Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh /
package Psh::Util;
use strict;
require Psh::OS;
sub print_warning
print STDERR @_;
# Print unclassified debug output
sub print_debug
print STDERR @_ if $Psh::debugging && $Psh::debugging =~ /o/;
# Print classified debug output
sub print_debug_class
my $class= shift;
print STDERR @_ if $Psh::debugging and
($Psh::debugging eq '1' or
$Psh::debugging =~ /$class/);
sub print_error
print STDERR @_;
# print_i18n( stream, key, args)
# print_out_i18n( key, args)
# print_error_i18n( key, args)
# The print..._i18n suite of functions will fetch the
# text from the %text hash, replace %1 with the first arg,
# %2 with the second and so on and then print it out
sub _print_i18n
my( $stream, $text, @rest) = @_;
return unless $stream;
$text= Psh::Locale::get_text($text);
for( my $i=1; $i<=@rest; $i++)
$text=~ s/\%$i/$rest[$i-1]/g;
print $stream $text;
sub print_error_i18n
sub print_warning_i18n
sub print_out_i18n
sub print_out
print STDOUT @_;
# Copied from - pretty prints a list in columns
sub print_list
my @list= @_;
return unless @list;
my ($lines, $columns, $mark, $index);
## find width of widest entry
my $maxwidth = 0;
my $screen_width=$ENV{COLUMNS};
if (ref $list[0] and ref $list[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
$maxwidth= $list[1];
@list= @{$list[0]};
unless ($maxwidth) {
grep(length > $maxwidth && ($maxwidth = length), @list);
$columns = $maxwidth >= $screen_width?1:int($screen_width / $maxwidth);
## if there's enough margin to interspurse among the columns, do so.
$maxwidth += int(($screen_width % $maxwidth) / $columns);
$lines = int((@list + $columns - 1) / $columns);
$columns-- while ((($lines * $columns) - @list + 1) > $lines);
$mark = $#list - $lines;
for (my $l = 0; $l < $lines; $l++) {
for ($index = $l; $index <= $mark; $index += $lines) {
my $tmp= my $item= $list[$index];
$tmp=~ s/\001(.*?)\002//g;
my $diff= length($item)-length($tmp);
my $dispsize= $maxwidth+$diff;
print_out(sprintf("%-${dispsize}s", $item));
if ($index<=$#list) {
my $item= $list[$index];
$item=~s/\001//g; $item=~s/\002//g;
sub abs_path {
my $dir= shift;
return undef unless $dir;
return $Psh::Util::path_hash{$dir} if $Psh::Util::path_hash{$dir};
my $result= Psh::OS::abs_path($dir);
unless ($result) {
if ($dir eq '~') {
$result= Psh::OS::get_home_dir();
} elsif ( substr($dir,0,2) eq '~/') {
substr($dir,0,1)= Psh::OS::get_home_dir();
} elsif ( substr($dir,0,1) eq '~' ) {
my $fs= $Psh::OS::FILE_SEPARATOR;
my ($user)= $dir=~/^\~(.*?)$fs/;
if ($user) {
substr($dir,0,length($user)+1)= Psh::OS::get_home_dir($user);
unless ($result) {
my $tmp= Psh::OS::rel2abs($dir,$ENV{PWD});
my $old= $ENV{PWD};
if ($tmp and -r $tmp) {
if (-d $tmp and -x _) {
if ( CORE::chdir($tmp)) {
$result = Psh::OS::getcwd_psh();
if (!CORE::chdir($old)) {
print STDERR "Could not change directory back to $old!\n";
} else {
$result= $tmp;
# if ($tmp and !$result) {
# local $^W=0;
# local $SIG{__WARN__}= {};
# eval {
# $result= Cwd::abs_path($tmp);
# };
# print_debug_class('e',"(abs_path) Error: $@") if $@;
# }
return undef unless $result;
if ($result) {
$result.='/' unless $result=~ m:[/\\]:; # abs_path strips / from letter: on Win
$Psh::Util::path_hash{$dir}= $result if Psh::OS::file_name_is_absolute($dir);
return $result;
sub recalc_absed_path {
@Psh::absed_path = ();
%Psh::Util::command_hash = ();
my @path = split($Psh::OS::PATH_SEPARATOR, $ENV{PATH});
eval {
foreach my $dir (@path) {
next unless $dir;
my $dir= Psh::Util::abs_path($dir);
next unless -r $dir and -x _;
push @Psh::absed_path, $dir;
print_debug_class('e',"(recalc_absed_path) Error: $@") if $@;
