2vab_sun4v_pgsz;
output srq2vab_sun4v_byp_ps0;
output srq2tmc_sun4v_pgsz_err;
output [QW-1:0] do;
output [4:0] iotsbno;
output [25:0] iotsb_basepa;
output [3:0] srq2vab_np;
output [27:0] srq2vab_adva;
output srq2tmc_ivld;
output srq2tmc_ipe;
output [`FIRE_CSR_DATA_BITS] dev_iotsb2csr_rd;
output lkup_deque_en;
output csr_done;
input dsn_dmc_iei;
input dmu_mb0_run;
input [4:0] dmu_mb0_addr;
input [7:0] dmu_mb0_wdata;
input dmu_mb0_dev_wr_en;
input dmu_mb0_dev_rd_en;
input dmu_mb0_tsb_wr_en;
input dmu_mb0_tsb_rd_en;
//efu wires
input efu_dmu_data ; // input efu to devtsb
input efu_dmu_xfer_en; // input efu to devtsb
input efu_dmu_clr; // input efu to devtsb
output dmu_efu_data; // output of devtsb to efu
output dmu_efu_xfer_en ; // output of devtsb to efu
wire dmu_efu_data ;
wire dmu_efu_xfer_en ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [QW-1:0] do;
// reg [QW-1:0] que [0:QD-1];
reg [QW-1:0] que_0;
reg [QW-1:0] que_1;
reg [QW-1:0] que_2;
reg [QW-1:0] que_3;
// integer i;
wire [27:0] srq2vab_adva;
// SRAM header to EFU
wire hdr_efu_read_data;
wire hdr_efu_xfer_en;
// SRAM header to SRAM
//wire [10:0] hdr_sram_rvalue;
//wire [10:0] hdr_sram_rid;
//wire hdr_sram_wr_en;
//wire hdr_sram_red_clr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Combinational
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [27:0] adj_va;
reg [26:0] out_va;
wire [3:0] fuse;
wire bypass;
wire [2:0] page_size;
// NOTE: the adj_va is the full ppn but because the ptb holds 8 entries and
// thus align the ppn to a cacheline boundary since the tte's are fetched as cachelines
// and this alignment is done in dmu_mmu_vaq.v
assign do = (sun4v_mode & ~bypass) ? {que_0[84:38],out_va[26:0],que_0[10:0]} : que_0 ;
always @(page_size or que_0 or adj_va) begin
out_va[26:0] = 27'b0;
case (page_size)
3'b000: out_va = adj_va[26:0]; // 8k pages
3'b001: out_va = {adj_va[23:0],que_0[13:11]}; // 64 pages
3'b010: out_va = {27{1'b0}}; // invalid
3'b011: out_va = {adj_va[17:0],que_0[19:11]}; // 4M pages
3'b100: out_va = {27{1'b0}}; // invalid
3'b101: out_va = {adj_va[11:0],que_0[25:11]}; // 4M pages
3'b110: out_va = {27{1'b0}}; // invalid
3'b111: out_va = {27{1'b0}}; // invalid
default: out_va = {27{1'b0}};
assign srq2vab_sun4v_pgsz[2:0] = page_size[2:0]; // send to vab to zero out for tlb compare
assign srq2vab_sun4v_byp_ps0 = sun4v_mode & bypass; // used in vab for translation/bypass error
assign srq2tmc_sun4v_pgsz_err = sun4v_mode & (
(page_size==3'b010) ||
(page_size==3'b100) ||
(page_size==3'b110) ||
(page_size==3'b111) );
// do bypass detect here, and in vab it logs the errors and does the actual bypass,
// this bypass just short-circuits the new iotsb translation
assign bypass = (que_0[61:37] == 25'h1fff800); // note que_0 adr starts at adr[2]
//BP n2for fire , matches value in dmu_mmu_vab.v
//assign bypass = (que_0[61:37] == 25'h1fff80);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sequential
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// always @ (posedge clk)
// if(~rst_l) begin : que_rst
// integer j;
// for (j = 0; j < QD; j = j + 1) begin
// que[j] <= {QW{1'b0}};
// end
// end
// else begin
// for (i = 0; i < QD-1; i = i + 1) begin
// if (ld[i]) que[i] <= ds[i] ? que[i+1] : di;
// end
// if (ld[QD-1]) que[QD-1] <= di;
// end
always @ (posedge clk)
if(~rst_l) begin : que_rst
que_0 <= {QW{1'b0}};
que_1 <= {QW{1'b0}};
que_2 <= {QW{1'b0}};
que_3 <= {QW{1'b0}};
else begin
if (ld[0]) que_0 <= ds[0] ? que_1 : di;
if (ld[1]) que_1 <= ds[1] ? que_2 : di;
if (ld[2]) que_2 <= ds[2] ? que_3 : di;
if (ld[3]) que_3 <= di;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// N2 BP 8-02-04
// add the new N2 IOMMU ram here,
// NOTE: the flops at the input to the IOMMU ram are at the same stage in
// the pipeline as que[0], so que[0] has 2 purposes
// 1. used for SUN4U mode (old fire mode)
// 2. used as part of the logic to make the new IOMMU input flops
// appear as que[0] entry for the SUN4V mode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// grab address bit 63 and the 8 bits of bus id to load into the new iommu ram address ff.
