Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / CommandTerm /
package CommandTerm::ProgPty;
require 5.004;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Pty;
use POSIX;
use vars qw(
$VERSION = '1.00';
$Verbose = 3;
$PrintFunc = undef;
sub new {
my ($class, $progname, @opts) = @_;
my $this = {};
bless $this, $class;
$this->{'read_buf'} = '';
$this->{'alive'} = 1;
$this->{'prompt'} = 'rivet> ';
$this->{'response_pending'} = 0;
if( defined($PrintFunc) ) {
$this->{'printfunc'} = $PrintFunc;
} else {
$| = 1;
$this->{'printfunc'} = sub { $this->default_print(@_); };
$this->print_status(8, "SETTING VERBOSE LEVEL TO $Verbose\n");
my $resolved_progname = which($progname);
unless( $resolved_progname ) {
$this->print_error(0, "Can't find '$progname', check your path.\n");
return undef;
my @prog_exec_opts = ($resolved_progname, @opts);
$this->{'pty'} = new IO::Pty;
if( $this->pty->IO::Pty::ttyname ) {
$this->print_status(8, "OPENED A PTY NAMED '", $this->pty->IO::Pty::ttyname, "'\n");
} else {
$this->print_error(0, "Couldn't get a ttyname for IO::Pty. Proceeding anyway\n");
# Parent
if( $this->{'pid'} = fork ) {
$this->{'fileno'} = $this->pty->fileno;
$this->print_status(8, "FORKED '$prog_exec_opts[0]'\n",
" PID ", $this->pid, "\n",
" FILENO ", $this->fileno, "\n");
# read data until a prompt
my $response = $this->wait_response;
return undef unless defined($response);
# Normal return point
return $this;
# Child
} elsif( defined($this->pid) ) {
POSIX::setsid or die;
my $tty = $this->pty->slave;
