Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / src / sims,1.272
# OpenSPARC T2 build/regression script
# %sims -help
# OR
# %sims -h
# for help
# sims
# |
# |
# |
# +----------------+---------+--------+--------+--------+-----+-------+
# | | | | | | | |
# | | | | | | | |
# | | | | | | | |
# | | | | | | | |
# ncverilog ncverilog+sas vcs vcs+sas sas build run regression
use warnings;
use strict;
# use diagnostics;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'chdir';
use File::Basename ;
use File::Find ;
use File::Spec ;
use File::stat ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use TRELoad 'DiagList', 'Sims' => [':all'] ;
use Fcntl ':flock' ;
use Socket;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
# patch PWD just in case
$ENV{PWD} = Cwd::cwd () ;
$| = 1 ;
# install signal handlers
$SIG{INT} = \&sighandler ;
$SIG{TERM} = \&sighandler ;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&sighandler ;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&sighandler ;
# declare all global variables {{{
my $prg = $0 ;
$prg =~ s/.*\/// ;
my $version = $prg ;
$prg =~ s/,.*// ; # name of this program
$version =~ s/.*,// ; # tre version of script
my $pid = $$ ; # process id of this job
my $sas_pid = 0 ; # process id of simics run
my $tcl_pid = 0 ; # process id of tcl_tap expect process
my $opt_debug = 0 ; # debug flag
my $user = $ENV{USER} ; # user name
my $work_dir = undef ; # work directory
my $launch_dir = $ENV{PWD}; # work directory
my $home_dir = (exists $ENV{HOME}) ? $ENV{HOME} : "~";
my %opt = () ; # all command line arguments
# + config file arguments are concatenated
# and stored here
my $orig_tre_search = $ENV{TRE_SEARCH} ;
## for ClearCase usage
my $CLEARTOOL = "/usr/atria/bin/cleartool";
my $PROJ_CSHRC = File::Spec->catfile(
".cshrc." . uc( $proj_vars{proj} )
if ( exists $ENV{CLEARCASE_ROOT} ) {
my @fields = split(/\//, $CLEARCASE_ROOT);
$CC_VIEW_NAME = $fields[2];
my $cc_dv_root ;
my $pre_process_done = 0;
my $cache_clean_time=24;
my $sas_timer=10;
# configure Getopt::Long {{{
# Getopt::Long::Configure ('debug') ;
Getopt::Long::Configure ('prefix=-') ;
Getopt::Long::Configure ('no_ignore_case') ;
Getopt::Long::Configure ('permute') ;
Getopt::Long::Configure ('pass_through') ;
Getopt::Long::Configure ('no_auto_abbrev') ;
# declare hash to hold command line arguments + config arguments {{{
%opt = (
'alias' => "",
'asm_diag_name' => "",
'asm_diag_path' => "",
'asm_diag_root' => [],
'auditr_args' => [],
'build' => 1,
'cc_dv_root' => "",
'cdms_rel_name' => "",
'clearcase' => 0,
'config_rtl' => [],
'config_cpp_args' => [],
'debug' => \$opt_debug,
'debussy' => 0,
'dftvert' => 0,
'diag_pl_args' => [],
'diaglist' => "",
'diaglist_cpp_args' => [],
'diff_cdms_rel' => 0,
'diff_cdms_curr' => 0,
'drmlog' => 1,
'drmlog_name' => "dream.log",
'drmcommand_name' => "drm_command",
'drmconstraints_name' => "drm_constraints",
'drm_constraints_file' => "",
'drm_cpufreq' => "",
'drm_disk' => "",
'drm_freeprocessor' => "1.0",
'drm_freeram' => "1000",
'drm_freeswap' => "1000",
'drm_license' => "[vcs=1,vera=1]",
'drm_priority' => "",
'drm_project' => $proj_vars{proj},
'drm_totprocessor' => "",
'drm_type' => "vcs",
'drm_on' => 0,
'drm_osver' => "",
'drm_window' => "",
'dv_root' => "",
'efc' => 0,
'efc_args' => [],
'efuse_image_name' => "",
'efuse_image_path' => "",
'efuse_image_root' => [],
'env_base' => "",
'fast_boot' => 0,
'finish_mask' => "",
'flist' => [],
'fsdb2vcd' => 0,
'fsdbfile' => "",
'fsdbDumplimit' => "",
'fsdb_glitch' => 0,
'graft_flist' => "",
'group' => [],
'group_name' => "",
'gzip' => 1,
'h' => 0,
'hcs_build' => 0,
'hcs_build_args' => [],
'hcs_run' => 0,
'hcs_run_args' => [],
'hcs_drm_tokens' => 1,
'axis_build' => 0,
'axis_build_args' => [],
'axis_run' => 0,
'axis_run_args' => [],
'help' => 0,
'image_diag_name' => "",
'image_diag_path' => "",
'image_diag_root' => [],
'indrm' => -1,
'max_cycle' => 0,
'midas_args' => [],
'midas_only' => 0,
'midas_use_tgseed' => 0,
'model_dir' => "",
'ntb_lib' => 0,
'overwrite' => 0,
'palladium_build' => 0,
'palladium_build_args' => [],
'palladium_run' => 0,
'palladium_run_args' => [],
'pal_use_tgseed' => 0,
'pci' => 0,
'pci_args' => [],
'pci_diag_name' => "",
'pci_diag_path' => "",
'pci_diag_root' => [],
'post_process_cmd' => [],
'pre_process_cmd' => [],
'reg_count' => 0,
'regress' => 0,
'regress_date' => "",
'regress_id' => "",
'regress_time' => "",
'report' => 0,
'rerun' => 0,
'result_dir' => "",
'rtl_timeout' => 5000,
'run_diag_pl' => 1,
'sas' => 0,
'saslog' => 1,
'sas_run_args' => [],
'sims_config' => "",
'sims_env' => [],
'simslog' => 1,
'simslog_name' => "sims.log",
'sjm' => 0,
'sjm_args' => [],
'sjm_diag_name' => "",
'sjm_diag_path' => "",
'sjm_diag_root' => [],
'spis_diag_name' => "",
'spis_diag_path' => "",
'spis_diag_root' => [],
'start_dump' => 0,
'stop_dump' => 0,
'stub_mask' => "",
'sunv_args' => [],
'sunv_nonprim_list' => "",
'sunv_run' => 0,
'sunv_use_nonprim' => 0,
'sys' => "",
'sysc_build' => 0,
'syscan_build_args' => [],
'tap_diag_name' => "",
'tap_diag_path' => "",
'tap_diag_root' => [],
'tcl_tap' => 0,
'tcl_tap_diag' => "",
'tg_seed' => -1,
'tomatillo' => 0,
'tpt_diag_name' => "",
'tpt_diag_path' => "",
'tpt_diag_root' => [],
'use_auditr' => 0,
'use_cdms_iver' => 1,
'use_config' => 1,
'use_denalirc' => "",
'use_iver' => "",
'use_sims_iver' => 1,
'vcd' => 0,
'vcdfile' => "",
'sim' => "vcs", # default simulator is assumed to be VCS from synopsys
'vcs_build' => 0,
'vcs_build_args' => [],
'vcs_clean' => 0,
'vcs_cm_args' => "",
'vcs_cm_cond' => "",
'vcs_cm_config' => "",
'vcs_cm_fsmcfg' => "",
'vcs_cm_merge' => 0,
'vcs_cm_name' => "cm_data",
'vcs_finish' => 0,
'vcs_full64' => 0,
'vcs_prof' => 0,
'model_rel_name' => "",
'vcs_run' => 0,
'vcs_run_args' => [],
'vcs_use_cm' => 0,
'vcs_use_cli' => 0,
'vcs_use_ucli' => 0,
'vcs_use_fsdb' => 1,
'vcs_use_initreg' => 0,
'vcs_use_ntb' => 0,
'vcs_use_rad' => 0,
'vcs_use_radincr' => 0,
'vcs_use_sdf' => 0,
'vcs_use_vcsd' => 1,
'vcs_use_vera' => 0,
'vera_build' => -1,
'vera_build_args' => [],
'vera_clean' => 0,
'vera_config_name' => "",
'vera_config_path' => "",
'vera_config_root' => [],
'vera_cov_obj' => [],
'vera_diag_args' => [],
'vera_dummy_diag' => "",
'vera_pal_diag_args' => [],
'vera_diag_name' => "",
'vera_diag_path' => "",
'vera_diag_root' => [],
'vera_gmake' => 1,
'vera_proj_args' => [],
'vera_run' => 1,
'vera_vcon_file' => "",
'version' => 0,
'vfile' => [],
'vlint_args' => [],
'vlint_run' => 0,
'vlint_top' => "",
'illust_run' => 0,
'illust_args' => [],
'verix_args' => [],
'verix_libs' => [],
'verix_run' => 0,
'verix_top' => "",
'wait_cycle_to_kill' => 0,
'zeroIn_build' => 0,
'zeroIn_dbg_args' => [],
'zeroIn_checklist' => 0,
'zeroInSearch_build' => 0,
'zeroIn_build_args' => [],
'sim_q_command' => "/bin/sh",
'parallel' => 0,
'exe_dir' => "",
'cache' => 0,
# parse initial command line options {{{
GetOptions (\%opt,
) ;
# relaunch sims with a new iver {{{
if ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv') {
foreach (@ARGV) {
if (m/-vcs_build/) { s/-vcs_build/-ncv_build/; }
elsif (m/-vcs_run/) { s/-vcs_run/-ncv_run/; }
my @argv_copy = @ARGV ; # copy of original command line arguments
if ($opt{use_iver} ne "") {
die ("DIE. Could not read specified iver \"file\" $opt{use_iver}") if (! -r $opt{use_iver}) ;
$ENV{TRE_SEARCH} = "$opt{use_iver} $ENV{TRE_SEARCH}" ;
my $cmd ;
$cmd .= "$prg " ;
$cmd .= "-h " if ($opt{h}) ;
$cmd .= "-help " if ($opt{help}) ;
$cmd .= "-version " if ($opt{version}) ;
$cmd .= "-cache = 1";
foreach my $x (@ARGV)
($x =~ s/(-.*?)=(.*)/$1=\"$2\"/) if (($x =~ /\s/) and ($x !~ /-.*?="/)) ;
($x =~ s/"/\\"/go) if ($opt{use_auditr}); # Escape quote if using auditr "
$cmd .= "$x " ;
# Don't use cdms_iver if using use_iver ..
$cmd .= "-nouse_cdms_iver ";
system ($cmd) ;
exit (0) ;
# print out version {{{
if ($opt{version}) {
print "$prg version: $version\n";
exit (0);
# print out help {{{
if ($opt{help} or $opt{h}) {
# system ("perldoc $0") ;
exit (0);
# rerun a diag {{{
GetOptions (\%opt,
) ;
if ($opt{rerun}) {
&rerun () ;
exit (0) ;
# define $dv_root {{{
my $dv_root ;
if ($opt{dv_root} ne "") { $dv_root = $opt{dv_root} ; }
elsif (defined $ENV{DV_ROOT}) { $dv_root = $ENV{DV_ROOT} ; }
else { die ("DIE. could not initialize dv_root") ; }
$ENV{DV_ROOT} = $dv_root;
# use a set of tools frozen under cdms {{{
# DRP 3/22/07 - comment out the following 2 lines to disable using the sims.iver/tver files
# my $iver_file = "$dv_root/verif/env/config/tre/sims.iver" ;
# $ENV{TRE_SEARCH} = $iver_file if ((-f $iver_file) and $opt{use_cdms_iver}) ;
# if this diag must be run in DReAM send ourselves back out {{{
GetOptions (\%opt,
) ;
if (($opt{indrm} == 1) or $opt{interactive})
run_indrm (\@argv_copy, []) ;
exit (0) ;
# parse second set of command line options {{{
GetOptions (\%opt,
'debug' => \$opt_debug,
) ;
# define $cc_dv_root {{{
if ( $opt{clearcase} ) {
if ($opt{cc_dv_root} ne "") { $cc_dv_root = $opt{cc_dv_root} ; }
elsif (defined $ENV{CC_DV_ROOT}) { $cc_dv_root = $ENV{CC_DV_ROOT} ; }
elsif (defined $proj_vars{cc_dv_root}) {
$cc_dv_root = $proj_vars{cc_dv_root}; }
else { die ("DIE. could not initialize cc_dv_root") ; }
# define $result_dir {{{
my $result_dir ;
if ($opt{result_dir} ne "") { $result_dir = $opt{result_dir} ; }
else { if (exists $ENV{PWD}) { $result_dir = $ENV{PWD} ; } }
# define $sims_config {{{
GetOptions (\%opt, 'sys=s') ;
if ($opt{sys} ne "") {
push (@ARGV, "-sys=$opt{sys}"); # Restore argv
my $sims_config ;
if ($opt{sims_config} ne "") {
$sims_config = $opt{sims_config} ;
} elsif ($opt{sys} ne "" && -r "$dv_root/$proj_vars{sims_config}/$opt{sys}.config") {
$sims_config = "$dv_root/$proj_vars{sims_config}/$opt{sys}.config";
} else {
$sims_config = "$dv_root/$proj_vars{sims_config}/sims.config" ;
# define $model_dir {{{
my $model_dir ;
if ($opt{model_dir} ne "") { $model_dir = $opt{model_dir} ; }
elsif (defined $ENV{MODEL_DIR}) { $model_dir = $ENV{MODEL_DIR}; }
else { die ("DIE. could not initialize model_dir") ; }
$ENV{MODEL_DIR} = $model_dir ;
# define $diaglist {{{
my $diaglist ;
if ($opt{diaglist} ne "")
$diaglist = $opt{diaglist} ;
if (!($diaglist =~ /^\//))
$diaglist = "$ENV{PWD}/$diaglist" ;
elsif ($opt{sys} ne "" &&
-r "$dv_root/$proj_vars{diaglist}/$opt{sys}.diaglist") {
$diaglist = "$dv_root/$proj_vars{diaglist}/$opt{sys}.diaglist" ;
$diaglist = "$dv_root/$proj_vars{diaglist}/master_diaglist" ;
# get diag options from diaglist {{{
if (($#{$opt{group}} != -1) and ($opt{alias} ne ""))
&get_opt_from_diaglist () ;
# Regular run, get opt{sys} {{{
GetOptions (\%opt,
) ;
# Header and Logs {{{
&redirect () ;
&print_header () ;
# if this is not a regression a sys must be defined {{{
die ("DIE. -sys argument not defined") if ($opt{sys} eq "") ;
&parse_args ($opt{sys}, 1) ;
print "$prg: group_name = $opt{group_name}\n" if ($opt{regress}) ;
print "$prg: regress_date = $opt{regress_date}\n" if ($opt{regress}) ;
print "$prg: regress_time = $opt{regress_time}\n" if ($opt{regress}) ;
# first check that the model and model_rel_name are defined {{{
my $model_path ; my $model_def_name = "rel-0.1" ;
if ($opt{model_rel_name} eq "") { $model_path = "$model_dir/$opt{sys}/$model_def_name" ; }
else { $model_path = "$model_dir/$opt{sys}/$opt{model_rel_name}" ; }
if ( $opt{vera_build} ) { $opt{vera_clean}=1; }
if ( $opt{vcs_build} ) { $opt{vcs_clean}=1; }
elsif ( $opt{ncv_build} ) { $opt{ncv_clean}=1; }
if ( $opt{vcs_run} or $opt{ncv_run} )
{ # do not build by default
$opt{vera_build}=0; $opt{vera_clean}=0;
if ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv')
$opt{ncv_build}=0; $opt{ncv_clean}=0;
elsif ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs')
$opt{vcs_build}=0; $opt{vcs_clean}=0;
if ( $opt{build} )
if ( ($opt{sys} =~ m/fpga/)) { ###vera not required for fpga models
else {
if ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv')
elsif ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs')
# push @{$opt{config_cpp_args}},"-DT2";
my $uname=`uname -s`;chomp $uname;
if ($uname eq "Linux") { push @{$opt{config_cpp_args}},"-DLINUX"; }
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "fc1") or ($opt{sys} eq "fc8") )
# if ( !(grep {$_ eq '-DFC_NO_NIU_T2'} @{$opt{config_cpp_args}}) )
# {
# if ($uname ne "SunOS") {
# print "$prg: >>>>> The option you are trying to run is NOT presently supported!\n"; exit(0);
# }
# }
# run a regression instead of a single diag {{{
if (scalar @{$opt{group}} != 0)
$opt{report}=1; $opt{gzip}=0;
exit (0) ;
# create the model area if necessary {{{
&create_model_path () if (($opt{zeroIn_build}) or
($opt{zeroInSearch_build}) or
($opt{zeroIn_checklist}) or
($opt{sunv_run}) or
($opt{vera_build}) or
($opt{vcs_build}) or
($opt{ncv_build}) or
($opt{hcs_build}) or
($opt{palladium_build})) ;
# run sunv {{{
&sunv_run () if ($opt{sunv_run}) ;
# build the vera/ntb testbench {{{
&vera_build () if (( (($opt{vcs_build}) and ($opt{vera_build} == -1)) or
(($opt{ncv_build}) and ($opt{vera_build} == -1)) or
($opt{vera_build} == 1)) and
(! $opt{dftvert})) ;
##&vera_build () if (($opt{vera_build} == 1) and
## (! $opt{dftvert})) ;
# do some pre building stuff - generate flist and graft model {{{
&pre_build () if (($opt{vlint_run}) or ($opt{vcs_build}) or ($opt{ncv_build}) or ($opt{hcs_build})
or ($opt{verix_run}) or $opt{axis_build} or
$opt{palladium_build}) ;
# compile zeroIn {{{
&zeroIn_build () if (($opt {zeroIn_build}) or ($opt {zeroInSearch_build}) or ($opt {zeroIn_checklist})) ;
# run vlint on the model {{{
&vlint_run () if ($opt{vlint_run}) ;
# run verix on the model {{{
&verix_run () if ($opt{verix_run}) ;
# build the ncverilog/vcs model {{{
&vcs_build () if ($opt{vcs_build});
&ncv_build () if ($opt{ncv_build});
# assemble .s diag {{{
&assemble_diag () if ($opt{asm_diag_name} ne "") ;
# assemble .tap diag {{{
&assemble_tap_diag () if ($opt{tap_diag_name} ne "") ;
# copy .image diag {{{
&copy_image () if ($opt{image_diag_name} ne "") ;
# copy efuse image {{{
&copy_efuse_image () if ($opt{efuse_image_name} ne "" and
($opt{vcs_run} or
$opt{ncv_run} or $opt{hcs_run} or $opt{axis_run} or
$opt{palladium_run})) ;
# generate an efuse image {{{
&generate_efuse_image () if ($opt{efc}) ;
# partition test mem image for fpga model memory configuration {{{
if ( ($opt{sys} =~ m/fpga/))
my $uname=`uname -s`;chomp $uname;
if ($uname eq "Linux") {
system("$dv_root/tools/fpga/Linux/partition_mem") ;
else {
system("$dv_root/tools/fpga/partition_mem") ;
# copy .tpt diag {{{
&copy_tpt () if ($opt{tpt_diag_name} ne "") ;
# compile .vr config {{{
&compile_vera_config () if ($opt{vera_config_name} ne "") ;
# compile .vr diag when -dftvert is also present {{{
&compile_dftvert_diag () if (($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "") and
($opt{dftvert})) ;
# compile .vr diag {{{
&compile_vera_diag () if (($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "" or
$opt{vera_dummy_diag} ne "") and
!$opt{dftvert}) ;
# generate an sjm diag {{{
&generate_sjm_diag () if ($opt{sjm} or $opt{tomatillo} or ($opt{sjm_diag_name} ne "")) ;
# generate a pci diag {{{
&generate_pci_diag () if ($opt{pci} or $opt{tomatillo} or ($opt{pci_diag_name} ne "")) ;
# launch sas/simics {{{
&sas_run () if ($opt{sas}) ;
# launch tcl_tap {{{
if ( $opt{tcl_tap} and $opt{vcs_run} ){ &tcl_tap_run (); }
# dram specific stuff {{{
if ($opt{vcs_run} or $opt{ncv_run} or $opt{hcs_run} or $opt{axis_run} or $opt{palladium_run})
my $file;
if ($opt{use_denalirc} eq "") {
$file = "$opt{env_base}/.denalirc" ;
} else {
$file = "$opt{use_denalirc}" ;
die ("DIE. could not find \"$file\" for -use_denalirc") if (! -f $file);
if (-f $file) {
`cp $file .denalirc` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy $file to run area\n") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w .denalirc` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of .denalirc\n") if ($?) ;
if (($opt{sys} eq "dram") and ($opt{vcs_run} or $opt{ncv_run} or $opt{hcs_run} or $opt{axis_run} or $opt{palladium_run}))
print("$prg: Add this to your config file instead: -pre_process_cmd=\"ln -s \$DV_ROOT/verif/env/whatever/ .\"\n");
print("$prg: Remove the code in sims that does the bench specific copy!\n");
my @files = ("dram_config.doc", "", "", "") ;
foreach my $file (@files)
die ("DIE. $opt{env_base}/$file not found") if (!(-f "$opt{env_base}/$file")) ;
`cp $opt{env_base}/$file .` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy $file to $ENV{PWD}\n") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w $file` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of $file\n") if ($?) ;
# launch ncsim/simv {{{
&vcs_run () if ($opt{vcs_run}) ;
&ncv_run () if ($opt{ncv_run}) ;
# run if present {{{
if ( -e "" and
( $opt{vcs_run} or $opt{ncv_run} or $opt{hcs_run} or $opt{sas} or $opt{axis_run} or
$opt{palladium_run}) and $opt{run_diag_pl}
my $diag_pl_args = join (" ", @{$opt{diag_pl_args}}) ;
print "$prg: executing $diag_pl_args\n";
my $waitstatus = call_program("perl $diag_pl_args","diag_pl.log");
print ("$prg: Warning run exited with error\n") if ($waitstatus) ;
# post process the output {{{
print "$prg: stop_time ";
system ("date") ;
exit (0);
# run simulation in dream {{{
sub run_indrm
my $argv_ref = shift ;
my $drm_opt_ref = shift ;
my @argv_copy = @ARGV ;
# Save global options because they get modified by drm_opt ..
my %opt_copy = %{&deep_copy(\%opt)} ;
unshift (@ARGV, @{$drm_opt_ref}) ;
GetOptions (\%opt,
) ;
@ARGV = @argv_copy ;
if ( $opt{clearcase} ) {
if ($opt{cc_dv_root} ne "") { $cc_dv_root = $opt{cc_dv_root} ; }
elsif (defined $ENV{CC_DV_ROOT}) { $cc_dv_root = $ENV{CC_DV_ROOT} ; }
elsif ($opt{dv_root} ne "") { $cc_dv_root = $opt{dv_root}; }
elsif (defined $proj_vars{cc_dv_root}) {
$cc_dv_root = $proj_vars{cc_dv_root}; }
else { die ("DIE. could not initialize cc_dv_root") ; }
printf("sims: cc_dv_root is $cc_dv_root\n");
printf("sims: set to work with ClearCase view: $CC_VIEW_NAME\n");
# create a dream constraint file
if ($opt{drm_constraints_file} eq "") {
# Add tharas license requirements
if ($opt{hcs_build} || $opt{hcs_run}) {
$opt{drm_license} =~ s/\]/,hcs=$opt{hcs_drm_tokens}]/;
$opt{drm_type} = 'tharas' ;
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb}) {
$opt{drm_license} =~ s/,*vera=1//o; # No Vera license required ..