# Without the eval Psh might crash if the directory
# does not exist
# string which(string FILENAME)
# search for an occurrence of FILENAME in the current path as given by
# $ENV{PATH}. Return the absolute filename if found, or undef if not.
# "static variables" for which() :
my $last_path_cwd = '';
my $tmp= quotemeta($FS);
my $re1="$tmp";
my $re2="^(.*)$tmp([^$tmp]+)\$";
if ($]>=5.005) {
eval {
$re1= qr{$re1}o;
$re2= qr{$re2}o;
print_debug_class('e',"(util::before which) Error: $@") if $@;
sub which
my $cmd= shift;
my $all= shift;
return undef unless $cmd;
if ($cmd =~ m|$re1|o ) {
$cmd =~ m|$re2|o;
my $path_element= $1 || '';
my $cmd_element= $2 || '';
return undef unless $path_element and $cmd_element;
return undef unless $path_element;
my $try= Psh::OS::catfile($path_element,$cmd_element);
if ((-x $try) and (! -d _)) { return $try; }
return undef;
return $Psh::Util::command_hash{$cmd} if exists $Psh::Util::command_hash{$cmd} and !$all;
if ($cmd !~ m/$Psh::which_regexp/) { return undef; }
if ($last_path_cwd ne ($ENV{PATH} . $ENV{PWD})) {
$last_path_cwd = $ENV{PATH} . $ENV{PWD};
my @path_extension=Psh::OS::get_path_extension();
my @all=();
foreach my $dir (@Psh::absed_path) {
next unless $dir;
my $try = Psh::OS::catfile($dir,$cmd);
foreach my $ext (@path_extension) {
if ((-x $try.$ext) and (!-d _)) {
$Psh::Util::command_hash{$cmd} = $try.$ext unless $all;
return $try.$ext unless $all;
push @all, $try.$ext;
if ($all and @all) {
return @all;
$Psh::Util::command_hash{$cmd} = undef; # no delete by purpose
return undef;
# starts_with( text, prefix)
# Returns true if text starts with prefix
sub starts_with {
my ($text, $prefix) = @_;
return length($text)>=length($prefix) &&
substr($text,0,length($prefix)) eq $prefix;
# ends_with( text, suffix)
# Returns true if text ends with suffix
sub ends_with {
my ( $text, $suffix) = @_;
return length($text)>=length($suffix) &&
substr($text,-length($suffix)) eq $suffix;
# list parse_hosts_file( text)
# Gets a standard hosts file as input and returns
# a list of the hostnames mentioned in the file
sub parse_hosts_file {
my $text= shift;
my @lines= split( /\n|\r|\r\n/, $text);
my @result= ();
foreach my $line (@lines) {
next if $line=~/^\s*$/; # Skip blank lines
next if $line=~/^\s*\#/; # Skip comment lines
my $rest= $1;
push @result, grep { length($_)>0 } split( /\s/, $rest);
return @result;
# char prompt( string allowedchars, string prompt)
# prompts the user until he answers with one of the
# allowed characters
sub prompt {
my $allowed= shift;
$allowed= "^[$allowed]\$";
my $text= shift;
my $line='';
do {
print $text;
} while (!$line || lc($line) !~ $allowed);
chomp $line;
return lc($line);