Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / sun4-solaris / Tk / demos / widtrib /
# BrowseEntry, another example.
# Chris Dean <>
use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
my $top = new MainWindow( -title => "BrowseEntry 2" );
main( $top );
sub main {
my( $top ) = @_;
my @countries = qw( America Belize Canada Denmark Egypt Fruitopia );
my @states = qw( normal readonly disabled );
foreach my $i (0..$#states) {
my $state = $states[$i];
my $var = $countries[$i];
my $f = $top->Frame->pack( qw/-side left/ );
my $be = $f->BrowseEntry( -variable => \$var,
-choices => \@countries,
-state => $state )->pack;
if( $state eq "disabled" ) {
$be->configure( -arrowimage => $f->Getimage( "balArrow" ) )
foreach my $s (@states) {
$f->Radiobutton( -text => $s,
-value => $s,
-variable => \$state,
-command => sub {
$be->configure( -state => $state ); }
)->pack( qw/-anchor w/ );
$f->Button( -text => "Print value", -command => sub {
print "$var\n" } )->pack;