open (DRMCONST, "> $opt{drmconstraints_name}") or die ("DIE. Could not open DReAM constraints file") ;
print DRMCONST "project=$opt{drm_project}\n" if ($opt{drm_project} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "type=$opt{drm_type}\n" if ($opt{drm_type} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "cpufreq=$opt{drm_cpufreq}\n" if ($opt{drm_cpufreq} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "disk=$opt{drm_disk}\n" if ($opt{drm_disk} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "freeram=$opt{drm_freeram}\n" if ($opt{drm_freeram} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "freeswap=$opt{drm_freeswap}\n" if ($opt{drm_freeswap} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "freeprocessor=$opt{drm_freeprocessor}\n" if ($opt{drm_freeprocessor} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "totprocessor=$opt{drm_totprocessor}\n" if ($opt{drm_totprocessor} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "priority=$opt{drm_priority}\n" if ($opt{drm_priority} ne "") ;
# print DRMCONST "priority=-900\n" if ($opt{group} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "license=$opt{drm_license}\n" if ($opt{drm_license} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "window=$opt{drm_window}\n" if ($opt{drm_window} ne "") ;
print DRMCONST "osver=$opt{drm_osver}\n" if ($opt{drm_osver} ne "") ;
close (DRMCONST) ;
} else {
if (!($opt{drm_constraints_file} =~ /^\//)) {
$opt{drm_constraints_file} = "$ENV{PWD}/$opt{drm_constraints_file}" ;
die ("DIE. Could not find DREAM constraints file $opt{drm_constraints_file}") if (! -r $opt{drm_constraints_file}) ;
$opt{drmconstraints_name} = $opt{drm_constraints_file};
# create the dream command
`rm -rf $opt{drmcommand_name}` ;
open (DRMCMD, "> $opt{drmcommand_name}") or die ("DIE. Could not open DReAM command file") ;
if ( $opt{clearcase} ) {
print DRMCMD "auditr \\\n" if ($opt{use_auditr}) ;
print DRMCMD (join (" \\\n", @{$opt{auditr_args}})) if ($opt{use_auditr}) ;
print DRMCMD " \\\n" if ($opt{use_auditr}) ;
if ( $opt{clearcase} ) {
print DRMCMD "$prg " ;
else {
print DRMCMD "$prg \\\n" ;
foreach my $x (@{$argv_ref})
next if (($x =~ /-indrm/) or ($x =~ /-interactive/));
($x =~ s/(-.*?)=(.*)/$1=\"$2\"/) if (($x =~ /\s/) and ($x !~ /-.*?="/)); #"
($x =~ s/"/\\"/go) if ($opt{use_auditr}); # Escape quote if using auditr
if ( $opt{clearcase} ) {
print DRMCMD "$x " ;
else {
print DRMCMD "$x \\\n" ;
close (DRMCMD) ;
`chmod 0777 $opt{drmcommand_name}` ;
# submit to dream
my $cmd ;
if ($opt{drm_on})
$cmd = "drmon " ;
if ( $opt{clearcase} ) {
$cmd = "cd ; drmsubmit " ;
else {
$cmd = "drmsubmit " ;
} # else !drm_on
$cmd .= "-m -i " if ($opt{interactive}) ;
if (!($opt{drmconstraints_name} =~ /^\//)) {
$opt{drmconstraints_name} = "$ENV{PWD}/$opt{drmconstraints_name}" ;
if ( $opt{clearcase} ) {
$cmd .= " -f $opt{drmconstraints_name} ";
$cmd .= " $CLEARTOOL setview -exec \'source ${PROJ_CSHRC};";
$cmd .= " setenv DV_ROOT $cc_dv_root; cd $ENV{PWD}; ";
# Don't know how to use constraints file
$cmd .= " $ENV{PWD}/$opt{drmcommand_name} " ;
$cmd .= "\' $CC_VIEW_NAME";
print "sims: $cmd \n";
else {
$cmd .= "-f $opt{drmconstraints_name} $ENV{PWD}/$opt{drmcommand_name} " ;
$cmd .= " \'>&\' $ENV{PWD}/$opt{drmlog_name} " if ($opt{drmlog} and (!$opt {interactive})) ;
print "sims: $cmd \n";
system ($cmd) ;
# Restore global options ..
%opt = %opt_copy ;
# update sims cycle database {{{
sub update_db
my $cycles = shift ;
my $start = shift ;
my $stop = shift ;
my $status = shift ;
chomp ($start) ;
chomp ($stop) ;
my $regress_date = sprintf "%4.4d_%2.2d_%2.2d", 1900 + (localtime) [5], 1 + (localtime) [4], (localtime) [3] ;
my $db_dir = undef ;
foreach my $x (@{$proj_vars{sims_db}})
$db_dir = $x if (-d $x) ;
return if (!defined $db_dir) ;
my $dbfile = "$db_dir/$regress_date";
open (DB, ">> $dbfile") or return ;
flock (DB, LOCK_EX) ;
seek (DB, 0, 2) ;
print DB "$opt{sys}|$cycles|$start|$stop|$status\n" ;
flock (DB, LOCK_UN) ;
close (DB) ;
system("chmod -f go+rw $dbfile") if (-o $dbfile);
# redirect all output to tee {{{
sub redirect
my $logfile = $opt{simslog_name} ;
if ($opt{regress})
$logfile = "$launch_dir/$opt{simslog_name}" ;
if ($opt{simslog})
tee_stdout ($logfile) ;
open(STDERR, ">&=STDOUT") or die "DIE. Could not make stderr an alias to stdout: $!";
# tee stdout to log file {{{
sub tee_stdout {
my $file = shift;
die "DIE. tee_stdout() called without a filename" unless defined $file;
return if my $pid = open(STDOUT, '|-');
die "DIE. Cannot fork when trying to tee stdout: $!" unless defined $pid;
open(SIMSLOG, ">$file") or die "DIE. Could not open $file for writing: $!";
my $old_fh = select SIMSLOG;
$| = 1;
select $old_fh;
$| = 1;
while(<STDIN>) {
print SIMSLOG;
# print out a header when sims starts {{{
sub print_header
# print "$prg @argv_copy\n";
open (SIMS_HISTORY, ">> history.sims") ;
my $date = `date` ;
chomp ($date) ;
print "$prg ";
print SIMS_HISTORY "$date $prg ";
foreach my $x (@argv_copy)
($x =~ s/(-.*?)=(.*)/$1=\"$2\"/) if (($x =~ /\s/) and ($x !~ /-.*?="/)) ;
print "$x " ;
print SIMS_HISTORY "$x " ;
print "\n" ;
print SIMS_HISTORY "\n" ;
chomp(my $hostname = `hostname`);
print "$prg: #####################################################################\n";
print "$prg: \t SIMS 1.272 running for OpenSparc T2 \n";
print "$prg: #####################################################################\n";
print "$prg: start_time $date\n";
print "$prg: running on $hostname \n";
print "$prg: uname is ";
system ("uname -a") ;
print "$prg: version $version (pid=$pid)\n";
print "$prg: dv_root $dv_root\n";
print "$prg: cc_dv_root $cc_dv_root\n" if $opt{clearcase};
print "$prg: model_dir $model_dir\n";
print "$prg: tre_search $ENV{TRE_SEARCH}\n" ;
print "$prg: Frozen tre_search $orig_tre_search\n" if (($#{$opt{group}} != -1) and ($opt{alias} eq "")) ;
# regress subroutine {{{
sub regress
# figure out the name of the regression
print "$prg: Starting regression...\n";
my $regress_date = sprintf "%4.4d_%2.2d_%2.2d", 1900 + (localtime) [5], 1 + (localtime) [4], (localtime) [3] ;
my $regress_time = sprintf "%2.2d_%2.2d_%2.2d", (localtime) [2], (localtime) [1], (localtime) [0] ;
my $a='';
my @a=sort grep{!/^T2$/}map{substr $_,2}grep{/^-D/}@{$opt{config_cpp_args}};
if (scalar @a != 0) { $a=join('__',@a); }
my $regress_id ;
if ($opt{regress_id} eq "")
$regress_id = $opt{sys} . "_" . $opt{sim} . "_regression_" . $regress_date . '__' . $a;
my $count = 0 ;
while (-d "$result_dir/$opt{sys}_$opt{sim}_regression_${regress_date}__${a}_${count}") {$count++;}
$regress_id .= "_$count" ;
$regress_id = $opt{regress_id} ;
# create the directory where regression will be run
system ("mkdir -p $result_dir/$regress_id") ;
die ("DIE. Could not create result area for regression") if ($?) ;
chdir ("$result_dir/$regress_id") or die ("DIE. Could not change directory into $result_dir/$regress_id") ;
# recreate a copy of all the tre files in this directory
my $tre_search = &freeze_tre( "$result_dir/$regress_id" );
$ENV{TRE_SEARCH} = $tre_search if $tre_search ne "";
@argv_copy = @ARGV ;
# Pass the config_cpp_args through ..
foreach my $x ( @{$opt{config_cpp_args}} ) {
push(@argv_copy, "-config_cpp_args $x");
foreach my $x (@argv_copy)
if ($x =~ /-fast_boot/) {
push (@{$opt{diaglist_cpp_args}}, "-DFAST_BOOT") ;
push (@{$opt{config_cpp_args}}, "-DFAST_BOOT") ;
push(@argv_copy, "-config_cpp_args -DFAST_BOOT");
my $model_rel_name;
my $count_diags=0;
my $exe_dir;
foreach my $gname (@{$opt{group}})
# put the pre-processed diaglist in here
die ("DIE. Diag list $diaglist not found") if (! -f $diaglist) ;
my $diagcppargs = join(' ', @{$opt{diaglist_cpp_args}});
print "$prg: processing diaglist $diaglist ($diagcppargs) ..\n" ;
system ("bw_cpp -B $diagcppargs -undef -I$dv_root/verif/diag $diaglist > $result_dir/$regress_id/master_diaglist.$gname") ;
die ("DIE. Could not pre-process the master_diaglist") if ($?) ;
# open the diaglist and look for the group in it
my $diagList = DiagList->new ("$result_dir/$regress_id/master_diaglist.$gname", $opt{null}, $gname) ;
my $group = $diagList->find_group ($gname) ;
die ("DIE. Group name $gname not found in diag list $diaglist") if (! defined $group) ;
print "$prg: processing group $gname\n";
foreach my $tag ($group->build_tags ())
my $buildargs = $diagList->build_args ($tag) ;
# read the config file for this sys
my @argv_config ;
&get_config ($opt{sys}, \@argv_config) ;
# extract the dream options from the config file
my @dream_options = () ;
foreach my $x (@argv_config)
push (@dream_options, $x) if ($x =~ /\-drm\_/) ;
push (@dream_options, $x) if ($x =~ /\-vcs_use_ntb/) ;
# figure out the name of the model release
if ($opt{build} ) # do a build
if ($opt{model_rel_name} eq "")
$model_rel_name = sprintf "%4.4d_%2.2d_%2.2d", 1900 + (localtime) [5], 1 + (localtime) [4], (localtime) [3] ;
open (MODEL_LOCK, "> lock") or die "DIE. Could not lock model" ;
my $count = 0 ;
while (-d "$model_dir/$opt{sys}/$opt{sim}_build_${model_rel_name}_${count}") {$count++;}
$model_rel_name = "$opt{sim}_build_${model_rel_name}_${count}" ;
system ("mkdir -p $model_dir/$opt{sys}/$model_rel_name") ;
die "DIE. Could not create model_rel_name for regression" if ($?) ;
close (MODEL_LOCK) ;
else { $model_rel_name = $opt{model_rel_name} ; } # use user-supplied name
else # do not do a build
if ($opt{model_rel_name} eq "")
$model_rel_name = $model_def_name ; # use the model's default name
$model_rel_name = $opt{model_rel_name} ; # use user-supplied name
print "$prg: DV_ROOT is $ENV{DV_ROOT}\n";
print "$prg: MODEL_DIR is $ENV{MODEL_DIR}\n";
print "$prg: ",'#' x 50,"\n";
if ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs') { $opt{cache}=0; }
else { $opt{cache}=1; }
# call sims to build this model
my $cmd = "$prg " ;
$cmd .= "-sim=$opt{sim} " ;
$cmd .= "-nobuild " if (!$opt{build}) ;
$cmd .= "-vcs_build " if( $opt{vcs_build} ) ;
$cmd .= "-ncv_build " if( $opt{ncv_build} ) ;
$cmd .= "-vera_build " if( $opt{vera_build} ) ;
$cmd .= "$buildargs " if ($opt{build}) ;
$cmd .= "-model_rel_name=$model_rel_name ";
$cmd .= "-nouse_cdms_iver " ;
$cmd .= "-sims_config=$sims_config " ;
$cmd .= "-novcs_use_fsdb " if (!$opt{vcs_use_fsdb});
$cmd .= "-novcs_use_vcsd " if (!$opt{vcs_use_vcsd});
$cmd .= "-parallel " if ($opt{sim_q_command} ne "/bin/sh") ;
$cmd .= "-nocache " if (!$opt{cache}) ;
$cmd .= "-vcs_full64 " if ($opt{vcs_full64}) ;
# if ($opt{build}) {
# if (!$opt{cache}) { print "$prg: >>>>> will NOT cache your build !\n"; }
# else { print "$prg: >>>>> will cache your build !\n"; }
# }
foreach my $x (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}) {
$x =~ s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/ ;
if ($x=~m/^-f flist$/) { $x=~s/flist/$model_path\/flist/; }
if ($x=~m/^ \+vc (vera\/\w+\.(o|a))$/) { my $y = " +vc " . $model_path . "/" . $1; $x = $y; }
$cmd .= "$x " ;
foreach my $x (@argv_copy)
($x =~ s/(-.*?)=(.*)/$1=\"$2\"/) if (($x =~ /\s/) and ($x !~ /-.*?="/)); #"
$cmd .= " $x " ;
if ( $opt{vcs_build} or $opt{ncv_build} )
print "$prg: building regression model\n";
system ($cmd) ; my $build_stat = $?;
`cp -f $model_dir/$opt{sys}/$model_rel_name/diff_rel.log $result_dir/$regress_id/diff_rel_$tag.log` if (-f "$model_dir/$opt{sys}/$model_rel_name/diff_rel.log") ;
die ("DIE. Could not build model for regression") if ($build_stat) ;
my $dir = $model_dir."/".$opt{sys}."/".$model_rel_name; my @a=() ;
opendir D, "$dir" or die ( "cannot open build dir $dir for reading!\n");
if ( $opt{vcs_build} ) {
@a =grep {/simv/} readdir D ; closedir D;
if (scalar @a == 0) { print "$prg: no VCS binary found inside $dir ! \n"; exit (0) ; }
} elsif ( $opt{ncv_build} ) {
@a =grep {/INCA_libs/} readdir D ; closedir D;
if ( scalar @a != 0 ) {
opendir D, "$dir/INCA_libs/worklib" or die ( "cannot open dir for reading!\n");
my @b = grep {/^inca.*pak$/} readdir D ; closedir D;
if ( scalar @b == 0 ) { print "$prg: no NC-Verilog snapshot found inside $dir ! \n"; exit (0) ; }
else { print "$prg: no NC-Verilog snapshot found inside $dir ! \n"; exit (0) ; }
# build is finished, now time for runs....
print "$prg: finished building the model for simulation, will start regression runs now.....\n";
if ($opt{sim_q_command} eq "/bin/sh")
if ($opt{cache})
if ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs' ) {
open F, "$dir/compile.log" or die ("DIE. could not open $dir/compile.log");
my @l=<F>; close F; my @ll=grep{/^OpenSPARC_T2 compile dir is: /}@l; chomp @ll;
my $s; ($s=$ll[-1])=~s/^OpenSPARC_T2 compile dir is: (.*)/$1/;
elsif ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv' ) {
open F, "$dir/ncelab.log" or die ("DIE. could not open $dir/ncelab.log");
my @l=<F>; close F; my @ll=grep{/^OpenSPARC_T2 compile dir is: /}@l; chomp @ll;
my $s; ($s=$ll[-1])=~s/^OpenSPARC_T2 compile dir is: (.*)/$1/;
print "$prg: will now run regression using a pre-built simulation model...\n";
my $dir = $model_dir."/".$opt{sys}."/".$model_rel_name ; my @a=() ;
opendir D, "$dir" or die ( " cannot open build dir $dir for reading!\n");
if ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs' )
@a =grep {/simv/} readdir D ; closedir D;
if ( scalar @a != 0 ) { print "$prg: using the VCS model built inside $dir/simv \n"; }
else { print "$prg: no VCS binary found inside $dir ! \n"; exit (0) ; }
elsif ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv' )
@a =grep {/INCA_libs/} readdir D ; closedir D;
if ( scalar @a != 0 ) {
opendir D, "$dir/INCA_libs/worklib" or die ( " cannot open dir for reading!\n");
my @b = grep {/^inca.*pak$/} readdir D ; closedir D;
print "$prg: using the NC-Verilog model built inside $dir/INCA_libs/worklib/$b[-1] \n";
else { print "$prg: no NC-Verilog snapshot found inside $dir ! \n"; exit (0) ; }
if ($opt{sim_q_command} eq "/bin/sh")
if ($opt{cache})
my $cache_dir_prefix = $ENV{TEMPDIR} ;
if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) { system ("mkdir -p $ENV{TEMPDIR}") ; }
die ( "DIE. Could not access your temporary cache directory. \n") if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) ;
my $cache_dir;
if (-d $cache_dir_prefix )
opendir D, $cache_dir_prefix or die (" Could not open directory \" ${cache_dir_prefix} \" for reading!\n");
my @d = map { $cache_dir_prefix . "/" . $_ } grep { !/^\./ && -d "$cache_dir_prefix/$_" } readdir D ; closedir D;
foreach (@d) {
if ( ( time - ( (stat $_ )->mtime ) ) > ( 60*60*$cache_clean_time ) ) {
system ( "/bin/rm -rf $_" ) ;
if ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs' )
$cache_dir = $cache_dir_prefix . "/OpenSPARC_T2___VCS___" . $opt{sys} . "___build" ;
my $count = 0;
while ( -d "${cache_dir}_${count}" ) { ++$count; }
$cache_dir .= "_$count" ;
system ("mkdir -p $cache_dir") ;
die ("DIE. Could not create temporary cache sub-directory for VCS compilation ") if ($?) ;
print "$prg: will now copy the simulation binary (simv) and the direct access interface directory (simv.daidir) from the original build directory to the cache. \n";
system ("/bin/cp $dir/simv $cache_dir") ;
system ("/bin/cp -rf $dir/simv.daidir $cache_dir") ;
if (-d "$dir/") { system ("/bin/cp -rf $dir/ $cache_dir") ; }
if (-d "$dir/simv.vdb") { system ("/bin/cp -rf $dir/simv.vdb $cache_dir") ; }
elsif ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv' )
$cache_dir = $cache_dir_prefix . "/OpenSPARC_T2___NC_Verilog___" . $opt{sys} . "___build" ;
my $count = 0;
while ( -d "${cache_dir}_${count}" ) { ++$count; }
$cache_dir .= "_$count" ;
system ("mkdir -p $cache_dir") ;
die ("DIE. Could not create temporary cache sub-directory for NC-Verilog compilation ") if ($?) ;
print "$prg: will now copy the NC-Verilog simulation snapshot (INCA_libs) from the original build directory to the cache. \n";
system ("/bin/cp -rf $dir/INCA_libs $cache_dir") ;
system ("/bin/cp $dir/ncsim.args $cache_dir") ;
system ("/bin/cp $dir/cds.lib $cache_dir") ;
system ("/bin/cp $dir/hdl.var $cache_dir") ;
$count_diags += scalar ($group->list_diags($tag)) ;
print '=' x 100 . "\n";
print "$prg: -----> Total of " . scalar ($group->list_diags($tag)) . " diags to run...\n";
print '=' x 100 . "\n";
chdir "$result_dir/$regress_id" or die ("DIE. Could not cd to result area for regression") ;
my $i=0;
foreach my $diagname ($group->list_diags($tag))
my $diag = $group->find_diag($tag, $diagname) ;
my @runargs = $diag->get_cmd_argv() ;
my @run_dream_options = @dream_options ;
my @argv = @argv_copy ;
unshift (@argv, @runargs) ;
# unshift (@argv, @dream_options) ;
foreach my $x (@runargs)
push (@run_dream_options, $x) if ($x =~ /\-drm\_/) ;
my $reg_count = 0 ;
foreach my $x (@argv)
if ($x =~ /\-reg\_count/)
$reg_count = $x ;
$reg_count =~ s/\-reg\_count=(.*)/$1/ ;
$reg_count-- ;
my $alias = $diag->get_full_name () ;
while ($reg_count >= 0)
my $dirname = "$alias:$reg_count" ;
`rm -rf $dirname` ;
die ("DIE. Could not remove diag area $dirname for regression") if ($?) ;
`mkdir $dirname` ;
die ("DIE. Could not create diag area $dirname for regression") if ($?) ;
chdir $dirname or die ("DIE. Could not cd to diag area $dirname") ;
if ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs') { $opt{cache}=0; }
else { $opt{cache}=1; }
my @cmd ;
push (@cmd, "-sys=$opt{sys}") ;
push (@cmd, "-model_rel_name=${model_rel_name}") ;
push (@cmd, "-regress_id=${regress_id}") ;
push (@cmd, "-alias=${dirname}") ;
push (@cmd, "-dv_root=${dv_root}") ;
push (@cmd, "-model_dir=${model_dir}") ;
push (@cmd, "-result_dir=${result_dir}") ;
push (@cmd, "-sims_config=${sims_config}") ;
push (@cmd, "-group_name=$gname") ;
push (@cmd, "-regress_date=$regress_date") ;
push (@cmd, "-regress_time=$regress_time") ;
if ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs') { push (@cmd, "-vcs_run"); }
elsif ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv') { push (@cmd, "-ncv_run") ; }
if ($opt{clearcase}) {
push (@cmd, "-use_iver=$result_dir/$regress_id/tre/sims.iver") ;
} else {
push (@cmd, "-nouse_cdms_iver") ;
my $u=`uname -s`;chomp $u;
if ($u eq "SunOS") { push (@cmd, "-sas") ; }
else { push (@cmd, "-nosas") ; }
push (@cmd, @argv) ;
push (@cmd, "-nobuild") ;
push (@cmd, "-regress") ;
if (!$opt{cache}) { push (@cmd, "-nocache") ; }
# if (!$opt{cache}) { print "$prg: >>>>> will NOT cache your runs!\n"; }
# else { print "$prg: >>>>> will cache your runs!\n"; }
push (@cmd, "-parallel") if ($opt{sim_q_command} ne "/bin/sh") ;
push (@cmd, "-exe_dir=${exe_dir}");
if ($u ne "SunOS") { push (@cmd, "-nosas") ; }
print "$prg: Run directory: ${result_dir}/${regress_id}/${dirname} ( No. $i )\n" ;
if ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv') { foreach (@cmd) {s/-vcs/-ncv/;} }
if ($opt{sim_q_command} ne "/bin/sh") # submit command to DReAM
my $cmd1 = $opt{sim_q_command} . " $prg @cmd";
# print "$prg: Run command is : $cmd1\n";
system ($cmd1);
else # or run it locally
my $cmd1 = "$prg @cmd";
# print "$prg: Run command is : $cmd1\n";
system ($cmd1);
$reg_count-- ;
chdir ".." or die ("DIE. Could not cd up to result directory") ;
if ( ($opt{cache}) and ($opt{sim_q_command} eq "/bin/sh") ) {
`/bin/rm -rf $exe_dir` ;
chdir "$result_dir" or die ("DIE. Could not cd to result directory for regression report") ;
if ($opt{report})
print "$prg: launching regreport !!!\n" ;
print '=' x 100 . "\n" . "\t\tWill track " . $count_diags . " jobs as time progresses...\n";
print "\t\tUsing " . ( ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs') ? "VCS" : "NC-Verilog" ) . "\n";
print "\t\tRunning group(s): " . join (', ', @{$opt{group}}) . "\n";
if ( $opt{vcs_build} or $opt{ncv_build} )
{ print "\t\tUsing binary under: " . $model_dir."/".$opt{sys}."/".$model_rel_name . "\n"; }
{ print "\t\tUsing binary under: " . $model_dir."/".$opt{sys}."/".$opt{model_rel_name} . "\n"; }
if ($opt{sim} eq 'vcs') { `regreport wait_sec=300 -regress $result_dir/$regress_id/regress.log $result_dir/$regress_id` ; }
elsif ($opt{sim} eq 'ncv') { `regreport wait_sec=300 -regress $result_dir/$regress_id/regress.log $result_dir/$regress_id -sim ncv` ; }
print "$prg: stop_time ";
system ("date") ;
# rerun a diag from the sims.log {{{
sub rerun
if (! -f "sims.log") {die ("DIE. Could not find original run command");}
open (CMD, "< sims.log") or die ("DIE. Could not open sims.log") ;
my $cmd = <CMD> ;
close (CMD) ;
chomp $cmd ;
$cmd =~ s/\s+-regress_id=\S+//g ;
$cmd =~ s/\s+-regress_date=\S+//g ;
$cmd =~ s/\s+-regress_time=\S+//g ;
$cmd =~ s/\s+-regress//g ;
$cmd =~ s/\s+-result_dir=\S+//g ;
$cmd =~ s/\s+-parallel//g ;
my @sims_tg_seed = `grep 'using random' sims.log` ;
my $sims_tg_seed = $sims_tg_seed[0] ;
$sims_tg_seed =~ s/.*?(\d+)/$1/ ;
chomp $sims_tg_seed ;
if ($opt{use_sims_iver})
my @sims_iver = `grep tre_search sims.log` ;
my $sims_iver = $sims_iver[0] ;
$sims_iver =~ s/^.*?:\stre_search\s// ;
chomp $sims_iver ;
$ENV{TRE_SEARCH} = $sims_iver ;
if (!$opt{overwrite})
my $count = 0 ;
while (-d "rerun_${count}") {$count++;}
my $rerun_dir = "rerun_${count}" ;
system ("mkdir -p $rerun_dir") ;
die ("DIE. could not create rerun directory $rerun_dir") if ($?) ;
chdir $rerun_dir or die ("DIE. could not change to rerun directory $rerun_dir") ;
$cmd .= " -parallel -nocache " ;
if ( $sims_tg_seed ne "" ) {
system ("$cmd -tg_seed=$sims_tg_seed ") ;
} else {
system ("$cmd ") ;
# replace the source files in the flist with new ones from the graft file{{{
sub graft_flist
print "$prg: grafting flist\n" ;
open (IFLIST, "< flist") or die ("DIE. can't open flist") ;
my @iflist = <IFLIST> ;
close (IFLIST) ;
my $graft_file = $opt{graft_flist};
$graft_file =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g ;
open (GFLIST, "< $graft_file")
or die ("DIE. can't open graft file: $graft_file") ;
my @gflist = <GFLIST> ;
close (GFLIST) ;
@gflist = map { s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g } @gflist;
my $ifile = join ('', @iflist) ;
foreach my $gfile_path (@gflist)
my $gfile = $gfile_path ;
$gfile =~ s/^.*\/(\S+)\s*/$1/ ;
chomp $gfile ;
chomp $gfile_path ;
print "gfile: $gfile $gfile_path\n" if $opt_debug ;
$ifile =~ s/^.*\/$gfile/$gfile_path/m ;
open (OFLIST, "> flist") or die ("DIE. can't open graft flist") ;
print OFLIST $ifile ;
close (OFLIST) ;
# Generate the verilog config file{{{
sub gen_config
open (OCONF, ">config.v") or die ("DIE. can't open file config.v") ;
print OCONF "`timescale 1ps/1ps\n" ;
foreach my $unit (@{$opt{config_rtl}})
print OCONF "`define $unit\n";
my $sims_build_args;
if ($opt{vcs_build}) {
$sims_build_args = "-config_rtl ". join (' -config_rtl ', @{$opt{config_rtl}}). " ".
