Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / sun4-solaris / Tk /
# The help widget that provides both "balloon" and "status bar"
# types of help messages.
package Tk::Balloon;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '3.037'; # $Id: //depot/Tk8/Tixish/ $
use Tk qw(Ev Exists);
use Carp;
require Tk::Toplevel;
use base qw(Tk::Toplevel);
use strict;
my @balloons;
my $button_up = 0;
sub ClassInit {
my ($class, $mw) = @_;
$mw->bind('all', '<Motion>', ['Tk::Balloon::Motion', Ev('X'), Ev('Y'), Ev('s')]);
$mw->bind('all', '<Leave>', ['Tk::Balloon::Motion', Ev('X'), Ev('Y'), Ev('s')]);
$mw->bind('all', '<Button>', 'Tk::Balloon::ButtonDown');
$mw->bind('all', '<ButtonRelease>', 'Tk::Balloon::ButtonUp');
return $class;
sub Populate {
my ($w, $args) = @_;
# Only the container frame's background should be black... makes it
# look better.
$w->configure(-background => 'black');
my $a = $w->Frame;
my $m = $w->Frame;
$a->configure(-bd => 0);
my $al = $a->Label(-bd => 0,
-relief => 'flat',
-bitmap => '@' . Tk->findINC('balArrow.xbm'));
$al->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 1, -pady => 1, -anchor => 'nw');
$m->configure(-bd => 0);
my $ml = $m->Label(-bd => 0,
-padx => 0,
-pady => 0,
-text => $args->{-message});
$w->Advertise('message' => $ml);
$ml->pack(-side => 'left',
-anchor => 'w',
-expand => 1,
-fill => 'both',
-padx => 10,
-pady => 3);
$a->pack(-fill => 'both', -side => 'left');
$m->pack(-fill => 'both', -side => 'left');
# append to global list of balloons
push(@balloons, $w);
$w->{'popped'} = 0;
$w->{'buttonDown'} = 0;
$w->{'menu_index'} = 'none';
$w->{'menu_index_over'} = 'none';
$w->{'canvas_tag'} = '';
$w->{'canvas_tag_over'} = '';
$w->ConfigSpecs(-installcolormap => ['PASSIVE', 'installColormap', 'InstallColormap', 0],
-initwait => ['PASSIVE', 'initWait', 'InitWait', 350],
-state => ['PASSIVE', 'state', 'State', 'both'],
-statusbar => ['PASSIVE', 'statusBar', 'StatusBar', undef],
-statusmsg => ['PASSIVE', 'statusMsg', 'StatusMsg', ''],
-balloonmsg => ['PASSIVE', 'balloonMsg', 'BalloonMsg', ''],
-balloonposition => ['PASSIVE', 'balloonPosition', 'BalloonPosition', 'widget'],
-postcommand => ['CALLBACK', 'postCommand', 'PostCommand', undef],
-cancelcommand => ['CALLBACK', 'cancelCommand', 'CancelCommand', undef],
-motioncommand => ['CALLBACK', 'motionCommand', 'MotionCommand', undef],
-background => ['DESCENDANTS', 'background', 'Background', '#C0C080'],
-font => [$ml, 'font', 'Font', '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'],
-borderwidth => ['SELF', 'borderWidth', 'BorderWidth', 1]
# attach a client to the balloon
sub attach {
my ($w, $client, %args) = @_;
foreach my $key (grep(/command$/,keys %args))
$args{$key} = Tk::Callback->new($args{$key});
my $msg = delete $args{-msg};
$args{-balloonmsg} = $msg unless exists $args{-balloonmsg};
$args{-statusmsg} = $msg unless exists $args{-statusmsg};
$w->{'clients'}{$client} = \%args;
$client->OnDestroy([$w, 'detach', $client]);
# detach a client from the balloon.
sub detach {
my ($w, $client) = @_;
if (Exists($w))
$w->Deactivate if ($client->IS($w->{'client'}));
delete $w->{'clients'}{$client};
sub GetOption
my ($w,$opt,$client) = @_;
$client = $w->{'client'} unless defined $client;
if (defined $client)
my $info = $w->{'clients'}{$client};
return $info->{$opt} if exists $info->{$opt};
return $w->cget($opt);
sub Motion {
my ($ewin, $x, $y, $s) = @_;
# Don't do anything if a button is down or a grab is active
# 0x1f00 is (Button1Mask | .. | Button5Mask)
return if not defined $ewin or ((($s & 0x1f00) or $ewin->grabCurrent()) and not $ewin->isa('Tk::Menu'));
# Find which window we are over
my $over = $ewin->Containing($x, $y);
foreach my $w (@balloons) {
# if cursor has moved over the balloon -- ignore
next if defined $over and $over->toplevel eq $w;
# find the client window that matches
my $client = $over;
while (defined $client) {
last if (exists $w->{'clients'}{$client});
$client = $client->Parent;
if (defined $client) {
# popping up disabled -- ignore
my $state = $w->GetOption(-state => $client);
next if $state eq 'none';
# Check if a button was recently released:
my $deactivate = 0;
if ($button_up) {
$deactivate = 1;
$button_up = 0;
# Deactivate it if the motioncommand says to:
my $command = $w->GetOption(-motioncommand => $client);
$deactivate = $command->Call($client, $x, $y) if defined $command;
if ($deactivate)
# warn "deact: $client $w->{'client'}";
$w->Deactivate unless $client->IS($w->{'client'});
my $msg = $client->BalloonInfo($w,$x,$y,'-statusmsg','-balloonmsg');
if (defined($msg))
my $delay = delete $w->{'delay'};
$delay->cancel if defined $delay;
my $initwait = $w->GetOption(-initwait => $client);
$w->{'delay'} = $client->after($initwait, sub {$w->SwitchToClient($client);});
$w->{'client'} = $client;
