Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / design / sys / iop / l2t / rtl / l2t_rdmat_ctl.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: l2t_rdmat_ctl.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
`define IQ_SIZE 8
`define OQ_SIZE 12
`define TAG_WIDTH 28
`define TAG_WIDTH_LESS1 27
`define TAG_WIDTHr 28r
`define TAG_WIDTHc 28c
`define TAG_WIDTH6 22
`define TAG_WIDTH6r 22r
`define TAG_WIDTH6c 22c
`define MBD_WIDTH 106 // BS and SR 11/12/03 N2 Xbar Packet format change
// BS and SR 11/12/03 N2 Xbar Packet format change
`define MBD_ECC_HI 105
`define MBD_ECC_HI_PLUS1 106
`define MBD_ECC_HI_PLUS5 110
`define MBD_ECC_LO 100
`define MBD_EVICT 99
`define MBD_DEP 98
`define MBD_TECC 97
`define MBD_ENTRY_HI 96
`define MBD_ENTRY_LO 93
`define MBD_POISON 92
`define MBD_RDMA_HI 91
`define MBD_RDMA_LO 90
`define MBD_RQ_HI 89
`define MBD_RQ_LO 85
`define MBD_NC 84
`define MBD_RSVD 83
`define MBD_CP_HI 82
`define MBD_CP_LO 80
`define MBD_TH_HI 79
`define MBD_TH_LO 77
`define MBD_BF_HI 76
`define MBD_BF_LO 74
`define MBD_WY_HI 73
`define MBD_WY_LO 72
`define MBD_SZ_HI 71
`define MBD_SZ_LO 64
`define MBD_DATA_HI 63
`define MBD_DATA_LO 0
// BS and SR 11/12/03 N2 Xbar Packet format change
`define L2_FBF 40
`define L2_MBF 39
`define L2_SNP 38
`define L2_CTRUE 37
`define L2_EVICT 36
`define L2_DEP 35
`define L2_TECC 34
`define L2_ENTRY_HI 33
`define L2_ENTRY_LO 29
`define L2_POISON 28
`define L2_RDMA_HI 27
`define L2_RDMA_LO 26
// BS and SR 11/12/03 N2 Xbar Packet format change , maps to bits [128:104] of PCXS packet , ther than RSVD bit
`define L2_RQTYP_HI 25
`define L2_RQTYP_LO 21
`define L2_NC 20
`define L2_RSVD 19
`define L2_CPUID_HI 18
`define L2_CPUID_LO 16
`define L2_TID_HI 15
`define L2_TID_LO 13
`define L2_BUFID_HI 12
`define L2_BUFID_LO 10
`define L2_L1WY_HI 9
`define L2_L1WY_LO 8
`define L2_SZ_HI 7
`define L2_SZ_LO 0
`define ERR_MEU 63
`define ERR_MEC 62
`define ERR_RW 61
`define ERR_ASYNC 60
`define ERR_TID_HI 59 // PRM needs to change to reflect this : TID will be bits [59:54] instead of [58:54]
`define ERR_TID_LO 54
`define ERR_LDAC 53
`define ERR_LDAU 52
`define ERR_LDWC 51
`define ERR_LDWU 50
`define ERR_LDRC 49
`define ERR_LDRU 48
`define ERR_LDSC 47
`define ERR_LDSU 46
`define ERR_LTC 45
`define ERR_LRU 44
`define ERR_LVU 43
`define ERR_DAC 42
`define ERR_DAU 41
`define ERR_DRC 40
`define ERR_DRU 39
`define ERR_DSC 38
`define ERR_DSU 37
`define ERR_VEC 36
`define ERR_VEU 35
`define ERR_LVC 34
`define ERR_SYN_HI 31
`define ERR_SYN_LO 0
`define ERR_MEND 51
`define ERR_NDRW 50
`define ERR_NDSP 49
`define ERR_NDDM 48
`define ERR_NDVCID_HI 45
`define ERR_NDVCID_LO 40
`define ERR_NDADR_HI 39
`define ERR_NDADR_LO 4
// Phase 2 : SIU Inteface and format change
`define JBI_HDR_SZ 26 // BS and SR 11/12/03 N2 Xbar Packet format change
`define JBI_HDR_SZ_LESS1 25 // BS and SR 11/12/03 N2 Xbar Packet format change
`define JBI_HDR_SZ4 23
`define JBI_HDR_SZc 27c
`define JBI_HDR_SZ4c 23c
`define JBI_ADDR_LO 0
`define JBI_ADDR_HI 7
`define JBI_SZ_LO 8
`define JBI_SZ_HI 15
// `define JBI_RSVD 16 NOt used
`define JBI_CTAG_LO 16
`define JBI_CTAG_HI 23
`define JBI_RQ_RD 24
`define JBI_RQ_WR8 25
`define JBI_RQ_WR64 26
`define JBI_OPES_LO 27 // 0 = 30, P=29, E=28, S=27
`define JBI_OPES_HI 30
`define JBI_RQ_POISON 31
`define JBI_ENTRY_LO 32
`define JBI_ENTRY_HI 33
// Phase 2 : SIU Inteface and format change
// BS and SR 11/12/03 N2 Xbar Packet format change :
`define JBINST_SZ_LO 0
`define JBINST_SZ_HI 7
// `define JBINST_RSVD 8 NOT used
`define JBINST_CTAG_LO 8
`define JBINST_CTAG_HI 15
`define JBINST_RQ_RD 16
`define JBINST_RQ_WR8 17
`define JBINST_RQ_WR64 18
`define JBINST_OPES_LO 19 // 0 = 22, P=21, E=20, S=19
`define JBINST_OPES_HI 22
`define JBINST_ENTRY_LO 23
`define JBINST_ENTRY_HI 24
`define JBINST_POISON 25
`define ST_REQ_ST 1
`define LD_REQ_ST 2
`define IDLE 0
// Local header file includes / local defines
module l2t_rdmat_ctl (
wire pce_ov;
wire stop;
wire siclk;
wire soclk;
wire se;
wire l1clk;
wire spares_scanin;
wire spares_scanout;
wire reset_flop_scanin;
