Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / MHonArc /
## File:
## $Id:,v 1.3 2002/04/13 00:58:09 ehood Exp $
## Author:
## Earl Hood
## Description:
## Module to deal with 8-bit character data conversion to
## (SGML) entity references.
## Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Earl Hood,
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
## 02111-1307, USA
package MHonArc::CharEnt;
use strict;
## US-ASCII/Common characters
my %ASCIIMap = (
# Hex Code Entity Ref # ISO external entity and description
0x22 => "quot", # ISOnum : Quotation mark
0x26 => "amp", # ISOnum : Ampersand
0x3C => "lt", # ISOnum : Less-than sign
0x3E => "gt", # ISOnum : Greater-than sign
0xA0 => "nbsp", # ISOnum : NO-BREAK SPACE
my %ASCIIMapReverse = reverse %ASCIIMap;
## Loaded Maps
# character => entity
my %char2ent_maps = (
'us-ascii' => \%ASCIIMap,
# entity => character
my %ent2char_maps = (
'us-ascii' => \%ASCIIMapReverse,
## Charset specification to mapping
my %CharsetMaps = (
'iso-8859-1' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-2' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-3' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-4' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-5' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-6' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-7' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-8' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-9' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-10' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-15' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin1' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin2' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin3' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin4' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin5' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin6' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin9' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'windows-1250'=> 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'windows-1252'=> 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
my %ReverseCharsetMaps = (
'iso-8859-1' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-3' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-7' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-8' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-9' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'iso-8859-15' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin1' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin3' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin5' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
'latin9' => 'MHonArc/CharEnt/',
## Routines
## str2sgml converts a string encoded by $charset to an sgml
## string where special characters are converted to entity
## references.
## $return_data = MHonArc::CharEnt::str2sgml($data, $charset, $only8bit);
## If $only8bit is non-zero, than only 8-bit characters are
## translated.
sub str2sgml {
my $data = shift;
my $charset = lc shift;
my $only8bit = shift;
my($ret, $offset, $len) = ('', 0, 0);
my($map, $char);
$charset =~ tr/_/-/;
# Get mapping
$map = $char2ent_maps{$charset};
$map = _load_charmap($charset) unless defined $map;
# Convert string
$len = length($data);
while ($offset < $len) {
$char = unpack("C", substr($data, $offset++, 1));
if ($only8bit && $char < 0xA0) {
$ret .= pack("C", $char);
} elsif ($map->{$char}) {
$ret .= join('', '&', $map->{$char}, ';');
} elsif ($ASCIIMap{$char}) {
$ret .= join('', '&', $ASCIIMap{$char}, ';');
} else {
$ret .= pack("C", $char);
## sgml2str converts a string with sdata character entity references
## to the raw character values denoted by a character set.
## $return_data = MHonArc::CharEnt::sgml2str($data, $charset);
sub sgml2str {
my $data = shift;
my $charset = lc shift;
$charset =~ tr/_/-/;
# Get mapping
$map = $ent2char_maps{$charset};
$map = _reverse_load_charmap($charset) unless defined $map;
# Convert character entites to raw values
$data =~ s/\&([\w\.\-]+);
/defined($map->{$1}) ? sprintf("%c", $map->{$1}) :
defined($ASCIIMapReverse{$1}) ?
sprintf("%c", $ASCIIMapReverse{$1}) : "&$1;"
sub _load_charmap {
my $charset = shift;
my $map = undef;
my $file = $CharsetMaps{$charset};
if (!defined($file)) {
warn 'Warning: MHonArc::CharEnt: Unknown charset: ', $charset, "\n";
$map = $char2ent_maps{$charset} = { };
} else {
delete $INC{$file};
eval {
$map = $char2ent_maps{$charset} = require $file;
if ($@) {
warn 'Warning: MHonArc::CharEnt: ', $@, "\n";
$map = $char2ent_maps{$charset} = { };
sub _reverse_load_charmap {
my $charset = shift;
my $map = undef;
my $file = $ReverseCharsetMaps{$charset};
if (!defined($file)) {
if (!defined($map = $char2ent_maps{$charset})) {
$map = _load_charmap($charset);
$map = $ent2char_maps{$charset} = { reverse %$map };
} else {
delete $INC{$file};
eval {
$map = $ent2char_maps{$charset} = require $file;
if ($@) {
warn 'Warning: MHonArc::CharEnt: ', $@, "\n";
$map = $ent2char_maps{$charset} = { };