wire adr_63,q1_or_di_63,reqid_sel;
wire adr_0_63,adr_1_63;
wire [6:0] q1_or_di_req_id;
wire [5:0] req_id,q1_or_di_req_id_sel,req_id_in;
assign adr_0_63 = que_0[61];
assign adr_1_63 = que_1[61];
// select address bit 63 into the iommu ram address port
assign q1_or_di_63 = ds[0] ? adr_1_63 : di[61];
assign adr_63 = ld[0] ? q1_or_di_63 : adr_0_63;
// now select the bus_id to load into the iommu ram address port
// select which bus_id to load
assign q1_or_di_req_id[6:0] = ds[0] ? que_1[76:70] : di[76:70]; // shift or di
assign req_id[5:0] = reqid_sel ? que_0[75:70] : que_0[76:71]; // select which bits to hold
assign q1_or_di_req_id_sel[5:0] = reqid_sel ? q1_or_di_req_id[5:0] : q1_or_di_req_id[6:1]; // select which new bits to load
assign req_id_in[5:0] = ld[0] ? q1_or_di_req_id_sel[5:0] : req_id[5:0]; // hold term
wire devtsb_csr;
wire [4:0] adr_r_in, devtsb_csr_adr;
//SV assign reqid_sel = 1'b0;
//SV assign devtsb_csr = 1'b0;
assign adr_r_in[4:0] = devtsb_csr ? devtsb_csr_adr[4:0] : {1'b0,adr_63,req_id_in[5:3]};
wire [63:0] iotsb_out;
wire [4:0] iotsbno;
wire iotsb_par62,iotsb_par61;
// SV
wire csrequest, dev_rd, dev_wr, tsb_rd, tsb_wr, arb_winner;
wire [63:0] devtsb_din;
assign devtsb_csr_adr = csr2dev_iotsb_rwa;
assign dev_iotsb2csr_rd = iotsb_out;
assign reqid_sel = busid_sel;
assign devtsb_csr = ~arb_winner;
assign dev_rd = arb_winner ? 1'b1 : csr2dev2iotsb_re;
assign dev_wr = ~arb_winner & csr2dev2iotsb_we;
assign tsb_rd = arb_winner ? 1'b1 : csr2IotsbDesc_re;
assign tsb_wr = ~arb_winner & csr2IotsbDesc_we;
assign csrequest = csr2dev2iotsb_re | csr2dev2iotsb_we | csr2IotsbDesc_re | csr2IotsbDesc_we;
assign lkup_deque_en = arb_winner;
assign iotsb_par62 = ~(^{csr2dev_iotsb_wd[63],csr2dev_iotsb_wd[59:32]});
assign iotsb_par61 = ~(^{csr2dev_iotsb_wd[31:1],(csr2dev_iotsb_wd[0] ^ dsn_dmc_iei)});
assign devtsb_din = csr2dev2iotsb_we ? {3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[60:56],3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[52:48],3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[44:40],3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[36:32],3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[28:24],3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[20:16],3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[12:8],3'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[4:0]} : {csr2dev_iotsb_wd[63],iotsb_par62,iotsb_par61,1'b0,csr2dev_iotsb_wd[59:0]};
/* arb -req csrrequest -gnt ~lkupreq
dmu_mmu_arbiter_rrobin arbiter_rrobin
.next_grant (arb_winner),
.csr_done (csr_done),
.clk (clk),
.rst_l (rst_l),
.csrequest (csrequest)
//BP n2 9-23-04 add the bypass mux