wire reset_flop_scanout;
wire ff_l2t_l2b_ctag_c7_scanin;
wire ff_l2t_l2b_ctag_c7_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_wr_ptr_s2_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_wr_ptr_s2_scanout;
wire ff_l2t_mb2_addr_scanin;
wire ff_l2t_mb2_addr_scanout;
wire [1:0] l2t_mb2_addr_r1;
wire [1:0] l2t_mb2_addr_r2;
wire [1:0] l2t_mb2_addr_r3;
wire [3:0] l2t_mb2_wr_addr;
wire ff_mb_run_scanin;
wire ff_mb_run_scanout;
wire rdma_mbist_cam_sel_r1;
wire ff_valid_bit_scanin;
wire ff_valid_bit_scanout;
wire ff_arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2_scanin;
wire ff_arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2_scanout;
wire rdma_mbist_cam_hit_raw;
wire rdma_mbist_cam_hit_r1;
wire ff_rdma_mbist_cam_hit_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_mbist_cam_hit_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_hit_qual_c3_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_hit_qual_c3_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_hit_qual_c4_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_hit_qual_c4_scanout;
wire ff_mbid0_scanin;
wire ff_mbid0_scanout;
wire ff_mbid1_scanin;
wire ff_mbid1_scanout;
wire ff_mbid2_scanin;
wire ff_mbid2_scanout;
wire ff_mbid3_scanin;
wire ff_mbid3_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_mbid_vld_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_mbid_vld_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_entry_c4_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_entry_c4_scanout;
wire ff_mcu_req_scanin;
wire ff_mcu_req_scanout;
wire ff_rdma_acked_scanin;
wire ff_rdma_acked_scanout;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c5_scanin;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c5_scanout;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c52_scanin;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c52_scanout;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c6_scanin;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c6_scanout;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c7_scanin;
wire ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c7_scanout;
wire ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c5_scanin;
wire ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c5_scanout;
wire ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c52_scanin;
wire ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c52_scanout;
wire ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c6_scanin;
wire ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c6_scanout;
wire ff_tag_siu_req_en_c6_scanin;
wire ff_tag_siu_req_en_c6_scanout;
wire ff_tag_siu_req_en_c7_scanin;
wire ff_tag_siu_req_en_c7_scanout;
wire ff_rdmard_st_scanin;
wire ff_rdmard_st_scanout;
wire ff_rdmard_cerr_c12_scanin;
wire ff_rdmard_cerr_c12_scanout;
wire ff_rdmard_uerr_c12_scanin;
wire ff_rdmard_uerr_c12_scanout;
wire ff_rdmard_notdata_c12_scanin;
wire ff_rdmard_notdata_c12_scanout;
wire ff_ev_uerr_r6_scanin;
wire ff_ev_uerr_r6_scanout;
wire ff_ev_cerr_r6_scanin;
wire ff_ev_cerr_r6_scanout;
wire ff_dbg_signals_scanin;
wire ff_dbg_signals_scanout;
input tcu_pce_ov;
input tcu_aclk;
input tcu_bclk;
input tcu_scan_en;
output [1:0] rdmat_wr_entry_s1; // to snp ctl.
output rdmat_or_rdmat_valid; // to wbuf
output [3:0] rdmat_pick_vec; // to wbuf
output rdmat_rdma_hit_unqual_c2 ; // to misbuf
output rdmat_rdma_misbuf_dep_rdy_en;// to misbuf
output [4:0] rdmat_rdma_misbuf_dep_mbid; // to misbuf , BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
output [3:0] rdmat_wr_wl_s2;
//output [2:0] l2t_l2b_fbwr_wl_r2; // NEW_PIN
//output l2t_l2b_fbrd_en_c3; // NEW_PIN
//output [2:0] l2t_l2b_fbrd_wl_c3; // NEW_PIN
output l2t_l2b_word_vld_c7; // NEW_PIN
output l2t_l2b_ctag_en_c7; // NEW_PIN
output l2t_l2b_req_en_c7; // NEW_PIN
output [3:0] l2t_l2b_word_c7; // NEW_PIN
output rdmat_rdmard_cerr_c12; // NEW_PIN
output rdmat_rdmard_uerr_c12;
output rdmat_rdmard_notdata_c12;
output rdmat_ev_uerr_r6; // NEW_PIN
output rdmat_ev_cerr_r6;
output scan_out;
input snp_rdmatag_wr_en_s2 ; // from snp.
