Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh /
package Psh::Options;
require Psh;
require Psh::OS;
# externally stored options
my %env_options= qw( cdpath 1 fignore 1 histsize 1 ignoreeof 1
ps1 1 ps2 1 path 1);
# internally stored options and their defaults
my %options=(
'array_exports' => {
'path' => $Psh::OS::PATH_SEPARATOR,
'classpath' => $Psh::OS::PATH_SEPARATOR,
'ld_library_path' => $Psh::OS::PATH_SEPARATOR,
'fignore' => $Psh::OS::PATH_SEPARATOR,
'cdpath' => $Psh::OS::PATH_SEPARATOR,
'ls_colors' => ':',
'expansion' => 1,
'globbing' => 1,
'window_title' => '\w',
'save_history' => 1,
# setup defaults for ENV variables
if (!exists $ENV{HISTSIZE}) {
sub set_option {
my $option= lc(shift());
my @value= @_;
return unless $option;
return unless @value;
my $val;
if ($env_options{$option}) {
if (@value>1 or (ref $value[0] and ref $value[0] eq 'ARRAY')) {
if (ref $value[0]) {
@value= @{$value[0]};
if ($options{array_exports} and $options{array_exports}{$option}) {
$val= join($options{array_exports}{$option},@value);
} else {
$val= $value[0];
} else {
$val= $value[0];
$ENV{uc($option)}= $val;
} else {
if (@value>1) {
$val= \@value;
} else {
$val= $value[0];
$options{$option}= $val;
sub get_option {
my $option= lc(shift());
my $val;
if ($env_options{$option}) {
$val= $ENV{uc($option)};
if ($options{array_exports} and $options{array_exports}{$option}) {
$val= [split($options{array_exports}{$option}, $val)];
} else {
if (defined $val) {
if (wantarray()) {
if (ref $val and ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
return @{$val};
} elsif ( ref $val and ref $val eq 'HASH') {
return %{$val};
return $val;
} else {
return $val;
return undef;
sub get_printable_option {
my $option= shift;
my $noquote= shift;
my $tmpval= get_option($option);
my $val= '';
if (ref $tmpval) {
if (ref $tmpval eq 'HASH') {
while (my ($k,$v)= each %$tmpval) {
next unless defined $k;
if (defined $v) {
$val.=" \'".$k."\' => \'".$v."\', ";
} else {
$val.=" \'".$k."\' => undef, ";
$val= substr($val,0,-2).' }';
} elsif (ref $tmpval eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach (@$tmpval) {
if (defined $_) {
$val.=" \'".$_."\', ";
} else {
$val.=" undef, ";
$val= substr($val,0,-2).' ]';
} elsif (ref $tmpval eq 'CODE') {
} else {
if (defined $tmpval) {
if ($noquote) {
$val= $tmpval;
} else {
$val= qq['$tmpval'];
} else {
$val= 'undef';
return $val;
sub has_option {
my $option= lc(shift());
return 1 if exists $options{$option} or ($env_options{$option} and
exists $ENV{uc($option)});
return 0;
sub del_option {
my $option= lc(shift());
if ($env_options{$option}) {
delete $ENV{uc($option)};
} else {
delete $options{$option};
sub list_options {
my @opts= keys %options;
foreach (keys %env_options) {
push @opts, lc($_) if exists $ENV{uc($_)};
return @opts;