"-vcs_build_args ". join (' -vcs_build_args ', @{$opt{vcs_build_args}});
elsif ($opt{ncv_build}) {
@{$opt{ncv_build_args}} = grep{/(\.v|\+define)/} @{$opt{vcs_build_args}} ;
$sims_build_args = "-config_rtl ". join (' -config_rtl ', @{$opt{config_rtl}}). " ".
"-ncv_build_args ". join (' -ncv_build_args ', @{$opt{ncv_build_args}});
$sims_build_args =~ s/"//g;#"
my $sims_cmd = join(' ', @argv_copy);
$sims_cmd =~ s/"//g;
print OCONF "`define EMBED_SIMS_BUILD_CMD \$display(\"\\nSims Build Cmd: $sims_cmd\\n\");\n";
print OCONF "`define EMBED_SIMS_BUILD_ARGS \$display(\"\\nSims Build Args: $sims_build_args\\n\");\n";
close (OCONF);
# Generate the flist file {{{
sub gen_flist
# add sunv flist if it exists
if (-f "$model_path/flist_sunv")
unshift (@{$opt{flist}}, "$model_path/flist_sunv");
open (OFLIST, ">flist") or die ("DIE. can't open flist file") ;
print OFLIST "$ENV{PWD}/config.v\n";
foreach my $flist (@{$opt{flist}})
$flist =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g ;
open (IFLIST, "< $flist") or die ("DIE. can't open flist file $flist") ;
while (<IFLIST>)
my $line = $_ ;
my $base = dirname ($flist) ;
$line =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ ;
$line .= "\n" ;
if (($line =~ /^\s*\/\//) or
($line =~ /^\s*$/))
next ;
$line =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g ;
if ($line =~ /^\+incdir\+\//)
elsif ($line =~ /^\+incdir\+/)
$line =~ s/^\+incdir\+(.*)/\+incdir\+$base\/$1/ ;
elsif ($line =~ /^\-v\s\//)
elsif ($line =~ /^\-v/)
$line =~ s/-v\s*(.*)/-v $base\/$1/ ;
elsif ($line =~ /^-y\s\//)
elsif ($line =~ /^-y/)
$line =~ s/-y\s*(.*)/-y $base\/$1/ ;
elsif (($line =~ /^\+define/) or
($line =~ /^\+libext/) or
($line =~ /^\+librescan/))
elsif ($line !~ /^\//)
$line = "$base/$line" ;
print OFLIST $line ;
close (IFLIST) ;
foreach my $file (@{$opt{vfile}})
chomp $file ;
$file =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g ;
print OFLIST "$file\n" ;
if ($opt{vera_build} and !$opt{vcs_use_ntb}) # original Vera
print OFLIST "$model_path/$opt{sys}_top_shell.v\n" if (!$opt{dftvert}) ;
close (OFLIST) ;
# if a signal is received do some cleanup - kill sas, delete tmp directories{{{
sub sighandler
my $sig = shift ;
print "$prg: Caught a SIG${sig}\n" ;
print "$prg: Trying to clean up ..\n" ;
if ((defined $sas_pid) and ($sas_pid != 0))
print "Killing sas ($sas_pid)\n";
kill -9, $sas_pid ;
if ((defined $tcl_pid) and ($tcl_pid != 0))
kill -9, $tcl_pid ;
if ($opt{vcs_run}) {
`regreport -1 > status.log` ; }
elsif ($opt{ncv_run}) {
`regreport -1 -sim ncv > status.log` ; }
if ($opt{regress})
if ((defined ($work_dir)) and (-d "$work_dir"))
chdir $launch_dir ;
`/bin/cp -r $work_dir/* $launch_dir` ;
`/bin/rm -rf $work_dir` ;
`/bin/rmdir $work_dir` ;
my $s=`uname -s`; chomp $s; if ($s eq "SunOS") {
my @cpids = map {/\s+(\d+)\s+/}
grep(/simv|ncsim|python|nas|midas|perl/, split(/\n/, `/bin/ptree $pid $$ `));
kill -9, reverse(@cpids);
exit (1) ;
# create model area{{{
sub create_model_path
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
print "$prg: creating model directory $model_path\n" ;
`mkdir -p $model_path` ;
die ("DIE. could not create directory $model_path") if ($?) ;
chdir ($model_path) or die ("DIE. Could not cd to $model_path") ;
# clean up the model area as needed
if ($opt{vcs_clean})
print "$prg: cleaning up VCS build directory\n" ;
print "$prg: [ % /bin/rm -rf simv simv.daidir (and also and simv.vdb if applicable) ]\n" ;
system ( " /bin/rm -rf simv simv.daidir simv.vdb " ) ;
elsif ($opt{ncv_clean})
print "$prg: cleaning up NC-Verilog build directory\n" ;
print "$prg: [ % /bin/rm -rf cds.lib hdl.var ncprep.log ncvlog.log ncelab.log ncvlog.args ncelab.args ncsim.args RUN_NC INCA_libs ]\n" ;
`rm -rf cds.lib hdl.var ncprep.log ncvlog.log ncelab.log ncvlog.args ncelab.args ncsim.args RUN_NC INCA_libs` ;
# get the diff_release if needed
if ($opt{diff_cdms_rel} && $opt{diff_cdms_curr}
&& $opt{cdms_rel_name} ne "") {
chomp(my ($relnum) = (grep(/Editing\s+S\s+:/, `show_release $opt{cdms_rel_name} -local -dirs 0`))[0] =~ m/v=(\w+:\d+\.\d+)/o );
$opt{cdms_rel_name} = "-v $relnum $opt{cdms_rel_name}" ;
if ($opt{diff_cdms_rel})
$opt{cdms_rel_name} =~ s/"//g; #"
print "$prg: diffing release $opt{cdms_rel_name}\n";
system ("diff_release $opt{cdms_rel_name} > diff_rel.log") ;
`mkdir -p vera` ;
die ("DIE. could not create directory vera under $model_path") if ($?) ;
`mkdir -p lib` ;
die ("DIE. could not create directory lib under $model_path") if ($?) ;
# go back to where the script was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
# build the traditional vera testbench files or {{{
# build the NTB vshell file if $opt{vcs_use_ntb} and $opt{ntb_lib} or
# build an flilst of openVera files for the VCS build if $opt{vcs_use_ntb} and !$opt{ntb_lib}
sub vera_build
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
print "$prg: vera_build start (vera or NTB build start) ",`date`;
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} and $opt{ntb_lib}) {
print "$prg: building NTB (NTB LIB) shell file and flist file\n" ;
} elsif ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} and !$opt{ntb_lib}) {
print "$prg: building NTB (NTB ALL) flist file\n" ;
} else {
print "$prg: building traditional vera files (not NTB)\n" ;
# change to the build area
my $vera_dir = "$opt{env_base}/vera" ;
chdir $vera_dir or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $vera_dir") ;
$ENV{VERA_LIBDIR} = "$model_path/vera";
print "$prg: setenv VERA_LIBDIR $ENV{VERA_LIBDIR}\n";
# if($proj_vars{has_denali}) {
# # figure out the location of denali from tre
# my $denali_home = (defined $ENV{DENALI_HOME})? $ENV{DENALI_HOME} :
# "/import/datools/vendor/denali/v" ;
# $denali_home .= `configsrch denali_pcie /` ;
# chomp ($denali_home) ;
# die ("DIE. Append _64bit to your denali version in your tver file to work with 64 bit vcs") if (($denali_home !~ /_64bit/) && ($opt{vcs_full64}));
# die ("DIE. Conflict between 64 bit denali version in your tver file and 32 bit vcs") if (($denali_home =~ /_64bit/) && (!$opt{vcs_full64}));
# $ENV{DENALI} = $denali_home ;
# print "$prg: setenv DENALI $ENV{DENALI}\n";
# }
# create the gmake command
foreach my $obj (@{$opt{vera_cov_obj}})
$obj =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ ;
push (@{$opt{vera_build_args}}, "$obj=1") ;
my $vera_build_cmd = "gmake ";
$vera_build_cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{vera_build_args}}) ;
$vera_build_cmd .= " VERA_LIBDIR=$model_path/vera";
$vera_build_cmd .= " SIMS_64BIT=1" if ($opt{vcs_full64});
# if NTB ntb_lib
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} && $opt{ntb_lib}) {
if ($opt{vcs_use_cli}) {
$vera_build_cmd .= " VCS_USE_CLI=\"+cli -line\"";
if ($opt{vcs_use_ucli}) {
$vera_build_cmd .= " VCS_USE_CLI=\"-debug_all\"";
if ($opt{vcs_use_fsdb} or $opt{vcs_use_vcsd}) {
$vera_build_cmd .= " VCS_USE_VCSD=+vcsd";
# clean the vera/NTB testbench
if ($opt{vera_clean} && $opt{vera_gmake})
print "$prg: $vera_build_cmd clean\n" ;
system ("$vera_build_cmd clean") ;
die ("DIE. failed cleaning vera testbench in $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
# if NTB is in use
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} and $opt{vera_build} and $opt{vcs_build} and $opt{vera_gmake}) {
# if ntb_lib, this is first pass of 2 pass NTB compile process.
if ($opt{ntb_lib}) {
if ($opt{vera_dummy_diag} eq "" and $opt{vera_diag_name} eq "") {
print ("NOTICE: failed to specify either an openVera diag or dummy diag (-vera_dummy_diag).\nOne of these is normally required to build when using -ntb_lib!!!\n");
my $tmp_diag_name;
if ($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "") {
my $full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{vera_diag_name},
$tmp_diag_name = $full_path;
} else {
$tmp_diag_name = $opt{vera_dummy_diag};
print "$prg: gmaking NTB (NTB LIB) shell file, using openVera diag $tmp_diag_name\n";
$vera_build_cmd .= " NTB_DIAG=$tmp_diag_name USE_NTB_LIB=1 ntb_build";
} else { # NTB all in one compile in use
print "$prg: gmaking NTB (NTB ALL) related flist (\$VERA_LIBDIR/ntb_flist) for VCS build to use\n";
$vera_build_cmd .= " USE_NTB_ALL=1 ntb_build";
# build the vshell file if -ntb_lib or make the ntb_all flist
print "$prg: $vera_build_cmd\n";
if ($opt{vera_gmake}) {
system ($vera_build_cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed making NTB testbench in $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
# traditional vera only
if (! $opt{vcs_use_ntb}) {
# build the vera source files
print "$prg: $vera_build_cmd\n" ;
if ($opt{vera_gmake} && $vera_build_cmd ne "") {
system ($vera_build_cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed making vera testbench in $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
# generate a project file in the model area
chdir $model_path or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $model_path") ;
print "$prg: creating vera project file\n" ;
open (PROJFILE, "> vera/$opt{sys}_top.proj") or die ("DIE. could not create project file") ;
print PROJFILE "main $opt{sys}_top\n" ;
print PROJFILE "$ENV{PWD}/vera/$opt{vera_vcon_file}\n" if ($opt{vera_vcon_file} ne "") ;
opendir (LIBDIR, "vera") or die ("DIE. can't open vera directory") ;
my @filenames = readdir LIBDIR ;
closedir (LIBDIR) ;
foreach my $filename (@filenames)
if ($filename =~ /\.vro/)
print PROJFILE ("$ENV{PWD}/vera/$filename\n") ;
close (PROJFILE) ;
# generate the vera shell verilog file
print "$prg: creating vera shell file\n" ;
foreach my $obj (@{$opt{vera_cov_obj}})
$obj =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ ;
push (@{$opt{vera_proj_args}}, "-D$obj") ;
push (@{$opt{vera_proj_args}}, "vera/$opt{sys}_top.proj") ;
my $vera_proj_cmd = "vera -proj " ;
$vera_proj_cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{vera_proj_args}}) ;
print "$prg: $vera_proj_cmd\n" ;
system ($vera_proj_cmd) ;
die ("DIE. vera shell creation failed") if ($?) ;
print "$prg: vera_stop (vera or NTB build done) ",`date` ;
# go back to where the script was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
# pre build vcs code{{{
sub pre_build
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
# go to the model area
chdir $model_path or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $model_path\n") ;
# generate the rtl config file
&gen_config ($opt{sys});
# Generate the flist file
&gen_flist ();
system("cp -f flist $cur_dir");
# merge in the graft flist
if ($opt{graft_flist} ne "")
&graft_flist () ;
# go back to where this block was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
# build a model{{{
# building using NCVerilog
sub ncv_build
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
# go to the model area
chdir $model_path or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $model_path") ;
my $u=`uname -s`;chomp $u;
system("/bin/rm -rf *.so *.a *.o");
print "$prg: Building shared object for Vera (NC-Verilog)\n";
if ($u eq "SunOS") {
system("/bin/cp $ENV{DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/pli/vera/loadpli/ .");
else {
system("/bin/cp $ENV{DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/pli/vera/loadpli/linux/* .");
system("make -f");
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "fc1") or ($opt{sys} eq "fc8") )
# if ( !(grep {$_ eq '-DFC_NO_NIU_T2'} @{$opt{config_cpp_args}}) )
# {
# print "$prg: Building shared object for NIU (NC-Verilog)\n";
# system("ar cr libnet_ncverilog.a ./vera/*.o");
# if ( !(-e "libnet_ncverilog.a") ) { exit(0); }
# system("/bin/cp $ENV{DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/pli/niu_pli/loadpli/ ./");
# system("make -f");
# }
system("/bin/ls -al *.so");
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "fc1") or ($opt{sys} eq "fc8") ) {
my $a=`configsrch debussy_ncv /`; chomp $a;
if ($u eq "SunOS") {
elsif ($u eq "Linux") {
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}=$ENV{NOVAS_HOME}."/share/PLI/nc". $a ."/LINUX/nc_loadpli1:".$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH};
if (exists $ENV{LM_LICENSE_FILE})
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+elaborate") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+name+$opt{sys}") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncaccess+rw");
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncnomempack");
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncvlogargs+-messages") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncelabargs+-messages") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncsimargs+-messages") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncvlogargs+-status") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncelabargs+-status") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncsimargs+-status") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncvlogargs+\"-nowarn MACRDF\"") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncelabargs+-append_log") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncelabargs+-pliverbose") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncelabargs+-notimingchecks") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncelabargs+-nospecify") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncsimargs+-append_log") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=debpli:novas_pli_boot") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libverapli:vera_pli_boot") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libmonitorpli:monitor_pli_boot") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libglobal_chkrpli:global_chkr_pli_boot") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libsocketpli:socket_pli_boot") ;
if ( ($opt{sys} =~ m/fpga/)) {
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncelabargs+-initmem0") ;
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "cmp1") or ($opt{sys} eq "cmp8") ) {
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+delay_mode_zero") ;
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "fc1") or ($opt{sys} eq "fc8") ) {
## if ( !(grep {$_ eq '-DFC_NO_NIU_T2'} @{$opt{config_cpp_args}}) ) {
## push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libniupli:niu_pli_boot") ;
## push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libniu_sparse_mem_model_pli:sparse_mem_model_pli_boot") ;
## my $vc_libs="+vera_directc=";
## $vc_libs.="$ENV{DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/vera/niu_ippktgen/C/libnet/src/";
## $vc_libs.=":$ENV{DV_ROOT}/verif/model/verilog/niu/sparse_mem_model/loadpli/";
## $vc_libs.=":$ENV{DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/vera/niu_ippktgen/C/wrapper/";
## $vc_libs.=":$ENV{DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/pli/niu_pli/loadpli/";
## push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+ncsimargs+\"$vc_libs\"") ;
## }
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libcachepli:cache_pli_boot") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libutilitypli:utility_pli_boot") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+loadpli1=libmemorypli:memory_pli_boot") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "-l ncprep.log") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "\`cat $model_path/flist\`") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+define+NO_VERA") if (!$opt{vera_build}) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}}, "+define+TCL_TAP_TEST") if ($opt{tcl_tap}) ;
my $ncv_build_cmd = "ncprep " ;
# Transfer some build args to the flist
open (IFLIST, ">") or die ("DIE. can't open") ;
foreach my $x (@{$opt{ncv_build_args}})
$x =~ s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/ ;
if ($x =~ /\+define+|^-v |^-y |^-f (?!(flist|.*0in.*?\.arg))/) {
print IFLIST "$x\n";
} else {
$ncv_build_cmd .= "$x " ;
my $cache_dir;
if ($opt{cache})
my $cache_dir_prefix = $ENV{TEMPDIR} ;
if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) { system ("mkdir -p $ENV{TEMPDIR}") ; }
die ( "DIE. Could not access your temporary cache directory. \n") if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) ;
if (-d $cache_dir_prefix )
opendir D, $cache_dir_prefix or die (" Could not open directory \" ${cache_dir_prefix} \" for reading!\n");
my @d = map { $cache_dir_prefix . "/" . $_ } grep { !/^\./ && -d "$cache_dir_prefix/$_" } readdir D ; closedir D;
foreach (@d) {
if ( ( time - ( (stat $_ )->mtime ) ) > ( 60*60*$cache_clean_time ) ) {
system ( "/bin/rm -rf $_" ) ;
$cache_dir = $cache_dir_prefix . "/OpenSPARC_T2___NC_Verilog___" . $opt{sys} . "___build" ;
my $count = 0;
while ( -d "${cache_dir}_${count}" ) { ++$count; }
$cache_dir .= "_$count" ;
system ("mkdir -p $cache_dir") ;
die ("DIE. Could not create temporary cache sub-directory for NC-Verilog compilation ") if ($?) ;
# Append flist to and rename to flist.
open (FLIST, "flist") or die ("DIE. can't open flist");
while (<FLIST>) {
print IFLIST "$_";
close FLIST;
close IFLIST;
rename "flist", "flist.orig" or die ("DIE. can't rename flist");
rename "", "flist" or die ("DIE. can't rename");
# build the model
print "$prg: Building rtl model\n" ;
print "$prg: <<<<<<< (BUILDTIME command) >>>>>>> $ncv_build_cmd\n";
my $date1;
$date1 = `date` ;
chomp ($date1) ;
print "$prg: (DATE) $date1\n";
if ($opt{cache})
print "$prg: will start compilation inside cache : \( " . $cache_dir . " \)\n";
chdir $cache_dir ;
system ($ncv_build_cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed ncprep translation for building model") if ($?) ;
} else {
print "$prg: will start compilation inside : \( " . $ENV{PWD} . " \)\n";
system ($ncv_build_cmd) ;
$date1 = `date` ;
chomp ($date1) ;
print "$prg: (DATE) $date1\n";
system ("ncvlog -f ncvlog.args") ;
$date1 = `date` ;
chomp ($date1) ;
print "$prg: (DATE) $date1\n";
system ("echo \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH is: \" $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} > ncelab.log") ;
system ( "echo OpenSPARC_T2 compile dir is: $ENV{PWD} >> ncelab.log" );
system ("ncelab -f ncelab.args") ;
system ("/bin/rm -rf RUN_NC");
open F, "<cds.lib" or die "Can't open cds.lib for reading: $!\n" ; my @f=<F>; chomp @f; close F;
system ("/bin/rm -rf cds.lib") ;
open F, ">cds.lib" or die "Can't open cds.lib for writing: $!\n" ;
foreach (@f) {
s/^define\s(\w+)\s.*\/INCA_libs\/(\w+)$/define $1 $model_path\/INCA_libs\/$2/;
print F $_."\n";
# print "cds\.lib\> ".$_."\n";
close F;
if ($opt{cache})
print "$prg: will now copy the NC-Verilog simulation snapshot (INCA_libs) from cache to the original build directory. \n";
system ("/bin/cp -rf INCA_libs cds.lib hdl.var *args *log $model_path");
# go back to where the script was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
if ($opt{parallel}) {
print "$prg: removing cache dir.\n" ;
system ( " /bin/rm -rf $cache_dir " ) ;
# building using VCS
sub vcs_build
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
# go to the model area
chdir $model_path or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $model_path") ;
# copy the sdf file
my $sdf_file = "$opt{env_base}/cmp_top.sdf" ;
`cp -f $sdf_file .` if (($opt{vcs_use_sdf}) and (-f $sdf_file)) ;
$ENV{VERA_LIBDIR} = "$model_path/vera";
print "$prg: setenv VERA_LIBDIR $ENV{VERA_LIBDIR}\n";
if($proj_vars{has_denali}) {
# figure out the location of denali from tre
my $denali_home = (defined $ENV{DENALI_HOME})? $ENV{DENALI_HOME} :
"/import/datools/vendor/denali/v" ;
$denali_home .= `configsrch denali_pcie /` ;
chomp ($denali_home) ;
die ("DIE. Append _64bit to your denali version in your tver file to work with 64 bit vcs") if (($denali_home !~ /_64bit/) && ($opt{vcs_full64}));
die ("DIE. Conflict between 64 bit denali version in your tver file and 32 bit vcs") if (($denali_home =~ /_64bit/) && (!$opt{vcs_full64}));
$ENV{DENALI} = $denali_home ;
print "$prg: setenv DENALI $ENV{DENALI}\n";
# figure out the location of 0in from tre
# my $zeroIn_home = "/import/cadist-sme/pkgs/zeroin/zeroin,v" ;
# $zeroIn_home .= `configsrch zeroin /` ;
# chomp ($zeroIn_home) ;
# $zeroIn_home .= "/5.x/sol8_sparc" ;
# if ($opt{vcs_full64}) {
# $zeroIn_home .= "/5.x/sol8_sparc_64" ;
# }
# $ENV{HOME_0IN} = $zeroIn_home ;
# print "$prg: setenv HOME_0IN $ENV{HOME_0IN}\n";
if (exists $ENV{LM_LICENSE_FILE})
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+compsdf") if ($opt{vcs_use_sdf}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+rad") if ($opt{vcs_use_rad}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-Xmodname=0x1");
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+vcsd") if ($opt{vcs_use_fsdb} and $opt{vcs_use_vcsd}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-vera") if ($opt{vcs_use_vera}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-file $model_path/vera/ntb_flist") if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+initreg") if ($opt{vcs_use_initreg}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-cm $opt{vcs_cm_args}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-cm_cond $opt{vcs_cm_cond}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm} and ($opt{vcs_cm_cond} ne "")) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-cm_fsmcfg $opt{vcs_cm_fsmcfg}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm} and ($opt{vcs_cm_fsmcfg} ne "")) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-cm_hier $opt{vcs_cm_config}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm} and ($opt{vcs_cm_config} ne "")) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-cm_name $opt{vcs_cm_name}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-cm_dir $model_path") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+cli -line") if (!$opt{axis_build} && $opt{vcs_use_cli}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-debug_all") if (!$opt{axis_build} && $opt{vcs_use_ucli}) ;
my $u=`uname -s`;chomp $u;my $lib_dir;
if ($u eq "SunOS") {
$lib_dir = "SOLARIS2";
if ($opt{vcs_full64}) { $lib_dir = "SOL7_64bit"; }
elsif ($u eq "Linux") {
$lib_dir = "LINUX";
if ($opt{vcs_full64}) { $lib_dir = "LINUX64"; }
if ($opt{vcs_use_fsdb}) {
if ($opt{vcs_use_vcsd}) {
my $a=`configsrch debussy_vcsd /`; chomp $a;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-P $ENV{NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/vcsd" . $a . "/$lib_dir/") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "$ENV{NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/vcsd" . $a . "/$lib_dir/pli.a") ;
else {
my $a=`configsrch debussy_vcs /`; chomp $a;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-P $ENV{NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/vcs" . $a . "/$lib_dir/") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "$ENV{NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/vcs" . $a . "/$lib_dir/pli.a") ;
else { push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+define+FSDB_OFF") ; }
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+define+NO_VERA") if (!$opt{vera_build}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "+define+TCL_TAP_TEST") if ($opt{tcl_tap}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-full64") if ($opt{vcs_full64}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-l compile.log") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-f flist") ;
if ($opt{zeroIn_build})
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "$ENV{HOME_0IN}/0InPLI/vcs/") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-f $model_path/zeroInDir/0in_sim.arg") ;
if ($opt{zeroInSearch_build})
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "$ENV{HOME_0IN}/0InPLI/vcs/") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}, "-f $model_path/zeroInDir/0in_seed.arg") ;
my $vcs_build_cmd = "vcs " ;
$vcs_build_cmd = "tharas_compile -project $opt{sys} -comp_options \' "
if ($opt{hcs_build}) ;
$vcs_build_cmd = "axis_compile -project $opt{sys} -comp_options \' "
if ($opt{axis_build}) ;
# Transfer some build args to the flist
open (IFLIST, ">") or die ("DIE. can't open") ;
foreach my $x (@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}) {
$x =~ s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/ ;
if ($opt{hcs_build} && ($x !~ /^\+def|^-P |^-l |^-v |^-f |^-P |\.a\s*$/)) {
$x = "+hcs+vcsFlags \"$x\"" ;
elsif ($opt{axis_build} && ($x =~ /\.a\s*$|\.[s]*o\s*$/)) {
$x =~ s/\+vc\b//;
$x = "-pl $x" ;
elsif ($x =~ /\+define+|^-v |^-y |^-f (?!(flist|.*0in.*?\.arg))/) {
print IFLIST "$x\n";
} else {
if ($x=~m/^-f flist$/) { $x=~s/flist/$model_path\/flist/; }
if ($x=~m/^ \+vc (vera\/\w+\.(o|a))$/) { my $y = " +vc " . $model_path . "/" . $1; $x = $y; }
$vcs_build_cmd .= "$x " ;
# Tharas Build args
if ($opt{hcs_build}) {
$vcs_build_cmd .= " \' " ;
foreach my $x (@{$opt{hcs_build_args}})
$x =~ s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/ ;
$vcs_build_cmd .= "$x " ;
if($opt{vcs_clean}) {
$vcs_build_cmd .= " -clean " ;
# Palladium Build args
# No -vcs_build_args passed to palladium_compile
if ($opt{palladium_build}) {
$vcs_build_cmd = "palladium_compile -project $opt{sys} " ;
foreach my $x (@{$opt{palladium_build_args}})
$x =~ s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/ ;
$vcs_build_cmd .= "$x " ;
if($opt{vcs_clean}) {
$vcs_build_cmd .= " -clean " ;
# Axis Build args
if ($opt{axis_build}) {
$vcs_build_cmd .= " \' " ;
foreach my $x (@{$opt{axis_build_args}})
$x =~ s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/ ;
$vcs_build_cmd .= "$x " ;
if($opt{vcs_clean}) {
$vcs_build_cmd .= " -clean " ;
my $cache_dir;
if ($opt{cache})
my $cache_dir_prefix = $ENV{TEMPDIR} ;
if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) { system ("mkdir -p $ENV{TEMPDIR}") ; }
die ( "DIE. Could not access your temporary cache directory. \n") if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) ;
if (-d $cache_dir_prefix )
opendir D, $cache_dir_prefix or die (" Could not open directory \" ${cache_dir_prefix} \" for reading!\n");
my @d = map { $cache_dir_prefix . "/" . $_ } grep { !/^\./ && -d "$cache_dir_prefix/$_" } readdir D ; closedir D;
foreach (@d) {
if ( ( time - ( (stat $_ )->mtime ) ) > ( 60*60*$cache_clean_time ) ) {
system ( "/bin/rm -rf $_" ) ;
$cache_dir = $cache_dir_prefix . "/OpenSPARC_T2___VCS___" . $opt{sys} . "___build" ;
my $count = 0;
while ( -d "${cache_dir}_${count}" ) { ++$count; }
$cache_dir .= "_$count" ;
system ("mkdir -p $cache_dir") ;
die ("DIE. Could not create temporary cache sub-directory for VCS compilation ") if ($?) ;