input [3:0] wbuf_reset_rdmat_vld; // comes from wbuf
input [3:0] wbuf_set_rdmat_acked; // from wbuf
input [3:0] rdmat_cam_match_c2; // from cm2
input arb_wbuf_inst_vld_c2 ; // from arb.
input arb_wbuf_hit_off_c1 ; // from arb.
input [1:0] arbdec_arbdp_rdma_entry_c3; // mbid
input [4:0] misbuf_wbuf_mbid_c4; // misbuf // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
input misbuf_hit_c4; // misbuf
input tag_rdma_ev_en_c4; // generated in tag;
//input tag_l2b_fbd_stdatasel_c3;
//input [15:0] tag_l2b_fbwr_wen_r2;
//output [15:0] l2t_l2b_fbwr_wen_r2 ;
//output l2t_l2b_fbd_stdatasel_c3 ;
input wmr_l;
input l2clk;
input scan_in;
// from l2b
input l2b_l2t_rdma_cerr_c10; // NEW_PIN
input l2b_l2t_rdma_uerr_c10; // NEW_PIN
input l2b_l2t_rdma_notdata_c10;
// from l2b
input l2b_l2t_ev_uerr_r5; // NEW_PIN
input l2b_l2t_ev_cerr_r5; // NEW_PIN
input [31:0] arbdec_ctag_c6; // NEW_PIN POST_3.3 Bottom // Phase 2 : SIU inteface and packet format change 2/7/04
// RAS implementation changes 10/14/04
output [31:0] l2t_l2b_ctag_c7; // NEW_PIN POST_3.3 TOp // Phase 2 : SIU inteface and packet format change 2/7/04
// RAS implementation changes 10/14/04
output rdma_mbist_cam_hit;
input rdma_mbist_cam_sel;
input [5:0] l2t_dbg_xbar_vcid_unreg;
output [5:0] l2t_dbg_xbar_vcid;
input l2t_dbg_sii_iq_dequeue_unreg;
output l2t_dbg_sii_iq_dequeue;
// from tag.
input tag_inc_rdma_cnt_c4; // NEW_PIN
input tag_set_rdma_reg_vld_c4 ; // NEW_PIN
input tag_siu_req_en_c52; // NEW_PIN
// from arbaddr
input [5:2] arbdp_rdma_addr_c6; // NEW_PIN
// from filbuf
//input filbuf_fbd_rd_en_c2; // rd en for fbdata NEW_PIN
//input [2:0] filbuf_fbd_rd_entry_c2; // rd entry for fbdata NEW_PIN
//input [2:0] filbuf_fbd_wr_entry_r1; // entry for fbdata wr NEW_PIN
// mbist
input l2t_mb2_run;
input [3:0] l2t_mb2_addr;
// L1 clk header
assign pce_ov = tcu_pce_ov;
assign stop = 1'b0;
assign siclk = tcu_aclk;
assign soclk = tcu_bclk;
assign se = tcu_scan_en;
l2t_l1clkhdr_ctl_macro clkgen (
.l1en(1'b1 ),
// Spare gate insertion
l2t_spare_ctl_macro__num_4 spares (
.l1clk (l1clk),
wire siu_req_en_c7;
wire siu_req_en_c6;
wire inc_rdma_cnt_c5, inc_rdma_cnt_c52, inc_rdma_cnt_c6, inc_rdma_cnt_c7 ; // BS 03/11/04 extra cycle for mem access
wire set_rdma_reg_vld_c5 , set_rdma_reg_vld_c52, set_rdma_reg_vld_c6, set_rdma_reg_vld_c7 ;// BS 03/11/04 extra cycle for mem access
wire [3:0] rdma_state_in, rdma_state_plus1 , rdma_state ;
wire inc_state_en;
wire rdma_state_en;
wire [3:0] rdma_wr_ptr_s1, rdma_wr_ptr_s2;
wire [3:0] rdma_valid_prev, rdma_valid ;
wire [3:0] rdma_cam_hit_vec_c2, rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3, rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4;
wire rdma_hit_qual_c2, rdma_hit_qual_c3, rdma_hit_qual_c4;
wire mbid_wr_en ;
wire [3:0] sel_insert_mbid_c4;
wire [4:0] mbid0, mbid1, mbid2, mbid3; // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
wire [3:0] rdma_mbid_vld_in, rdma_mbid_vld ;
wire [3:0] sel_mbid;
wire sel_def_mbid;
wire [4:0] enc_mbid; // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
wire [3:0] rdma_acked_in, rdma_acked;
wire [3:0] rdma_mcu_req_in, rdma_mcu_req ;
wire [3:0] noalloc_evict_mcu_c4;
wire or_rdma_mbid_vld;
wire [1:0] rdma_entry_c4;
wire arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2;
wire [3:0] sel_mbid_rst;
wire dbb_rst_l;
// Reset flop
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 reset_flop
//assign l2t_l2b_fbd_stdatasel_c3 = tag_l2b_fbd_stdatasel_c3 ;
//assign l2t_l2b_fbwr_wen_r2 = tag_l2b_fbwr_wen_r2 ;
// int 5.0 changes
// assign rdmat_siu_req_vld_buf = siu_l2t_req_vld;
// assign rdmat_siu_req_buf = siu_l2t_req;
// Repeater for ctag from arbdec.
