Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / design / sys / iop / niu / rtl / niu_scam_enc.v
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: niu_scam_enc.v
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
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// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
Project : Niu
File name : niu_scam_enc.v
Module(s) name : niu_scam_enc
Parent modules : niu_scam.v
Child modules : niu_scam_hit
Author's name : George Chu
Date : Jan. 2004
Description :
Synthesis Notes:
Modification History:
Date Description
---- -----------
`timescale 1ns/10ps
module niu_scam_enc (
input [127:0] match_array; // matched entries
input cmp_enc; // do priority encode
input reset;
input cam_clk; // tcam internal clock
output cam_hit; // cam has a match/hit
output [6:0] cam_haddr; // cam's match/hit address
reg cam_hit;
reg [6:0] cam_haddr;
reg [127:0] match_array_d;
wire hit;
reg [6:0] haddr;
assign hit = |(match_array[127:0]);
// ------------------ priority encode the hit address ---------
always @(match_array_d)
casez (match_array_d) // synopsys parallel_case
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({124'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_???,4'b???1} ): haddr=7'h00;
({124'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_???,4'b??10} ): haddr=7'h01;
({124'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_???,4'b?100} ): haddr=7'h02;
({124'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_???,4'b1000} ): haddr=7'h03;
({120'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b???1, 4'b0}): haddr=7'h04;
({120'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b??10, 4'b0}): haddr=7'h05;
({120'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b?100, 4'b0}): haddr=7'h06;
({120'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b1000, 4'b0}): haddr=7'h07;
({116'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b???1, 8'b0}): haddr=7'h08;
({116'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b??10, 8'b0}): haddr=7'h09;
({116'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b?100, 8'b0}): haddr=7'h0a;
({116'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b1000, 8'b0}): haddr=7'h0b;
({112'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b???1, 12'b0}): haddr=7'h0c;
({112'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b??10, 12'b0}): haddr=7'h0d;
({112'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b?100, 12'b0}): haddr=7'h0e;
({112'h????_????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b1000, 12'b0}): haddr=7'h0f;
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({108'h????_????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b???1, 16'b0}): haddr=7'h10;
({108'h????_????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b??10, 16'b0}): haddr=7'h11;
({108'h????_????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b?100, 16'b0}): haddr=7'h12;
({108'h????_????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b1000, 16'b0}): haddr=7'h13;
({104'h????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b???1, 20'b0}): haddr=7'h14;
({104'h????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b??10, 20'b0}): haddr=7'h15;
({104'h????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b?100, 20'b0}): haddr=7'h16;
({104'h????_????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b1000, 20'b0}): haddr=7'h17;
