Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Math /
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Filename : Math/
# Description : General Geometry maths functions
# Author : Greg McCarroll (
# Date Created : 22/10/99
=head1 NAME
Math::Geometry - Geometry related functions
use Math::Geometry;
@N =triangle_normal(@P1,@P2,@P3);
=head1 NOTES
This is about to get a massive overhaul, but first im adding tests,
lots of lovely lovely tests.
Currently for zplane_project onto a plane with normal of the z axis and z=0,
the function returns the orthographic projections as opposed to a perspective
projection. I'm currently looking into how to properly handle z=0 and will
update it shortly.
This package implements classic geometry methods. It should be considered alpha
software and any feedback at all is greatly appreciated. The following methods
are available:
=head2 vector_product.
Also known as the cross product, given two vectors in Geometry space, the
vector_product of the two vectors, is a vector which is perpendicular
to the plane of AB with length equal to the length of A multiplied
by the length of B, multiplied by the sin of @, where @ is the angle
between the two vectors.
=head2 triangle_normal
Given a triangle ABC that defines a plane P. This function will return
a vector N, which is a normal to the plane P.
($Nx,$Ny,$Nz) =
=head2 zplane_project
Project a point in Geometry space onto a plane with the z-axis as the normal,
at a distance d from z=0.
($x2,$y2,$z2) = zplane_project ($x1,$y1,$z1,$d);
=head2 rotx
Rotate about the x axis r radians.
($x2,$y2,$z2) = rotx ($x1,$y1,$z1,$r);
=head2 roty
Rotate about the y axis r radians.
($x2,$y2,$z2) = roty ($x1,$y1,$z1,$r);
=head2 rotz
Rotate about the z axis r radians.
($x2,$y2,$z2) = rotz ($x1,$y1,$z1,$r);
=head2 deg2rad
Convert degree's to radians.
=head2 rad2deg
Convert radians to degree's.
=head2 pi
Returns an approximate value of Pi, the code has been cribed from Pg146, Programming Perl
2nd Ed.
=head1 EXAMPLE
use Math::Geometry;
=head1 AUTHOR
Greg McCarroll <>
package Math::Geometry;
require Exporter;
@EXPORT = qw/zplane_project triangle_normal rotx roty rotz rad2deg deg2rad pi/;
use Math::Matrix;
sub version {
return "Math::Geometry $VERSION";
sub vector_product {
sub triangle_normal {
sub zplane_project {
if ($d == 0) {
my($trans)=new Math::Matrix ([ 1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]);
my($orig) =new Math::Matrix ([ $x],
[ $y],
[ $z],
[ 1]);
my($prod) =$trans->multiply($orig);
} else {
my($trans)=new Math::Matrix ([ 1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1/$d, 0]);
my($orig) =new Math::Matrix ([ $x],
[ $y],
[ $z],
[ 1]);
my($prod) =$trans->multiply($orig);
return ($x,$y,$z);
sub rotx {
my($cosr)=cos $rot;
my($sinr)=sin $rot;
my($trans)=new Math::Matrix ([ 1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, $cosr,-1*$sinr, 0],
[ 0, $sinr, $cosr, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]);
my($orig) =new Math::Matrix ([ $x],
[ $y],
[ $z],
[ 1]);
my($prod) =$trans->multiply($orig);
return ($x,$y,$z);
sub roty {
my($cosr)=cos $rot;
my($sinr)=sin $rot;
my($trans)=new Math::Matrix ([ $cosr, 0, $sinr, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0],
[-1*$sinr, 0, $cosr, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]);
my($orig) =new Math::Matrix ([ $x],
[ $y],
[ $z],
[ 1]);
my($prod) =$trans->multiply($orig);
return ($x,$y,$z);
sub rotz {
my($cosr)=cos $rot;
my($sinr)=sin $rot;
my($trans)=new Math::Matrix ([ $cosr,-1*$sinr, 0, 0],
[ $sinr, $cosr, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]);
my($orig) =new Math::Matrix ([ $x],
[ $y],
[ $z],
[ 1]);
my($prod) =$trans->multiply($orig);
return ($x,$y,$z);
sub deg2rad ($) {
return ($deg*pi())/180;
sub rad2deg ($) {
return ($rad*180)/pi();
sub pi() {
$PI ||= atan2(1,1)*4;
return $PI;