Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh / Builtins /
package Psh::Builtins::Alias;
require Psh::Support::Alias;
require Psh::Util;
require Psh::Parser;
=item * C<alias [NAME [=] REPLACEMENT]>
Add C<I<NAME>> as a built-in so that NAME <REST_OF_LINE> will execute
exactly as if REPLACEMENT <REST_OF_LINE> had been entered. For
example, one can execute C<alias ls ls -F> to always supply the B<-F>
option to "ls". Note the built-in is defined to avoid recursion
With no arguments, prints out a list of the current aliases.
With only the C<I<NAME>> argument, prints out a definition of the
alias with that name.
sub bi_alias
my $line = shift;
my @words= @{shift()};
my ($command, $firstDelim, @rest) = Psh::Parser::decompose('([ \t\n=]+)', $line, undef, 0);
my $text = join('',@rest); # reconstruct everything after the
# first delimiter, sans quotes
if (($command eq "") && ($text eq "")) {
my $wereThereSome = 0;
for $command (sort keys %Psh::Support::Alias::aliases) {
my $aliasrhs = $Psh::Support::Alias::aliases{$command};
$aliasrhs =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
Psh::Util::print_out("alias $command='$aliasrhs'\n");
$wereThereSome = 1;
if (!$wereThereSome) {
} elsif( $text eq '') {
my $aliasrhs = $Psh::Support::Alias::aliases{$command};
$aliasrhs =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
Psh::Util::print_out("alias $command='$aliasrhs'\n");
} elsif ($text eq '-a') {
return (0,undef);
} else {
$Psh::Support::Alias::aliases{$command} = Psh::Parser::unquote($text);
return (1,undef);