({100'h????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b???1, 24'b0}): haddr=7'h18;
({100'h????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b??10, 24'b0}): haddr=7'h19;
({100'h????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b?100, 24'b0}): haddr=7'h1a;
({100'h????_????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b1000, 24'b0}): haddr=7'h1b;
({096'h????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b???1, 28'b0}): haddr=7'h1c;
({096'h????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b??10, 28'b0}): haddr=7'h1d;
({096'h????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b?100, 28'b0}): haddr=7'h1e;
({096'h????_????_????_????_????_????, 4'b1000, 28'b0}): haddr=7'h1f;
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({092'h????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b???1, 32'b0}): haddr=7'h20;
({092'h????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b??10, 32'b0}): haddr=7'h21;
({092'h????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b?100, 32'b0}): haddr=7'h22;
({092'h????_????_????_????_????_???, 4'b1000, 32'b0}): haddr=7'h23;
({088'h????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b???1, 36'b0}): haddr=7'h24;
({088'h????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b??10, 36'b0}): haddr=7'h25;
({088'h????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b?100, 36'b0}): haddr=7'h26;
({088'h????_????_????_????_????_??, 4'b1000, 36'b0}): haddr=7'h27;
({084'h????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b???1, 40'b0}): haddr=7'h28;
({084'h????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b??10, 40'b0}): haddr=7'h29;
({084'h????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b?100, 40'b0}): haddr=7'h2a;
({084'h????_????_????_????_????_?, 4'b1000, 40'b0}): haddr=7'h2b;
({080'h????_????_????_????_????, 4'b???1, 44'b0}): haddr=7'h2c;
({080'h????_????_????_????_????, 4'b??10, 44'b0}): haddr=7'h2d;
({080'h????_????_????_????_????, 4'b?100, 44'b0}): haddr=7'h2e;
({080'h????_????_????_????_????, 4'b1000, 44'b0}): haddr=7'h2f;
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({076'h????_????_????_????_???, 4'b???1, 48'b0}): haddr=7'h30;
({076'h????_????_????_????_???, 4'b??10, 48'b0}): haddr=7'h31;
({076'h????_????_????_????_???, 4'b?100, 48'b0}): haddr=7'h32;
({076'h????_????_????_????_???, 4'b1000, 48'b0}): haddr=7'h33;
({072'h????_????_????_????_??, 4'b???1, 52'b0}): haddr=7'h34;
({072'h????_????_????_????_??, 4'b??10, 52'b0}): haddr=7'h35;
({072'h????_????_????_????_??, 4'b?100, 52'b0}): haddr=7'h36;
({072'h????_????_????_????_??, 4'b1000, 52'b0}): haddr=7'h37;
({068'h????_????_????_????_?, 4'b???1, 56'b0}): haddr=7'h38;
({068'h????_????_????_????_?, 4'b??10, 56'b0}): haddr=7'h39;
({068'h????_????_????_????_?, 4'b?100, 56'b0}): haddr=7'h3a;
({068'h????_????_????_????_?, 4'b1000, 56'b0}): haddr=7'h3b;
({064'h????_????_????_????, 4'b???1, 60'b0}): haddr=7'h3c;
({064'h????_????_????_????, 4'b??10, 60'b0}): haddr=7'h3d;
({064'h????_????_????_????, 4'b?100, 60'b0}): haddr=7'h3e;
({064'h????_????_????_????, 4'b1000, 60'b0}): haddr=7'h3f;
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({060'h????_????_????_???, 4'b???1, 64'b0}): haddr=7'h40;
({060'h????_????_????_???, 4'b??10, 64'b0}): haddr=7'h41;
({060'h????_????_????_???, 4'b?100, 64'b0}): haddr=7'h42;
