Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / pli / vcs_acc_user.h
* FileName: vcs_acc_user.h
* Facility: Verilog Compiled Simulator (VCS)
* Functional Description:
* Defines acc-type routines that are not part of the OVI standard.
* Notes:
* Include "acc_user.h" before this file (to get type definitions.)
* Copyright (c) 1997-98 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifndef VCS_ACC_USER_H
#define VCS_ACC_USER_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*------------------------------- object types ------------------------------*/
#define accPath 206
#define accPrimPath 232
#define accTermPath 238
#define accModTermPath 240
#define accTermModPath 242
#define accCollapsedNet 304
#define accVlogSimPath 310
#define accExpandedPath 312
#define accSwXlInvisibleNet 314
#define accAcceleratedNet 316
#define accRemoval 378
#define accRecrem 379
#define accAssignmentStat 526
#define accContAssignStat 527
#define accNullStat 528
#define accDelayStat 530
#define accAssignDelayStat 532
#define accRtlDelayStat 534
#define accAssignEventStat 536
#define accAssignMultiStat 537
#define accRtlEventStat 538
#define accRtlMultiStat 539
#define accGenEventStat 540
#define accDisableStat 542
#define accAssignStat 544
#define accDeassignStat 546
#define accForceStat 548
#define accReleaseStat 550
#define accInitialStat 552
#define accAlwaysStat 554
#define accAtEventStat 556
#define accUnnamedBeginStat 558
#define accNamedBeginStat 560
#define accUnnamedForkStat 562
#define accNamedForkStat 564
#define accIfStat 566
#define accCaseStat 568
#define accCaseZStat 570
#define accCaseXStat 572
#define accForeverStat 574
#define accRepeatStat 576
#define accWhileStat 578
#define accForStat 580
#define accWaitStat 582
#define accStringVar 647
#define accChar 650
#define accInt 652
#define accBitType 654
#define accByte 656
#define accShortInt 658
#define accLongInt 660
#define accLogic 662
#define accModPathHasIfnone 715
#define accRealWire 697
#define accOvaUnit 698
#define accAutomatic 802
/*------------------ parameter values for acc_configure() -------------------*/
#define accSpecitemScope 7
#define accWarnNestedLoconn 9
#define accWarnNestedHiconn 10
#define accMinMultiplier 12
#define accTypMultiplier 13
#define accMaxMultiplier 14
#define accAttrDelimStr 15
#define accDelayCount 16
#define accDelayArrays 18
#define accUserErrorString 20
/*------------------------------ product types ------------------------------*/
#define accVerilog 5
/*** this structure is provided to allow compilation of pli applications ***/
/*** containing s_tfcell arrays; these arrays are not used by VCS ***/
typedef struct t_tfcell {
short type;
short data;
int (*checktf)();
int (*sizetf)();
int (*calltf)();
int (*misctf)();
char *tfname;
char *fill1;
char *fill2;
int fill3;
struct t_tfcell *fill4;
struct t_tfcell *fill5;
char *fill6;
int fill7;
} s_tfcell;
#define usertask 1
#define userfunction 2
#define userrealfunction 3
#define accMemory 700 /* array of registers */
#define accMda 701 /* array of registers */
#define accTimeMda 702 /* array of registers */
#define accIntegerMda 703 /* array of registers */
#define accRealMda 704 /* array of registers */
#define accRegMda 705 /* array of registers */
#define accMdaWor 706
#define accMdaWand 707
#define accMdaTri 708
#define accMdaTri0 709
#define accMdaTri1 710
#define accMdaTriand 711
#define accMdaTrior 712
#define accMdaTrireg 713
#define accMdaSupply0 714
#define accMdaSupply1 715
#define accMdaWire 716
#define accCharMda 717
#define accByteMda 718
#define accBitMda 719
#define accIntMda 720
#define accLongIntMda 721
#define accShortIntMda 722
#define accLogicMda 723
/* Added for Veralite and System Verilog */
#define accEnum 724
#define accRegEnum 725
#define accCharEnum 726
#define accByteEnum 727
#define accBitEnum 728
#define accIntEnum 729
#define accIntegerEnum 730
#define accShortIntEnum 731
#define accLongIntEnum 732
#define accLogicEnum 733
#define accEnumMda 734
#define accUnion 735
#define accStructure 736
#define accUnionMda 737
#define accStructureMda 738
#define accInterface 739
#define accInterfaceInstance 740