// RAS implementation changes 10/14/04
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_32 ff_l2t_l2b_ctag_c7 // Phase 2 : SIU inteface and packet format change 2/7/04
(.din(arbdec_ctag_c6[31:0]), .l1clk(l1clk),
// Generating the wr ptr for rdmat
assign rdma_wr_ptr_s1[0] = ~rdma_valid[0] ;
assign rdma_wr_ptr_s1[1] = rdma_valid[0] & ~rdma_valid[1];
assign rdma_wr_ptr_s1[2] = (rdma_valid[0] & rdma_valid[1]) & ~rdma_valid[2] ;
assign rdma_wr_ptr_s1[3] = ( rdma_valid[0] & rdma_valid[1] & rdma_valid[2]) & ~rdma_valid[3] ;
assign rdmat_wr_entry_s1[0] = ( rdma_wr_ptr_s1[1] | rdma_wr_ptr_s1[3] ) ;
assign rdmat_wr_entry_s1[1] = ( rdma_wr_ptr_s1[2] | rdma_wr_ptr_s1[3] ) ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_4 ff_rdma_wr_ptr_s2
(.din(rdma_wr_ptr_s1[3:0]), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_6 ff_l2t_mb2_addr
.din({l2t_mb2_addr[1:0],l2t_mb2_addr_r1[1:0], l2t_mb2_addr_r2[1:0]}),
assign l2t_mb2_wr_addr[0] = (l2t_mb2_addr_r3[1:0] == 2'b00);
assign l2t_mb2_wr_addr[1] = (l2t_mb2_addr_r3[1:0] == 2'b01);
assign l2t_mb2_wr_addr[2] = (l2t_mb2_addr_r3[1:0] == 2'b10);
assign l2t_mb2_wr_addr[3] = (l2t_mb2_addr_r3[1:0] == 2'b11);
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_mb_run
(.din(rdma_mbist_cam_sel), .l1clk(l1clk),
assign rdmat_wr_wl_s2[3:0] = l2t_mb2_run ? l2t_mb2_wr_addr[3:0] : rdma_wr_ptr_s2[3:0] ;
// Pipeline for setting and resetting the valid bits
// for the rdmat
// Set Pipeline.
// S1 S2 S3
// xmit wr entry snp
// pick to generates
// snp rdmat/rdmad vld=1
// wren and wrwl
// set valid bit
// Reset Pipeline
// R0 R5 ..... R11 R12
// evict evict evict
// data1 data7 data8
// reset valid=0
// valid.
assign rdma_valid_prev = ( rdma_wr_ptr_s2 & {4{snp_rdmatag_wr_en_s2}}
| rdma_valid )
& ~wbuf_reset_rdmat_vld ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__clr_1__width_4 ff_valid_bit // sync reset active low
(.din(rdma_valid_prev[3:0]), .l1clk(l1clk),
// Hit calculation.
// RDMA hit is asserted only under the following conditions.
// wb_valid = 1
// wb_mcu_req = 1 => that the Wr64 corresponding to that entry
// has cleared all dependencies and successfully
// completed an issue down the pipe.
// wb_acked = 1 => an ack was received for the Wr req sent to
// mcu.
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2
(.dout (arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2),
.din (arb_wbuf_hit_off_c1),
.l1clk (l1clk),
) ;
assign rdma_mbist_cam_hit_raw = rdma_mbist_cam_sel_r1 ? |(rdmat_cam_match_c2[3:0]) :1'b0;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_2 ff_rdma_mbist_cam_hit
(.dout ({rdma_mbist_cam_hit_r1,rdma_mbist_cam_hit}),
.din ({rdma_mbist_cam_hit_raw,rdma_mbist_cam_hit_r1}),
.l1clk (l1clk),
) ;
assign rdma_cam_hit_vec_c2 = ( rdmat_cam_match_c2 &
rdma_valid & rdma_mcu_req &
~( rdma_acked | {4{arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2}} ) );
assign rdmat_rdma_hit_unqual_c2 = |( rdma_cam_hit_vec_c2 ) ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_4 ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3
(.dout (rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3[3:0]),
.din (rdma_cam_hit_vec_c2[3:0]),
.l1clk (l1clk),
) ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_4 ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4
(.dout (rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4[3:0]),
.din (rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3[3:0]),
.l1clk (l1clk),
) ;
assign rdma_hit_qual_c2 = rdmat_rdma_hit_unqual_c2 &
arb_wbuf_inst_vld_c2 ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_rdma_hit_qual_c3
(.dout (rdma_hit_qual_c3),
.din (rdma_hit_qual_c2),
.l1clk (l1clk),
) ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_rdma_hit_qual_c4
(.dout (rdma_hit_qual_c4),
.din (rdma_hit_qual_c3),
.l1clk (l1clk),
) ;
// MBID and MBID_vld.