({060'h????_????_????_???, 4'b1000, 64'b0}): haddr=7'h43;
({056'h????_????_????_??, 4'b???1, 68'b0}): haddr=7'h44;
({056'h????_????_????_??, 4'b??10, 68'b0}): haddr=7'h45;
({056'h????_????_????_??, 4'b?100, 68'b0}): haddr=7'h46;
({056'h????_????_????_??, 4'b1000, 68'b0}): haddr=7'h47;
({052'h????_????_????_?, 4'b???1, 72'b0}): haddr=7'h48;
({052'h????_????_????_?, 4'b??10, 72'b0}): haddr=7'h49;
({052'h????_????_????_?, 4'b?100, 72'b0}): haddr=7'h4a;
({052'h????_????_????_?, 4'b1000, 72'b0}): haddr=7'h4b;
({048'h????_????_????, 4'b???1, 76'b0}): haddr=7'h4c;
({048'h????_????_????, 4'b??10, 76'b0}): haddr=7'h4d;
({048'h????_????_????, 4'b?100, 76'b0}): haddr=7'h4e;
({048'h????_????_????, 4'b1000, 76'b0}): haddr=7'h4f;
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({044'h????_????_???, 4'b???1, 80'b0}): haddr=7'h50;
({044'h????_????_???, 4'b??10, 80'b0}): haddr=7'h51;
({044'h????_????_???, 4'b?100, 80'b0}): haddr=7'h52;
({044'h????_????_???, 4'b1000, 80'b0}): haddr=7'h53;
({040'h????_????_??, 4'b???1, 84'b0}): haddr=7'h54;
({040'h????_????_??, 4'b??10, 84'b0}): haddr=7'h55;
({040'h????_????_??, 4'b?100, 84'b0}): haddr=7'h56;
({040'h????_????_??, 4'b1000, 84'b0}): haddr=7'h57;
({036'h????_????_?, 4'b???1, 88'b0}): haddr=7'h58;
({036'h????_????_?, 4'b??10, 88'b0}): haddr=7'h59;
({036'h????_????_?, 4'b?100, 88'b0}): haddr=7'h5a;
({036'h????_????_?, 4'b1000, 88'b0}): haddr=7'h5b;
({032'h????_????, 4'b???1, 92'b0}): haddr=7'h5c;
({032'h????_????, 4'b??10, 92'b0}): haddr=7'h5d;
({032'h????_????, 4'b?100, 92'b0}): haddr=7'h5e;
({032'h????_????, 4'b1000, 92'b0}): haddr=7'h5f;
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({028'h????_???, 4'b???1, 96'b0}): haddr=7'h60;
({028'h????_???, 4'b??10, 96'b0}): haddr=7'h61;
({028'h????_???, 4'b?100, 96'b0}): haddr=7'h62;
({028'h????_???, 4'b1000, 96'b0}): haddr=7'h63;
({024'h????_??, 4'b???1,100'b0}): haddr=7'h64;
({024'h????_??, 4'b??10,100'b0}): haddr=7'h65;
({024'h????_??, 4'b?100,100'b0}): haddr=7'h66;
({024'h????_??, 4'b1000,100'b0}): haddr=7'h67;
({020'h????_?, 4'b???1,104'b0}): haddr=7'h68;
({020'h????_?, 4'b??10,104'b0}): haddr=7'h69;
({020'h????_?, 4'b?100,104'b0}): haddr=7'h6a;
({020'h????_?, 4'b1000,104'b0}): haddr=7'h6b;
({016'h????, 4'b???1,108'b0}): haddr=7'h6c;
({016'h????, 4'b??10,108'b0}): haddr=7'h6d;
({016'h????, 4'b?100,108'b0}): haddr=7'h6e;
({016'h????, 4'b1000,108'b0}): haddr=7'h6f;
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
({012'h???, 4'b???1,112'b0}): haddr=7'h70;
({012'h???, 4'b??10,112'b0}): haddr=7'h71;
({012'h???, 4'b?100,112'b0}): haddr=7'h72;
({012'h???, 4'b1000,112'b0}): haddr=7'h73;
({008'h??, 4'b???1,116'b0}): haddr=7'h74;
({008'h??, 4'b??10,116'b0}): haddr=7'h75;
({008'h??, 4'b?100,116'b0}): haddr=7'h76;
({008'h??, 4'b1000,116'b0}): haddr=7'h77;
({004'h?, 4'b???1,120'b0}): haddr=7'h78;
({004'h?, 4'b??10,120'b0}): haddr=7'h79;
({004'h?, 4'b?100,120'b0}): haddr=7'h7a;
({004'h?, 4'b1000,120'b0}): haddr=7'h7b;
({ 4'b???1,124'b0}): haddr=7'h7c;
({ 4'b??10,124'b0}): haddr=7'h7d;
({ 4'b?100,124'b0}): haddr=7'h7e;
({ 4'b1000,124'b0}): haddr=7'h7f;
default: haddr=7'd0;
// ------------------ registers -------------------------------
always @(posedge cam_clk) begin
if (reset) begin
match_array_d <= 128'h0;
cam_hit <= 1'h0;
cam_haddr <= 7'h0;
else begin
match_array_d <= match_array[127:0];
cam_hit <= cmp_enc && hit;
cam_haddr <= {7{cmp_enc}} & haddr[6:0];