# Below are 6 lines of terminal wizardry turn out to really save the
# day for this whole module. If you set the terminal correctly, many
# problems simply disappear and things start working great. So what do
# these lines do? Here we go:
# 1) The part that says ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL) turns off all local
# echoing. Imagine your sitting at a keyboard and you type the command
# "cat -". The cat command reads your keystrokes and echoes them when
# you press return. But notice how you can see what you're typing as
# hit the keys. After you hit return, the cat echoes again everything
# you just entered and you see what you typed twice. The moral of the
# story is that cat relies on the terminal being in "ECHO" mode to allow
# the user to see what they're typing as they type it. Now imagine
# you're a process writing to the terminal of another process *AND* your
# stdin and stdout are tied to the same file handle. If the terminal
# were in echo mode, the first thing you'd ever read from the terminal
# is the exact thing that you sent to it. By turning off ECHO, we save
# ourselves the trouble of removing what we sent from the return data
# stream. If you ever looked at the original dc_perl by Steve Golson,
# you saw how he went to great effort to remove the first line he got
# back.
# 2) The part that says ~(ICANON) turns off canonical mode processing.
# When canonical mode is enabled, the terminal assembles the input
# characters into lines and also has a fixed line length. This presents
# two problems for Synopsys. The most obvious one is that our line
# length is limited by the length of the canonical mode input queue. For
# my box (Sun Solaris 2.6) that is 256 characters. The second
# reason is a little more esoteric. One of the features of Synopsys
# is that it only ties STDOUT back to itself. STDERR is left alone to
# allow users to print to it from their Tcl scripts, bypassing
# Synopsys. With this setup, if native Synopsys paging were enabled
# and activated (a paging command were issued), the terminal would hang.
# I don't really have a good explanation of why, but obviously something
# in the canonical processing is causing the terminal to hang. Even more
# mysterious is the fact that when STDERR is also tied back to
# $tty->fileno, the problem goes away, but the user loses the ability to
# bypass Synopsys by printing to STDERR. This is not a good trade.
# Well, almost no worries. When you disable canonical mode processing,
# the terminal won't deliver data to the reader unless a certain number
# of bytes have been received, EVEN if one of those bytes is a newline
# (since a newline loses it's meaning in non-canonical mode). Actually,
# I'm lying again because non-canonical mode really has 4 modes of
# operation and I'm just speaking about two of them. Anyway, on my box
# (Solaris 2.6) the default minimum number of bytes to receive before
# delivery is 4 (even that's a long story). That's no good. I want
# Synosys to read byte if I send a byte. Of course, I can setup the
# terminal anyway that I want. So I set the magical VMIN to 1 and the
# VTIME to 0 which tells the terminal to deliver a mininum of 1 bytes to
# Synopsys every time it tries to read. If nothing is available to read,
# the Synopsys will block. I'm assuming that Synopsys was written to
# block on a read when nothing is available so that's ok.
# So life is good. I don't have to re-extract the data I sent. I don't have
# line length limit. I can leave STDERR alone and still not care whether
# the user enables native paging. Actually, It's still recommended that
# native paging be disabled because I still see the occasional hiccup that
# I can't explain.
my $termios = POSIX::Termios->new;
$termios->getattr($tty->fileno) or die;
$termios->setlflag($termios->getlflag & ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL | ICANON));
$termios->setcc(VMIN, 1);
$termios->setcc(VTIME, 0);
$termios->setattr($tty->fileno, TCSANOW) or die;
close $this->pty;
close STDIN;
close STDOUT;
open(STDIN, "<&" . $tty->fileno) or die "Child Error: Couldn't re-open STDIN: $!";
open(STDOUT, ">&" . $tty->fileno) or die "Child Error: Couldn't re-open STDOUT: $!";
# Error
} else {
$this->print_error(0, "FORK FAILED: $!\n");
return undef;
sub DESTROY {}
my ($this, @opts) = @_;
my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
$method =~ s/.*:://;
return $this->print_error(1, "$method @opts\n");
sub default_error_handler {
my ($this, $error_type) = @_;
if( $error_type == 1 ) {
if( $this->verbose < 3 ) {
$this->print_error(1, "Error with the command '",
$this->current_command, "'\n\n",
} elsif( $error_type == -1 ) {
$this->print_error(0, "Fatal error, exiting.\n");
sub perl_list2tcl_list {
my $this = shift;
return (not defined($_[0]) or @_ < 1) ? '""' : return "[list @_]";
sub get_options {
my ($this, $argv_ref, $config_ref, @opts) = (@_);
local (@ARGV) = @$argv_ref;
Getopt::Long::config(@$config_ref) if @$config_ref > 0;
my $ret = GetOptions(@opts);
@$argv_ref = @ARGV;
return $ret;
sub alive {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'alive'};
sub verbose {
my ($this, $verbose) = @_;
my $old_verbose = $this->{'verbose'};
$this->{'verbose'} = $verbose if defined($verbose);
return $old_verbose;
sub print_data {
my ($this, $verbose, @what) = @_;
&{ $this->{'printfunc'} }('data', @what) if $this->verbose >= $verbose;
sub print_status {
my ($this, $verbose, @what) = @_;
&{ $this->{'printfunc'} }('status', @what) if $this->verbose >= $verbose;
sub print_error {
my ($this, $verbose, @what) = @_;
&{ $this->{'printfunc'} }('error', @what) if $this->verbose >= $verbose;
sub default_print {
my ($this, $type, @what) = @_;
print STDOUT @what;
sub reset_data_handler {
my ($this) = @_;
$this->{'data_handler'} = undef;
sub install_print_handler {
my ($this, $handler) = @_;
unless( defined($handler) and ref($handler) eq 'CODE' ) {
$this->print_error(1, "Argument to install_print_handler must be a CODE ref.\n");
$this->{'printfunc'} = $handler;
sub install_data_handler {
my ($this, $handler) = @_;
unless( defined($handler) and ref($handler) eq 'CODE' ) {
$this->print_error(1, "Argument to install_data_handler must be a CODE ref.\n");
$this->{'data_handler'} = $handler;
sub install_error_handler {
my ($this, $handler) = @_;
unless( defined($handler) and ref($handler) eq 'CODE' ) {
$this->print_error(1, "Argument to install_error_handler must be a CODE ref.\n");
$this->{'error_handler'} = $handler;
sub current_command {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'current_command'};
sub output_lines {
my $this = shift;
return @{ $this->{'output_lines'} };
sub output_lastline {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'output_lastline'};
sub output_string {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'output_string'};
sub run {
my ($this, $command, $verbose, $update) = @_;
unless( defined($command) ) {
$this->print_error(1, "Argument to run ommitted.\n");
return undef;
$this->{'current_command'} = $command
unless( defined($update) and $update == 0 );
my $old_verbose = $this->verbose;
if defined($verbose) and ($this->verbose < 4 or $verbose == 0);
my $retval = $this->wait_response($update);
