Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh / OS /
package Psh::OS::Unix;
use strict;
require POSIX;
require Psh::Locale;
$Psh::history_file = ".psh_history";
# Sets the title of the current window
sub set_window_title {
my $title= shift;
my $term= $ENV{TERM};
if( $term=~ /^(rxvt.*)|(xterm.*)|(.*xterm)|(kterm)|(aixterm)|(dtterm)/) {
print "\017\033]2;$title\007";
# Returns the hostname of the machine psh is running on, preferrably
# the full version
sub get_hostname {
require Sys::Hostname;
return Sys::Hostname::hostname();
sub getcwd_psh {
my $cwd;
chomp($cwd = `pwd`);
# Returns a list of well-known hosts (from /etc/hosts)
sub get_known_hosts {
my $hosts_file = "/etc/hosts"; # TODO: shouldn't be hard-coded?
my @result=();
if (open(F_KNOWNHOST,"< $hosts_file")) {
my $hosts_text = join ('', <F_KNOWNHOST>);
push @result,Psh::Util::parse_hosts_file($hosts_text);
my $tmp= catfile(Psh::OS::get_home_dir(),
if (-r $tmp) {
if (open(F_KNOWNHOST, "< $tmp")) {
while (<F_KNOWNHOST>) {
next unless $_;
if (/^([a-zA-Z].*?)\,/) {
push @result, $1;
if (!@result) {
push @result,'localhost';
return @result;
# Returns a list of all users on the system, prepended with ~
my @user_cache;
sub get_all_users {
unless (@user_cache) {
while (my ($name) = CORE::getpwent) {
return @user_cache;
# void display_pod(text)
sub display_pod {
my $tmp= Psh::OS::tmpnam();
my $text= shift;
local *TMP;
open( TMP,">$tmp");
print TMP $text;
eval {
require Pod::Text;
Psh::Util::print_debug_class('e',"Error: $@") if $@;
print $text if $@;
sub get_home_dir {
my $user = shift || $ENV{USER};
return $ENV{HOME} if ((! $user) && (-d $ENV{HOME}));
return (CORE::getpwnam($user))[7]||'';
sub get_rc_files {
my @rc=();
if (-r '/etc/pshrc') {
push @rc, '/etc/pshrc';
my $home= Psh::OS::get_home_dir();
if ($home) { push @rc, catfile($home,'.pshrc') };
return @rc;
sub get_path_extension { return (''); }
# int inc_shlvl ()
# Increments $ENV{SHLVL}. Also checks for login shell status and does
# appropriate OS-specific tasks depending on it.
sub inc_shlvl {
my @pwent = CORE::getpwuid($<);
if ((! $ENV{SHLVL}) && ($pwent[8] eq $0)) { # would use $Psh::bin, but login shells are guaranteed full paths
$Psh::login_shell = 1;
$ENV{SHLVL} = 1;
} else {
$Psh::login_shell = 0;
# void _give_terminal_to (int PID)
# Make pid the foreground process of the terminal controlling STDIN.
my $terminal_owner=0;
sub _give_terminal_to
# If a fork of a psh fork tries to call this then exit
# as it would probably mess up the shell
# This hack is necessary as e.g.
# alias ls=/bin/ls
# ls &
# call fork_process from within a fork
return if $Psh::OS::Unix::forked_already;
return if $terminal_owner==$_[0];
local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{TTIN} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{TTOU} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
my ($pkg,$file,$line,$sub)= caller(1);
my $status= POSIX::tcsetpgrp(fileno STDIN,$_[0]);
sub _get_terminal_owner
return $terminal_owner;
# void _wait_for_system(int PID, [bool QUIET_EXIT], [bool NO_TERMINAL])
# Waits for a program to be stopped/ended, prints no message on normal
# termination if QUIET_EXIT is specified and true.
# If NO_TERMINAL is specified and true it won't try to transfer
# terminal ownership
sub _wait_for_system
my($pid, $quiet) = @_;
if (!defined($quiet)) { $quiet = 0; }
my $psh_pgrp = CORE::getpgrp();
my $pid_status = -1;
my $job= Psh::Joblist::get_job($pid);
return if ! $job;
my $term_pid= $job->{pgrp_leader}||$pid;
my $output='';
my $status=1;
my $returnpid;
while (1) {
if (!$job->{running}) { $job->continue; }
local $Psh::currently_active = $pid;
$returnpid = CORE::waitpid($pid,POSIX::WUNTRACED());
$pid_status = $?;
last if $returnpid<1;
# Very ugly work around for the problem that
# processes occasionally get SIGTTOUed without reason
# We can do this here because we know the process has
# to run and could not have been stopped by TTOU
if ($returnpid== $pid &&
POSIX::WIFSTOPPED($pid_status) &&
Psh::OS::signal_name(POSIX::WSTOPSIG($pid_status)) eq 'TTOU') {
# Collect output here - we cannot print it while another
# process might possibly be in the foreground;
$output.=_handle_wait_status($returnpid, $pid_status, $quiet, 1);
if ($returnpid == $pid) {
Psh::Util::print_out($output) if length($output);
return $status==0;