// Written in the C4 cycle of a non-dependent instruction that hits
// the rdma buffer.
// When an ack is received from DRAM for the entry with mbid_vld,
// the corresponding mbid is used to wake up the miss buffer entry
// that depends on the write.The ack may be received when the instruction
// is in flight i.e in C2, C3 otr C4 and yet to set mbid vld. But that is
// okay since the "acked" bit can only be set for one entry in the WBB at
// a time.
// MBID_vld is reset when an entry has mbid_vld =1 and acked=1
assign mbid_wr_en = rdma_hit_qual_c4 & ~misbuf_hit_c4;
assign sel_insert_mbid_c4 = {4{mbid_wr_en}} & rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4 ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__en_1__width_5 ff_mbid0 // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
(.din( misbuf_wbuf_mbid_c4[4:0]),
.l1clk(l1clk), .dout(mbid0[4:0]),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__en_1__width_5 ff_mbid1 // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
.l1clk(l1clk), .dout(mbid1[4:0]),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__en_1__width_5 ff_mbid2 // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
.l1clk(l1clk), .dout(mbid2[4:0]),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__en_1__width_5 ff_mbid3 // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
.l1clk(l1clk), .dout(mbid3[4:0]),
assign rdma_mbid_vld_in = ( rdma_mbid_vld | sel_insert_mbid_c4 ) &
~(sel_mbid[3:0]) ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__clr_1__width_4 ff_rdma_mbid_vld // sync reset active low
// Mbf dependent Ready logic.
assign sel_mbid = rdma_acked & rdma_mbid_vld ;
assign sel_def_mbid = ~( sel_mbid[2] | sel_mbid[1] | sel_mbid[0] ) ;
assign sel_mbid_rst[0] = sel_mbid[0] ;
assign sel_mbid_rst[1] = sel_mbid[1] ;
assign sel_mbid_rst[2] = sel_mbid[2] ;
assign sel_mbid_rst[3] = sel_def_mbid ;
l2t_mux_ctl_macro__mux_aonpe__ports_4__width_5 rdma_mb_mbid // BS & SR 11/04/03, MB grows to 32
(.dout (enc_mbid[4:0]),
.din0(mbid0[4:0]), .din1(mbid1[4:0]),
.din2(mbid2[4:0]), .din3(mbid3[4:0]),
.sel0(sel_mbid_rst[0]), .sel1(sel_mbid_rst[1]),
.sel2(sel_mbid_rst[2]), .sel3(sel_mbid_rst[3]));
assign rdmat_rdma_misbuf_dep_rdy_en = |(sel_mbid[3:0]);
assign rdmat_rdma_misbuf_dep_mbid = enc_mbid[4:0];
// This bit indicates if an entry in the RDMA WR Buffer
// can be evicted to DRAM.
// The mcu req bit of an entry is set in the C4 cycle of
// a WR64 instruction that completes successfully.
// A Wr64 instruction much like the RD64 instruction is
// followed by 2 bubbles. This means that an instruction
// following it 2 cycles later will see the mcu_req
// bit without any need for bypassing.
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_2 ff_rdma_entry_c4
(.din( arbdec_arbdp_rdma_entry_c3[1:0]),
.l1clk(l1clk), .dout(rdma_entry_c4[1:0]),
assign noalloc_evict_mcu_c4[0] = ( rdma_entry_c4[1:0] == 2'b00 ) &
tag_rdma_ev_en_c4 ;
assign noalloc_evict_mcu_c4[1] = ( rdma_entry_c4[1:0] == 2'b01 ) &
tag_rdma_ev_en_c4 ;
assign noalloc_evict_mcu_c4[2] = ( rdma_entry_c4[1:0] == 2'b10 ) &
tag_rdma_ev_en_c4 ;
assign noalloc_evict_mcu_c4[3] = ( rdma_entry_c4[1:0] == 2'b11 ) &
tag_rdma_ev_en_c4 ;
assign rdma_mcu_req_in = ( rdma_mcu_req | noalloc_evict_mcu_c4 )
& ~wbuf_reset_rdmat_vld;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__clr_1__width_4 ff_mcu_req // sync reset active low
(.din(rdma_mcu_req_in[3:0]), .l1clk(l1clk),
assign rdmat_or_rdmat_valid = |( rdma_mcu_req ) ;
assign or_rdma_mbid_vld = |( rdma_mcu_req & rdma_mbid_vld);
l2t_mux_ctl_macro__mux_aonpe__ports_2__width_4 mux_pick_quad0_in
(.dout (rdmat_pick_vec[3:0]),
.din0 (rdma_mcu_req[3:0]), .sel0 (~or_rdma_mbid_vld),
.din1 (rdma_mbid_vld[3:0]), .sel1 (or_rdma_mbid_vld)
) ;
// ACKED bit
// Set when an entry is acked by the DRAM controller.