# Append flist to and rename to flist.
open (FLIST, "flist") or die ("DIE. can't open flist");
while (<FLIST>) {
print IFLIST "$_";
close FLIST;
close IFLIST;
rename "flist", "flist.orig" or die ("DIE. can't rename flist");
rename "", "flist" or die ("DIE. can't rename");
# build the model
print "$prg: Building rtl model\n" ;
print "$prg: <<<<<<< (BUILDTIME command) >>>>>>> $vcs_build_cmd\n";
my $date1 = `date` ;
chomp ($date1) ;
print "$prg: (DATE) $date1\n";
if ($opt{cache})
print "$prg: will start compilation inside cache : \( " . $cache_dir . " \)\n";
chdir $cache_dir ;
print "Current dir: ". &Cwd::cwd() << "\n";
if ($opt{sysc_build}) {
my $build_args = "";
foreach my $x (@{$opt{syscan_build_args}})
$build_args .= "$x ";
print "Build args being passed to syscan $build_args\n";
my $syscan_cmd = "$ENV{DV_ROOT}/tools/bin/syscan_cmd_src";
system("exec perl $syscan_cmd $build_args");
die ("DIE. Failed systemc build") if ($?);
system ($vcs_build_cmd);
system ( "echo OpenSPARC_T2 compile dir is: $ENV{PWD} >> compile.log" );
print "$prg: will now copy the simulation binary (simv) and the direct access interface directory (simv.daidir) from cache to the original build directory. \n";
system ( " /bin/rm -rf csrc" ) ;
system ( "/bin/cp -rf simv simv.daidir compile.log $model_path" ) ;
if (-d "") { system ( "/bin/cp -rf $model_path" ) ; }
if (-d "simv.vdb") { system ( "/bin/cp -rf simv.vdb $model_path" ) ; }
else {
print "$prg: will start compilation inside : \( " . $ENV{PWD} . " \)\n";
if ($opt{sysc_build}) {
my $build_args = "";
foreach my $x (@{$opt{syscan_build_args}})
$build_args .= "$x ";
print "Build args being passed to syscan $build_args\n";
my $syscan_cmd = "$ENV{DV_ROOT}/tools/bin/syscan_cmd_src";
system("exec perl $syscan_cmd $build_args");
die ("DIE. Failed systemc build") if ($?);
system ($vcs_build_cmd);
# go back to where the script was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
if ($opt{parallel}) {
print "$prg: removing cache dir.\n" ;
system ( " /bin/rm -rf $cache_dir " ) ;
# parsing the user supplied non primitive list to obtain the sunv primitive list{{{
sub parse_primitive
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
my %nonlist = ();
chdir $model_path;
die "DIE. Could not find non primitive list\n" if (! (-f $opt{sunv_nonprim_list})) ;
system ("cp -f $opt{sunv_nonprim_list} $model_path") ;
die ("DIE. failed to copy non primitive list to model build area\n") if ($?) ;
die "DIE. Could not find primitive list\n" if (! (-f "$dv_root/$proj_vars{sims_config}/primitive.list")) ;
system ("cp -f $dv_root/$proj_vars{sims_config}/primitive.list $model_path") ;
die ("DIE. failed to copy primitive list to model build area\n") if ($?) ;
$opt{sunv_nonprim_list} =~ /(\S+)\/(\S+)$/;
open (NONLIST, "$2");
while (<NONLIST>)
$nonlist{$_} = 1;
close (NONLIST) ;
open (LIST, ">newprimitive.list");
open (FULLLIST, "primitive.list");
while (<FULLLIST>)
if (! defined $nonlist{$_})
print LIST $_;
close (FULLLIST) ;
close (LIST) ;
push (@{$opt{sunv_args}}, "-primitives=$model_path/newprimitive.list");
# go back to where the script was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
# run sunv {{{
sub sunv_run
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
print "$prg: sunv_start ",`date` ;
# go to the model area
chdir $model_path or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $model_path\n") ;
# create sunv output directory
system ("mkdir -p sunvDir");
# generate the primitive list if a non primitive list is supplied
if ($opt{sunv_use_nonprim})
# run sunv
print "$prg: Running sunv\n" ;
my $sunv_cmd = "sunv.fe ";
push (@{$opt {sunv_args}}, "-outdir=sunvDir") ;
$sunv_cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt {sunv_args}}) ;
print "$prg: $sunv_cmd\n";
system ("rm -fr sunvDir/*") ;
die ("DIE. failed cleaning up sunvDir\n") if ($?) ;
system ($sunv_cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed running sunv\n") if ($?) ;
print "$prg: creating sunv flist file\n" ;
open (SUNVFILE, "> $model_path/flist_sunv") or die ("DIE. could not create sunv flist file\n") ;
opendir (LIBDIR, "sunvDir") or die ("DIE. can't open sunvDir directory\n") ;
my @filenames = readdir LIBDIR ;
closedir (LIBDIR) ;
foreach my $filename (@filenames)
if ($filename =~ /\.v$/)
print SUNVFILE ("$model_path/sunvDir/$filename\n") ;
close (SUNVFILE) ;
print "$prg: sunv_stop ",`date` ;
# go back to where the script was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
# compile zeroIn {{{
sub zeroIn_build
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
print "$prg: 0in_start ",`date` ;
# go to the model area
chdir $model_path or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $model_path\n") ;
my $zeroIn_dir = "zeroInDir";
# go to the zeroIn dir
system ("mkdir -p $zeroIn_dir");
chdir $zeroIn_dir or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $zeroIn_dir\n") ;
# Debug args if any ..
my $zin_dbg .= join (" ", @{$opt {zeroIn_dbg_args}}) ;
# compile zeroIn
print "$prg: compiling zeroIn\n" ;
# zeroIn can't handle NTB_LIB shell file so take it out.
system("cat $model_path/flist | grep -v top_shell.v > $model_path/flist.0in");
die "$prg: failed to make zeroIn flist file. \n" if($?);
# zeroIn compile command
my $zeroIn_build_cmd ;
$zeroIn_build_cmd = "0in $zin_dbg -cmd ccl -f $model_path/flist.0in " if ($opt{zeroIn_build}) ;
$zeroIn_build_cmd = "0in $zin_dbg -cmd csl -f $model_path/flist.0in " if ($opt{zeroInSearch_build}) ;
$zeroIn_build_cmd = "0in $zin_dbg -cmd ckl -f $model_path/flist.0in " if ($opt{zeroIn_checklist}) ;
$zeroIn_build_cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt {zeroIn_build_args}}) ;
print "$prg: $zeroIn_build_cmd\n";
# produce 0in_sim.arg file
system ($zeroIn_build_cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed compiling zeroIn\n") if ($?) ;
print "$prg: 0in_stop ",`date` ;
# go back to where the script was invoked
chdir $cur_dir ;
# run vlint {{{
sub vlint_run
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
# Keeping vlint output in current directory
system ("mkdir -p vlintDir") ;
# run vlint
print "$prg: Running vlint\n" ;
my $vlint_cmd = "x2e ";
push (@{$opt {vlint_args}}, "-f $model_path/flist") ;
push (@{$opt {vlint_args}}, "-od vlintDir ") ;
# always last
die "DIE. no top level module specified for vlint" if ($opt{vlint_top} eq "") ;
push (@{$opt {vlint_args}}, $opt{vlint_top}) ;
$vlint_cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt {vlint_args}}) ;
print "$prg: $vlint_cmd\n";
system ($vlint_cmd) ; my $status = $? ;
if ($opt{illust_run}) {
my $illust_cmd = "illust ";
$illust_cmd .= join(" ", @{$opt {illust_args}}) ;
chdir ("vlintDir");
if (-e "$opt{vlint_top}.vlint.db") {
`cp -f $opt{vlint_top}.vlint.db vlint.db` ;
print "$prg: $illust_cmd\n";
system ($illust_cmd) ; my $status = $? ;
chdir ($cur_dir);
die ("DIE. status=$status: failed running illust \n\t(see vlintDir/{di.log,errors.vlint})\n ")
if ($status == 1) ;
die ("DIE. failed running vlint") if ($status == 1) ;
# run verix {{{
sub verix_run
my $cur_dir = $ENV{PWD};
# Keeping Verix output in current directory
system ("mkdir -p verixDir") ;
# Run verix
print "$prg: Running verix flow\n" ;
die "DIE. no top level module specified for verix" if ($opt{verix_top} eq "") ;
# Copy the template
system ("cp $dv_root/verif/env/config/$opt{verix_top}.verix.tmplt verix.tmplt");
system("chmod +w verix.tmplt");
die "DIE. could not copy verix template $dv_root/verif/env/config/$opt{verix_top}.verix.tmplt, $!" if ($?);
# Create the vlist using the flist_sunv and the libs specified
open (VLIST, ">$opt{verix_top}.vlist");
die "DIE. could not create $opt{verix_top}.vlist, $!" if ($?);
print VLIST "-f $model_path/flist_sunv\n";
print VLIST "$model_path/config.v\n";
# Pick up libs and defines from vcs_build args too ..
foreach (@{$opt{verix_libs}},@{$opt{vcs_build_args}}) {
s/"//go; #"
next if (!/(^\+define)|(^-f)|(^-v)|(^-y)/);
print VLIST "$_\n";
close VLIST;
# Run the setup
my $verix_cmd = "verix_flow -setup $opt{verix_top} ";
print "$prg: $verix_cmd \n";
system ("$verix_cmd") ;
die ("DIE. failed running verix") if ($?) ;
# Run the run script
$verix_cmd = "verix_flow -run $opt{verix_top} ";
print "$prg: $verix_cmd \n";
system ("$verix_cmd") ;
die ("DIE. failed running verix") if ($?) ;
# run tests
sub list {
my %tmp1; my %tmp2;
for (0..1) { for my $k (@{$_[$_]}) { $tmp1{$k}.=$_; } }
while (my($k,$v)=each %tmp1) {push @{$tmp2{$v}},$k;}
return @tmp2{"0","1","01"}, [keys %tmp1];
# run a test using simulation snapshot created from NCV
sub ncv_run
my $run_dir = $ENV{PWD} ;
my $cache_dir;
if ($opt{cache})
my $cache_dir_prefix = $ENV{TEMPDIR} ;
if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) { system ("mkdir -p $ENV{TEMPDIR}") ; }
die ( "DIE. Could not access your temporary cache directory. \n") if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) ;
if (-d $cache_dir_prefix )
opendir D, $cache_dir_prefix or die (" Could not open directory \" ${cache_dir_prefix} \" for reading!\n");
my @d = map { $cache_dir_prefix . "/" . $_ } grep { !/^\./ && -d "$cache_dir_prefix/$_" } readdir D ; closedir D;
foreach (@d) {
if ( ( time - ( (stat $_ )->mtime ) ) > ( 60*60*$cache_clean_time ) ) {
system ( "/bin/rm -rf $_" ) ;
$cache_dir = $cache_dir_prefix . "/OpenSPARC_T2___NC_Verilog___" . $opt{sys} . "___run" ;
my $count = 0;
while ( -d "${cache_dir}_${count}" ) { ++$count; }
$cache_dir .= "_$count" ;
system ("mkdir -p $cache_dir") ;
die ("DIE. Could not create temporary cache sub-directory for NC-Verilog run ") if ($?) ;
# copy the diff release over
system ("cp -f $model_path/diff_rel.log .") if (-f "$model_path/diff_rel.log") ;
# copy the flist over
system ("cp -f $model_path/flist .") ;
die ("DIE. could not copy flist to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
# pass the good trap and bad trap addresses to the testbench
my $good_trap = "";
my $bad_trap = "";
if (($opt{asm_diag_name} ne "") or ($opt{image_diag_name} ne ""))
die ("DIE. could not find symbol.tbl file") if (!-f "symbol.tbl") ;
my @good_trap_list = `grep -w good_trap symbol.tbl`;
my @bad_trap_list = `grep -w bad_trap symbol.tbl`;
my %good_trap_list ;
my %bad_trap_list ;
my @good_trap ;
my @bad_trap ;
if ($#good_trap_list >= 0)
foreach my $trap (@good_trap_list)
my ($tmp1, $va, $ra, $pa) = ($trap =~ /([\w_\.]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/) ;
$good_trap_list{$pa} = 1 ;
foreach my $x (sort (keys (%good_trap_list)))
push (@good_trap, $x) ;
if ($#good_trap == 0) { $good_trap = "+good_trap=" . $good_trap[0] ; }
else { $good_trap = "+good_trap=" . join (':', @good_trap) ; }
if ($#bad_trap_list >= 0)
foreach my $trap (@bad_trap_list)
my ($tmp1, $va, $ra, $pa) = ($trap =~ /([\w_\.]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/) ;
$bad_trap_list{$pa} = $pa;
foreach my $x (sort (keys (%bad_trap_list)))
push (@bad_trap, $x) ;
if ($#bad_trap == 0) { $bad_trap = "+bad_trap=" . $bad_trap[0] ; }
else { $bad_trap = "+bad_trap=" . join (':', @bad_trap) ; }
# copy the 'traditional vera' project file over to the run area
if ( $opt{vera_run})
`cp $model_path/vera/$opt{sys}_top.proj .` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy .proj file to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w $opt{sys}_top.proj`;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of .proj file") if ($?) ;
# append diag.vro after the fact
if ($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "" or $opt{vera_dummy_diag} ne "")
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vera_diag_path=$opt{vera_diag_path}") ;
`ls *.vro >> $opt{sys}_top.proj` ;
die ("DIE. could not append *.vro to vera project file") if ($?) ;
# add in switches for signal dumping
if ($opt{vcd})
my $vcdfile = "";
if ($opt{vcdfile} eq "")
$vcdfile = "verilog.vcd" ;
} else
$vcdfile = $opt{vcdfile} ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vcd") ;
if ($opt{debussy})
my $fsdbfile = "";
if ($opt{fsdbfile} eq "")
$fsdbfile = "verilog.fsdb" ;
} else
$fsdbfile = $opt{fsdbfile} ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+debussy") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+fsdbfile=$fsdbfile") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+fsdb+dumpon+".bigtime2plus($opt{start_dump})) if ($opt{start_dump} != 0) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+fsdb+dumpoff+".bigtime2plus($opt{stop_dump})) if ($opt{stop_dump} != 0) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+fsdbDumplimit=$opt{fsdbDumplimit}") if ($opt{fsdbDumplimit} ne "") ;
# convert -args to +args
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+use_sas_tasks") if ($opt{sas}) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+finish_mask=$opt{finish_mask}") if ($opt{finish_mask} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+stub_mask=$opt{stub_mask}") if ($opt{stub_mask} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+TIMEOUT=$opt{rtl_timeout}") if ($opt{rtl_timeout}) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+wait_cycle_to_kill=$opt{wait_cycle_to_kill}") if ($opt{wait_cycle_to_kill} > 0) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+max_cycle=$opt{max_cycle}") if ($opt{max_cycle}) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+tg_seed=$opt{tg_seed}") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vera_random_seed=$opt{tg_seed}") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vera_pload=$opt{sys}_top.proj") if ((!$opt{dftvert}) and $opt{vera_run});
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vera_mload=veralist.vrl") if ($opt{dftvert});
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+efuse_data_file=efuse.img") if ($opt{efuse_image_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vera_diag_name=$opt{vera_diag_name}") if ($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "");
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vera_dummy_diag=$opt{vera_dummy_diag}") if ($opt{vera_dummy_diag} ne "");
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+asm_diag_name=$opt{asm_diag_name}") if ($opt{asm_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+sjm_diag_name=$opt{sjm_diag_name}") if ($opt{sjm_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+tap_diag_name=$opt{tap_diag_name}") if ($opt{tap_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+tpt_diag_name=$opt{tpt_diag_name}") if ($opt{tpt_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+pci_diag_name=$opt{pci_diag_name}") if ($opt{pci_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+image_diag_name=$opt{image_diag_name}") if ($opt{image_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+efuse_image_name=$opt{efuse_image_name}") if ($opt{efuse_image_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+vera_config_name=$opt{vera_config_name}") if ($opt{vera_config_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+fast_boot") if ($opt{fast_boot}) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+ctu_mon_off") if ($opt{tcl_tap}) ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+dv_root=$dv_root") ;
foreach my $obj (@{$opt{vera_cov_obj}})
$obj =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ ;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+$obj") ;
if ($opt{cache})
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "fc1") or ($opt{sys} eq "fc8") ) {
system ( "/bin/cp diag* ef* fbdimm* fc*_top.proj mem.image symbol.tbl $cache_dir" ) ;
} elsif ( ($opt{sys} eq "cmp1") or ($opt{sys} eq "cmp8") ) {
system ( "/bin/cp diag* cmp*_top.proj mem.image symbol.tbl $cache_dir" ) ;
my $ncv_dir = $model_path . "/INCA_libs/worklib" ;
opendir D, $ncv_dir or die (" Could not open directory \" $ncv_dir \" for reading!\n");
my @d = grep {/^inca.*pak$/} readdir D ; closedir D;
print "$prg: will run simulation using $ncv_dir/$d[-1] inside cache : \( " . $cache_dir . " \)\n";
if ($opt{parallel}) {
if ($opt{cache}) {
print "$prg: copying simulation snapshot to cache dir!\n";
system ("/bin/cp -rf $model_path/INCA_libs $cache_dir") ;
if ($opt{cache}) {
system ("/bin/cp $model_path/ncsim.args $cache_dir") ;
system ("/bin/cp $model_path/cds.lib $cache_dir") ;
system ("/bin/cp $model_path/hdl.var $cache_dir") ;
chdir $cache_dir;
else {
system ("/bin/cp $model_path/ncsim.args .") ;
system ("/bin/cp $model_path/cds.lib .") ;
system ("/bin/cp $model_path/hdl.var .") ;
if ($opt{parallel}) {
if ($opt{cache}) {
open F, "<cds.lib" or die "Can't open cds.lib for reading: $!\n" ; my @f=<F>; chomp @f; close F;
system ("/bin/rm -rf cds.lib") ;
open F, ">cds.lib" or die "Can't open cds.lib for writing: $!\n" ;
foreach (@f) { s/^define\s(\w+)\s.*\/INCA_libs\/(\w+)$/define $1 INCA_libs\/$2/;
print F $_."\n"; }
close F;
else {
print "$prg: No parallel run command specified, so will run all tests sequentially... !\n";
open F, "<cds.lib" or die "Can't open cds.lib for reading: $!\n" ; my @f=<F>; chomp @f; close F;
system ("/bin/rm -rf cds.lib") ;
open F, ">cds.lib" or die "Can't open cds.lib for writing: $!\n" ;
foreach (@f) { s/^define\s(\w+)\s.*\/INCA_libs\/(\w+)$/define $1 $opt{exe_dir}\/INCA_libs\/$2/;
print F $_."\n"; }
close F;
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "fc1") or ($opt{sys} eq "fc8") ) {
system ("echo \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH: \" $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} > ncsim.log" );
my $cmd = "ncsim -f ncsim.args " ;
unshift (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, $good_trap) if ($good_trap ne "") ;
unshift (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, $bad_trap) if ($bad_trap ne "") ;
my @vcs = grep{!/^\+vcs/} grep{/^\+/} @{$opt{vcs_run_args}};
my @ncv = grep{/^\+/} @{$opt{ncv_run_args}};
my ($vcs_only, $ncv_only, $intersect, $union) = list (\@vcs, \@ncv);
push @{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, @$vcs_only;
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "-licqueue") ;
my $runargs = join (" ", reverse(@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}));
$runargs =~ s/"//go; #"
$cmd .= $runargs;
$ENV{FSDB_ENV_DUMP_SEQ_NUM} = 1 if ($opt{fsdb_glitch}) ; # turn on sequence dump
$ENV{FSDB_ENV_MAX_GLITCH_NUM} = 0 if ($opt{fsdb_glitch}) ; # turn on glitch dump
$ENV{VERA_LIBDIR} = "$model_path/vera";
print "$prg: setenv VERA_LIBDIR $ENV{VERA_LIBDIR}\n";
if (exists $ENV{LM_LICENSE_FILE})
print "$prg: setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $ENV{LM_LICENSE_FILE}\n";
print "$prg: <<<<<<< (RUN directory) >>>>>>> $ENV{PWD}\n";
print "$prg: <<<<<<< (RUNTIME command) >>>>>>> $cmd\n";
$main::vcs_start = `date` ;
print "$prg: ncsim_start $main::vcs_start" ;
system ($cmd) ;
$main::vcs_stop = `date` ;
print "$prg: ncsim_stop $main::vcs_stop" ;
# kill sas no matter what
if ($sas_pid != 0)
kill -9, $sas_pid ;
# kill tcl no matter what
if ($tcl_pid != 0)
kill -9, $tcl_pid ;
# copy over debussy dump
if ($opt{debussy})
if (<$opt{fsdbfile}*>)
# Handling fsdbautoswitchdumpfile file names
foreach (<$opt{fsdbfile}*>) {
my $was = $_;
rename ($was, $_);
if ($opt{fsdb2vcd}) {
`fsdb2vcd $_ -o $_.vcd` ;
die ("DIE. unable to convert $_ file to vcd\n") if ($?) ;
if (<verilog.fsdb*>)
# Handling fsdbautoswitchdumpfile file names
foreach (<verilog.fsdb*>) {
my $was = $_;
rename ($was, $_);
if ($opt{fsdb2vcd}) {
`fsdb2vcd $_ -o $_.vcd` ;
die ("DIE. unable to convert $_ file to vcd\n") if ($?) ;
for (@{$opt{post_process_cmd}}) {if(m/regreport -1/) {s/regreport/regreport -sim ncv/;}}
if ($opt{parallel}) {
if ($opt{cache}) {
print "$prg: removing simulation snapshot from cache dir!\n" ;
system ( "/bin/rm -rf INCA_libs" ) ;
if ($opt{cache}) {
print "$prg: will now move all of the runtime generated files from cache to the original run directory. \n";
system ( "/bin/cp -rf * $run_dir " ) ;
chdir $run_dir ;
system ( " /bin/rm -rf $cache_dir " ) ;
# run a test using the simv binary created from VCS
sub vcs_run
# Check for vera diag existence if ntb_lib in use
die ("DIE. No vera diag specified for NTB LIB bench (-ntb_lib option).\nUse NTB ALL method if not using openVera diags, or specify a -vera_dummy_diag as a default.")
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} && $opt{ntb_lib} && ($opt{vera_diag_name} eq "") && ($opt{vera_dummy_diag} eq ""));
my $run_dir = $ENV{PWD} ;
my $cache_dir;
if ($opt{cache})
my $cache_dir_prefix = $ENV{TEMPDIR} ;
if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) { system ("mkdir -p $ENV{TEMPDIR}") ; }
die ( "DIE. Could not access your temporary cache directory. \n") if ( !( -d $ENV{TEMPDIR} ) ) ;
if (-d $cache_dir_prefix )
opendir D, $cache_dir_prefix or die (" Could not open directory \" ${cache_dir_prefix} \" for reading!\n");
my @d = map { $cache_dir_prefix . "/" . $_ } grep { !/^\./ && -d "$cache_dir_prefix/$_" } readdir D ; closedir D;
foreach (@d) {
if ( ( time - ( (stat $_ )->mtime ) ) > ( 60*60*$cache_clean_time ) ) {
system ( "/bin/rm -rf $_" ) ;
$cache_dir = $cache_dir_prefix . "/OpenSPARC_T2___VCS___" . $opt{sys} . "___run" ;
my $count = 0;
while ( -d "${cache_dir}_${count}" ) { ++$count; }
$cache_dir .= "_$count" ;
system ("mkdir -p $cache_dir") ;
die ("DIE. Could not create temporary cache sub-directory for VCS run ") if ($?) ;
# copy the diff release over
system ("cp -f $model_path/diff_rel.log .") if (-f "$model_path/diff_rel.log") ;
# copy the flist over
system ("cp -f $model_path/flist .") ;
die ("DIE. could not copy flist to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
# pass the good trap and bad trap addresses to the testbench
my $good_trap = "";
my $bad_trap = "";
if (($opt{asm_diag_name} ne "") or ($opt{image_diag_name} ne ""))
die ("DIE. could not find symbol.tbl file") if (!-f "symbol.tbl") ;
my @good_trap_list = `grep -w good_trap symbol.tbl`;
my @bad_trap_list = `grep -w bad_trap symbol.tbl`;
my %good_trap_list ;
my %bad_trap_list ;
my @good_trap ;
my @bad_trap ;
if ($#good_trap_list >= 0)
foreach my $trap (@good_trap_list)
my ($tmp1, $va, $ra, $pa) = ($trap =~ /([\w_\.]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/) ;
$good_trap_list{$pa} = 1 ;
foreach my $x (sort (keys (%good_trap_list)))
push (@good_trap, $x) ;
if ($#good_trap == 0) { $good_trap = "+good_trap=" . $good_trap[0] ; }
else { $good_trap = "+good_trap=" . join (':', @good_trap) ; }
if ($#bad_trap_list >= 0)
foreach my $trap (@bad_trap_list)
my ($tmp1, $va, $ra, $pa) = ($trap =~ /([\w_\.]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/) ;
$bad_trap_list{$pa} = $pa;
foreach my $x (sort (keys (%bad_trap_list)))
push (@bad_trap, $x) ;
if ($#bad_trap == 0) { $bad_trap = "+bad_trap=" . $bad_trap[0] ; }
else { $bad_trap = "+bad_trap=" . join (':', @bad_trap) ; }
# copy the 'traditional vera' project file over to the run area
if ((! $opt{dftvert}) and $opt{vera_run} and !$opt{vcs_use_ntb})
`cp $model_path/vera/$opt{sys}_top.proj .` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy .proj file to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w $opt{sys}_top.proj`;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of .proj file") if ($?) ;
# append diag.vro after the fact
if ($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "" or $opt{vera_dummy_diag} ne "")
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vera_diag_path=$opt{vera_diag_path}") ;
`ls *.vro >> $opt{sys}_top.proj` ;
die ("DIE. could not append *.vro to vera project file") if ($?) ;
# add in switches for signal dumping
if ($opt{vcd})
my $vcdfile = "";
if ($opt{vcdfile} eq "")
$vcdfile = "verilog.vcd" ;
} else
$vcdfile = $opt{vcdfile} ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vcd") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "-vcd $vcdfile") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vcs+dumpon+".bigtime2plus($opt{start_dump})) if ($opt{start_dump} != 0) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vcs+dumpoff+".bigtime2plus($opt{stop_dump})) if ($opt{stop_dump} != 0) ;
#push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vcs+dumpvarsoff") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+notimingcheck") ;
if ($opt{debussy})
my $fsdbfile = "";
if ($opt{fsdbfile} eq "")
$fsdbfile = "verilog.fsdb" ;
} else
$fsdbfile = $opt{fsdbfile} ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+debussy") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+fsdbfile=$fsdbfile") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+fsdb+dumpon+".bigtime2plus($opt{start_dump})) if ($opt{start_dump} != 0) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+fsdb+dumpoff+".bigtime2plus($opt{stop_dump})) if ($opt{stop_dump} != 0) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+fsdbDumplimit=$opt{fsdbDumplimit}") if ($opt{fsdbDumplimit} ne "") ;
# convert -args to +args
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+use_sas_tasks") if ($opt{sas}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+finish_mask=$opt{finish_mask}") if ($opt{finish_mask} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+stub_mask=$opt{stub_mask}") if ($opt{stub_mask} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+TIMEOUT=$opt{rtl_timeout}") if ($opt{rtl_timeout}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+wait_cycle_to_kill=$opt{wait_cycle_to_kill}") if ($opt{wait_cycle_to_kill} > 0) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+max_cycle=$opt{max_cycle}") if ($opt{max_cycle}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+initreg+$opt{tg_seed}") if ($opt{vcs_use_initreg}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+tg_seed=$opt{tg_seed}") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vera_random_seed=$opt{tg_seed}") if ($opt{vcs_use_vera} and !$opt{vcs_use_ntb}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+ntb_random_seed=$opt{tg_seed}") if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vcs+finish+".bigtime2plus($opt{vcs_finish})) if ($opt{vcs_finish}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vera_pload=$opt{sys}_top.proj") if ((!$opt{dftvert}) and $opt{vera_run} and !$opt{vcs_use_ntb}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vera_mload=veralist.vrl") if ($opt{dftvert} and !$opt{vcs_use_ntb}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "-l vcs.log") ;
#push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vcs+nostdout") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "-cm $opt{vcs_cm_args}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm});
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "-cm_cond $opt{vcs_cm_cond}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm} and ($opt{vcs_cm_cond} ne ""));
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "-cm_hier $opt{vcs_cm_config}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm} and ($opt{vcs_cm_config} ne ""));
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "-cm_name $opt{vcs_cm_name}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm});
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "-cm_dir $ENV{PWD}") if ($opt{vcs_use_cm});
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+efuse_data_file=efuse.img") if ($opt{efuse_image_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vera_diag_name=$opt{vera_diag_name}") if ($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "");
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vera_dummy_diag=$opt{vera_dummy_diag}") if ($opt{vera_dummy_diag} ne "");
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+asm_diag_name=$opt{asm_diag_name}") if ($opt{asm_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+sjm_diag_name=$opt{sjm_diag_name}") if ($opt{sjm_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+tap_diag_name=$opt{tap_diag_name}") if ($opt{tap_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+tpt_diag_name=$opt{tpt_diag_name}") if ($opt{tpt_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+pci_diag_name=$opt{pci_diag_name}") if ($opt{pci_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+image_diag_name=$opt{image_diag_name}") if ($opt{image_diag_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+efuse_image_name=$opt{efuse_image_name}") if ($opt{efuse_image_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vera_config_name=$opt{vera_config_name}") if ($opt{vera_config_name} ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+fast_boot") if ($opt{fast_boot}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+ctu_mon_off") if ($opt{tcl_tap}) ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+dv_root=$dv_root") ;
foreach my $obj (@{$opt{vera_cov_obj}})
$obj =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+$obj") ;
if ($opt{cache})
if ( ($opt{sys} eq "fc1") or ($opt{sys} eq "fc8") ) {
system ( "/bin/cp diag* ef* fbdimm* fc*_top.proj mem.image symbol.tbl $cache_dir" ) ;
} elsif ( ($opt{sys} eq "cmp1") or ($opt{sys} eq "cmp8") ) {
system ( "/bin/cp diag* cmp*_top.proj mem.image symbol.tbl $cache_dir" ) ;
print "$prg: will run simulation using $model_path/simv inside cache : \( " . $cache_dir . " \)\n";
if ($opt{parallel})
if ($opt{cache})
print "$prg: copying simulation snapshot to cache dir!\n";
system ("/bin/cp $model_path/simv $cache_dir") ;
system ("/bin/cp -rf $model_path/simv.daidir $cache_dir") ;
if (-d "$model_path/") { system ("/bin/cp -rf $model_path/ $cache_dir") ; }
if (-d "$model_path/simv.vdb") { system ("/bin/cp -rf $model_path/simv.vdb $cache_dir") ; }
# run the command
my $cmd = "" ;
$cmd .= "collect " if ($opt{vcs_prof}) ;
if ($opt{hcs_run}) {
$cmd = "tharas_sim -project $opt{sys} -simh_dir $model_path ";
$cmd .= join (" ", map{s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/;$1} @{$opt{hcs_run_args}}) ;
$cmd .= " -other_simh_options \" ";
} elsif ($opt{axis_run}) {
$cmd = "axis_sim -project $opt{sys} -vlg_dir $model_path ";
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{axis_run_args}}) ;
$cmd =~ s/"//go;
$cmd .= " -other_vlg_options \" ";
} elsif ($opt{palladium_run}) {
$cmd = "palladium_sim -project $opt{sys} -model_dir $model_path ";
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{palladium_run_args}}) ;
$cmd =~ s/"//go;
} else {
if ($opt{parallel}) {
if ($opt{cache}) { $cmd .= " simv " ; }
else { $cmd .= $opt{exe_dir} . "/simv " ; }
} else {
print "$prg: No parallel run command specified, so will run all tests sequentially... !\n";
$cmd .= $opt{exe_dir} . "/simv " ;
} }
unshift (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, $good_trap) if ($good_trap ne "") ;
unshift (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, $bad_trap) if ($bad_trap ne "") ;
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+vcs+lic+wait") ;
my $runargs = join (" ", reverse(@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}));
$runargs =~ s/"//go; #"
$cmd .= $runargs unless ($opt{palladium_run});
$cmd .= " \" " if ($opt{axis_run}||$opt{hcs_run});
$ENV{FSDB_ENV_DUMP_SEQ_NUM} = 1 if ($opt{fsdb_glitch}) ; # turn on sequence dump
$ENV{FSDB_ENV_MAX_GLITCH_NUM} = 0 if ($opt{fsdb_glitch}) ; # turn on glitch dump
$ENV{VERA_LIBDIR} = "$model_path/vera";
print "$prg: setenv VERA_LIBDIR $ENV{VERA_LIBDIR}\n";
if($proj_vars{has_denali}) {
# figure out the location of denali from tre
my $denali_home = (defined $ENV{DENALI_HOME})? $ENV{DENALI_HOME} :
"/import/datools/vendor/denali/v" ;
$denali_home .= `configsrch denali_pcie /` ;
chomp ($denali_home) ;
die ("DIE. Append _64bit to your denali version in your tver file to work with 64 bit vcs") if (($denali_home !~ /_64bit/) && ($opt{vcs_full64}));
die ("DIE. Conflict between 64 bit denali version in your tver file and 32 bit vcs") if (($denali_home =~ /_64bit/) && (!$opt{vcs_full64}));
$ENV{DENALI} = $denali_home ;
print "$prg: setenv DENALI $ENV{DENALI}\n";
if (exists $ENV{HOME_0IN})
print "$prg: setenv HOME_0IN $ENV{HOME_0IN}\n";
if (exists $ENV{LM_LICENSE_FILE})
print "$prg: setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $ENV{LM_LICENSE_FILE}\n";
if ($opt{cache}) { chdir $cache_dir; }
print "$prg: <<<<<<< (RUN directory) >>>>>>> $ENV{PWD}\n";
print "$prg: <<<<<<< (RUNTIME command) >>>>>>> $cmd\n";
$main::vcs_start = `date` ;
print "$prg: vcs_start $main::vcs_start" ;
system ($cmd) ;
$main::vcs_stop = `date` ;
print "$prg: vcs_stop $main::vcs_stop" ;
# kill sas no matter what
if ($sas_pid != 0)
kill -9, $sas_pid ;
# kill tcl no matter what
if ($tcl_pid != 0)
kill -9, $tcl_pid ;
# copy over debussy dump
if ($opt{debussy})
if (<$opt{fsdbfile}*>)
# Handling fsdbautoswitchdumpfile file names
foreach (<$opt{fsdbfile}*>) {
my $was = $_;
rename ($was, $_);
if ($opt{fsdb2vcd}) {
`fsdb2vcd $_ -o $_.vcd` ;
die ("DIE. unable to convert $_ file to vcd\n") if ($?) ;
if (<verilog.fsdb*>)
# Handling fsdbautoswitchdumpfile file names
foreach (<verilog.fsdb*>) {
my $was = $_;
rename ($was, $_);
if ($opt{fsdb2vcd}) {
`fsdb2vcd $_ -o $_.vcd` ;
die ("DIE. unable to convert $_ file to vcd\n") if ($?) ;
if ($opt{parallel})
if ($opt{cache})
print "$prg: removing simulation snapshot from cache dir!\n" ;
system ( "/bin/rm -rf simv simv.daidir" ) ;
if (-d "") { system ( "/bin/rm -rf" ) ; }
if (-d "simv.vdb") { system ( "/bin/rm -rf simv.vdb" ) ; }
if ($opt{cache}) {
print "$prg: will now move all of the runtime generated files from cache to the original run directory. \n";
system ( "/bin/cp -rf * $run_dir " ) ;
chdir $run_dir ;
system ( " /bin/rm -rf $cache_dir " ) ;
# run pre processing scripts {{{
sub pre_process
return if ($pre_process_done);
$ENV{SIMS_LAUNCH_DIR} = $launch_dir;
foreach my $cmd (@{$opt{pre_process_cmd}})
print "$prg: $cmd\n";
$cmd =~ s/"(.*?)"/$1/ ;
system ($cmd) ;
print ("$prg: warning failed execution of $cmd\n") if ($?) ;
$pre_process_done = 1;
# run post processing scripts {{{
sub post_process
my $pass = 0 ;
$ENV{SIMS_LAUNCH_DIR} = $launch_dir;
foreach my $cmd (@{$opt{post_process_cmd}})
print "$prg: $cmd\n";
$cmd =~ s/"(.*?)"/$1/ ;
system ($cmd) ;
print ("$prg. warning failed execution of $cmd\n") if ($?) ;
if (-f "diag_pl.log")
open (DIAGPLLOG, "diag_pl.log") or die ("DIE. could not open diag_pl.log") ;
my @diagpllog = <DIAGPLLOG> ;
close (DIAGPLLOG) ;
my @pass = grep (/PASS/, @diagpllog) ;
$pass = 1 if ($#pass >= 0) ;
my @fail = grep (/FAIL/, @diagpllog) ;
$pass = 0 if ($#fail >= 0) ;
if (-f "tsotool.log")
open (TSOTOOLLOG, "tsotool.log") or die ("DIE. could not open tsotool.log") ;
my @tsotoollog = <TSOTOOLLOG> ;
close (TSOTOOLLOG) ;
my @fail = grep (/fatal\serror/i, @tsotoollog) ;
$pass = 0 if ($#fail >= 0) ;
# if this is a regression copy the results back to the result area
# if ($opt{regress})
# {
# `gzip 0in_checksim.db` if (-f "0in_checksim.db") ; # Always compress this
# # find out if diag passed
# if ($pass)
# {
# # compress the files
# `gzip hdlRun.log` if ($opt{gzip} and (-f "hdlRun.log")) ;
# `gzip axis.log` if ($opt{gzip} and (-f "axis.log")) ;
# `gzip vcs.log` if ($opt{gzip} and (-f "vcs.log") and ($opt{vcs_run}));
# `gzip ncsim.log` if ($opt{gzip} and (-f "ncsim.log") and ($opt{ncv_run}));
# `gzip sas.log` if ($opt{gzip} and (-f "sas.log")) ;
# `gzip diag.exe` if ($opt{gzip} and (-f "diag.exe")) ;
#if ($opt{debussy} or $opt{vcd} )
# `gzip *.fsdb` if ($opt{gzip}); `gzip *.vcd` if ($opt{gzip});
# # copy back all relevant data
# `cp 0in_checksim.db.gz $launch_dir` if (-f "0in_checksim.db.gz") ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy 0in_checksim.db files back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# `cp 0in_covered.rpt $launch_dir` if (-f "0in_covered.rpt") ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy 0in_covered.rpt files back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# `cp *.log.gz $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy *.log.gz files back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# `cp *.log $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy *.log files back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# `cp -r raw_coverage $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy vera coverage data back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# `cp -r ${opt{vcs_cm_name}}* $launch_dir` if ($opt{vcs_use_cm}) ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy vcs coverage data back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# `cp -r ${opt{vcs_cm_name}}* ${model_path}/coverage/verilog` if ($opt{vcs_use_cm}) and ($opt{vcs_cm_merge}) ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy vcs coverage data back to ${model_path}/coverage/verilog\n") if ($?) ;
# if ($opt{tap_diag_name} ne "")
# {
# `cp diag.tap tap.cmd $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy tap diag file back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# }
# if ($opt{asm_diag_name} ne "")
# {
# `cp *.s *.tbl *.ev *.exe.gz $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy assembly files back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# }
# if ($opt{sjm} or ($opt{sjm_diag_name} ne "") or $opt{pci} or ($opt{pci_diag_name} ne ""))
# {
# `cp *.cmd $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy sjm/pci command files back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# }
# if ($opt{efc} or ($opt{efuse_image_name} ne ""))
# {
# `cp efuse.img $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy efuse image file back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# }
# if ($opt{vera_diag_name} ne "")
# {
# `cp *.vr *.vrpal $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy vera diag back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# }
# if ($opt{tpt_diag_name} ne "")
# {
# `cp *.tpt $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy tpt diag back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# }
# }
# else
# {
# `cp -r * $launch_dir` ;
# print ("$prg: warning could not copy files back to $launch_dir\n") if ($?) ;
# }
# }
my $c=0;
if ($opt{vcs_run}) {
my $l= `grep '^Time:' vcs.log`;
my @m=split /\n/s, $l;
($c=$m[-1]) =~ s/^Time:\s(\d+)\s[fp]s/$1/ ;
elsif ($opt{ncv_run}) {
my $l = `grep 'baseUtilsClass' ncsim.log`;
my @m=split /\n/s, $l;
($c=$m[-1]) =~ s/\s*(\d+):.*/$1/ ;
if ( ($opt{vcs_run}) or ($opt{ncv_run}) )
my $count=0;
if ( ( -f "vcs.log" ) && ($opt{vcs_run}) ) {
chomp( ($count)= `grep -c PASS vcs.log`) ; }
elsif ( ( -f "ncsim.log" ) && ($opt{ncv_run}) ) {
chomp( ($count)= `grep -c PASS ncsim.log`); }
$pass = 1 if ($count > 0);
if ($opt{vcs_run} or $opt{ncv_run})
my $status = "f" ;
$status = "p" if ($pass) ;
&update_db ($c, $main::vcs_start, $main::vcs_stop, $status) ;
# launch sas{{{
sub sas_run
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf sas.log` ;
die ("DIE. could not clean up diag run area") if ($?) ;
my $csocket = 0 ;
my $def_sas_str = join(" ", grep (/^-D/, @{$opt{sas_run_args}})) ;
my $opt_sas_str = join(" ", grep (!/^-D/, @{$opt{sas_run_args}})) ;
$def_sas_str .= " -DFAST_BOOT " if ($opt{fast_boot}) ;
# remove socket pli flag
`rm -rf pli-socket-opened` ;
# create socket numbers for rtl-sas run
print "$prg: creating sas sockets\n" ;
if ($opt{vcs_run} or $opt{ncv_run})
$def_sas_str .= " -DRTL ";
$def_sas_str .= " -DVSOCKET=0 ";
my $tmp = $$ & 0x1fff;
$csocket = $tmp + 10000 ; # initial socket port to try out
$tmp = $tmp + 11000 ; # this is an upper bound on trying to find a port
my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "DIE. Could not open socket file handle" ;
while ((!bind(Server, sockaddr_in($csocket, INADDR_ANY))) and ($csocket < $tmp)) {$csocket++;}
close (Server) ;
die "DIE. Could not find a free port for socket" if ($csocket == $tmp) ;
$def_sas_str .= " -DCSOCKET=$csocket ";
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+csocket=$csocket") if ($opt{vcs_run} );
push (@{$opt{ncv_run_args}}, "+csocket=$csocket") if ($opt{ncv_run} );
$def_sas_str .= " -DMEM_DISABLE ";
$def_sas_str .= " -DMAX_CYCLE=$opt{max_cycle} " if ($opt{max_cycle}) ;
my $finish_mask = sprintf ("%b", hex ($opt{finish_mask})) ;
my $finish_count = 0 ;
foreach my $x (split (//, $finish_mask)) { $finish_count++ if ($x eq '1') } ;
$def_sas_str .= " -DFINISH_COUNT=$finish_count " ;
my $cmd = "$proj_vars{sasconfig} $def_sas_str" ;
print "$prg: $cmd\n" ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. could not invoke $proj_vars{sasconfig}") if ($?) ;
print "$prg: starting $proj_vars{sas}\n" ;
$cmd = "$proj_vars{sas} $opt_sas_str " ;
print "$prg: $cmd\n";
if ($opt{vcs_run} or $opt{ncv_run} or $opt{hcs_run} or $opt{axis_run} or $opt{palladium_run})
$sas_pid = fork () ;
if ((defined $sas_pid) and ($sas_pid == 0))
setpgrp (0, $$) ;
if ($opt{saslog}) {
system ("$cmd > sas.log 2>&1") ;
} else {
system ("$cmd > /dev/null 2>&1") ;
exit (0) ;
elsif (!defined $sas_pid)
die ("DIE. could not fork off the sas process") ;
# wait until sas has started running before proceeding
my $timeout_counter = 0 ;
while (! -e "pli-socket-opened")
print "$prg: waiting for pli socket to be opened (pid=$sas_pid)\n" ;
$timeout_counter++ ;
if ($timeout_counter > $sas_timer)
die ("DIE. sas socket open timeout") ;
sleep 4;
if ($opt{regress})
system ("$cmd > sas.log 2>&1") ;
die ("DIE. simics exited with an error") if ($?) ;
if ($opt{saslog})
system ("$cmd > sas.log 2>&1") ;
die ("DIE. simics exited with an error") if ($?) ;
system ($cmd) ;
# launch tcl_tap {{{
sub tcl_tap_run
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -f tcl.log expect_log_file tcl2sim.log sim2tcl.log done` ;
die ("DIE. could not clean up diag run area") if ($?) ;
# build JTAG low level commands in sub-directory
my $jtag_log = "jtag.log";
my $tcl_log = "tcl.log";
my $pwd = File::Spec->rel2abs( "." );
my $cmd_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $pwd, "jtag_cmds" );
my $tap_dir = File::Spec->canonpath( "$dv_root/verif/env/tap" );
my $tap_src_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $tap_dir, "src" );
my $makefile = File::Spec->catfile( $tap_src_dir, "Makefile" );
if (! -d $cmd_dir ) {
`mkdir $cmd_dir`;
die ( "DIE. Could not create $cmd_dir to run tcl tap code" ) if ($?);
chdir $cmd_dir;
print "$prg: making JTAG low level commands in $cmd_dir\n" ;
my $cmd = "gmake -f $makefile VPATH=$tap_src_dir ";
call_program( $cmd, $jtag_log );
chdir $pwd;
print "$prg: starting expect/tcl\n" ;
my $tcl_tap_diag;
if ( $opt{tcl_tap_diag} ) {
my $diagdir = $tap_src_dir;
my @diags;
@diags = `find $diagdir -name $opt{tcl_tap_diag} -print`;
if ( (scalar @diags) > 0 ) {
$tcl_tap_diag = $diags[0];
} else {
die "DIE. could not find $opt{tcl_tap_diag} under $diagdir\n";
$tcl_tap_diag = File::Spec->canonpath( $tcl_tap_diag );
} # if $opt{tcl_tap_diag}
else {
$tcl_tap_diag = File::Spec->catfile( $tap_src_dir, "main_niagara.exp" );
$cmd = "" ;
$cmd .= "xterm -sb -sl 1000 -e " ;
my $expect_cmd = "";
$expect_cmd .= "expect " ;
$expect_cmd .= " $tcl_tap_diag ";
$cmd .= $expect_cmd;
print "$prg: $cmd\n";
if ( ( $opt{vcs_run}) or ($opt{ncv_run}) )
$tcl_pid = fork () ;
if ((defined $tcl_pid) and ($tcl_pid == 0))
{ # child
setpgrp (0, $$) ;
# add path to JTAG commands just built
$ENV{PATH} = "${cmd_dir}:$ENV{PATH}";
call_program( $cmd, $tcl_log );
exit (0) ;
elsif (!defined $tcl_pid)
die ("DIE. could not fork off the tcl process") ;
if ($opt{regress})
# add path to JTAG commands just built
$ENV{PATH} = "${cmd_dir}:$ENV{PATH}";
call_program( $cmd, $tcl_log );
die ("DIE. expect/tcl exited with an error") if ($?) ;
# add path to JTAG commands just built
$ENV{PATH} = "${cmd_dir}:$ENV{PATH}";
call_program( $cmd, $tcl_log );
die ("DIE. expect/tcl exited with an error") if ($?) ;
} # tcl_tap_run
# open up the config file and get the arguments for this sys {{{
sub get_config
my $sys_name = shift ;
my $argvref = shift ;
my $confcppargs = join(' ', @{$opt{config_cpp_args}});
print "$prg: using config file $sims_config ($confcppargs)\n" ;
open (SIMS_CONFIG, "bw_cpp -P -B $confcppargs -undef -I$dv_root/$proj_vars{sims_config} $sims_config | ") or die "DIE. Could not open $sims_config" ;
my @sims_config_file = <SIMS_CONFIG> ;
close (SIMS_CONFIG) ;
my $sims_config_file = join ('', @sims_config_file) ;
my ($body) = ($sims_config_file =~ /<\s*$sys_name\s*>\s+(.*?)<\s*\/$sys_name\s*>/ogis) ;
die "DIE. could not find $sys_name in $sims_config" if (!defined $body) ;
my @argv = split (/\n/, $body) ;
foreach my $x (@argv)
next if ($x =~ /^\s*$/o); # Discard empty lines
$x =~ s/^\s*|\s*$// ; # Discard leading/trailing spaces
$x =~ s/(.*?)\s*$/$1/ ;
print "$prg: processing backtick(s) in arg \"$x\"\n" if($x=~/`/);
while ($x =~ /`(.*?)`/o) {
chomp(my $ex = `$1`);
print "$prg: expanding backtick \`$1\` => $ex\n" ;
$x =~ s/(`.*?`)/$ex/;
print "$prg: resolved backtick(s) in arg to \"$x\"\n" if ($x !~ /`/);
unshift (@{$argvref}, $x) ;
# Freeze tool versions: {{{
# Given a run_dir, make copy of all tver files.
# Construct an iver file pointing to these tvers
# Return string which is new value of env variable: TRE_SEARCH
sub freeze_tre
my $run_dir = shift ;
my $tre_search = "";
my $TRE_SEP = '/';
if ( -d "$run_dir/tre" and -f "$run_dir/tre/sims.iver" ) {
# recursive call. tre_search already filled in
# $tre_search = "$run_dir/tre/sims.iver" if $opt{use_iver} eq "";
return $tre_search;
my $entry = $TRE_SEP;
## $! = -1;
die "$prg: \$TRE_SEARCH not set!\n" unless exists $ENV{TRE_SEARCH};
die "$prg: \$TRE_SEARCH set to blank!\n" unless $ENV{TRE_SEARCH} =~ /\S/;
my @ivers = split ' ', $ENV{TRE_SEARCH};
my @tvers;
my %seen_tver;
foreach my $iver (@ivers) {
print "CHECK IVER: $iver\n" if $opt_debug;
my @tvers_from_iver = get_tvers_from_iver($iver);
foreach my $tver (@tvers_from_iver) {
if(not exists $seen_tver{$tver}) {
push @tvers, $tver;
$seen_tver{$tver} = 1;
## $! = 2;
die "$prg: Cannot find tver '$tver'!\n" unless -e $tver;
## at this point, all the tvers are now collected and in order
## we need to copy them to files in the run_dir directory
## and construct an iver that points to them.
`mkdir -p $run_dir/tre`;
die "$prg: cannot create $run_dir/tre: $!\n" if ($?);
my $tnum = 0;
my $iver = $run_dir . "/tre" . "/sims.iver";
$tre_search = File::Spec->rel2abs( $iver ); # clean up path
my $dest = "";
local (*IVER);
open IVER, "> $iver" or die "$prg: could not write to $iver: $!\n";
foreach my $tver ( @tvers ) {
$dest = sprintf "%s_%0d", "$run_dir/tre/sims.tver", $tnum;
$dest = File::Spec->rel2abs( $dest ); # clean up path, if relative
`cp $tver $dest`;
die "$prg: could not copy tver: $tver: to $dest\n" if ($?);
printf IVER "%s\n", $dest;
close IVER;
return $tre_search;
} # freeze_tre
# Misc routines {{{
sub expand_filename {
my $filename = shift;
$filename =~ s/^\s+//;
# twiddle expansion
$filename =~
s{ ^ ~ ([^/]*) }
{ $1 ? (getpwnam($1))[7] :
( $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid($>))[7]) }ex;
# environment variable expansion
$filename =~ s/\${*(\w+)}*/expand_env($1)/ge;
return $filename;
sub expand_env {
my $envvar = shift;
return $ENV{$envvar} if exists $ENV{$envvar};
die "$prg: Environment variable '$envvar' not defined!\n";
sub get_tvers_from_iver {
my $iver = shift;
local (*IVER);
$iver = expand_filename($iver);
return unless -e $iver;
open IVER, "<$iver" or die "$prg: Can't open '$iver': $!\n";
my @tvers;
while(<IVER>) {
$_ = expand_filename($_);
next unless /\S/;
print " -- tver file: $_\n" if $opt_debug;
push @tvers, $_;
return @tvers;
# assemble diag {{{
sub assemble_diag
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf diag.pal diag.s diag.exe mem.image diag.ev symbol.tbl` ;
die "DIE. could not clean up assembly diag run area" if ($?) ;
print "$prg: asm_diag_name=" . $opt{asm_diag_name} . " asm_diag_path=" . $opt{asm_diag_path} . " asm_diag_root=" . @{$opt{asm_diag_root}} . "\n" if $opt_debug ;
# find diagnostic
my $diag_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{asm_diag_name}, $opt{asm_diag_path}, $opt{asm_diag_root}) ;
my $diag_name ;
if ($opt{asm_diag_name} =~ /\.pal/) { $diag_name = "diag.pal" ; }
elsif ($opt{asm_diag_name} =~ /\.s\.gz/) { $diag_name = "diag.s.gz" ; }
else { $diag_name = "diag.s" ; }
# copy diagnostic to run area
`cp $diag_full_path $diag_name` ;
die ("DIE. unable to copy assembly diag to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w $diag_name` ;
die ("DIE. unable to permission of assembly diag") if ($?) ;
# gunzip if needed
if ($opt{asm_diag_name} =~ /\.s\.gz/)
`gzip -d diag.s.gz` ;
die ("DIE. unable to gunzip assembly diag") if ($?) ;
$diag_name = "diag.s" ;
$ENV{ASM_DIAG_NAME} = $opt{asm_diag_name};
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
# extract sims options from diag.s
if ($diag_name =~ /\.s/)
open (DIAGIN, "< diag.s") or die "DIE. Could not open diag.s" ;
while (<DIAGIN>)
my $line = $_ ;
if ($line =~ /^\!SIMS\+ARGS\:/)
my (@plusargs) = split (/\s+/, $line) ;
shift (@plusargs) ;
push (@ARGV, @plusargs) ;
print "$prg: Found sims arguments in diag.s: @plusargs\n" ;
parse_args ("dummy", 0) ;
close (DIAGIN) ;
# assemble
push (@{$opt{midas_args}}, "-DFAST_BOOT") if ($opt{fast_boot}) ;
push (@{$opt{midas_args}}, "-diag_root=$dv_root") ;
push (@{$opt{midas_args}}, "-DTG_SEED=$opt{tg_seed}") if ($opt{midas_use_tgseed}) ;
push (@{$opt{midas_args}}, "-pal_diag_args=-seed=$opt{tg_seed}") if ($opt{pal_use_tgseed}) ;
push (@{$opt{midas_args}}, "$diag_name") ;
print "$prg: assembling diag\n" ;
my $cmd = "midas " ;
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{midas_args}}) ;
print "$prg: $cmd\n";
my $waitstatus = call_program($cmd, "midas.log");
die ("DIE. midas compilation error") if ($waitstatus) ;
exit (0) if ($opt{midas_only}) ;
# call_program - runs a program, tee's the output to a log, and returns exit {{{
# status
sub call_program {
my $cmd = shift;
my $file = shift;
local (*PROGFH, *TEE);
open( PROGFH, "$cmd 2>&1 |" ) or die "Can't run '$cmd': $!\n";
open( TEE, ">$file" ) or die "Can't open '$file': $!\n";
my $old_fh = select(TEE);
$| = 1;
while(<PROGFH>) {
print TEE;
close( TEE );
close( PROGFH );
return $?;
# copy diag image{{{
sub copy_image
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf diag.pal diag.s diag.exe mem.image diag.ev symbol.tbl` ;
die ("DIE. could not clean up image run area") if ($?) ;
my $image_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{image_diag_name}, $opt{image_diag_path}, $opt{image_diag_root}) ;
`cp $image_full_path mem.image` ;
die ("DIE. unable to copy memory image into $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w mem.image` ;
die ("DIE. unable to change permission of memory image") if ($?) ;
$image_full_path =~ s/\.image/\.ev/ ;
`cp $image_full_path diag.ev` ;
die ("DIE. unable to copy diag event file into $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w diag.ev` ;
die ("DIE. unable to change permission of diag event file") if ($?) ;
$image_full_path =~ s/\.ev/\.tbl/ ;
`cp $image_full_path symbol.tbl` ;
die ("DIE. unable to copy symbol table file into $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w symbol.tbl` ;
die ("DIE. unable to change permission of symbol table") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
# copy efuse image {{{
sub copy_efuse_image
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf efuse.img` ;
die ("DIE. could not clean up efuse image from run area") if ($?) ;
my $efuse_image_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{efuse_image_name}, $opt{efuse_image_path}, $opt{efuse_image_root}) ;
`cp $efuse_image_full_path efuse.img` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy efuse image to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w efuse.img` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of efuse image") if ($?) ;
# generate efuse image {{{
sub generate_efuse_image
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf efuse.img` ;
die ("DIE. could not clean up efuse image from run area") if ($?) ;
my $cmd = " " ;
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{efc_args}}) ;
$cmd .= " -seed=$opt{tg_seed} " ;
print "$prg: $cmd\n" ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed efuse image generation") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w efuse.img` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of efuse image") if ($?) ;
# compile dftvert vera diag {{{
sub compile_dftvert_diag
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf diag.vr diag.vrpal diag.vro` ;
die ("DIE. could not clean up dftvert vera diag run area") if ($?) ;
my $vera_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{vera_diag_name}, $opt{vera_diag_path}, $opt{vera_diag_root}) ;
## ($opt{vera_diag_path}) = $vera_full_path =~ m/(.*)\//o;
if ( $vera_full_path =~ /\.vrpal$/ ) { # pal diag to be expanded
`cp -f $vera_full_path diag.vrpal` ;
die ("DIE. failed dftvert vera pal diag copy to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
my $pal_opts = join (" ", @{$opt{vera_pal_diag_args}}) ;
$pal_opts .= " -seed=$opt{tg_seed} " if ($opt{pal_use_tgseed}) ;
`pal $pal_opts -o diag.vr diag.vrpal`;
die ("DIE. failed dftvert vera pal diag expansion to diag.vr") if ($?) ;
} else {
`cp -f $vera_full_path diag.vr` ;
die ("DIE. failed dftvert vera diag copy to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w diag.vr` ;
die ("DIE. failed to change permission of dftvert vera diag") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
print "$prg: Compiling dftvert vera diag\n" ;
my $cmd = "/import/bw/tools/release/tools/dftvert,1.0 ";
$cmd .= "-srcdir $opt{env_base}/vera " ;
$cmd .= "-diagfile diag.vr " ;
$cmd .= "-resultdir . " ;
$cmd .= "-cmpdiag" ;
print "$prg: $cmd\n" ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed dftvert vera diag compilation") if ($?) ;
# compile vera/NTB diag {{{
# for NTB, the diag and bench are compiled together into one file.
# If vera_dummy_diag is specified and vera_diag_name is not, the dummy will
# be compiled and used. Normally a diag would be specified.
sub compile_vera_diag
my $cmd;
my $vera_full_path;
my $old_signature = 0;
# NTB all-in-one complie has no diag so always bail even if user specifies one.
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} && !$opt{ntb_lib}) {
print("$prg: Ignoring your Vera diag! Do not use NTB ALL method if you have diags!\n");
# get signature of previous diag.vr file if it exists.
# need this for NTB diags. If diag has not changed, the makefile won't
# remake the testbench pointlessly.
$old_signature = md5(`cat diag.vr`) if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} && -e "diag.vr");
# first clean up the run dir
`rm -rf diag.vr diag.vrpal diag.vro` ;
die ("DIE. could not clean up vera diag run area") if ($?) ;
# Override the vera diag name if not specified and dummy is specified
if (($opt{vera_dummy_diag} ne "" ) and ($opt{vera_diag_name} eq "")){
print "$prg: using the vera dummy diag $opt{vera_dummy_diag}\n";
# Dummy diag is expected to have FULL PATH
$vera_full_path = $opt{vera_dummy_diag};
} else {
# Find diag if dummy diag not specified and diag is ..
$vera_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{vera_diag_name},
$opt{vera_diag_path}, $opt{vera_diag_root});
if ( $vera_full_path =~ /\.vrpal$/ ) { # pal diag to be expanded
`cp -f $vera_full_path diag.vrpal` ;
die ("DIE. failed vera pal diag copy to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
my $pal_opts = join (" ", @{$opt{vera_pal_diag_args}}) ;
$pal_opts .= " -seed=$opt{tg_seed} " if ($opt{pal_use_tgseed}) ;
`pal $pal_opts -o diag.vr diag.vrpal`;
die ("DIE. failed vera pal diag expansion to diag.vr") if ($?) ;
} else {
`cp -pf $vera_full_path diag.vr` ; # preserve mod time (-p)
die ("DIE. failed vera diag copy to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w diag.vr` ;
die ("DIE. failed to change permission of vera diag") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
# Add defines for cov objects as diag args..
foreach my $obj (@{$opt{vera_cov_obj}})
$obj =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ ;
push (@{$opt{vera_diag_args}}, "-D$obj") ;
# ntb_lib, does NTB build of the diag AND bench together
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} && $opt{ntb_lib}) {
# stop dummy_diag from wastefully building during the regression build!
if (!$opt{vcs_run}) {
print "$prg: Not building NTB diag due to -novcs_run\n";
mkdir "ntb" if (! -d "ntb");
chdir "ntb" or die ("DIE. Can't cd to $ENV{PWD}/ntb") ;
# construct gmake command
$cmd = "gmake -f $opt{env_base}/vera/Makefile ";
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} && $opt{ntb_lib}) {
if ($opt{vcs_use_cli}) {
$cmd .= " VCS_USE_CLI=\"+cli -line\" ";
} elsif ($opt{vcs_use_ucli}) {
$cmd .= " VCS_USE_CLI=\"-debug_all\" ";
if ($opt{vcs_use_fsdb} or $opt{vcs_use_vcsd}) {
$cmd .= " VCS_USE_VCSD=+vcsd ";
push (@{$opt{vera_build_args}}, "+ver+lic+wait") ;
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{vera_build_args}}) ;
$cmd .= " NTB_DIAG_ARGS=" . join (" ", @{$opt{vera_diag_args}}) . "" ;
print "$prg: setenv VERA_LIBDIR $ENV{VERA_LIBDIR}\n";
$cmd .= " VERA_LIBDIR=. NTB_DIAG=diag.vr USE_NTB_LIB=1 ";
# do a clean of the diag/lib build dir if -vera_clean
if ($opt{vera_clean})
print "$prg: $cmd clean\n" ;
system ("$cmd clean") ;
die ("DIE. failed cleaning NTB lib build in $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`rm -f diag.vr` if (-e "diag.vr");
`ln -s ../diag.vr diag.vr`;
# touch diagChanged if prev and current diag signatures do not match
# or if no diagChanged file exists at all. Makefile looks at diagChanged.
# If user re-runs same diag, we don't want to rebuild bench pointlessly.
if (-e "diagChanged") {
`touch diagChanged` if (-e "diag.vr" && $old_signature ne md5(`cat diag.vr`));
} else {
`touch diagChanged`;
$cmd .= " ntb_diag";
push (@{$opt{vcs_run_args}}, "+ntb_load=ntb/");
print "$prg: Compiling NTB openVera diag plus bench in $ENV{PWD}\n" ;
} else {
# the Makefile should be doing this!!!
$cmd = "vera -cmp -max_error 5 -q -I $model_path/vera ";
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{vera_diag_args}}) ;
$cmd .= " diag.vr";
print "$prg: Compiling vera diag in $ENV{PWD}\n" ;
print "$prg: $cmd\n" ;
system ($cmd) ;
if ($?) {
chdir ".." if ( $opt{vcs_use_ntb} && $opt{ntb_lib} );
die ("DIE. failed vera diag compilation");
# vcs does not touch if nothing functional changed.
# if a user changes a comment in a source file then make always sees
# that file as being newer than and so we build when there
# is not reason to. Always touching at this point solves that issue.
# return from the NTB build area for this gmake if ntb_lib
chdir ".." if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} && $opt{ntb_lib});
# complile vera config {{{
sub compile_vera_config
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf config.vr config.vro`;
die ("DIE. could not clean up vera config run area") if ($?) ;
my $vera_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{vera_config_name}, $opt{vera_config_path}, $opt{vera_config_root}) ;
`cp -f $vera_full_path config.vr; chmod +w config.vr` ;
die ("DIE. failed vera config copy to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
print "$prg: Compiling vera config\n" ;
my $cmd = "vera -cmp -max_error 5 -q -I $model_path/vera ";
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{vera_diag_args}}) ;
$cmd .= " config.vr " ;
print "$prg: $cmd\n" ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. failed vera config compilation") if ($?) ;
# copy tap diag {{{
sub assemble_tap_diag
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf tap.cmd`;
die ("DIE. could not clean up tap run area") if ($?) ;
my $tap_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{tap_diag_name}, $opt{tap_diag_path}, $opt{tap_diag_root}) ;
`cp $tap_full_path diag.tap` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy tap diag to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w diag.tap` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of tap diag") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
# compile the tap diag
my $cmd = "tapasm" ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. could not assemble tap diag") if ($?) ;
# copy tpt diag {{{
sub copy_tpt
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf diag.tpt`;
die ("DIE. could not clean up tpt run area") if ($?) ;
my $tpt_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{tpt_diag_name}, $opt{tpt_diag_path}, $opt{tpt_diag_root}) ;
`cp $tpt_full_path diag.tpt` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy tpt diag to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w diag.tpt` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of tpt diag") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
# generate an sjm diag {{{
sub generate_sjm_diag
# first clean up the diag area
`rm -rf sjm_4.cmd sjm_5.cmd`;
die ("DIE. could not clean up sjm run area") if ($?) ;
my $cmd = " " ;
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{sjm_args}}) ;
$cmd .= " -seed=$opt{tg_seed} " ;
if (($opt{sjm_diag_name} ne "") or ($opt{sjm_diag_path} ne ""))
my $sjm_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{sjm_diag_name}, $opt{sjm_diag_path}, $opt{sjm_diag_root}) ;
`cp ${sjm_full_path}/sjm_4.cmd sjm_4.cmd` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy sjm_4 diag to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w sjm_4.cmd` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of sjm_4 diag") if ($?) ;
`cp ${sjm_full_path}/sjm_5.cmd sjm_5.cmd` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy sjm_5 diag to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w sjm_5.cmd` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of sjm_5 diag") if ($?) ;
elsif ($opt{tomatillo})
$cmd .= " -t " ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. could not generate tomatillo sjm diag") if ($?) ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. could not generate sjm diag") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
# generate an pci diag {{{
sub generate_pci_diag
# first clean up the diag area
# `rm -rf pci_4.cmd pci_5.cmd`;
# die ("DIE. could not clean up pci run area") if ($?) ;
my $cmd = " " ;
$cmd .= join (" ", @{$opt{pci_args}}) ;
$cmd .= " -seed=$opt{tg_seed} " ;
if (($opt{pci_diag_name} ne "") or ($opt{pci_diag_path} ne ""))
my $pci_full_path = &find_diag_path ($opt{pci_diag_name}, $opt{pci_diag_path}, $opt{pci_diag_root}) ;
`cp ${pci_full_path}/* .` ;
die ("DIE. could not copy pci diag to $ENV{PWD}") if ($?) ;
`chmod +w *` ;
die ("DIE. could not change permission of pci diag") if ($?) ;
elsif ($opt{tomatillo})
$cmd .= " -t " ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. could not generate tomatillo pci diag") if ($?) ;
system ($cmd) ;
die ("DIE. could not generate pci diag") if ($?) ;
# pre process if needed
&pre_process ;
# locate a diag based on diag_root, diag_path and diag_name {{{
sub find_diag_path
my $diag_name = shift ;
my $diag_path = shift ;
my $diag_root = shift ;
my @full_path = () ;
print "$prg: locating diag $diag_name\n" ;
if (($diag_path ne "") and (-e "${diag_path}/$diag_name"))
push (@full_path, "${diag_path}/$diag_name\n") ;
foreach my $root (@{$diag_root})
print "$prg: Looking for diag under $root\n" ;
@full_path = `find $root -follow -name '$diag_name'`;
last if ($#full_path > -1) ;
if ($#full_path == -1) { die ("DIE. no diag with name $diag_name found") ; }
if ($#full_path > 0) { die ("DIE. multiple diags with name $diag_name found") ; }
chomp $full_path[0];
print "$prg: Found diag under $full_path[0]\n" ;
return $full_path[0] ;
# parse all arguments from command line and config file {{{
sub parse_args
my $sys = shift ;
my $doconfig = shift ;
if ( $opt{vcs_full64} ) {
push (@{$opt{config_cpp_args}}, "-DSIMS_64BIT");
print "$prg: added -DSIMS_64BIT to config_cpp_args\n" ;
&get_config ($sys, \@ARGV) if ($opt{use_config} and $doconfig) ;
#print "\@ARGV: @{ARGV}\n" if $opt_debug;
foreach my $q (0 .. $#ARGV)
($ARGV[$q] =~ s/(-.*?)=(.*)/$1=\"$2\"/) if (($ARGV[$q] =~ /\s/) and ($ARGV[$q] !~ /-.*?="/)) ; #"
GetOptions (\%opt,
foreach my $x (@ARGV)
if ($x =~ /\.s/) { $opt{asm_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.pal/) { $opt{asm_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.s\.gz/) { $opt{asm_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.tpt/) { $opt{tpt_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.tap/) { $opt{tap_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.image/) { $opt{image_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.vrpal/) { $opt{vera_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.vr/) { $opt{vera_diag_name} = $x ; }
elsif ($x =~ /\.dat/) { $opt{efuse_image_name} = $x ; }
# Override the vera diag name if not specified and dummy is specified
if (($opt{vera_dummy_diag} ne "" ) and ($opt{vera_diag_name} eq "")){
print "$prg: vera dummy diag specified as $opt{vera_dummy_diag}\n";
#$opt{vera_diag_name} = $opt{vera_dummy_diag};
# set environment variables
if (scalar(@{$opt{sims_env}})) {
foreach my $ex (@{$opt{sims_env}}) {
$ex =~ /(\w+)=(.*)/;
if (defined $ENV{$1}) {
print "$prg: overriding ENV{$1}=$2\n";
} else {
print "$prg: setting ENV{$1}=$2\n";
# expand environment variables
$opt{env_base} =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g ;
$opt{sunv_nonprim_list} =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g ;
# if -nobuild specified disable all build options
if ($opt{build} == 0)
$opt{sunv_run} = 0 ;
$opt{vcs_build} = 0 ;
$opt{ncv_build} = 0 ;
$opt{vera_build} = 0 ;
$opt{zeroIn_build} = 0 ;
$opt{zeroInSearch_build} = 0 ;
$opt{axis_build} = 0 ;
$opt{palladium_build} = 0 ;
$opt{hcs_build} = 0 ;
# generate a random number generator seed if not specified
if ($opt{tg_seed} == -1)
my $seed ;
open (RANDOM, "< /dev/random") or die "DIE. Could not open /dev/random" ;
sysread (RANDOM, $seed, 4) ;
close (RANDOM) ;
$opt{tg_seed} = unpack ("L*", $seed) & 0x7fffffff;
print "$prg: using random seed $opt{tg_seed}\n" ;
# let ntb over ride vera so users can try NTB from the command line w/o having
# to edit the bench config file.
if ($opt{vcs_use_ntb} and $opt{vcs_use_vera})
undef $opt{vcs_use_vera};
undef $opt{vera_run};
$opt{drm_license} =~ s/,*vera=1//o; # No Vera license required ..
# get options from the diaglist if necessary {{{
sub get_opt_from_diaglist
# put the pre-processed diaglist in here
die ("DIE. Diag list $diaglist not found") if (! -f $diaglist) ;
print "$prg: processing diaglist ($diaglist)..\n" ;
my $diagcppargs = join(' ', @{$opt{diaglist_cpp_args}});
system ("bw_cpp -B -undef $diagcppargs -I$dv_root/verif/diag $diaglist > master_diaglist") ;
die ("DIE. Could not pre-process the master_diaglist") if ($?) ;
# open the diaglist and look for the group in it
my $diagList = DiagList->new ("master_diaglist", $opt{null}, ${$opt{group}} [0]) ;
my $group = $diagList->find_group (${$opt{group}} [0]) ;
die ("DIE. Group name $opt{group} not found in diag list $diaglist") if (! defined $group) ;
my @tags = $group->build_tags () ;
die ("DIE. Group name $opt{group} corrresponds to multiple build tags") if ($#tags > 0) ;
my $tag = $tags [0] ;
my $buildargs = $diagList->build_args ($tag) ;
my ($sys) = ($buildargs =~ /sys\s*=\s*([a-z0-9_]+)\s*/i) ;
foreach my $diagname ($group->list_diags($tag))
my $diag = $group->find_diag($tag, $diagname) ;
my $alias = $diag->get_name () ;
if ($alias eq $opt{alias})
my @runargs = $diag->get_cmd_argv() ;
print "$prg: found alias $alias with arguments -sys=$sys @runargs\n" ;
unshift (@ARGV, "-sys=$sys") ;
unshift (@ARGV, @runargs) ;
return ;
die ("DIE. The alias $opt{alias} could not be found in the diaglist") ;
# format 64bit dump_start/stop time into t+ht {{{
sub bigtime2plus
use Math::BigInt;
my $time = shift;
my $btime = Math::BigInt->new($time);
return (($btime&4294967295)."+".($btime>>32));
# deep copy any data structure {{{
sub deep_copy {
my $this = shift;
if (not ref $this) {
} elsif (ref $this eq "SCALAR") {
} elsif (ref $this eq "ARRAY") {
[map deep_copy($_), @$this];
} elsif (ref $this eq "HASH") {
+{map { $_ => deep_copy($this->{$_}) } keys %$this};
} else { die "DIE deep_copy: what type is $_?\n" }
# # ##### # ##### #######
# # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
# # ##### # # # #### #####
# # # ####### # # #
# # # # # # # # #
##### ##### # # ##### #######
sub usage
print <<EOF;
sims - Verilog rtl simulation environment and regression script
sims [args ...]
where args are:
NOTE: Use "=" instead of "space" to separate args and their options.
sys is a pointer to a specific testbench configuration
to be built and run. a config file is used to associate
the sys with a set of default options to build the
testbench and run diagnostics on it. the arguments
in the config file are the same as the arguments passed
on the command line.
group name identifies a set of diags to run in a
regression. The presence of this argument indicates
that this is a regession run. the group must be found
in the diaglist. multiple groups may be specified to be
run within the same regression.