# It doesn't hurt to restore, even if we didn't change it.
return $retval;
sub _output_lines {
my $this = shift;
return split /\n/, $this->{'current_response'};
sub _output_lastline {
my $this = shift;
my @output_lines = split /\n/, $this->{'current_response'};
return $output_lines[ $#output_lines ];
sub fileno {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'fileno'};
sub pid {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'pid'};
sub pty {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'pty'};
sub write_data {
my ($this, $data) = @_;
return unless defined($data) and length($data) > 0;
$this->print_status(4, "$data");
$this->print_status(8, "WRITING ", length($data), " BYTES TO PTY\n");
$this->print_status(10, "WRITE DATA: '", _make_readable($data), "'\n");
print { $this->pty } $data;
sub readable {
my $this = shift;
my $fd_set;
vec($fd_set, $this->fileno, 1) = 1;
return select($fd_set, undef, undef, 0);
sub wait_response {
my ($this, $update) = @_;
if( $this->{'response_pending'} == 0 ) {
$this->{'current_response'} = '';
$this->{'partial_response'} = '';
my ($fd_set, $global_fd) = ('', '');
vec($global_fd, $this->fileno, 1) = 1;
my $done = 0;
while( not $done ) {
$this->print_status(8, "BLOCKING ON SELECT\n");
my $s = select($fd_set = $global_fd, undef, undef, undef);
$this->print_status(8, "SELECT RETURNS ", defined($s) ? $s : "UNDEFINED", "\n");
if( $s < 0 ) {
$this->print_error(8, "SELECT ERROR: $!\n");
&{ $this->{'error_handler'} }($this, 0);
return 0;
if( vec($fd_set, $this->fileno, 1) ) {
$done = $this->read_data;
return undef unless defined($done);
$this->print_status(10, "RESPONSE: '", _make_readable($this->{'current_response'}), "'\n");
$update = 1 unless defined($update);
if( $update ) {
$this->{'output_string'} = $this->{'current_response'};
$this->{'output_lines'} = [ split /\n/, $this->{'current_response'} ];
$this->{'output_lastline'} =
${ $this->{'output_lines'} }[ $#{ $this->{'output_lines'} } ];
$this->{'response_pending'} = 0;
my $retval = ($this->{'current_response'} =~ /^Error: /m) ? 0 : 1;
&{ $this->{'error_handler'} }($this, 1) if $retval == 0;
return $retval;
sub read_data {
my $this = shift;
$this->print_status(8, "BLOCKING ON SYSREAD\n");
my $nbytes =
sysread($this->pty, $this->{'read_buf'}, 2048, length($this->{'read_buf'}));
$this->print_status(8, "SYSREAD RETURNS: ", defined($nbytes) ? $nbytes : "UNDEFINED", "\n");
# Error from sysread
if( not defined($nbytes) ) {
# check to see if prog is still alive
my $pid = waitpid($this->pid, WNOHANG);
# Normal termination.
if( $pid = $this->pid ) {
$this->{'alive'} = 0;
$this->print_status(8, "WAITPID RETURNS. PID: $pid, NORMAL EXIT STATUS.\n");
return undef;