# void _handle_wait_status(int PID, int STATUS, bool QUIET_EXIT)
# Take the appropriate action given that waiting on PID returned
# STATUS. Normal termination is not reported if QUIET_EXIT is true.
sub _handle_wait_status {
my ($pid, $pid_status, $quiet, $collect) = @_;
# Have to obtain these before we potentially delete the job
my $job= Psh::Joblist::get_job($pid);
my $command = $job->{call};
my $visindex= Psh::Joblist::get_job_number($pid);
my $verb='';
if (POSIX::WIFEXITED($pid_status)) {
my $status= POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($pid_status);
if ($status==0) {
$verb= ucfirst(Psh::Locale::get_text('done')) unless $quiet;
} else {
$verb= ucfirst(Psh::Locale::get_text('error'));
} elsif (POSIX::WIFSIGNALED($pid_status)) {
my $tmp= Psh::Locale::get_text('terminated');
$verb = "\u$tmp (" .
Psh::OS::signal_description(POSIX::WTERMSIG($pid_status)) . ')';
} elsif (POSIX::WIFSTOPPED($pid_status)) {
my $tmp= Psh::Locale::get_text('stopped');
$verb = "\u$tmp (" .
Psh::OS::signal_description(POSIX::WSTOPSIG($pid_status)) . ')';
$job->{running}= 0;
if ($verb && $visindex>0) {
my $line="[$visindex] $verb $pid $command\n";
return $line if $collect;
Psh::Util::print_out($line );
return '';
# void reap_children()
# Checks wether any children we spawned died
sub reap_children
my $returnpid=0;
while (($returnpid = CORE::waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG() |
_handle_wait_status($returnpid, $?);
sub execute_complex_command {
my @array= @{shift()};
my $fgflag= shift @array;
my @return_val;
my $success= 0;
my $eval_thingie;
my $pgrp_leader= 0;
my $pid;
my $string='';
my @tmp;
my ($read,$chainout,$chainin);
for( my $i=0; $i<@array; $i++) {
# ([ $strat, $how, \@options, \@words, $line]);
my ($strategy, $how, $options, $words, $text, $opt)= @{$array[$i]};
local $Psh::current_options= $opt;
my $line= join(' ',@$words);
my $forcefork;
($success, $eval_thingie,$words,$forcefork, @return_val)= $strategy->execute( \$line, $words, $how, $i>0);
if( defined($eval_thingie)) {
if( $#array) {
($read,$chainout)= POSIX::pipe();
foreach (@$options) {
if ($_->[0]==Psh::Parser::T_REDIRECT() and
($_->[1] eq '<&' or $_->[1] eq '>&')) {
if ($_->[3] eq 'chainin') {
$_->[3]= $chainin;
} elsif ($_->[3] eq 'chainout') {
$_->[3]= $chainout;
my $termflag=!($i==$#array);
($pid,$success,@tmp)= _fork_process($eval_thingie,$words,
if( !$i && !$pgrp_leader) {
if( $i<$#array && $#array) {
$chainin= $read;
if( @return_val < 1 ||
!defined($return_val[0])) {
@return_val= @tmp;
$string.='|' if $i>0;
if( $pid) {
my $job= Psh::Joblist::create_job($pid,$string);
if( $fgflag) {
$success=_wait_for_system($pid, 1);
} else {
my $visindex= Psh::Joblist::get_job_number($job->{pid});
Psh::Util::print_out("[$visindex] Background $pgrp_leader $string\n");
return ($success,\@return_val);
sub _setup_redirects {
my $options= shift;
my $save= shift;
return [] if ref $options ne 'ARRAY';
my @cache=();
foreach my $option (@$options) {
if( $option->[0] == Psh::Parser::T_REDIRECT()) {
my $type= $option->[2];
my $cachefileno;
if ($option->[1] eq '<&') {
POSIX::dup2($option->[3], $type);
} elsif ($option->[1] eq '>&') {
POSIX::dup2($option->[3], $type);
} elsif ($option->[1] eq '<') {
my $tmpfd= POSIX::open( $option->[3], &POSIX::O_RDONLY);
POSIX::dup2($tmpfd, $type);
} elsif ($option->[1] eq '>') {
my $tmpfd= POSIX::open( $option->[3], &POSIX::O_WRONLY |
POSIX::dup2($tmpfd, $type);
} elsif ($option->[1] eq '>>') {
my $tmpfd= POSIX::open( $option->[3], &POSIX::O_WRONLY |
POSIX::lseek($tmpfd,0, &POSIX::SEEK_END);
POSIX::dup2($tmpfd, $type);
if ($^F<$type) { # preserve filedescriptors higher than 2
return \@cache;
sub _has_redirects {
my $options= shift;
return 0 if ref $options ne 'ARRAY';
foreach my $option (@$options) {
return 1 if( $option->[0] == Psh::Parser::T_REDIRECT());
return 0;