NOTE: If -sys=NAME option is specified then NAME.diaglist
is used as root diaglist instead of the master diaglist.
-group=NAME -alias=ALIAS
this combination of options gets the diag run time options
from the diaglist based on the given group and alias.
the group must be found in the diaglist. the alias is
made up of diag_alias:name_tag. only one group should be
specified when using this command format.
defines which job queue manager command to use to launch jobs.
Defaults to /bin/sh and runs simulation jobs on the local machine.
full path to flist to be appended together to generate the
final verilog flist. multiple such arguments may be used and
each flist will be concatenated into the final verilog flist
used to build the model.
GRAFTFILE is the full path to a file that lists each verilog
file that will be grafted into the design. the full path to
the verilog files must also be given in the GRAFTFILE.
verilog file to be included into the flist
each such parameter is place as a `define in config.v to
configure the model being built properly. this allows
each testbench to select only the rtl code that it needs
from the top level rtl file (ciop.v in blackwidow).
the name of a model to be built. the full path to a model
is MODEL_DIR/model/vcs_rel_name.
specify the release of the model to be built. the full path
to a model is MODEL_DIR/model/vcs_rel_name.
builds a vcs model and the vera testbench. defaults to off.
vcs compile options. multiple options can be specified using
multiple such arguments.
wipes out the model directory and rebuilds it from scratch.
defaults to off.
sets the vcs -full64 compile flag so that the compiler is a
64 bit executable, and produces a 64 bit executable simv.
will use the 64 bit version of vera, and link in the 64 bit
versions of 0in, debussy, and denali tools.
builds a 2state model instead of the default 4state model.
this defaults to off.
initialize all registers to a valid state (1/0).
this feature works with -tg_seed to set the seed of the random
initialization. this defaults to off.
use the debussy fsdb pli and include the dump calls in the
testbench. this defaults to on.
use the vcs direct kernel interface to dump out debussy files.
this defaults to on.
compile in the vera libraries. if -vcs_use_ntb and -vcs_use_vera are
used, -vcs_use_ntb wins.
this defaults to off.
enable the use of NTB when building model (simv) and running simv.
if -vcs_use_ntb and -vcs_use_vera are used, -vcs_use_ntb wins.
this defaults to off.
use the +rad option when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
build vcs model (simv) with an sdf file.
defaults to off.
use incremental +rad when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
this is now permanently disabled as synopsys advises against
using it.
use the +cli -line options when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
use this switch, in conjunction with -nosimslog during runtime
if you need to pass ctrl-c to the vcs/axis model and continue
with CLI activity.
Use this with VCS versions before 2006.
-vcs_use_ucli/-novcs_use_ucli (Unified cli)
use the -debug_all option when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
use this switch, in conjunction with -nosimslog during runtime
if you need to pass ctrl-c to the vcs/axis model and continue
with UCLI activity.
At runtime, use -vcs_run_arg=-ucli to get the UCLI at time zero,
or use -vcs_run_arg=-gui to get the UCLI GUI at time zero.
At runtime, use -vcs_run_arg=-tbug to get NTB debug in the GUI.
Use this with VCS versions 2006 and up.
builds a ncverilog model and the vera testbench. defaults to off.
ncverilog compile options. multiple options can be specified using
multiple such arguments.
wipes out the model directory and rebuilds it from scratch.
defaults to off.
builds the systemc model.
VERA and NTB share all of the vera options except a few.
See NTB RELATED section below.
builds the vera/ntb testbench. default on.
performs a gmake clean on the vera/ntb testbench before building
the model. defaults to off.
vera/NTB testbench compile time options.
Multiple options can be specified using multiple such
options. these are passed as arguments to the gmake call
when building the vera/NTB testbench.
(Eg: -vera_build_args=VERA_SYS_DEFS=\"-DSPC_BENCH -DGATESIM\")
For NTB, -vera_build_args=NTB_BUILD_ARGS=\"+error+10 -ntb_define ABCD\"
can be used to add something directly to the \"vcs -ntb_cmp\" command.
For the -ntb_lib option, NTB_BUILD_ARGS will affect both the vshell and
bench+diag builds. See -vera_diag_args to not affect the vshell build.
vera/ntb diag compile time options.
Multiple options can be specified using multiple such
options. For Vera, these args are appended to the
\"vera -cmp ...\" command for the diag only.
(Eg: -vera_diag_args=\"-max_error 10\" or -vera_diag_args=-DNCU_ACK_DLY1=100)
For NTB, these args are passed as arguments to the gmake
call as NTB_DIAG_ARGS=\" ...\" to be part of the NTB
bench+diag compile. These NTB_DIAG_ARGS are appended to
the \"vcs -ntb_cmp\" command when making the so
they better be legal in that context. For NTB, these args
really affect the entire bench build, not just the diag,
BUT they they do not affect the vshell build.
(Eg. -vera_diag_args=+error+10 or -vera_diag_args=\"-ntb_define NCU_ACK_DLY1=100\")
This option is used to give vera/NTB a path to a default
diag or diag class (or a default program top if using RVM)
that can be used for building purposes before an actual
diag is chosen (NTB build of vshell file before regression
for example).
Also, some benches may run both asm and vera diags but the
vera diags are only run sometimes. In this case, you need a
dummy vera testcase class/program top to fill in when an
actual vera diag is not being used for that run (aka the
sometimes diag problem). If your openVera code refers to a
testcase class, you better have one even if it does nothing
else you will not be able to build. The dummy lets you
build. If your diag is implemented as the program top
(RVM) then the dummy must have #includes for ALL of your
vera interfaces or your vshell will be broken.
Whenever the actual vera/NTB diag is specified, the dummy
is automatically *not* used (at regression time for
example). The vera_dummy_diag should be specified in the
bench config file. This option applies to Vera and NTB
(but NTB only when using the -ntb_lib option).
vera/ntb pal diag expansion options
(i.e. "pal OPTIONS -o diag.vr diag.vrpal")
multiple options can be specified using multiple such arguments.
vera proj file generation options. multiple options can be
specified using multiple such arguments.
name of the vera vcon file that is used when running the simulation.
this argument is passed to the vera Makefile as a OBJ=1 and to
vera as -DOBJ to enable a given vera coverage object. multiple
such arguments can be specified for multiple coverage objects.
this argument optionally lets the flow skip running gmake for the
vera/NTB build, while maintaining other operations within the
-vera_build flow. default ON (execute gmake)
NTB and VERA share all of the vera options except these:
enable the use of NTB (compiled vera) rather than the
conventional Vera. if -vcs_use_ntb and -vcs_use_vera are
used at once, then -vcs_use_ntb wins. defaults to off.
enables the NTB 2 part compile where the openVera files
get compiled separately into a file which is
dynamically loaded by vcs at runtime. The file
is built by the Vera/NTB Makefile, not sims. Use the
Makefile to affect the build. If not using -ntb_lib, sims
will build VCS and the openVera files together in one
pass (uses Makefile to affect that build as well). default
is off.
The ntb_lib method is know as the NTB LIB method. When not
using this ntb_lib method, the ALL IN ONE method is used.
The NTB LIB method allows the bench to run unique openVera diags
that are separate from the bench (via a diaglist if desired).
The NTB ALL IN ONE method does not allow the bench to run
unique openVera diags that are separate from the bench.
Use this for benches that do not run openVera diags
(perhaps the bench only runs asm diags
runs the ncverilog/vcs simulation and loads in the vera proj file
or the ntb file. defaults to on.
signals the bench to dump in VCD format
the name of the vcd dump file. if the file name starts with
a "/", that is the file dumped to, otherwise, the actual file is
created under tmp_dir/vcdfile and copied back to the current
directory when the simulation ends. use "-vcdfile=`pwd`/filename"
to force the file to be written in the current directory directly
(not efficient since dumping is done over network instead of to
a local disk).
runs the vcs simulation (simv). defaults to off.
vcs (simv) runtime options. multiple options can be specified
using multiple such arguments.
The order of vcs_run_args (plusargs) given to simv is:
args embedded in diag (using !SIMS+ARGS: ..), if any
args given in the command line, if any
args from diaglist : alias definition, if any
args from diaglist : <runargs>..</runargs>, if any
args from the config file, if any
forces vcs to finish and exit at the specified timestamp.
speeds up booting when using the ciop model. this passes the
+fast_boot switch to the simv run and the -sas_run_args=-DFAST_BOOT
and -midas_args=-DFAST_BOOT to sas and midas. Also sends
-DFAST_BOOT to the diaglist and config file preprocessors.
enable debussy dump. this must be implemented in the testbench
to work properly. defaults to off.
start dumping out a waveform after START number of units
stop dumping out a waveform after STOP number of units
runs fsdb2vcd after the simulation has completed to generate a vcd file.
the name of the debussy dump file.
If the file name starts with a "/", that is the file dumped to,
otherwise, the actual file is created under tmp_dir/fsdbfile
and copied back to the current directory when the simulation ends.
Use "-fsdbfile=`pwd`/filename" to force the file to be
written in the current directory directly (not efficient since
dumping is done over network instead of to a local disk).
max size of Debussy dump file. minimum value is 32MB.
Latest values of signal values making up that size is saved.
turn on glitch and sequence dumping in fsdb file. this will collect
glitches and sequence of events within time in the fsdb waveform.
beware that this will cause the fsdb file size to grow significantly.
this is turned off by default. this option effectively does this:
rerun the simulation from an existing regression run directory.
overwrite current run dir when doing a -rerun. default is to
create a rerun_<n> subdir for reruns.
post processing command to be run after vcs (simv) run completes
pre processing command to be run before vcs (simv) run starts
use FILE as the .denalirc in the run area. Default copies
runs the NC-Verilog simulation (ncsim). defaults to off.
ncsim runtime options. multiple options can be specified
using multiple such arguments.
rerun the simulation from an existing regression run directory.
you can just say "% sims -rerun", and sims will automatically
extract the required arguments.
overwrite current run dir when doing a -rerun. default is to
create a rerun_<n> subdir for reruns.
enable debussy dump. this must be implemented in the testbench
to work properly. defaults to off.
runs the vlint program. defaults to off.
vlint options. The <sysName>.config file can contain
the desired vlint arguments, or they can also be given on
the command line. Typically the -vlint_compile is given
on the command line.
vlint also requires identification of a rules deck.
run illust after x2e
illust options
top level module on which to run vlint
runs the verix program. defaults to off.
specify the library files to add to the vlist
verix template options. The <sysName>.config file can contain
these desired verix arguments
verix also requires <top>.verix.tmplt in the config dir.
top level module on which to run verix
build a model to be run on the Hammer Hardware Accelerator.
build arguments for Hammer Hardware Accelerator
run a model on the Hammer Hardware Accelerator.
run arguments for the Hammer Hardware Accelerator.
tokens for drmsubmit licenses
build a model to be run on the Axis Hardware Accelerator.
build arguments for Axis Hardware Accelerator
run a model on the Axis Hardware Accelerator.
run arguments for the Axis Hardware Accelerator.
build a model to be run on the palladium Hardware Accelerator.
build arguments for palladium Hardware Accelerator
run a model on the palladium Hardware Accelerator.
run arguments for the palladium Hardware Accelerator.
run 0in checklist
build 0In pli for simulation into vcs model
build 0in search pli for simulation into vcs model
additional arguments to be passed to the 0in command
additional debug arguments to be passed to the 0in shell
run architecture-simulator. If vcs_run option is OFF,
simulation is sas-only. If vcs_run option is ON, sas
runs in lock-step with rtl. default to off.
Define arguments for sas.
run tcl/expect TAP program. If vcs_run option is OFF,
simulation is tcl-only. If vcs_run option is ON, tcl
runs in lock-step with rtl. default to off.
NOTE: You _must_ compile with -tcl_tap as well, to enable
to enable functions that are needed for running with tcl
Define top level tcl/expect diag name.
midas is the diag assembler
arguments for midas. midas creates memory image and user-event
files from the assembly diag.
Compile the diag using midas and exit without running it.
Add -DTG_SEED=tg_seed to midas command line. Use -tg_seed to
set the value passed to midas or use a random value from /dev/random.
pci is the tomatillo pci bus functional model
arguments to be passed in to for generation of a pci
random diagnostic.
generates a random pci diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided.
default is off.
generates a random tomatillo diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided
random generator seed for pci/tomatillo random test generators
also the value passed to +initreg+ to randomly initialize registers
when -vcs_use_initreg is used.
sjm is the jalapeno jbus bus functional model
arguments to be passed in to for generation of an sjm
random diagnostic.
generates a random sjm diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided.
default is off.
generates a random tomatillo diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided
random generator seed for sjm/tomatillo random test generators
also the value passed to +initreg+ to randomly initialize registers
when -vcs_use_initreg is used.
EFCGEN is a script to generate efuse.img files (default random),
which is used by the efuse controller after reset.
It is invoked by -efc.
generates an efuse image file using the -tg_seed if provided.
default is off. Random if no -efc_args specified.
arguments to be passed in to for generation of
an efuse image file.
Default is random efuse replacement for each block.
random generator seed for script
also the value passed to +initreg+ to randomly initialize
registers when -vcs_use_initreg is used.
passes in the -cm switch to vcs at build time and simv at runtime
default to off.
argument to be given to the -cm switch
argument to be given to the -cm_cond switch.
argument to be given to the -cm_hier switch
argument to be given to the -cm_fsmcfg switch
specifies an FSM coverage configuration file
argument to be given to the -cm_name switch. defaults to cm_data.
modifies the sims flow to accomodate dftvert. this skips compiling
the vera testbench and modifies the simv command line at runtime.
pretend this is a regression and run the job in DRMJOBSCRATCHSPACE
instead of the launch directory. useful with -indrm and
-interactive options and single jobs. automatically added for
this is a master switch to disable all building options.
there is no such thing as -build to enable all build options.
copy back all files to launch directory after passing
regression run. Normally, only failing runs cause a
copy back of files.
Default is off.
copy back dump file to launch directory after passing
regression run. Normally, only failing runs cause a copy
back of non-log files. The file copied back is vcs.fsdb,
or vcs.vcd if -fsdb2vcd option is set.
Default is off.
copy back files using 'tar'. This only works in copyall or
in the case the simulations 'fails' (per sims' determination).
Default is to use 'cp'.
If the assembly diag has a Perl portion at the end, it
is put into and is run as a Perl script.
This allows you to give arguments to that Perl script.
The arguments accumulate, if the option is used multiple
Send '-seed=<tg_seed_value> to pal diags. Adds
-pal_diag_args=-seed=tg_seed to midas command line, and
-seed=tg_seed to pal options (vrpal diags). Use -tg_seed to set
the value passed to midas or use a random value from /dev/random.
when specifying multiple groups for regressions this switch will
submit each group to DReAM to be executed as a separate regression.
this has the effect of speeding up regression submissions.
NOTE: This switch must not be used with -indrm
runs the specified group multiple times in regression mode. this
is useful when we want to run the same diag multiple times using
a different random generator seed each time or some such.
specify the name of the regression
This flag is used to produce a report of a an old or running
regression. With -group options, sims produces the report
after the regression run. Report for the previous
regression run can be produced using -regress_id=ID
option along with this option,
masks for vcs simulation termination. Simulation terminates
when it hits 'good_trap' or 'bad_trap'. For multithread
simulation, simulation terminates when any of the thread
hits bad_trap, or all the threads specified by the finish_mask
hits the good_trap.
example: -finish_mask=0xe
Simulation will be terminated by good_trap, if thread 1, 2 and
3 hits the good_trap.
mask for vcs simulation termination. Simulation ends when the
stub driving the relevant bit in the mask is asserted. This
is a hexadecimal value similar to -finish_mask
passes a +wait_cycle_to_kill to the simv run. a testbench
may chose to implement this plusarg to delay killing a
simulation by a number of clock cycles to allow collection
of some more data before exiting (e.g. waveform).
passes a +TIMEOUT to the simv run.
sets the number of clock cycles after all threads have become
inactive for the diag to exit with an error. if all threads hit
good trap on their own the diag exits right away. if any of the
threads is inactive without hitting good trap/bad trap the
rtl_timeout will be reached and the diag fails. default is 1000.
this is only implemented in the cmp based testbenches.
passes a +max_cycle to the simv run.
sets the maximum number of clock cycle that the diag will take
to complete. the default is 30000. if max_cycle is hit the diag
exits with a failure. not all testbenches implement this
Does not run (if it exists) after simv (vcs) run.
Use this option if, for some reason, you want to run an
existing assembly diag without the Perl part that is in
the original diag.
turns off redirection of sas stdout to the sas.log file.
use this option when doing interactive runs with sas.
turns off redirection of stdout and stderr to the sims.log
file. use this option in conjunction with -vcs_use_cli or
-vcs_use_ucli to get to the cli prompt when using vcs or to
see a truncated vcs.log file that exited with an
error. this must be used if you want control-c to work
while vcs is running.
turns off compression of log files before they are copied over
during regressions.
print version number.
prints this
full path to iver file for frozen tools
For reruns of regression tests only, use sims.iver to choose
TRE tool versions saved during original regression run.
Defaults to true.
Uses the frozen iver file located under DV_ROOT if present.
This defaults to true. This has no effect if an iver file
is not found under the cdms tree.
absolute path to design root directory. this overrides DV_ROOT.
absolute path to model root directory. this overrides MODEL_DIR.
path where temporary files such as debussy dumps will be created
full path to sims config file
force sims to set ENVAR variable to specified value.
this specifies the root directory for the bench environment.
it is typically defined in the bench config file. It has no
this allows the user to provide CPP arguments (defines/undefines)
that will be used when the testbench configuration file is
processed through cpp. Multiple options are concatenated
this allows the regression run to be launched from a different
directory than the one sims was launced from. defaults to
full path to diaglist file
this allows the user to provide CPP arguments (defines/undefines)
that will be used when the diaglist file is processed through
cpp. Multiple options are concatenated together.
name of the diagnostic to be run.
absolute path to diag root directory. sims will perform a find
from here to find the specified type of diag. if more than one
instance of the diag name is found under root sims exits with
an error. this option can be specified multiple times to allow
multiple roots to be searched for the diag.
absolute path to diag directory. sims expects the specified
diag to be in this directory. the last value of this option
is the one used as the path.
assume we are in ClearCase environment for setting DV_ROOT and
launching DReAM commands. default is off (CDMS++ version control)
force clearcase option off
ClearCase path to design root directory. this overrides CC_DV_ROOT.
Please refer to the drmsubmit man pages for more info on the following.
resubmits any sims command to DReAM.
this is used in conjunction with -group to prevent a regression from
being submitted to DReAM. this will effectively run each job serially
on the local machine where the job was launched.
e.g. sims -group=ciop_regr -noindrm
resubmits any sims command to DReAM and runs it as an interactive session.
this effectively adds -i -m to the drmsubmit command.
the type constraint for DReAM jobs. This constraint determines
the queue where a job will be submitted. The project is hardcoded
to be bw in sims. this deafults to vcs.
the file specifying constraints for DReAM jobs. If this option
is specified, other -drm_* options are ignored.
the cpufreq constraint for DReAM jobs.
the disk constraint for DReAM jobs.
the freeram constraint for DReAM jobs.
the freeswap constraint for DReAM jobs.
the free processor constraint for DReAM jobs.
the totprocessor constraint for DReAM jobs.
the priority constraint for DReAM jobs.
the license constraint for DReAM jobs. this defaults to [vcs=1,vera=1].
sims sets the following ENV variables that may be used with pre/post
processing scripts, and other internal tools:
ASM_DIAG_NAME : Contains the assembly diag name.
SIMS_LAUNCH_DIR : Path to launch directory where sims is running the
job. Useful when job is run in dream scratch space.
VERA_LIBDIR : Dir where Vera/NTB files are compiled or results are stored.
DV_ROOT : -dv_root if specifed
MODEL_DIR : -model_dir if specified
TRE_SEARCH : Based on -use_iver, -use_cdms_iver -use_sims_iver
DENALI : Based on configsrch
VCS_HOME : Based on configsrch
VERA_HOME : Based on configsrch
+args are not implemented in sims. they are passed directly to vcs at
compile time and simv at runtime. the plusargs listed here are for
reference purposes only.
+STACK_DIMM 32 bits physical address space - default is 31 bits
+STACK_DIMM +RANK_DIMM 33 bits physical address space - default is 31 bits
+max_cycle see -max_cycle
+TIMEOUT see -rtl_timeout
+vcs+finish see -vcs_finish
+wait_cycle_to_kill see -wait_cycle_to_kill
sims is the frontend for vcs to run single simulations and regressions
Build models
Build a model using DV_ROOT as design root
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_build
Build the vera testbench only using DV_ROOT as design root
sims -sys=cmp -vera_build
Build a model from any design root
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_build -dv_root=/home/regress/2002_06_03
Build a graft model from any design root
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_build -dv_root=/model/2002_06_03 \
Build a model and re-build the vera
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_build -vera_clean
Build a model and turn off incremental compile
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_build -vcs_clean
Build a model with a given name
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_build -vcs_rel_name=mymodel
Run a diag with default model
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_run diag.s
Run a diag with a specified model
sims -sys=cmp -vcs_rel_name=mymodel -vcs_run diag.s
Run a diag with debussy dump with default model
sims -sys=cmp -debussy -vcs_run diag.s <dump scope args>
Run a diag using arguments form specified alias in a diaglist
sims -vcs_run -sys=spc2 -group isa_mt -alias=isa_mmu_21:isa_mt isa_mmu_21.s
Run regressions
Run a regression using DV_ROOT as design root
sims -group=mini
Run a regression using DV_ROOT as design root and specify the diaglist
sims -group=mini -diaglist=/home/user/my_dialist
Run a regression using any design root
sims -group=mini -dv_root=/afara/design/regress/model/2002_06_03
Run a regression using any design root and a graft model
sims -group=mini -dv_root=/regress/model/2002_06_03 \
Rerun a diag in a regression (in new rerun_x subdir)
sims -rerun
Rerun a diag, overwriting same directory
sims -rerun -overwrite
# POD {{{
B<Sims(1.272) modified for release with OpenSparc T2 (SUN Niagara-2 Design)>
=head1 NAME
sims - Verilog rtl simulation environment and regression script
sims [args ...]
where args are:
B<IMPORTANT: Use "=" instead of "space" to separate args and their options.>
sys is a pointer to a specific testbench configuration
to be built and run. a config file is used to associate
the sys with a set of default options to build the
testbench and run diagnostics on it. the arguments
in the config file are the same as the arguments passed
on the command line.
group name identifies a set of diags to run in a
regression. The presence of this argument indicates
that this is a regession run. the group must be found
in the diaglist. multiple groups may be specified to be
run within the same regression.
B<Note: If -sys=NAME option is specified then NAME.diaglist
is used as root diaglist instead of the master diaglist.>
-group=NAME -alias=ALIAS
this combination of options gets the diag run time options
from the diaglist based on the given group and alias.
the group must be found in the diaglist. the alias is
made up of diag_alias:name_tag. only one group should be
specified when using this command format.
-sim_q_command="command ... ... ... "
'command' is essentially a script you have devised
that allows you to dispatch your job on a free available CPU resource
in an effort to parallelize your runs (which can be substantial in number
depending on how many diags or tests are declared in the diaglist file.
Defaults to /bin/sh and runs simulation jobs on local machine.
full path to flist to be appended together to generate the
final verilog flist. multiple such arguments may be used and
each flist will be concatenated into the final verilog flist
used to build the model.
GRAFTFILE is the full path to a file that lists each verilog
file that will be grafted into the design. the full path to
the verilog files must also be given in the GRAFTFILE.
verilog file to be included into the flist
each such parameter is place as a `define in config.v to
configure the model being built properly. this allows
each testbench to select only the rtl code that it needs
from the top level rtl file (ciop.v in blackwidow).
specify the name of the simulation binary to be built. the full path
to a model is $MODEL_DIR/$sys/$model_rel_name.
builds a ncverilog model and the vera testbench. defaults to off.
ncverilog compile options. multiple options can be specified using
multiple such arguments.
wipes out the model directory and rebuilds it from scratch.
defaults to off.
builds a vcs model and the vera testbench. defaults to off.
vcs compile options. multiple options can be specified using
multiple such arguments.
wipes out the model directory and rebuilds it from scratch.
defaults to off.
sets the vcs -full64 compile flag so that the compiler is a
64 bit executable, and produces a 64 bit executable simv.
will use the 64 bit version of vera, and link in the 64 bit
versions of 0in, debussy, and denali tools.
initialize all registers to a valid state (1/0).
this feature works with -tg_seed to set the seed of the random
initialization. this defaults to off.
use the debussy fsdb pli and include the dump calls in the
testbench. this defaults to on.
use the vcs direct kernel interface to dump out debussy files.
this defaults to on.
compile in the vera libraries. if -vcs_use_ntb and -vcs_use_vera are
used, -vcs_use_ntb wins.
this defaults to off.
enable the use of NTB when building model (simv) and running simv.
if -vcs_use_ntb and -vcs_use_vera are used, -vcs_use_ntb wins.
this defaults to off.
use the +rad option when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
build vcs model (simv) with an sdf file.
defaults to off.
use incremental +rad when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
this is now permanently disabled as synopsys advises against
using it.
use the +cli -line options when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
use this switch, in conjunction with -nosimslog during runtime
if you need to pass ctrl-c to the vcs/axis model and continue
with CLI activity.