// Reset along with the valid bit.
assign rdma_acked_in = ( rdma_acked | wbuf_set_rdmat_acked ) &
~wbuf_reset_rdmat_vld ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__clr_1__width_4 ff_rdma_acked // sync reset active low
(.din(rdma_acked_in[3:0]), .l1clk(l1clk),
//msff_ctl_macro ff_l2t_l2b_fbrd_en_c3 (width=1)
// (.din(filbuf_fbd_rd_en_c2), .l1clk(l1clk),
// .scan_in(ff_l2t_l2b_fbrd_en_c3_scanin),
// .scan_out(ff_l2t_l2b_fbrd_en_c3_scanout),
// .dout(l2t_l2b_fbrd_en_c3),
//msff_ctl_macro ff_l2t_l2b_fbrd_wl_c3 (width=3)
// (.din(filbuf_fbd_rd_entry_c2[2:0]),
// .scan_in(ff_l2t_l2b_fbrd_wl_c3_scanin),
// .scan_out(ff_l2t_l2b_fbrd_wl_c3_scanout),
// .l1clk(l1clk),
// .dout(l2t_l2b_fbrd_wl_c3[2:0]),
//msff_ctl_macro ff_l2t_l2b_fbwr_wl_r2 (width=3)
// (.din(filbuf_fbd_wr_entry_r1[2:0]),
// .scan_in(ff_l2t_l2b_fbwr_wl_r2_scanin),
// .scan_out(ff_l2t_l2b_fbwr_wl_r2_scanout),
// .l1clk(l1clk),
// .dout(l2t_l2b_fbwr_wl_r2[2:0]),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c5
(.din(tag_inc_rdma_cnt_c4), .l1clk(l1clk),
// BS 03/11/04 extra cycle for mem access
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c52
(.din(inc_rdma_cnt_c5), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c6
(.din(inc_rdma_cnt_c52), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c7
(.din(inc_rdma_cnt_c6), .l1clk(l1clk),
assign l2t_l2b_word_vld_c7 = inc_rdma_cnt_c7 ;
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c5
(.din(tag_set_rdma_reg_vld_c4), .l1clk(l1clk),
// BS 03/11/04 extra cycle for mem access
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c52
(.din(set_rdma_reg_vld_c5), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c6
(.din(set_rdma_reg_vld_c52), .l1clk(l1clk),
//msff_ctl_macro ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c7 (width=1)
// (.din(set_rdma_reg_vld_c6), .l1clk(l1clk),
// .scan_in(ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c7_scanin),
// .scan_out(ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c7_scanout),
// .dout(set_rdma_reg_vld_c7),
assign l2t_l2b_ctag_en_c7 = set_rdma_reg_vld_c6 ;
// BS 03/11/04 extra cycle for mem access
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_tag_siu_req_en_c6
(.din(tag_siu_req_en_c52), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_tag_siu_req_en_c7
(.din(siu_req_en_c6), .l1clk(l1clk),
assign l2t_l2b_req_en_c7 = siu_req_en_c7 ;
// rdma state counter.
// streaming to siu is mbist_done critical word
// first.
// The counter that determines the mux selects
// to do this is maintained here.
assign inc_state_en = inc_rdma_cnt_c6 & ~set_rdma_reg_vld_c6 ;
// implies ld64 beyond c6.
assign rdma_state_en = (inc_rdma_cnt_c6 | set_rdma_reg_vld_c6 );
assign rdma_state_plus1 = rdma_state + 4'b1;
l2t_mux_ctl_macro__mux_aonpe__ports_2__width_4 mux_rdma_state_in
(.dout (rdma_state_in[3:0]),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__en_1__width_4 ff_rdmard_st
.en(rdma_state_en), .l1clk(l1clk),
assign l2t_l2b_word_c7 = rdma_state ;
// Buffer repeater for the rdma rd err
// signals.
// These signals are actually C11 signals coming
// in from l2b even though the suffix reads
// C10( rdmard operation is skewed by 1 cyc).
// Here's the pipeline.