} else {
# cursor is at a position covered by a non client
# pop down the balloon if it is up or scheduled.
sub ButtonDown {
my ($ewin) = @_;
foreach my $w (@balloons) {
sub ButtonUp {
$button_up = 1;
# switch the balloon to a new client
sub SwitchToClient {
my ($w, $client) = @_;
return unless Exists($w);
return unless Exists($client);
return unless $client->IS($w->{'client'});
return if $w->grabCurrent and not $client->isa('Tk::Menu');
my $command = $w->GetOption(-postcommand => $client);
if (defined $command) {
# Execute the user's command and return if it returns false:
my $pos = $command->Call($client);
return if not $pos;
if ($pos =~ /^(\d+),(\d+)$/) {
# Save the returned position so the Popup method can use it:
$w->{'clients'}{$client}{'postposition'} = [$1, $2];
my $state = $w->GetOption(-state => $client);
$w->Popup if ($state =~ /both|balloon/);
$w->SetStatus if ($state =~ /both|status/);
$w->{'popped'} = 1;
$w->{'delay'} = $w->repeat(200, ['Verify', $w, $client]);
sub Subclient
my ($w,$data) = @_;
if (defined($w->{'subclient'}) && (!defined($data) || $w->{'subclient'} ne $data))
$w->{'subclient'} = $data;
sub Verify {
my $w = shift;
my $client = shift;
my ($X,$Y) = (@_) ? @_ : ($w->pointerxy);
my $over = $w->Containing($X,$Y);
return if not defined $over or ($over->toplevel eq $w);
my $deactivate = # DELETE? or move it to the isa-Menu section?:
# ($over ne $client) or
not $client->IS($w->{'client'})
or (!$client->isa('Tk::Menu') && $w->grabCurrent);
if ($deactivate)
sub Deactivate {
my ($w) = @_;
my $delay = delete $w->{'delay'};
$delay->cancel if defined $delay;
if ($w->{'popped'}) {
my $client = $w->{'client'};
my $command = $w->GetOption(-cancelcommand => $client);
if (defined $command) {
# Execute the user's command and return if it returns false:
return if not $command->Call($client);
$w->{'popped'} = 0;
$w->{'menu_index'} = 'none';
$w->{'canvas_tag'} = '';
$w->{'client'} = undef;
$w->{'subclient'} = undef;
sub Popup {
my ($w) = @_;
if ($w->cget(-installcolormap)) {
my $client = $w->{'client'};
return if not defined $client or not exists $w->{'clients'}{$client};
my $msg = $client->BalloonInfo($w, $w->pointerxy,'-balloonmsg');
# Dereference it if it looks like a scalar reference:
$msg = $$msg if UNIVERSAL::isa($msg, 'SCALAR');
$w->Subwidget('message')->configure(-text => $msg);
return unless Exists($w);
return unless Exists($client);
return if $msg eq ''; # Don't popup empty balloons.
my ($x, $y);
my $pos = $w->GetOption(-balloonposition => $client);
my $postpos = delete $w->{'clients'}{$client}{'postposition'};
if (defined $postpos) {
# The postcommand must have returned a position for the balloon - I will use that:
($x, $y) = @{$postpos};
} elsif ($pos eq 'mouse') {
$x = int($client->pointerx + 10);
$y = int($client->pointery + 10);
} elsif ($pos eq 'widget') {
$x = int($client->rootx + $client->width/2);
$y = int($client->rooty + int ($client->height/1.3));
} else {
croak "'$pos' is not a valid position for the balloon - it must be one of: 'widget', 'mouse'.";
my($width, $height) = ($w->reqwidth, $w->reqheight);
my $xx = ($x + $width > $w->screenwidth
? $w->screenwidth - $width
: $x);
my $yy = ($y + $height > $w->screenheight
? $w->screenheight - $height
: $y);
#$w->update; # This can cause confusion by processing more Motion events before this one has finished.
sub SetStatus {
my ($w) = @_;
my $client = $w->{'client'};
my $s = $w->GetOption(-statusbar => $client);
if (defined $s and $s->winfo('exists')) {
my $vref = $s->cget(-textvariable);
return if not defined $client or not exists $w->{'clients'}{$client};
my $msg = $client->BalloonInfo($w, $w->pointerxy,'-statusmsg');
# Dereference it if it looks like a scalar reference:
$msg = $$msg if UNIVERSAL::isa($msg, 'SCALAR');
if (not defined $vref) {
eval { $s->configure(-text => $msg); };
} else {
$$vref = $msg;
sub ClearStatus {
my ($w) = @_;
my $client = $w->{'client'};
my $s = $w->GetOption(-statusbar => $client);
if (defined $s and $s->winfo('exists')) {
my $vref = $s->cget(-textvariable);
if (defined $vref) {
$$vref = '';
} else {
eval { $s->configure(-text => ''); }
sub destroy {
my ($w) = @_;
@balloons = grep($w != $_, @balloons);
# Above doesn't seem to work but at least I have removed it from the
# list of balloons and maybe undef'ing the object will get rid of it.
undef $w;