Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh /
package Psh::OS;
use strict;
my $ospackage;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
require Psh::OS::Win;
die "Could not find OS specific package $ospackage: $@" if $@;
} else {
require Psh::OS::Unix;
die "Could not find OS specific package $ospackage: $@" if $@;
no strict;
$AUTOLOAD=~ s/.*:://;
my $name="${ospackage}::$AUTOLOAD";
$name="Psh::OS::fb_$AUTOLOAD" unless ref *{$name}{CODE} eq 'CODE';
unless (ref *{$name}{CODE} eq 'CODE') {
require Carp;
eval {
Carp::croak("Function `$AUTOLOAD' in Psh::OS does not exist.");
*$AUTOLOAD= *$name;
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
# The following code is here because it is most probably
# portable across at least a large number of platforms
# If you need to override them, then modify the symbol
# table :-)
# recursive glob function used for **/anything glob
sub _recursive_glob {
my( $pattern, $dir)= @_;
opendir( DIR, $dir) || return ();
my @files= readdir(DIR);
closedir( DIR);
my @result= map { catdir($dir,$_) }
grep { /^$pattern$/ } @files;
foreach my $tmp (@files) {
my $tmpdir= catdir($dir,$tmp);
next if ! -d $tmpdir || !no_upwards($tmp);
push @result, _recursive_glob($pattern, $tmpdir);
return @result;
sub _escape {
my $text= shift;
if ($] >= 5.005) {
} else {
# TODO: no escaping yet
return $text;
# The Perl builtin glob STILL uses csh, furthermore it is
# not possible to supply a base directory... so I guess this
# is faster
sub fb_glob {
my( $pattern, $dir, $already_absed) = @_;
return () unless $pattern;
my @result;
if( !$dir) {
} else {
$dir=Psh::Util::abs_path($dir) unless $already_absed;
return unless $dir;
# Expand ~
my $home= $ENV{HOME}||get_home_dir();
if ($pattern eq '~') {
} else {
$pattern=~ s|^\~/|$home/|;
$pattern=~ s|^\~([^/]+)|&get_home_dir($1)|e;
return $pattern if $pattern !~ /[*?]/;
# Special recursion handling for **/anything globs
if( $pattern=~ m:^([^\*]+/)?\*\*/(.*)$: ) {
my $tlen= length($dir)+1;
my $prefix= $1||'';
$pattern= $2;
$prefix=~ s:/$::;
$dir= catdir($dir,$prefix);
$pattern='[^\.]'.$pattern if( substr($pattern,0,2) eq '.*');
@result= map { substr($_,$tlen) } _recursive_glob($pattern,$dir);
} elsif( $pattern=~ m:/:) {
# Too difficult to simulate, so use slow variant
my $old=$ENV{PWD};
CORE::chdir $dir;
@result= eval { CORE::glob($pattern); };
CORE::chdir $old;
} else {
# The fast variant for simple matches
$pattern='[^\.]'.$pattern if( substr($pattern,0,2) eq '.*');
opendir( DIR, $dir) || return ();
@result= grep { /^$pattern$/ } readdir(DIR);
closedir( DIR);
return @result;
# string signal_name( int )
# Looks up the name of a signal
sub fb_signal_name {
my $signalnum = shift;
require Config;
my @numbers= split ',',$Config::Config{sig_num};
@numbers= split ' ',$Config::Config{sig_num} if( @numbers==1);
# Strange incompatibility between perl versions
my @names= split ' ',$Config::Config{sig_name};
for( my $i=0; $i<$#numbers; $i++)
return $names[$i] if( $numbers[$i]==$signalnum);
return $signalnum;
# string signal_description( int signal_number | string signal_name )
# returns a descriptive name for the POSIX signals
sub fb_signal_description {
my $signal_name= signal_name(shift);
my $desc= Psh::Locale::get_text('sig_description')->{$signal_name};
if( defined($desc) and $desc) {
return "SIG$signal_name - $desc";
return "signal $signal_name";
# Return a name for a temp file
sub fb_tmpnam {
return POSIX::tmpnam();
sub fb_get_window_size {}
sub fb_remove_signal_handlers {1}
sub fb_setup_signal_handlers {1}
sub fb_setup_sigsegv_handler {1}
sub fb_setup_readline_handler {1}
sub fb_reap_children {1}
sub fb_abs_path { undef }
# Exit psh - you won't believe it, but exit needs special treatment on
# MacOS
sub fb_exit_psh {
Psh::Util::print_debug_class('i',"[Psh::OS::exit_psh() called]\n");
$ENV{SHELL} = $Psh::old_shell if $Psh::old_shell;
CORE::exit($_[0]) if $_[0];
sub fb_getcwd_psh {
eval { require Cwd; };
return eval { Cwd::getcwd(); } || '';
sub fb_LOCK_SH() { 1; }
sub fb_LOCK_EX() { 2; }
sub fb_LOCK_NB() { 4; }
sub fb_LOCK_UN() { 8; }
sub fb_lock {
my $file= shift;
my $type= shift || Psh::OS::LOCK_SH();
my $count=3;
my $status=0;
while ($count-- and !$status) {
$status= flock($file, $type| Psh::OS::LOCK_NB());
return $status;
sub fb_unlock {
my $file= shift;
flock($file, Psh::OS::LOCK_UN()| Psh::OS::LOCK_NB());
sub fb_reinstall_resize_handler { 1; }
my $handler_type=0;
sub fb_install_resize_handler {
eval '$Psh::term->get_screen_size()';
unless ($@) {
eval 'use Term::Size;';
if ($@) {
eval 'use Term::ReadKey;';
unless ($@) {
} else {
sub fb_check_terminal_size {
my ($cols,$rows);
if ($handler_type==0) {
} elsif ($handler_type==3) {
eval {
($rows,$cols)= $Psh::term->get_screen_size();
} elsif ($handler_type==1) {
eval {
($cols,$rows)= Term::Size::chars();
} elsif ($handler_type==2) {
eval {
($cols,$rows)= Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize(*STDOUT);
if($cols && $rows && ($cols > 0) && ($rows > 0)) {
$ENV{COLUMNS} = $cols;
$ENV{LINES} = $rows;
if( $Psh::term) {
# for ReadLine::Perl
# File::Spec
# We add the necessary functions directly because:
# 1) Changes to File::Spec might be fatal to psh's file location mechanisms
# 2) File::Spec loads unwanted modules
# 3) We don't need it anyway as we need platform-specific OS modules
# anyway
# Normally I wouldn't do it - but this is a shell and memory
# consumption and startup time is worth something for everyday work...
sub fb_no_upwards {
return grep(!/^\.{1,2}\Z(?!\n)/s, @_);
=head1 NAME
Psh::OS - Wrapper class for OS dependant stuff
use Psh::OS;
=head1 AUTHOR
Markus Peter,
=head1 SEE ALSO
# The following is for Emacs - I hope it won't annoy anyone
# but this could solve the problems with different tab widths etc
# Local Variables:
# tab-width:4
# indent-tabs-mode:t
# c-basic-offset:4
# perl-indent-level:4
# End: