Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perlmod / pal / 1.13 / lib /
$_LIB_PATH= "$BASE/lib";
sub proc_SEL_version {
$version= '$Id:,v 1.1 2007/03/23 20:08:01 drp Exp $';
#---------------- proc_SEL() is called by testgen to evaluate $list
#---------------------- at testgen runtime. The advantage is that
#---------------------- the list can contain $perl variables. On
#---------------------- the other hand, it is slower because list
#---------------------- needs be parsed every time.
#----------------- SELECTION LIST FORMAT ===> [$cmd[ list ]]
#-------------------* DONE :
#---------------------* $cmd= 'r' or nil: random selection list
#---------------------* $cmd= 's': random STRING selection list
#---------------------* $cmd= 'e', enumeration list
#---------------------* $cmd= 'l', return number of list elements
#---------------------* $cmd= 'D:{id}', define a random element index to be
#---------------------* used by 'U{id}'.
#---------------------* $cmd= 'U:{id}', instead of random choice, use the
#---------------------* element index used by SELECTION LIST
#---------------------* named 'D{id}'.
#---------------------* $cmd= '[dox]{n}': to print output in C's "%{n}[dox]"
#---------------------* format to be used with 'r' or 'e'.
#-------------------* TO DO :
#---------------------* $cmd= a number (n), select that n elements
#----------------------- and apply enumeration or selection
#----------------------- of permutation out of n elements.
#------------------------ $cmd= '1', same as nil
#------------------------ $cmd= '1e', same as nil
#---------------------* $cmd= 'a', all pertumation
sub proc_SEL {
my($idx, $list, $cmd, $lineinfo)= @_; #$indx for the list, and list itself
my($strList)= 0;
$list=~ s/\[\s*(.*)\s*\]$/$1/; #for [ {list} ]: pass {list}
# $cmd=~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; #translate cmd to the lower-case.
$LINE_INFO_FOR_ERR= $lineinfo;
if( $cmd eq '') { $cmd= 'r'; }
elsif($cmd =~ /s/) { $strList= 1; }
# elsif($cmd =~ /s/) { $cmd= 'r'; $strList= 1; }
if( $list =~ /^\s*[\+\d-]/ && !$strList ) {
$result= &num_list($idx, $list, $cmd);
}else{ $result= &str_list($idx, $list, $cmd); }
sub str_list { ## take "{str} [:{weit}], {str} [:{weit}] ..."
my($idx, $list, $cmd)= @_;
my(@value, $i, $list_save);
my($USE_WEIGHT)= 0;
$list_save= $list;
$list=~ s/^\s*//;
while(1) {
if($list =~ s/^([\&\$\w][\w_]*)//) { #a unquoted identifier
push(@value, $1);
# }elsif($list =~ s/^(\s*)(["'])([^\2]*)(\2)(\s*)//) { #a '/" quoted string
# why can't I say [^\2]*, which means anything but not \2 ??
# }elsif($list =~ s/^\s*(["'])([\$\w\s,.-]*)(\1)\s*//) { #a '/" quoted str
# @value= (@value, $1 . $2 . $3); #including enclosing "/'
# # $list=~ s/$1$2$3$4$5//;
}elsif($list =~ s/^'([^']*)'//) { #a ' quoted str
push(@value, "$1"); #including enclosing '
}elsif($list =~ s/^"([^"]*)"//) { #a " quoted str
push(@value, "$1"); #including enclosing "
}else{ & rt_error("illegal string list: [$list_save]"); }
##### process weight:
$list =~ s/^\s*//;
if($list =~ s/^:\s*([^,\s]+)\s*//) {
push(@weight, eval $1);
push(@weight, 100); #default weight 100
if($list eq '') { last;
}elsif($list !~ s/^,\s*//) {
$list=~ /^(.)/;
& rt_error(", expected but got `$1' in string list: [$list_save]");
} #end of while(1)
#-------------------------------$str_list_${idx} will be a $global variable
my($mark)= ($cmd =~ s/D:?(\w+)//) ? $1 : '';
if( $cmd eq 'l') { return($#value + 1);
}elsif($cmd =~ s/U:?(\w+)//) { $elm_idx= $DEF_ORDER{$1} % ($#value + 1);
}elsif($cmd =~ s/e//) {
$elm_idx= eval("++ \$str_list_$idx") -1 ;
if($elm_idx > $#value) { $elm_idx= 0;
eval("\$str_list_$idx= 1"); }
######### only this category allows weight !!