# void fork_process( code|program, words,
# int fgflag, text to display in jobs,
# redirection options,
# pid of pgroupleader, do not set terminal flag,
# force a fork?)
sub _fork_process {
my( $code, $words, $fgflag, $string, $options,
$pgrp_leader, $termflag, $forcefork) = @_;
# HACK - if it's foreground code AND perl code AND
# there are no redirects
# we do not fork, otherwise we'll never get
# the result value, changed variables etc.
if( $fgflag and !$forcefork and ref($code) eq 'CODE'
and !_has_redirects($options)
) {
my @result= eval { &$code };
Psh::Util::print_error($@) if $@ && $@ !~/^SECRET/;
return (0,@result);
unless ($pid = fork) { #child
unless (defined $pid) {
return (-1,0,undef);
close(READ) if( $pgrp_leader);
_give_terminal_to($pgrp_leader||$$) if $fgflag && !$termflag;
if( ref($code) eq 'CODE') {
my @tmp=&{$code};
if (!@tmp or $tmp[0]) {
} else {
if( ! ref $options) {
exec $code;
} else {
$code= shift @$words;
exec { $code } @$words;
} # Avoid unreachable warning
_give_terminal_to($pgrp_leader||$pid) if $fgflag && !$termflag;
return ($pid,0,undef);
sub fork_process {
my( $code, $fgflag, $string, $options) = @_;
my ($pid,$sucess,@result)= _fork_process($code,undef,$fgflag,$string,$options);
return @result if !$pid;
my $job= Psh::Joblist::create_job($pid,$string);
if( !$fgflag) {
my $visindex= Psh::Joblist::get_job_number($job->{pid});
Psh::Util::print_out("[$visindex] Background $pid $string\n");
_wait_for_system($pid, 1) if $fgflag;
return undef;
# Returns true if the system has job_control abilities
sub has_job_control { return 1; }
# void restart_job(bool FOREGROUND, int JOB_INDEX)
sub restart_job
my ($fg_flag, $job_to_start) = @_;
my $job= Psh::Joblist::find_job($job_to_start);
if(defined($job)) {
my $pid = $job->{pid};
my $command = $job->{call};
if ($command) {
my $verb;
my $qRunning = $job->{running};
if ($fg_flag) {
$verb= ucfirst(Psh::Locale::get_text('foreground'));
} elsif ($qRunning) {
# bg request, and it's already running:
} else {
$verb= ucfirst(Psh::Locale::get_text('restart'));
my $visindex = Psh::Joblist::get_job_number($pid);
Psh::Util::print_out("[$visindex] $verb $pid $command\n");
if($fg_flag) {
eval { _wait_for_system($pid, 0); };
Psh::Util::print_debug_class('e',"Error: $@") if $@;
} elsif( !$qRunning) {
sub resume_job {
my $job= shift;
kill 'CONT', -$job->{pid};
kill 'CONT', -$job->{pgrp_leader} if $job->{pgrp_leader};
# Simply doing backtick eval - mainly for Prompt evaluation
sub backtick {
my $com=join ' ',@_;
local $^F=50;
my ($read,$write)= POSIX::pipe();
unless(my $pid=fork) {
$^F=$write if ($write>$^F);
my ($success)= Psh::evl($com);
my $result='';
while(<READ>) {
return $result;
# Setup special treatment of certain signals
# Having a value of 0 means to ignore the signal completely in
# the loops while a code ref installs a different default
# handler. Note that calling _ignore_handler is different than
# setting the signal action to ignore - if you set the signal
# action to ignore, the signal might be passed on to parent processes
# which could decide to handle them for us
my %special_handlers= (
'CHLD' => \&_ignore_handler,
'CLD' => \&_ignore_handler,
'TTOU' => \&_ttou_handler,
'TTIN' => \&_ttou_handler,
'TERM' => \&Psh::OS::fb_exit_psh,
'HUP' => \&Psh::OS::fb_exit_psh,
'SEGV' => 0,
'WINCH'=> 0,
'ZERO' => 0,
my @signals= grep { substr($_,0,1) ne '_' } keys %SIG;
