Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / sun4-solaris / DBI /
DBI; # hide this non-DBI package from simple indexers
# $Id:,v 10.3 1999/05/06 17:29:14 timbo Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1997,1999 Tim Bunce
# With many thanks to Patrick Hollins for polishing.
# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
# License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
=head1 NAME
DBI::W32ODBC - An experimental DBI emulation layer for Win32::ODBC
use DBI::W32ODBC;
# apart from the line above everything is just the same as with
# the real DBI when using a basic driver with few features.
This is an experimental pure perl DBI emulation layer for Win32::ODBC
If you can improve this code I'd be interested in hearing about it. If
you are having trouble using it please respect the fact that it's very
experimental. Ideally fix it yourself and send me the details.
=head2 Some Things Not Yet Implemented
Most attributes including PrintError & RaiseError.
type_info and table_info
Volunteers welcome!
${'DBI::VERSION'} # hide version from PAUSE indexer
= "0.01";
my $Revision = substr(q$Revision: 10.3 $, 10);
sub DBI::W32ODBC::import { } # must trick here since we're called DBI/
use Carp;
use Win32::ODBC;
@ISA = qw(Win32::ODBC);
use strict;
$DBI::dbi_debug = $ENV{PERL_DBI_DEBUG} || 0;
carp "Loaded (W32ODBC) ${'DBI::VERSION'} (debug $DBI::dbi_debug)"
if $DBI::dbi_debug;
sub connect {
my ($class, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $module, $attr) = @_;
$dbname .= ";UID=$dbuser" if $dbuser;
$dbname .= ";PWD=$dbpasswd" if $dbpasswd;
my $h = new Win32::ODBC $dbname;
warn "Error connecting to $dbname: ".Win32::ODBC::Error()."\n" unless $h;
bless $h, $class if $h; # rebless into our class
sub quote {
my ($h, $string) = @_;
return "NULL" if !defined $string;
$string =~ s/'/''/g; # standard
# This hack seems to be required for Access but probably breaks for
# other databases when using \r and \n. It would be better if we could
# use ODBC options to detect that we're actually using Access.
$string =~ s/\r/' & chr\$(13) & '/g;
$string =~ s/\n/' & chr\$(10) & '/g;
sub do {
my($h, $statement, $attribs, @params) = @_;
Carp::carp "\$h->do() attribs unused" if $attribs;
my $new_h = $h->prepare($statement) or return undef; ##
pop @{ $h->{'___sths'} }; ## certian death assured
$new_h->execute(@params) or return undef; ##
my $rows = $new_h->rows; ##
$new_h->finish; ## bang bang
($rows == 0) ? "0E0" : $rows;
# ---
sub prepare {
my ($h, $sql) = @_;
## opens a new connection with every prepare to allow
## multiple, concurrent queries
my $new_h = new Win32::ODBC $h->{DSN}; ##
return undef if not $new_h; ## bail if no connection
bless $new_h; ## shouldn't be sub-classed...
$new_h->{'__prepare'} = $sql; ##
$new_h->{NAME} = []; ##
$new_h->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} = -1; ##
push @{ $h->{'___sths'} } ,$new_h; ## save sth in parent for mass destruction
return $new_h; ##
sub execute {
my ($h) = @_;
my $rc = $h->Sql($h->{'__prepare'});
return undef if $rc;
my @fields = $h->FieldNames;
$h->{NAME} = \@fields;
$h->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} = scalar @fields;
$h; # return dbh as pseudo sth
sub fetchrow_hashref { ## provide DBI compatibility
my $h = shift;
my $NAME = shift || "NAME";
my $row = $h->fetchrow_arrayref or return undef;
my %hash;
@hash{ @{ $h->{$NAME} } } = @$row;
return \%hash;
sub fetchrow {
my $h = shift;
return unless $h->FetchRow();
my $fields_r = $h->{NAME};
return $h->Data(@$fields_r);
sub fetch {
my @row = shift->fetchrow;
return undef unless @row;
return \@row;
*fetchrow_arrayref = \&fetch; ## provide DBI compatibility
*fetchrow_array = \&fetchrow; ## provide DBI compatibility
sub rows {
sub finish {
shift->Close; ## uncommented this line
# ---
sub commit {
sub rollback {
sub disconnect {
my ($h) = shift; ## this will kill all the statement handles
foreach (@{$h->{'___sths'}}) { ## created for a specific connection
$_->Close if $_->{DSN}; ##
} ##
$h->Close; ##
sub err {
sub errstr {
scalar( shift->Error );
# ---