// C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11
// $rd $rd xmit xmit mux ecc xmit
// err
// to
// l2t
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_rdmard_cerr_c12
(.din(l2b_l2t_rdma_cerr_c10), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_rdmard_uerr_c12
(.din(l2b_l2t_rdma_uerr_c10), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_rdmard_notdata_c12
(.din(l2b_l2t_rdma_notdata_c10), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_ev_uerr_r6
(.din(l2b_l2t_ev_uerr_r5), .l1clk(l1clk),
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_1 ff_ev_cerr_r6
(.din(l2b_l2t_ev_cerr_r5), .l1clk(l1clk),
// Flopped here for timing reasons
l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_7 ff_dbg_signals
// fixscan start:
assign spares_scanin = scan_in ;
assign reset_flop_scanin = spares_scanout ;
assign ff_l2t_l2b_ctag_c7_scanin = reset_flop_scanout ;
assign ff_rdma_wr_ptr_s2_scanin = ff_l2t_l2b_ctag_c7_scanout;
assign ff_l2t_mb2_addr_scanin = ff_rdma_wr_ptr_s2_scanout;
assign ff_mb_run_scanin = ff_l2t_mb2_addr_scanout ;
assign ff_valid_bit_scanin = ff_mb_run_scanout ;
assign ff_arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2_scanin = ff_valid_bit_scanout ;
assign ff_rdma_mbist_cam_hit_scanin = ff_arb_wbuf_hit_off_c2_scanout;
assign ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3_scanin = ff_rdma_mbist_cam_hit_scanout;
assign ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4_scanin = ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c3_scanout;
assign ff_rdma_hit_qual_c3_scanin = ff_rdma_cam_hit_vec_c4_scanout;
assign ff_rdma_hit_qual_c4_scanin = ff_rdma_hit_qual_c3_scanout;
assign ff_mbid0_scanin = ff_rdma_hit_qual_c4_scanout;
assign ff_mbid1_scanin = ff_mbid0_scanout ;
assign ff_mbid2_scanin = ff_mbid1_scanout ;
assign ff_mbid3_scanin = ff_mbid2_scanout ;
assign ff_rdma_mbid_vld_scanin = ff_mbid3_scanout ;
assign ff_rdma_entry_c4_scanin = ff_rdma_mbid_vld_scanout ;
assign ff_mcu_req_scanin = ff_rdma_entry_c4_scanout ;
assign ff_rdma_acked_scanin = ff_mcu_req_scanout ;
assign ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c5_scanin = ff_rdma_acked_scanout ;
assign ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c52_scanin = ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c5_scanout;
assign ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c6_scanin = ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c52_scanout;
assign ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c7_scanin = ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c6_scanout;
assign ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c5_scanin = ff_inc_rdma_cnt_c7_scanout;
assign ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c52_scanin = ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c5_scanout;
assign ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c6_scanin = ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c52_scanout;
assign ff_tag_siu_req_en_c6_scanin = ff_set_rdma_reg_vld_c6_scanout;
assign ff_tag_siu_req_en_c7_scanin = ff_tag_siu_req_en_c6_scanout;
assign ff_rdmard_st_scanin = ff_tag_siu_req_en_c7_scanout;
assign ff_rdmard_cerr_c12_scanin = ff_rdmard_st_scanout ;
assign ff_rdmard_uerr_c12_scanin = ff_rdmard_cerr_c12_scanout;
assign ff_rdmard_notdata_c12_scanin = ff_rdmard_uerr_c12_scanout;
assign ff_ev_uerr_r6_scanin = ff_rdmard_notdata_c12_scanout;
assign ff_ev_cerr_r6_scanin = ff_ev_uerr_r6_scanout ;
assign ff_dbg_signals_scanin = ff_ev_cerr_r6_scanout ;
assign scan_out = ff_dbg_signals_scanout ;
// fixscan end:
// any PARAMS parms go into naming of macro
module l2t_msff_ctl_macro__en_1__width_4 (
wire [3:0] fdin;
wire [2:0] so;
input [3:0] din;
input en;
input l1clk;
input scan_in;
input siclk;
input soclk;
output [3:0] dout;
output scan_out;
assign fdin[3:0] = (din[3:0] & {4{en}}) | (dout[3:0] & ~{4{en}});
dff #(4) d0_0 (
// any PARAMS parms go into naming of macro
module l2t_msff_ctl_macro__en_1__width_5 (
wire [4:0] fdin;
wire [3:0] so;
input [4:0] din;
input en;
input l1clk;
input scan_in;
input siclk;
input soclk;
output [4:0] dout;
output scan_out;
assign fdin[4:0] = (din[4:0] & {5{en}}) | (dout[4:0] & ~{5{en}});
dff #(5) d0_0 (
// any PARAMS parms go into naming of macro
module l2t_msff_ctl_macro__width_32 (
wire [31:0] fdin;
wire [30:0] so;
input [31:0] din;
input l1clk;
input scan_in;
input siclk;
input soclk;
output [31:0] dout;
output scan_out;
assign fdin[31:0] = din[31:0];
dff #(32) d0_0 (
// Description: Spare gate macro for control blocks
// Param num controls the number of times the macro is added
// flops=0 can be used to use only combination spare logic
module l2t_spare_ctl_macro__num_4 (
wire si_0;
wire so_0;
wire spare0_flop_unused;
wire spare0_buf_32x_unused;
wire spare0_nand3_8x_unused;
wire spare0_inv_8x_unused;
wire spare0_aoi22_4x_unused;
wire spare0_buf_8x_unused;
wire spare0_oai22_4x_unused;
wire spare0_inv_16x_unused;
wire spare0_nand2_16x_unused;
wire spare0_nor3_4x_unused;
wire spare0_nand2_8x_unused;
wire spare0_buf_16x_unused;
wire spare0_nor2_16x_unused;
wire spare0_inv_32x_unused;
wire si_1;
wire so_1;
wire spare1_flop_unused;
wire spare1_buf_32x_unused;
wire spare1_nand3_8x_unused;
wire spare1_inv_8x_unused;
wire spare1_aoi22_4x_unused;
wire spare1_buf_8x_unused;