# void remove_signal_handlers()
# This used to manually set INT, QUIT, CONT, STOP, TSTP, TTIN,
# TTOU, and CHLD.
# The new technique changes the settings of *all* signals. It is
# from Recipe 16.13 of The Perl Cookbook (Page 582). It should be
# compatible with Perl 5.004 and later.
sub remove_signal_handlers
foreach my $sig (@signals) {
next if exists($special_handlers{$sig}) &&
! ref($special_handlers{$sig});
$SIG{$sig} = 'DEFAULT';
# void setup_signal_handlers
# This used to manually set INT, QUIT, CONT, STOP, TSTP, TTIN,
# TTOU, and CHLD.
# See comment for remove_signal_handlers() for more information.
sub setup_signal_handlers
foreach my $sig (@signals) {
if( exists($special_handlers{$sig})) {
if( ref($special_handlers{$sig})) {
$SIG{$sig}= $special_handlers{$sig};
$SIG{$sig} = \&_signal_handler;
# Setup the SIGSEGV handler
sub setup_sigsegv_handler
$SIG{SEGV} = \&_error_handler;
# Setup SIGINT handler for readline
sub setup_readline_handler
$SIG{INT}= \&_readline_handler;
sub remove_readline_handler
$SIG{INT}= \&_signal_handler;
sub reinstall_resize_handler
# readline_handler()
# Readline ^C handler.
sub _readline_handler
my $sig= shift;
print "\n"; # Clean up the display
die "SECRET $Psh::bin: Signal $sig\n"; # changed to SECRET... just in case
sub _ttou_handler
# void _signal_handler( string SIGNAL )
sub _signal_handler
my ($sig) = @_;
if ($Psh::currently_active > 0) {
Psh::Util::print_debug("Received signal SIG$sig, sending to $Psh::currently_active\n");
kill $sig, -$Psh::currently_active;
} elsif ($Psh::currently_active < 0) {
Psh::Util::print_debug("Received signal SIG$sig, sending to Perl code\n");
die "SECRET ${Psh::bin}: Signal $sig\n";
} else {
Psh::Util::print_debug("Received signal SIG$sig, die-ing\n");
die "SECRET ${Psh::bin}: Signal $sig\n" if $sig eq 'INT';
$SIG{$sig} = \&_signal_handler;
# ignore_handler()
sub _ignore_handler
sub _error_handler
my ($sig) = @_;
kill 'INT', $$; # HACK to stop a possible endless loop!
# _resize_handler()
sub _resize_handler
my ($sig) = @_;
$SIG{$sig} = \&_resize_handler;
my $debian=-1;
sub _check_debian {
if ($debian==-1) {
if (-r '/etc/debian-version') {
} else {
return $debian;
sub get_editor {
my $file= shift;
my $suggestion= shift;
my $editor= $suggestion||$ENV{VISUAL}||$ENV{EDITOR};
if (_check_debian()) {
$editor ||='editor';
} else {
$editor ||='vi';
return $editor;
# File::Spec
sub canonpath {
my ($path) = @_;
$path =~ s|/+|/|g unless($^O eq 'cygwin'); # xx////xx -> xx/xx
$path =~ s|(/\.)+/|/|g; # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
$path =~ s|^(\./)+||s unless $path eq "./"; # ./xx -> xx
$path =~ s|^/(\.\./)+|/|s; # /../../xx -> xx
$path =~ s|/\Z(?!\n)|| unless $path eq "/"; # xx/ -> xx
return $path;
sub catfile {
my $file = pop @_;
return $file unless @_;
my $dir = catdir(@_);
$dir .= "/" unless substr($dir,-1) eq "/";
return $dir.$file;
sub catdir {
my @args = @_;
foreach (@args) {
# append a slash to each argument unless it has one there
$_ .= "/" if $_ eq '' || substr($_,-1) ne "/";
return canonpath(join('', @args));
sub file_name_is_absolute {
my $file= shift;
return scalar($file =~ m:^/:s);
sub rootdir {
sub splitdir {
my ($directories) = @_ ;
if ( $directories !~ m|/\Z(?!\n)| ) {
return split( m|/|, $directories );
else {
my( @directories )= split( m|/|, "${directories}dummy" ) ;
$directories[ $#directories ]= '' ;
return @directories ;
sub rel2abs {
my ($path,$base ) = @_;
# Clean up $path
if ( ! file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
# Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
$base = Psh::getcwd_psh() ;
elsif ( ! file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
$base = rel2abs( $base ) ;
else {
$base = canonpath( $base ) ;
# Glom them together
$path = catdir( $base, $path ) ;
return canonpath( $path ) ;