Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh / Builtins /
package Psh::Builtins::Theme;
require Psh::OS;
require Psh::Util;
require Psh::Parser;
=item * C<theme list>
Displays a list of available themes.
=item * C<theme NAME>
Activates the theme.
If your themes look strange try C<option encoding=iso8859-1> - this
will switch to an alternative usage of graphical characters.
sub _parse_error {
my $file= shift;
my $line= shift;
Psh::Util::print_error("Error parsing themefile $file.\n");
Psh::Util::print_error("Do not understand: $line\n") if $line;
return (0,undef);
sub _set_theme {
my $file= shift;
my @lines;
if ($file=~/\.bt$/) {
eval {
require Archive::Tar;
if ($@) {
Psh::Util::print_error("Please install Archive::Tar to handle .bt files!\n");
return (0,undef);
my $tar= Archive::Tar->new();
@lines= split /\n/, $tar->get_content('theme');
} else {
open(THEME,"< $file");
@lines= <THEME>;
if (!@lines) {
Psh::Util::print_error("Could not find theme '$file'.\n");
return (0,undef);
if ($lines[0]=~/^\#\!.*psh/) { # psh-script
return (1,undef);
} else { # try to parse it as a simple bashish theme
my @ps;
my $title='\w';
my $bashish_compat=0;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
next if substr($line,0,1) eq '#';
if ($line=~/^\s*needmod\s+themecompat\s*$/) {
} elsif ($line=~/^\s*PS(\d)\s*\=\s*(.*)$/) {
my ($num,$text)= ($1,$2);
if ($num>0 and $num<5) {
$ps[$num]= Psh::Parser::unquote($text);
} else {
return _parse_error($file);
} elsif ($line=~/^\s*PROMPT\s*\=\s*(.*)$/) {
$ps[1]= Psh::Parser::unquote($1);
} elsif ($line=~/^\s*TITLE\s*\=\s*(.*)$/) {
$title= Psh::Parser::unquote($1);
} elsif ($line=~/^\s*X\w+\=/ or
$line=~/^\s*needmod\s+/ or
$line=~/^\s*THEME_.*\=/ or
$line=~/^\s*SUPERPROMPT/ or
$line=~/^\s*CURCOLOR/ or
$line=~/^\s*$/) {
# ignore
} else {
return _parse_error($file,$line);
if ($bashish_compat) {
for (my $i=1; $i<=4; $i++) {
next unless defined $ps[$i];
$ps[$i]=~s/\$n/\\n/g; $ps[$i]=~s/\$t/\\t/g;
$ps[$i]=~s/\$w/\\w/g; $ps[$i]=~s/\$W/\\W/g;
$ps[$i]=~s/\$u/\\u/g; $ps[$i]=~s/\$c/\\!/g;
$ps[$i]=~s/\$b/\\\$/g; $ps[$i]=~s/\$s/\\s/g;
$ps[$i]=~s/\$h/\\h/g; $ps[$i]=~s/\$i/\\#/g;
$ps[$i]=~s/\$d/\\d/g; $ps[$i]=~s/\$x/%/g;
$ps[$i]=~s/\$e/\!/g; $ps[$i]=~s/\$m/\$/g;
Psh::Options::set_option('window_title',$title) if defined $title;
for (my $i=1; $i<=4; $i++) {
next unless defined $ps[$i];
Psh::Options::del_option('ps3') unless defined $ps[3];
Psh::Options::del_option('ps4') unless defined $ps[4];
return (1,undef);
sub bi_theme {
my $line= shift;
my @dirs= (Psh::OS::catdir(Psh::OS::rootdir(),'usr','share',
if ($line eq 'list') {
my @result=();
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
next unless -r $dir;
my @tmp= Psh::OS::glob('*',$dir,1);
foreach my $file (@tmp) {
my $full= Psh::OS::catfile($dir,$file);
next if !-r $full or -d _;
next if $file =~ /\~$/;
$file=~ s/\.bt$//;
push @result, $file;
@result= sort @result;
return (1,undef);
} else {
if ($line) {
if ($line=~/$Psh::OS::FILE_SEPARATOR/) { # abs path specified
my $tmp= Psh::Util::abs_path($line);
return _set_theme($tmp) if $tmp;
} else {
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
next unless -r $dir;
my $file= Psh::OS::catfile($dir,$line);
if (-r "$") {
return _set_theme("$");
} elsif (-r $file) {
return _set_theme($file);
Psh::Util::print_error("Could not find theme '$line'.\n");
return (0,undef);
sub get_color {
my $name= shift;
return $color_table{$name};