# Still alive!
} elsif( $pid == 0 ) {
return 0;
# Yikes! Unexpected error.
} else {
$this->print_error(0, "waitpid on pid($this->{'pid'}) returned $pid: $!.\n");
$this->{'alive'} = 0;
&{ $this->{'error_handler'} }($this, -1);
return undef;
# EOF from sysread
} elsif( $nbytes == 0 ) {
$this->print_status(8, "GOT EOF FROM SYSREAD.\n");
$this->{'alive'} = 0;
return undef;
# Data from sysread
} else {
$this->print_status(10, "RAW DATA: '", _make_readable($this->{'read_buf'}), "'\n");
if( defined($this->{'data_handler'}) ) {
$this->{'partial_response'} .= $this->{'read_buf'};
$this->{'partial_response'} =~ s/(\r|\e.{0,2})//mg;
my @partial_lines = split /\n/, $this->{'partial_response'};
if( $this->{'partial_response'} =~ /\n$/ ) {
$this->{'partial_response'} = '';
} else {
$this->{'partial_response'} = pop @partial_lines;
&{ $this->{'data_handler'} }($this, @partial_lines);
my $before;
# The data read contains a prompt. Process all the prompts. Multiple prompts
# will be in the data when the user hits Ctrl-C.
if( $this->{'read_buf'} =~ /^$this->{'prompt'}/m ) {
while( $this->{'read_buf'} =~ /^$this->{'prompt'}/m ) {
$this->print_status(8, "MATCHED\n",
"BEFORE: '", _make_readable($`), "'\n",
"PROMPT: '", _make_readable($&), "'\n",
"AFTER: '", _make_readable($'), "'\n");
$this->{'read_buf'} = $';
$before = $`;
$before =~ s/(\r|\e.{0,2})//mg;
$this->print_data(3, $before);
$this->{'current_response'} .= $before;
$this->{'response_pending'} = 1;
return 1;
# The pager string is in the data. If the termios stuff is functioning
# properly, I should be able to send a space to advance the pager.
} elsif( $this->{'read_buf'} =~ /\e\[7m--More--\e\[m/ ) {
$this->print_status(8, "MATCHED THE PAGER STRING\n",
"BEFORE: '", _make_readable($`), "'\n",
"PROMPT: '", _make_readable($&), "'\n",
"AFTER: '", _make_readable($'), "'\n");
$before = $`;
$before =~ s/(\r|\e.{0,2})//mg;
$this->print_data(3, $before);
$this->{'$current_response'} .= $before;
$this->write_data(' ');
$this->{'read_buf'} = '';
return 0;
# Multiline command detected - this is by no means full proof.
# People shouldn't be entering mlc, just return so they don't hang.
} elsif( $this->{'read_buf'} =~ /^(\? )+/ and $this->{'current_response'} eq '' ) {
$this->print_status(3, "Multiline command detected.\n");
$this->{'read_buf'} = '';
return 1;
# No prompt, just data.
} else {
$this->print_status(9, "NOMATCH\n'", _make_readable($this->{'read_buf'}), "'\n");
$before = $this->{'read_buf'};
$before =~ s/(\r|\e.{0,2})//mg;
$this->print_data(3, $before);
$this->{'current_response'} .= $before;
$this->{'read_buf'} = '';
return 0;
# Private local subroutines that aren't methods are below. Only used by this
# module.
sub _make_readable {
local $_ = shift;
return '' unless defined $_;
s/([\000-\037\177])/'^' . chr(ord($1)^64)/eg;
s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("\\%3o", ord($1))/eg;
return $_;
sub which {
my $file = shift;
my @dirs;
if( $file =~ m(^/) ) {
if( -f $file and -x _ ) {
return $file;
} else {
return undef;
} elsif( $file =~ m(/) ) {
@dirs = (POSIX::getcwd);
} else {
@dirs = (split ':', $ENV{'PATH'});
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
my $path = "$dir/$file";
return $path if( -f $path and -x _ );
return undef;