Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh / Strategy /
package Psh::Strategy::Perlscript;
require Psh::Strategy;
require Psh::Util;
=item * C<perlscript>
If (1) the first word of the input line matches the
name of a file found in one of the directories listed
in the path ($ENV{PATH}), and (2) that file starts
with #!/.../perl, and (3) that perl is the same as the
Perl under which psh is running, psh will fork and run
the script using the already-loaded Perl interpreter.
The idea is to save the exec half of the fork-exec
that the executable strategy would do; typically the
exec is more expensive. Right now this strategy can
only handle the -w command-line switch on the #! line.
Note this strategy only makes sense before the
"executable" strategy; if it came after, it could
never trigger.
sub new { Psh::Strategy::new(@_) }
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_TOKENS;
sub runs_before {
return qw(executable);
# bool matches_perl_binary(string FILENAME)
# Returns true if FILENAME referes directly or indirectly to the
# current perl executable
sub matches_perl_binary
my ($filename) = @_;
require Config;
# Chase down symbolic links, but don't crash on systems that don't
# have them:
if ($Config::Config{d_readlink}) {
my $newfile;
while ($newfile = readlink($filename)) { $filename = $newfile; }
if ($filename eq $Config::Config{perlpath}) { return 1; }
my ($perldev,$perlino) = (stat($Config::Config{perlpath}))[0,1];
my ($dev,$ino) = (stat($filename))[0,1];
# TODO: Does the following work on non-Unix OS ?
if ($perldev == $dev and $perlino == $ino) { return 1; }
return 0;
sub applies {
my $script = Psh::Util::which(@{$_[2]}->[0]);
return '' unless $script;
# let's see if it really looks like a perl script
my $firstline;
if (open(FILE,"< $script")) {
$firstline= <FILE>;
else {
chomp $firstline;
my $filename;
my $switches;
if (($filename,$switches) =
($firstline =~ m|^\#!\s*(/.*perl)(\s+.+)?$|go)
and matches_perl_binary($filename)) {
my $possibleMatch = $script;
my %bangLineOptions = ();
if( $switches) {
$switches=~ s/^\s+//go;
local @ARGV = split(' ', $switches);
# All perl command-line options that take aruments as of
# Perl 5.00503:
require Getopt::Std;
getopt('DeiFlimMx', \%bangLineOptions);
if ($bangLineOptions{w}) {
$possibleMatch .= " warnings";
delete $bangLineOptions{w};
# TODO: We could handle more options. [There are some we
# can't. -d, -n and -p are popular ones that would be tough.]
if (scalar(keys %bangLineOptions) > 0) {
print_debug("[[perlscript: skip $script, options $switches.]]\n");
return '';
return $possibleMatch;
return '';
sub execute {
my ($script, @options) = split(' ',$_[3]);
my @arglist = @{$_[2]};
shift @arglist; # Get rid of script name
my $fgflag = 1;
if (scalar(@arglist) > 0) {
my $lastarg = pop @arglist;
if ($lastarg =~ m/\&$/) {
$fgflag = 0;
$lastarg =~ s/\&$//;
if ($lastarg) { push @arglist, $lastarg; }
print_debug("[[perlscript $script, options @options, args @arglist.]]\n");
my $pid;
my %opts = ();
foreach (@options) { $opts{$_} = 1; }
return (1,sub {
package main;
# TODO: Is it possible/desirable to put main in the pristine
# state that it typically is in when a script starts up,
# i.e. undefine all routines and variables that the user has set?
local @ARGV = @arglist;
local $^W;
if ($opts{warnings}) { $^W = 1; }
else { $^W = 0; }
local $Psh::tmp= do $script;
CORE::exit !$Psh::tmp;
}, [], 1, undef);