#define accMemoryWord 741
#define accMdaWord 742
#define accAggregateWord 743
#define accClass 744
#define accStringMda 745
#define accClassMda 746
/* System Science requires that acc_next_driver() return
behavioral drivers if this configuration parameter is true */
#define accBehavDrivers 701
/* Extended Location Structure */
typedef struct t_location2 {
int line_no;
char *filename;
int tag;
} s_location2, *p_location2;
/* Source File Info Structure */
typedef struct vcs_srcfile_info_t {
char *SourceFileName;
int SourceFileTag;
int StartLineNum;
int EndLineNum;
} vcs_srcfile_info_s, *vcs_srcfile_info_p;
/* this structure is needed to support memory callback, needed by INTEL */
/*--------------- structure passed to callback routine for VCL --------------*/
typedef struct t_mem_vc_record
int vc_reason;
int vc_hightime;
int vc_lowtime;
char *user_data;
char* p_mem_value;
int mem_word_index;
} s_mem_vc_record, *p_mem_vc_record;
#define memory_value_change 6
#ifndef VCS_ARGS
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) || defined(_AIX)
# define VCS_ARGS(p) p
# define VCS_ARGS(p) ()
#endif /* VCS_ARGS */
/* Source File Info Routines */
extern vcs_srcfile_info_p acc_mod_sfi_fetch VCS_ARGS ((handle handleModule));
/* Next Routines */
extern handle acc_next_signal_driver VCS_ARGS ((handle handleObj, handle handleDriver));
extern handle acc_next_signal_driver_i VCS_ARGS ((handle handleObj, handle handleDriver));
extern handle acc_next_vpddriver VCS_ARGS ((handle handleObj, handle handleDriver));
extern int acc_is_active_driver VCS_ARGS ((handle handleDriver));
/* Line Callback Routines */
extern int acc_mod_lcb_enabled VCS_ARGS((void));
extern void acc_mod_lcb_add VCS_ARGS ((handle handleModule, void (*consumer)(), char *user_data));
extern void acc_mod_lcb_del VCS_ARGS ((handle handleModule, void (*consumer)(), char *user_data));
extern p_location acc_mod_lcb_fetch VCS_ARGS ((handle handleModule));
extern p_location2 acc_mod_lcb_fetch2 VCS_ARGS ((handle handleModule));
/* Interface to $lsi_dumpports() tasks */
typedef enum { USE_DUMPPORTS_FORMAT_LSI, USE_DUMPPORTS_FORMAT_IEEE } lsi_dumpports_format_type;
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_call VCS_ARGS ((handle instance, char *filename));
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_close VCS_ARGS ((handle instance, char *filename));
extern void acc_lsi_dumpports_misc VCS_ARGS ((int data, int reason));
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_setformat VCS_ARGS ((lsi_dumpports_format_type format));
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_off VCS_ARGS ((char *fname));
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_on VCS_ARGS ((char *fname));
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_limit VCS_ARGS ((unsigned long filesize, char *fname));
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_flush VCS_ARGS ((char *fname));
extern int acc_lsi_dumpports_all VCS_ARGS ((char *fname));
/* Co-simulation */
extern int acci_getnextlongtime VCS_ARGS ((unsigned *lotime, unsigned *hitime));
extern int acc_is_vhdl_scope(handle handleModule);
extern int acc_has_vhdl_parent(handle handleModule);
extern void* acc_fetch_vhpi_handle(handle handleModule);
extern int acc_stability VCS_ARGS ((handle handleModule));
/* Compaq specific routines */
extern handle vcs_next_driver VCS_ARGS ((handle handleObj, handle handleDriver, int *driverType));
extern unsigned int vcs_convert_string_to_strength_value VCS_ARGS ((char *value_str));
extern char *vcs_convert_strength_value_to_string VCS_ARGS ((unsigned int value));
extern unsigned int vcs_fetch_scalar_strength_value VCS_ARGS ((handle h));
extern unsigned int vcs_fetch_scalar_port_strength_value VCS_ARGS ((handle h));
/* Tharas specific routines */
extern int vcs_random(void);
extern int vcs_random_const_seed(int seed);
extern int vcs_random_seed(int *seed);
extern int vcs_dist_uniform(int *seed,int start,int end);
extern int vcs_dist_normal(int *seed,int mean,int standard_deviation);
extern int vcs_dist_exponential(int *seed,int mean);
extern int vcs_dist_poisson(int *seed,int mean);
/* debussy specific routines */