wire spare1_oai22_4x_unused;
wire spare1_inv_16x_unused;
wire spare1_nand2_16x_unused;
wire spare1_nor3_4x_unused;
wire spare1_nand2_8x_unused;
wire spare1_buf_16x_unused;
wire spare1_nor2_16x_unused;
wire spare1_inv_32x_unused;
wire si_2;
wire so_2;
wire spare2_flop_unused;
wire spare2_buf_32x_unused;
wire spare2_nand3_8x_unused;
wire spare2_inv_8x_unused;
wire spare2_aoi22_4x_unused;
wire spare2_buf_8x_unused;
wire spare2_oai22_4x_unused;
wire spare2_inv_16x_unused;
wire spare2_nand2_16x_unused;
wire spare2_nor3_4x_unused;
wire spare2_nand2_8x_unused;
wire spare2_buf_16x_unused;
wire spare2_nor2_16x_unused;
wire spare2_inv_32x_unused;
wire si_3;
wire so_3;
wire spare3_flop_unused;
wire spare3_buf_32x_unused;
wire spare3_nand3_8x_unused;
wire spare3_inv_8x_unused;
wire spare3_aoi22_4x_unused;
wire spare3_buf_8x_unused;
wire spare3_oai22_4x_unused;
wire spare3_inv_16x_unused;
wire spare3_nand2_16x_unused;
wire spare3_nor3_4x_unused;
wire spare3_nand2_8x_unused;
wire spare3_buf_16x_unused;
wire spare3_nor2_16x_unused;
wire spare3_inv_32x_unused;
input l1clk;
input scan_in;
input siclk;
input soclk;
output scan_out;
cl_sc1_msff_8x spare0_flop (.l1clk(l1clk),
assign si_0 = scan_in;
cl_u1_buf_32x spare0_buf_32x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand3_8x spare0_nand3_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_8x spare0_inv_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_aoi22_4x spare0_aoi22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_8x spare0_buf_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_oai22_4x spare0_oai22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_16x spare0_inv_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand2_16x spare0_nand2_16x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor3_4x spare0_nor3_4x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_nand2_8x spare0_nand2_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_16x spare0_buf_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor2_16x spare0_nor2_16x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_inv_32x spare0_inv_32x (.in(1'b1),
cl_sc1_msff_8x spare1_flop (.l1clk(l1clk),
assign si_1 = so_0;
cl_u1_buf_32x spare1_buf_32x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand3_8x spare1_nand3_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_8x spare1_inv_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_aoi22_4x spare1_aoi22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_8x spare1_buf_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_oai22_4x spare1_oai22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_16x spare1_inv_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand2_16x spare1_nand2_16x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor3_4x spare1_nor3_4x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_nand2_8x spare1_nand2_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_16x spare1_buf_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor2_16x spare1_nor2_16x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_inv_32x spare1_inv_32x (.in(1'b1),
cl_sc1_msff_8x spare2_flop (.l1clk(l1clk),
assign si_2 = so_1;
cl_u1_buf_32x spare2_buf_32x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand3_8x spare2_nand3_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_8x spare2_inv_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_aoi22_4x spare2_aoi22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_8x spare2_buf_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_oai22_4x spare2_oai22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_16x spare2_inv_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand2_16x spare2_nand2_16x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor3_4x spare2_nor3_4x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_nand2_8x spare2_nand2_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_16x spare2_buf_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor2_16x spare2_nor2_16x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_inv_32x spare2_inv_32x (.in(1'b1),
cl_sc1_msff_8x spare3_flop (.l1clk(l1clk),
assign si_3 = so_2;
cl_u1_buf_32x spare3_buf_32x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand3_8x spare3_nand3_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_8x spare3_inv_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_aoi22_4x spare3_aoi22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_8x spare3_buf_8x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_oai22_4x spare3_oai22_4x (.in00(1'b1),
cl_u1_inv_16x spare3_inv_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nand2_16x spare3_nand2_16x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor3_4x spare3_nor3_4x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_nand2_8x spare3_nand2_8x (.in0(1'b1),
cl_u1_buf_16x spare3_buf_16x (.in(1'b1),
cl_u1_nor2_16x spare3_nor2_16x (.in0(1'b0),
cl_u1_inv_32x spare3_inv_32x (.in(1'b1),
assign scan_out = so_3;
// any PARAMS parms go into naming of macro
module l2t_msff_ctl_macro__clr_1__width_4 (
wire [3:0] fdin;
wire [2:0] so;
input [3:0] din;
input clr;
input l1clk;
input scan_in;
input siclk;
input soclk;
output [3:0] dout;
output scan_out;
assign fdin[3:0] = din[3:0] & ~{4{clr}};
dff #(4) d0_0 (