// note devtsb_din derives from csr2dev_iotsb_wd which comes from flops in dmu_mmu_csr_cim.v
wire [`FIRE_CSR_DATA_BITS] devtsb_out;
assign iotsb_out = tcu_array_bypass ? csr2dev_iotsb_wd : devtsb_out;
//SV 02/24/05 added BIST logic
wire [63:0] din_ram ;
wire [4:0] rd_addr_ram, wr_addr_ram ;
wire tsbwr_en_ram, tsbrd_en_ram ;
wire devwr_en_ram, devrd_en_ram ;
wire devtsb_lkup_en ;
assign din_ram = dmu_mb0_run ? ({8{dmu_mb0_wdata}}) : devtsb_din ;
assign rd_addr_ram = dmu_mb0_run ? dmu_mb0_addr[4:0] : adr_r_in[4:0] ;
assign wr_addr_ram = dmu_mb0_run ? dmu_mb0_addr[4:0] : csr2dev_iotsb_rwa ;
assign devwr_en_ram = dmu_mb0_run ? dmu_mb0_dev_wr_en : dev_wr ;
assign devrd_en_ram = dmu_mb0_run ? dmu_mb0_dev_rd_en : dev_rd ;
assign tsbwr_en_ram = dmu_mb0_run ? dmu_mb0_tsb_wr_en : tsb_wr ;
assign tsbrd_en_ram = dmu_mb0_run ? dmu_mb0_tsb_rd_en : tsb_rd ;
assign devtsb_lkup_en = dmu_mb0_run ? 1'b0 : arb_winner ;
// -0in assert_follower -leader arb_winner -follower tsb_rd -max 0 -min 0
// -0in assert_follower -leader arb_winner -follower dev_rd -max 0 -min 0
// 0in never -var (tsb_rd & tsb_wr) -group mbist_mode
// 0in never -var (dev_rd & dev_wr) -group mbist_mode
n2_iom_sp_devtsb_cust srq_iommu
// address ports
.adr_r (rd_addr_ram),
.adr_bs (req_id_in[2:0]),
.adr_w (wr_addr_ram),
// clock ports
.clk (l2clk),
// data input ports
.din (din_ram),
// data output ports
// .dout (iotsb_out),
.dout (devtsb_out),
.tsb_adr_r (iotsbno),
// port enables
.dev_wr (devwr_en_ram),
.dev_rd (devrd_en_ram),
.tsb_wr (tsbwr_en_ram),
.tsb_rd (tsbrd_en_ram),
.lkup_en (devtsb_lkup_en),
// scan ports
.scan_in (scan_in),
.tcu_se_scancollar_in (tcu_se_scancollar_in),
.tcu_scan_en (tcu_scan_en),
.tcu_array_wr_inhibit (tcu_array_wr_inhibit),
.tcu_pce_ov (tcu_pce_ov),
.pce (1'b1),
.tcu_aclk (tcu_aclk),
.tcu_bclk (tcu_bclk),
.scan_out (scan_out),
.efu_bits (fuse[3:0])
// do the SUN4V address relocation
wire [25:0] iotsb_basepa;
wire [26:0] offset;
wire [3:0] srq2vab_np; // number of pages out of iotsb
reg [26:0] shft_va;
reg [4:0] rdcount;
reg [21:0] sync_read;
wire data_en,read_en,wr_en;
reg sync_clr;
assign srq2tmc_ivld = ~iotsb_out[63] && sun4v_mode;
assign iotsb_basepa[25:0] = iotsb_out[59:34];
assign offset[26:0] = iotsb_out[33:7];
assign page_size[2:0] = iotsb_out[6:4];
assign srq2vab_np[3:0] = iotsb_out[3:0];
wire iotsb_out_par62 = ~(^{iotsb_out[63],iotsb_out[59:32]});
wire iotsb_out_par61 = ~(^{iotsb_out[31:0]});
//assign srq2tmc_ipe = sun4v_mode && iotsb_out[63] && (iotsb_out_par62 ^ iotsb_out[62]) | (iotsb_out_par61 ^ iotsb_out[61]);
assign srq2tmc_ipe = sun4v_mode && (iotsb_out_par62 ^ iotsb_out[62]) | (iotsb_out_par61 ^ iotsb_out[61]);
// note: that que_0 contains va[63:2] not va[61:0]!!!