extern void vcs_free_handle(handle phandle);
extern void vcs_use_free( int useFree);
/* other customer-specific routines */
extern handle acc_handle_mem_by_fullname(const char *name);
extern void acc_readmem(handle mem, const char *memfile, int frmt);
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* ********************************************************************** */
extern unsigned char *acc_getmem_value_pointer VCS_ARGS((handle memhand));
extern void acc_getmem_bitstr VCS_ARGS((handle memhand,char *retBitStr,int row, int start,int len));
extern void acc_setmem_bitstr VCS_ARGS((handle memhand,char *bitStrValue,int row,int start));
extern void acc_getmem_hexstr VCS_ARGS((handle memhand,char *retHexStr,int row,int start,int len));
extern void acc_setmem_hexstr VCS_ARGS((handle memhand,char *hexStrValue,int row,int start));
extern void acc_setmem_int VCS_ARGS((handle memhand,int value,int row,int start,int len));
extern int acc_getmem_int VCS_ARGS((handle memhand,int row, int start, int len));
extern void acc_clearmem_int VCS_ARGS((handle));
extern int acc_getmem_size VCS_ARGS((handle));
extern void acc_getmem_range VCS_ARGS((handle memhand, int* p_left_index, int* p_right_index));
extern void acc_getmem_word_range VCS_ARGS((handle memhand, int* minoflsbmsb, int* len));
extern int acc_getmem_word_int VCS_ARGS((handle mem_handle, int row)) ;
/* for MDA support */
extern void acc_get_mda_range VCS_ARGS((handle mdaHandle,int* dim, int** plndx, int** prindx));
extern void acc_get_mda_word_range VCS_ARGS((handle mdaHandle,int* size, int* msb, int* lsb));
extern void acc_getmda_bitstr VCS_ARGS((handle mdaHandle,char *retBitStr,int* dimArray,
int start, int len));
extern void acc_setmda_bitstr VCS_ARGS((handle mdaHandle,char *bitStrValue,
int* dimArray, int start));
extern char* acc_fetch_paramval_str(handle);
extern char *acc_fetch_lodriver_value(handle, char*);
extern handle acc_get_parent_port_and_index(handle, int*);
extern char *acc_vcl_check(handle, void (*consumer)());
extern int acc_vcl_disable(handle, void (*consumer)(), char *);
extern int acc_vcl_enable(handle, void (*consumer)(), char *);
extern void acc_fetch_module_definition_location(p_location, handle);
extern handle acc_handle_connected_net(handle);
extern handle acc_get_driver_loads_fusion(handle, handle, int, int);
extern handle acc_next_signal_driver_sub(handle, handle, int);
extern int acc_same_dest(handle, handle);
extern void acc_set_user_buffer_size(int);
extern handle acc_handle_path_AH(handle, handle);
extern handle acc_handle_path_old(handle, handle);
/* this function tells if the module that you have got is actually an ova unit*/
extern int acc_is_ova_unit(handle);
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* V2K signed support */
extern int acc_handle_is_signed VCS_ARGS((handle handleObj));
/* END V2K signed support */
extern handle acc_handle_ccond VCS_ARGS((handle handleTchk));
extern char *acc_decompile VCS_ARGS((handle handleObj));
extern handle acc_handle_scond VCS_ARGS((handle handleTchk));
extern void acc_mem_vcl_add VCS_ARGS((handle object_p, int (*consumer)(), char *user_data));
extern void acc_mem_vcl_delete VCS_ARGS((handle object_p, int (*consumer)(), char *user_data));
/* vcl bit flag definitions */
#define vcl_strength_flag 1
#define vcl_verilog_flag 2
#define vcl_compact_flag 8
/* test whether strength information is requested for vcl */
#define vcl_setstr_m(flags_) ( flags_ |= vcl_strength_flag )
#define vcl_clearstr_m(flags_) ( flags_ &= ~vcl_strength_flag )
#define vcl_isstr_m(flags_) ( flags_ & vcl_strength_flag )
/* test whether Verilog information is requested for vcl */
#define vcl_setvl_m(flags_) ( flags_ |= vcl_verilog_flag )
#define vcl_clearvl_m(flags_) ( flags_ &= ~vcl_verilog_flag )
#define vcl_isvl_m(flags_) ( flags_ & vcl_verilog_flag )
/* test whether vcl trigger is compact or normal */
#define vcl_setcompact_m(flags_) ( flags_ |= vcl_compact_flag )
#define vcl_clearcompact_m(flags_) ( flags_ &= ~vcl_compact_flag )
#define vcl_iscompact_m(flags_) ( flags_ & vcl_compact_flag )
#undef VCS_ARGS
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* VCS_ACC_USER_H */