$elm_idx= $USE_WEIGHT ? & weighed_select( *weight )
: int(rand( $#value+1 ));
# }elsif($cmd =~ s/r//) { $elm_idx= int(rand($#value+1));
# }else { & rt_error("No such string list command: $cmd");
$DEF_ORDER{$mark}= $elm_idx if($mark);
if($value[$elm_idx] =~ /^\&/) {
eval '$result=' . $value[$elm_idx];
} else {
$result= $value[$elm_idx];
if($cmd=~/s(\d*)|(\d+)s/) {
$result= sprintf("%$1s", $result);
sub weighed_select { #Given weight array, return random idx selected
local(*W)= @_;
my($i, $sel);
for($i=1; $i<=$#W; ++$i) { $W[$i] += $W[$i-1]; } #accumulate weight
$sel= int(rand( $W[$#W] ));
for($i=0; $i<=$#W; ++$i) {
if($W[$i] > $sel) {
$sel= $i;
sub num_list { #take [-num .. +num2]
my($idx, $list, $cmd)= @_;
my(@range, @value, $list_save);
my($num_items)= 0;
my($lb, $ub, $i);
$list_save= $list;
$list=~ s/\s//g;
while(1) { #parse number list
if($list =~ s/^(\+|-)?([0-9a-fx]+)(-|\.\.)(\+|-)?([0-9a-fx]+)//) { #is a range
$n1= "$1$2"; $n2= "$4$5";
if($n1=~ s/^(\+|-)?0x//) { $n1= $1 . hex($n1); $has_hex= 1;}
if($n2=~ s/^(\+|-)?0x//) { $n2= $1 . hex($n2); $has_hex= 1;}
if($n1 > $n2) {
## &rt_error("from ($n1) is greater than to ($n2)");
$tmp= $n1;
$n1= $n2;
$n2= $tmp;
$num_items += $n2- $n1+ 1;
@range= (@range, $n1, $n2); # $list= 'x-y...'
}elsif($list =~ s/^(\+|-)?([0-9a-fx]+)//) {
$n1= "$1$2";
if($n1=~ s/^(\+|-)?0x//) { $n1= $1 . hex($n1); $has_hex= 1;}
++ $num_items;
@value= (@value, $n1); # $list= 'x.....'
}else{ & rt_error("illegal number list: [$list_save]"); }
$list =~ s/^\s*//;
if($list eq '') { last;
}elsif($list !~ s/^,\s*//) {
$list=~ /^(.)/;
& rt_error(", expected but got `$1' in number list: [$list_save]");
} #end of while(1)
########### select from [$list]
my($elm_idx, $result);
#-------------------------------$str_list_${idx} will be a $gloabl variable
my($mark)= ($cmd =~ s/D:?(\w+)//) ? $1 : '';
if( $cmd eq 'l') { return($num_items);
}elsif($cmd =~ s/U:?(\w+)//) { $elm_idx= $DEF_ORDER{$1} % $num_items;
}elsif($cmd =~ /e/) {
$elm_idx= eval("++ \$str_list_$idx") -1 ;
if($elm_idx > $num_items-1) { $elm_idx= 0;
eval("\$str_list_$idx= 1"); }
# }elsif($cmd =~ /r/) { $elm_idx= int(rand($num_items));
}else{ $elm_idx= int(rand($num_items));
# }else { & rt_error("No such number list command: $cmd");
$DEF_ORDER{$mark}= $elm_idx if($mark);
if($elm_idx <= $#value) { $result= $value[$elm_idx];
}else{ $lb= $#value;
for($i= 0; $i <= $#range; $i+=2) {
$ub= $lb+ ($range[$i+1] - $range[$i] + 1);
if($elm_idx <= $ub) {
$result= $range[$i]+ $elm_idx- ($lb+ 1);
$lb= $ub;
$format= ($cmd=~/(\d+)([doxs])/) ? "%$1$2" : #new
($cmd=~/([doxs])(\d*)/) ? "%$2$1" :
$has_hex ? "%x" :
"%d" ;
$result= sprintf($format, $result);
sub rt_error { print STDERR "\nERR ($LINE_INFO_FOR_ERR): @_\n"; exit(1); }