always @( page_size or que_0 )begin
shft_va[26:0] = 27'b0;
case (page_size)
3'b000: shft_va = que_0[37:11]; // 8k pages
3'b001: shft_va = {{3{1'b0}},que_0[37:14]}; // 64k pages
3'b010: shft_va = {27{1'b0}};
3'b011: shft_va = {{9{1'b0}},que_0[37:20]}; // 4M pages
3'b100: shft_va = {27{1'b0}};
3'b101: shft_va = {{15{1'b0}},que_0[37:26]}; // 256M pages
3'b110: shft_va = {27{1'b0}};
3'b111: shft_va = {27{1'b0}};
default: shft_va = {27{1'b0}};
assign adj_va[27:0] = {1'b0,shft_va[26:0]} - {1'b0,offset[26:0]};
assign srq2vab_adva[27:0] = adj_va[27:0];
//BP N2 3-31-05 convert sv file to .v to drive devtsb ram
// the .sv code is located at cdmspp/libs/rtl/
//module n2_efuhdr_ctl ;
reg efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1,efu_dmu_data_r1,efu_dmu_clr_r1,efu_dmu_xfer_en_r2;
reg [21:0] instr;
wire [21:0] efu_instr,sram_read_data,received_instr;
reg [4:0] count;
wire [4:0] count_in;
wire dispatch_read_data,load_shift_reg,load_en,reset_count;
wire rdreset_count,ld_rd_en;
wire [4:0] rdcount_in;
reg [21:0] sync_instr;
//msff_ctl_macro ff_input_all_enable (width=4)
// (
// .scan_in(ff_input_all_enable_scanin),
// .scan_out(ff_input_all_enable_scanout),
// .dout ({efu_hdr_xfer_en_r1,efu_hdr_write_data_r1,efu_hdr_clr_r1,efu_hdr_xfer_en_r2}),
// .din ({efu_hdr_xfer_en, efu_hdr_write_data ,efu_hdr_clr, efu_hdr_xfer_en_r1}),
// .l1clk (l1clk_efu)
// );
always @ (posedge clk)
if(~por_l) begin
efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1 <= 1'b0;
efu_dmu_data_r1 <= 1'b0;
efu_dmu_clr_r1 <= 1'b0;
efu_dmu_xfer_en_r2 <= 1'b0;
else begin
efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1 <= efu_dmu_xfer_en;
efu_dmu_data_r1 <= efu_dmu_data;
efu_dmu_clr_r1 <= efu_dmu_clr;
efu_dmu_xfer_en_r2 <= efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1;
assign efu_instr[21:0] = {instr[20:0],efu_dmu_data_r1};
assign sram_read_data[21:0] = {18'b0,fuse[3:0]};
assign received_instr[21:0] = efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1 ? efu_instr[21:0] :
(rdcount==5'd23) ? sync_read :
dispatch_read_data ? ({instr[20:0],1'b0}) : 22'b0;
assign load_shift_reg = efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1 | dispatch_read_data | (rdcount == 5'd23);
//msff_ctl_macro ff_receiver_instr_slice (width=22,en=1)
// (
// .scan_in(ff_receiver_instr_slice_scanin),
// .scan_out(ff_receiver_instr_slice_scanout),
// .dout (instr[21:0]),
// .din (received_instr[21:0]),
// .en (load_shift_reg),
// .l1clk (l1clk_efu)
// );
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if(~por_l) begin
instr[21:0] <= 22'b0;
else if (load_shift_reg) begin
instr[21:0] <= received_instr[21:0];
else begin
instr[21:0] <= instr[21:0];
assign data_en = (count==5'd8) ;
assign wr_en = ((count==5'd7) | ~(sync_instr[21]) );
assign read_en = (count==5'd1);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if(~por_l|| sync_clr) begin
sync_instr[1:0] <= 2'b0;
sync_instr[2] <= 1'b1;
sync_instr[21:3] <= 19'b0;
else if (data_en &
// (~received_instr[21] & received_instr[11] & received_instr[0]) ) begin
(~instr[21] & instr[11] & instr[0]) ) begin
sync_instr[21:0] <= instr[21:0];
else begin
sync_instr[21:0] <= sync_instr[21:0];
assign fuse[3:0] = sync_instr[4:1];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if(~por_l) begin
sync_read[21:0] <= 22'b0;
else if (read_en) begin
sync_read[21:0] <= sram_read_data[21:0];
else begin
sync_read[21:0] <= sync_read[21:0];
always @ (posedge clk)
if(~por_l) begin
sync_clr <= 1'b0;
else begin
sync_clr <= efu_dmu_clr_r1;
// always @ (posedge clk)
// if(~por_l || sync_clr) begin
// fuse[0] <= 1'b0;
// fuse[1] <= 1'b1;
// fuse[3:2] <= 2'b0;
// end
// else if (load_en & received_instr[11] & received_instr[0]) begin
// else if (efu_dmu_xfer_en_r2 & ~efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1 &
// ~received_instr[21] & received_instr[11] & received_instr[0]) begin
// fuse[3:0] <= received_instr[4:1];
// end
// else begin
// fuse[3:0] <= fuse[3:0];
// end
assign load_en = (~efu_dmu_xfer_en_r2 & efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1);
assign ld_rd_en = (count==5'd1);
assign reset_count = ( count == 5'd0 );
assign rdreset_count = ( rdcount == 5'd0 );
assign count_in = load_en ? 5'd29 : reset_count ? 5'b0 : (count - 5'b1);
assign rdcount_in = ld_rd_en ? 5'd23 : rdreset_count ? 5'b0 : (rdcount - 5'b1);
//msff_ctl_macro ff_counter_slice (width=5,en=1)
// (
// .scan_in(ff_counter_slice_scanin),
// .scan_out(ff_counter_slice_scanout),
// .dout (count[4:0]),
// .din (count_in[4:0]),
// .en (load_en),
// .l1clk (l1clk_efu)
// );
always @ (posedge clk)
if(~por_l) begin
count[4:0] <= 5'b0;
// else if (load_en) begin
// else if (efu_dmu_xfer_en_r1) begin
else begin
count[4:0] <= count_in[4:0];
always @ (posedge clk)
if(~por_l) begin
rdcount[4:0] <= 5'b0;
// else if (ld_rd_en) begin
else begin
rdcount[4:0] <= rdcount_in[4:0];
//assign hdr_sram_rvalue[10:0] = instr[10:0];
//assign hdr_sram_rid[10:0] = instr[21:11];
//assign hdr_sram_red_clr = efu_dmu_clr_r1;
//assign hdr_sram_wr_en = |(count[1:0]);
//assign hdr_sram_rvalue[10:0] = sync_instr[10:0];
//assign hdr_sram_rid[10:0] = sync_instr[21:11];
//assign hdr_sram_red_clr = sync_clr;
//assign hdr_sram_wr_en = sync_wr;
//assign dispatch_read_data = (count[4:0]<5'd23) & (rdcount[4:0]!= 5'd0);
assign dispatch_read_data = (rdcount[4:0]<5'd23) & (rdcount[4:0]!=5'd0);
//assign hdr_efu_read_data = instr[21];
//assign hdr_efu_xfer_en = dispatch_read_data;
assign dmu_efu_data = instr[21];
assign dmu_efu_xfer_en = dispatch_read_data;
endmodule // dmu_mmu_srq