Use this with VCS versions before 2006.
-vcs_use_ucli/-novcs_use_ucli (Unified cli)
use the -debug_all option when building a vcs model (simv).
defaults to off.
use this switch, in conjunction with -nosimslog during runtime
if you need to pass ctrl-c to the vcs/axis model and continue
with UCLI activity.
At runtime, use -vcs_run_arg=-ucli to get the UCLI at time zero,
or use -vcs_run_arg=-gui to get the UCLI GUI at time zero.
At runtime, use -vcs_run_arg=-tbug to get NTB debug in the GUI.
Use this with VCS versions 2006 and up.
VERA and NTB share all of the vera options except a few.
See NTB RELATED section below.
builds the vera/ntb testbench. default on.
performs a gmake clean on the vera/ntb testbench before building
the model. defaults to off.
vera/NTB testbench compile time options.
Multiple options can be specified using multiple such
options. these are passed as arguments to the gmake call
when building the vera/NTB testbench.
(Eg: -vera_build_args=VERA_SYS_DEFS=\"-DSPC_BENCH -DGATESIM\")
For NTB, -vera_build_args=NTB_BUILD_ARGS=\"+error+10 -ntb_define ABCD\"
can be used to add something directly to the \"vcs -ntb_cmp\" command.
For the -ntb_lib option, NTB_BUILD_ARGS will affect both the vshell and
bench+diag builds. See -vera_diag_args to not affect the vshell build.
vera/ntb diag compile time options.
Multiple options can be specified using multiple such
options. For Vera, these args are appended to the
\"vera -cmp ...\" command for the diag only.
(Eg: -vera_diag_args=\"-max_error 10\" or -vera_diag_args=-DNCU_ACK_DLY1=100)
For NTB, these args are passed as arguments to the gmake
call as NTB_DIAG_ARGS=\" ...\" to be part of the NTB
bench+diag compile. These NTB_DIAG_ARGS are appended to
the \"vcs -ntb_cmp\" command when making the so
they better be legal in that context. For NTB, these args
really affect the entire bench build, not just the diag,
BUT they they do not affect the vshell build.
(Eg. -vera_diag_args=+error+10 or -vera_diag_args=\"-ntb_define NCU_ACK_DLY1=100\")
This option is used to give vera/NTB a path to a default
diag or diag class (or a default program top if using RVM)
that can be used for building purposes before an actual
diag is chosen (NTB build of vshell file before regression
for example).
Also, some benches may run both asm and vera diags but the
vera diags are only run sometimes. In this case, you need a
dummy vera testcase class/program top to fill in when an
actual vera diag is not being used for that run (aka the
sometimes diag problem). If your openVera code refers to a
testcase class, you better have one even if it does nothing
else you will not be able to build. The dummy lets you
build. If your diag is implemented as the program top
(RVM) then the dummy must have \#includes for ALL of your
vera interfaces or your vshell will be broken.
Whenever the actual vera/NTB diag is specified, the dummy
is automatically *not* used (at regression time for
example). The vera_dummy_diag should be specified in the
bench config file. This option applies to Vera and NTB
(but NTB only when using the -ntb_lib option).
vera/ntb pal diag expansion options
(i.e. "pal OPTIONS -o diag.vr diag.vrpal")
multiple options can be specified using multiple such arguments.
vera proj file generation options. multiple options can be
specified using multiple such arguments.
name of the vera vcon file that is used when running the simulation.
this argument is passed to the vera Makefile as a OBJ=1 and to
vera as -DOBJ to enable a given vera coverage object. multiple
such arguments can be specified for multiple coverage objects.
this argument optionally lets the flow skip running gmake for the
vera/NTB build, while maintaining other operations within the
-vera_build flow. default ON (execute gmake)
NTB and VERA share all of the vera options except these:
enable the use of NTB (compiled vera) rather than the
conventional Vera. if -vcs_use_ntb and -vcs_use_vera are
used at once, then -vcs_use_ntb wins. defaults to off.
enables the NTB 2 part compile where the openVera files
get compiled separately into a file which is
dynamically loaded by vcs at runtime. The file
is built by the Vera/NTB Makefile, not sims. Use the
Makefile to affect the build. If not using -ntb_lib, sims
will build VCS and the openVera files together in one
pass (uses Makefile to affect that build as well). default
is off.
The ntb_lib method is know as the NTB LIB method. When not
using this ntb_lib method, the ALL IN ONE method is used.
The NTB LIB method allows the bench to run unique openVera diags
that are separate from the bench (via a diaglist if desired).
The NTB ALL IN ONE method does not allow the bench to run
unique openVera diags that are separate from the bench.
Use this for benches that do not run openVera diags
(perhaps the bench only runs asm diags
runs the ncverilog/vcs simulation and loads in the vera proj file
or the ntb file. defaults to on.
runs the NC-Verilog simulation (ncsim). defaults to off.
ncsim runtime options. multiple options can be specified
using multiple such arguments.
rerun the simulation from an existing regression run directory.
you can just say "% sims -rerun", and sims will automatically
extract the required arguments.
overwrite current run dir when doing a -rerun. default is to
create a rerun_<n> subdir for reruns.
enable debussy dump. this must be implemented in the testbench
to work properly. defaults to off.
runs the VCS simulation (simv). defaults to off.
simv runtime options. multiple options can be specified
using multiple such arguments.
forces vcs to finish and exit at the specified timestamp.
speeds up booting when using the ciop model. this passes the
+fast_boot switch to the simv run and the -sas_run_args=-DFAST_BOOT
and -midas_args=-DFAST_BOOT to sas and midas. Also sends
-DFAST_BOOT to the diaglist and config file preprocessors.
enable debussy dump. this must be implemented in the testbench
to work properly. defaults to off.
start dumping out a waveform after START number of units
stop dumping out a waveform after STOP number of units
runs fsdb2vcd after the simulation has completed to generate a vcd file.
the name of the debussy dump file.
If the file name starts with a "/", that is the file dumped to,
otherwise, the actual file is created within the temporary cache
directory and copied over to the run directory when the simulation ends.
Use "-fsdbfile=`pwd`/filename" to force the file to be
written in the current directory directly (not efficient since
dumping is done over network instead of to a local disk).
max size of Debussy dump file. minimum value is 32MB.
Latest values of signal values making up that size is saved.
turn on glitch and sequence dumping in fsdb file. this will collect
glitches and sequence of events within time in the fsdb waveform.
beware that this will cause the fsdb file size to grow significantly.
this is turned off by default. this option effectively does this:
rerun the simulation from an existing regression run directory.
you can just say "% sims -rerun", and sims will automatically
extract the required arguments.
overwrite current run dir when doing a -rerun. default is to
create a rerun_<n> subdir for reruns.
post processing command to be run after simv / ncsim ends
pre processing command to be run before simv / ncsim starts
use FILE as the .denalirc in the run area. Default copies
signals the bench to dump in VCD format
the name of the vcd dump file. if the file name starts with
a "/", that is the file dumped to, otherwise, the actual file is
created within the temporary cache directory and copied over to
the run directory when the simulation ends. use "-vcdfile=`pwd`/filename"
to force the file to be written in the current directory directly
(not efficient since dumping is done over network instead of to
a local disk).
runs the sunv program to convert structural files,
e.g. <file>.sv to verilog. defaults to off.
sunv options. Multiple options can be specified using
multiple such arguments. In addition, a portion of
these arguments can be provided in a file using the
sunv option -optfile=<file>.
use a list to hold primitives that we want to remove from the
default primitive.list. defaults to off.
name of file holding the list of primitives that we want to remove.
this is only used if -sunv_use_nonprim is specified.
runs the vlint program. defaults to off.
vlint options. The <sysName>.config file can contain
the desired vlint arguments, or they can also be given on
the command line. Typically the -vlint_compile is given
on the command line.
vlint also requires identification of a rules deck.
run illust after x2e
illust options
top level module on which to run vlint
runs the verix program. defaults to off.
specify the library files to add to the vlist
verix template options. The <sysName>.config file can contain
these desired verix arguments
verix also requires <top>.verix.tmplt in the config dir.
top level module on which to run verix
build a model to be run on the Hammer Hardware Accelerator.
build arguments for Hammer Hardware Accelerator
run a model on the Hammer Hardware Accelerator.
run arguments for the Hammer Hardware Accelerator.
tokens for drmsubmit licenses
build a model to be run on the Axis Hardware Accelerator.
build arguments for Axis Hardware Accelerator
run a model on the Axis Hardware Accelerator.
run arguments for the Axis Hardware Accelerator.
build a model to be run on the palladium Hardware Accelerator.
build arguments for palladium Hardware Accelerator
run a model on the palladium Hardware Accelerator.
run arguments for the palladium Hardware Accelerator.
run 0in checklist
build 0In pli for simulation into ncverilog/vcs model
build 0in search pli for simulation into ncverilog/vcs model
additional arguments to be passed to the 0in command
additional debug arguments to be passed to the 0in shell
run architecture-simulator. If vcs_run/ncv_run option is OFF,
simulation is sas-only. If vcs_run/ncv_run option is ON, sas
runs in lock-step with rtl. default to off.
Define arguments for sas.
run tcl/expect TAP program. If vcs_run option is OFF,
simulation is tcl-only. If vcs_run/ncv_run option is ON, tcl
runs in lock-step with rtl. default to off.
NOTE: You _must_ compile with -tcl_tap as well, to enable
to enable functions that are needed for running with tcl
Define top level tcl/expect diag name.
=head2 MIDAS
midas is the diag assembler
arguments for midas. midas creates memory image and user-event
files from the assembly diag.
Compile the diag using midas and exit without running it.
Add -DTG_SEED=tg_seed to midas command line. Use -tg_seed to
set the value passed to midas or use a random value from /dev/random.
=head2 PCI
pci is the tomatillo pci bus functional model
arguments to be passed in to for generation of a pci
random diagnostic.
generates a random pci diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided.
default is off.
generates a random tomatillo diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided
random generator seed for pci/tomatillo random test generators
also the value passed to +initreg+ to randomly initialize registers
when -vcs_use_initreg is used.
=head2 SJM
sjm is the jalapeno jbus bus functional model
arguments to be passed in to for generation of an sjm
random diagnostic.
generates a random sjm diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided.
default is off.
generates a random tomatillo diagnostic using the -tg_seed if provided
random generator seed for sjm/tomatillo random test generators
also the value passed to +initreg+ to randomly initialize registers
when -vcs_use_initreg is used.
=head2 EFCGEN is a script to generate efuse.img files (default random),
which is used by the efuse controller after reset.
It is invoked by -efc.
generates an efuse image file using the -tg_seed if provided.
default is off. Random if no -efc_args specified.
arguments to be passed in to for generation of
an efuse image file.
Default is random efuse replacement for each block.
random generator seed for script
also the value passed to +initreg+ to randomly initialize
registers when -vcs_use_initreg is used.
passes in the -cm switch to vcs at build time and simv at runtime
default to off.
argument to be given to the -cm switch
argument to be given to the -cm_cond switch.
argument to be given to the -cm_hier switch
argument to be given to the -cm_fsmcfg switch
specifies an FSM coverage configuration file
argument to be given to the -cm_name switch. defaults to cm_data.
=head2 DFT
modifies the sims flow to accomodate dftvert. this skips compiling
the vera testbench and modifies the simv command line at runtime.
=head2 CDMS
specify the cdms++ release that must be collected for this model.
performs a diff_release of CDMSREL from -cdms_rel_name and
records it in a file called diff_rel.log lcoated in the model
area. This file is copied into each run directory from the
model area at runtime.
uses the current (in localdir) release of CDMSREL for the
diff_release command. Ignored if -cdms_rel_name and -diff_cdms_rel
are not specified.
=head2 MISC
pretend this is a regression and run the job in DRMJOBSCRATCHSPACE
instead of the launch directory. useful with -indrm and
-interactive options and single jobs. automatically added for
this is a master switch to disable all building options.
there is no such thing as -build to enable all build options.
If the assembly diag has a Perl portion at the end, it
is put into and is run as a Perl script.
This allows you to give arguments to that Perl script.
The arguments accumulate, if the option is used multiple
Send '-seed=<tg_seed_value> to pal diags. Adds
-pal_diag_args=-seed=tg_seed to midas command line, and
-seed=tg_seed to pal options (vrpal diags). Use -tg_seed to set
the value passed to midas or use a random value from /dev/random.
runs the specified group multiple times in regression mode. this
is useful when we want to run the same diag multiple times using
a different random generator seed each time or some such.
specify the name of the regression
This flag is used to produce a report of a an old or running
regression. With -group options, sims produces the report
after the regression run. Report for the previous
regression run can be produced using -regress_id=ID
option along with this option,
masks for ncsim/vcs simulation termination. Simulation terminates
when it hits 'good_trap' or 'bad_trap'. For multithread
simulation, simulation terminates when any of the thread
hits bad_trap, or all the threads specified by the finish_mask
hits the good_trap.
example: -finish_mask=0xe
Simulation will be terminated by good_trap, if thread 1, 2 and
3 hits the good_trap.
mask for ncsim/vcs simulation termination. Simulation ends when the
stub driving the relevant bit in the mask is asserted. This
is a hexadecimal value similar to -finish_mask
passes a +wait_cycle_to_kill to the simv run. a testbench
may chose to implement this plusarg to delay killing a
simulation by a number of clock cycles to allow collection
of some more data before exiting (e.g. waveform).
passes a +TIMEOUT to the simv run.
sets the number of clock cycles after all threads have become
inactive for the diag to exit with an error. if all threads hit
good trap on their own the diag exits right away. if any of the
threads is inactive without hitting good trap/bad trap the
rtl_timeout will be reached and the diag fails. default is 1000.
this is only implemented in the cmp based testbenches.
passes a +max_cycle to the simv run.
sets the maximum number of clock cycle that the diag will take
to complete. the default is 30000. if max_cycle is hit the diag
exits with a failure. not all testbenches implement this
Does not run (if it exists) after ncsim snapshot or VCS simv run.
Use this option if, for some reason, you want to run an
existing assembly diag without the Perl part that is in
the original diag.
turns off redirection of sas stdout to the sas.log file.
use this option when doing interactive runs with sas.
turns off redirection of stdout and stderr to the sims.log
file. use this option in conjunction with -vcs_use_cli or
-vcs_use_ucli to get to the cli prompt when using vcs or to
see a truncated vcs.log file that exited with an
error. this must be used if you want control-c to work
while vcs is running.
turns off compression of log files before they are copied over
during regressions.
print version number.
prints this
full path to iver file for frozen tools
For reruns of regression tests only, use sims.iver to choose
TRE tool versions saved during original regression run.
Defaults to true.
Uses the frozen iver file located under $DV_ROOT if present.
This defaults to true. This has no effect if an iver file
is not found under the cdms tree.
absolute path to design root directory. this overrides $DV_ROOT.
absolute path to model root directory. this overrides $MODEL_DIR.
full path to sims config file
force sims to set ENVAR variable to specified value.
this specifies the root directory for the bench environment.
it is typically defined in the bench config file. It has no
this allows the user to provide CPP arguments (defines/undefines)
that will be used when the testbench configuration file is
processed through cpp. Multiple options are concatenated
this allows the regression run to be launched from a different
directory than the one sims was launced from. defaults to
full path to diaglist file
this allows the user to provide CPP arguments (defines/undefines)
that will be used when the diaglist file is processed through
cpp. Multiple options are concatenated together.
name of the diagnostic to be run.
absolute path to diag root directory. sims will perform a find
from here to find the specified type of diag. if more than one
instance of the diag name is found under root sims exits with
an error. this option can be specified multiple times to allow
multiple roots to be searched for the diag.
absolute path to diag directory. sims expects the specified
diag to be in this directory. the last value of this option
is the one used as the path.
=head2 ClearCase
assume we are in ClearCase environment for setting DV_ROOT and
launching DReAM commands. default is off (CDMS++ version control)
force clearcase option off
ClearCase path to design root directory. this overrides $CC_DV_ROOT.
=head2 DReAM
Please refer to the drmsubmit man pages for more info on the following.
resubmits any sims command to DReAM.
this is used in conjunction with -group to prevent a regression from
being submitted to DReAM. this will effectively run each job serially
on the local machine where the job was launched.
e.g. sims -group=ciop_regr -noindrm
resubmits any sims command to DReAM and runs it as an interactive session.
this effectively adds -i -m to the drmsubmit command.
the type constraint for DReAM jobs. This constraint determines
the queue where a job will be submitted.
the file specifying constraints for DReAM jobs. If this option
is specified, other -drm_* options are ignored.
the cpufreq constraint for DReAM jobs.
the disk constraint for DReAM jobs.
the freeram constraint for DReAM jobs.
the freeswap constraint for DReAM jobs.
the free processor constraint for DReAM jobs.
the totprocessor constraint for DReAM jobs.
the priority constraint for DReAM jobs.
the license constraint for DReAM jobs. this defaults to [vcs=1,vera=1].
sims sets the following ENV variables that may be used with pre/post
processing scripts, and other internal tools:
ASM_DIAG_NAME : Contains the assembly diag name.
SIMS_LAUNCH_DIR : Path to launch directory where sims is running the
job. Useful when job is run in dream scratch space.
VERA_LIBDIR : Dir where Vera/NTB files are compiled or results are stored.
DV_ROOT : -dv_root if specifed
MODEL_DIR : -model_dir if specified
TRE_SEARCH : Based on -use_iver, -use_cdms_iver -use_sims_iver
DENALI : Based on configsrch
NCV_HOME : Based on configsrch
CDS_INST_DIR : Based on configsrch
+args are not implemented in sims. they are passed directly to ncverilog / vcs at
compile time and the simulation snapshot (or executable) called
inca*pak / simv at runtime. the plusargs listed here are for
reference purposes only.
+STACK_DIMM 32 bits physical address space - default is 31 bits
+STACK_DIMM +RANK_DIMM 33 bits physical address space - default is 31 bits
+max_cycle see -max_cycle
+TIMEOUT see -rtl_timeout
+vcs+finish see -vcs_finish
+wait_cycle_to_kill see -wait_cycle_to_kill
sims is the frontend for Synopsys' VCS and Cadence's NC-Verilog to run single simulations and also regressions
=head1 HOWTO
=head2 Build models
Build a model using $DV_ROOT as design root
% sims -sys=cmp1 -vcs_build -vera_build // use Synopsys' VCS simulator
% sims -sys=cmp1 -ncv_build -vera_build // use Cadence's NC-Verilog simulator (ncvlog+ncelab+ncsim)
% sims -sys=cmp8 -vcs_build -vera_build
% sims -sys=fc1 -vcs_build -vera_build
% sims -sys=fc8 -vcs_build -vera_build
[ Here, cmp1 means compiling 1 sparc core only, crossbar and Level 2 cache RTL.
cmp8 means compiling 8 sparc cores, crossbar and Level 2 cache RTL.
fc1 means compiling 1 sparc core only, crossbar, Level 2 cache RTL, memory controller unit RTL, as well as all of the system-on-chip components that goes on the chip
fc8 means compiling 8 sparc cores, crossbar, Level 2 cache RTL, memory controller unit RTL, as well as all of the system-on-chip components that goes on the chip
*** fc8 is essentially the entire Niagara-2 chip.
Build a model from any design root
% sims -sys=cmp1 -vcs_build -dv_root=/home/username/cdmspp_localdir1
Build a model and re-build the vera
% sims -sys=cmp1 -vcs_build -vera_clean -vera_build
Build a model and turn off incremental compile, i.e. re-build the vcs binary
% sims -sys=cmp1 -vcs_build -vcs_clean
Build a model with a given name
% sims -sys=cmp1 -vcs_build -model_rel_name=vcs_binary_no_1
=head2 Run models
Run a diag with a specified model
% sims -sys=cmp1 -model_rel_name=vcs_binary_no_1 -vcs_run diag.s
Run a diag with debussy dump ON with default model (dump certain scopes only,
the scope definitions are defined inside the file :/verif/env/cmp/dump_scope.vh )
% sims -sys=cmp1 -debussy -vcs_run diag.s -model_rel_name=vcs_binary_no_1 \
-vcs_run_args=+DUMP_LIMIT \
-vcs_run_args=+DUMP_ENV -vcs_run_args=+DUMP_MCU \
-vcs_run_args=+DUMP_L2_0 -vcs_run_args=+DUMP_L2_1
=head2 Run regressions
Run a regression using $DV_ROOT as design root
% sims -sys=cmp1 -group=cmp1_all_T2 // using a VCS binary
% sims -sys=cmp1 -group=cmp1_all_T2 -sim=ncv // using a NC-Verilog snapshot
Some other examples, e.g. at the fullchip level
% sims -sys=fc1 -group=fc1_all_T2
% sims -sys=fc8 -group=fc8_all_T2
Run a regression using $DV_ROOT as design root and specify the diaglist
% sims -sys=cmp1 -group=cmp1_mini_T2 -diaglist=/home/username/cdmspp_localdir/dialist
Run a regression using any design root
% sims -sys=cmp1 -group=cmp1_mini_T2 -dv_root=/home/username/cdmspp_localdir
Run a regression using any design root and a graft model
% sims -sys=cmp1 -group=cmp1_mini_T2 -dv_root=/home/username/cdmspp_localdir \
Rerun a diag in a regression (results will be put inside a new rerun_<N> subdir)
Command to be issued from inside the original run directory
% sims -rerun
Rerun a diag, overwriting the original run directory
% sims -rerun -overwrite
=head1 Example Makefile showing NTB usage
## Description:
## -----------
## Top level Makefile for compiling Vera/NTB environment.
## runs with "gmake" only, not with "make".
## See sims help for standard Makefile example
# To do a quick NTB compile after source changes, do this. It is faster than running sims.
# gmake VERA_SYS_DEFS="-DSPC_BENCH" NTB_DIAG=wherever/diag.vr ntb_diag
# If you are using these provided defines below (USE_NTB_ALL or USE_NTB_LIB)
# then add USE_NTB_LIB=1, etc, to gmake call.
# what does sims pass in to gmake?
# If using the two pass method:
# 1) If you use this in your config file, -vera_build_args=VERA_SYS_DEFS="-DSPC_BENCH"
# then gmake passes VERA_SYS_DEFS="-DSPC_BENCH"
# 2) Path to "diag" or a dummy diag. NTB_DIAG=/import/n3-aus-dump1/jp148204/wrk1/r1/diag.vr
# 3) Sets this define, USE_NTB_LIB=1
# 4) ntb_diag as the 'target'
# 5) Your vera program block must be called vera_top!!!
# If using the all-in-one compile method:
# 1) If you use this in your config file, -vera_build_args=VERA_SYS_DEFS="-DSPC_BENCH"
# then gmake passes VERA_SYS_DEFS="-DSPC_BENCH"
# 2) Sets this define, USE_NTB_ALL=1
# 3) ntb_all as the 'target'
# 4) Your vera program block should be called vera_top
# To enable RVM, use -vera_build_args=USE_RVM=1 in your config file.
# This Makefile does not support non-NTB + RVM.
# variable declarations
# CHANGE THIS LINE vvvvv <------------------
SYS_NAME ?= sparc
# CHANGE THIS LINE ^^^^^ <------------------
ECHO := echo
COPY_CMD = cp -pf $< $@
# sims over-rides this. Do not remove.
# NOT for users to use, ONLY CONFIG FILE and sims. Do not remove.
# NOT for users to use, ONLY SIMS. For special 2 pass vcs options. Do not remove.
# These 3 defines are for any user to use and over-ride at will.
# Example:
# -vera_build_args="VERA_DEFS2=-DMYDEFINE -DTHIS" for either NTB or vera.
# -vera_build_args="VERA_DEFS2=-ntb_define THIS THAT" will work if NTB ONLY.
# User options that need to be applied when making file AND the simv file.
# other compile options that users could possibly over-ride, CAREFULLY.
# Use -vera_build_args=VERA_DEBUG=1
# use -vera_build_args=TEST=1
ifdef TEST
TESTING := test
# These are places where files can be found #
BENCH_DIR := ${DV_ROOT}/verif/env/$(SYS_NAME)/vera
COMMON_VERA := ${DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/vera
COMMON_VERILOG := ${DV_ROOT}/verif/env/common/verilog
COMMON_RTL := ${DV_ROOT}/design/sys/cpu_common
# VPATH holds all paths to all include files. Do not change VPATH name or delete it!!!
# This path is searched by gmake/vera/vcs, IN ORDER, until include file is found.
# !!! KEEP UP TO DATE !!!
VPATH := $(BENCH_DIR) $(BENCH_DIR)/interfaces $(BENCH_DIR)/include \
$(BENCH_DIR)/classes $(COMMON_VERA)/include $(COMMON_VERA)/classes $(COMMON_VERA) $(COMMON_RTL)/include
# All files that we want to *compile*.
# Files will be processed IN THIS ORDER. Put base classes first, etc.
# If Vera, will get fresh .vro files made from these files if the .vr has changed
# or any vrh/vri has changed. If NTB, all will be compiled but only if needed.
# NTB needs a list with FULL PATH, so ALWAYS use FULL PATH!
$(COMMON_VERA)/classes/std_display_class.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/classes/baseParamsClass.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/classes/sparcParams.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/classes/memArray.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/classes/l1tag.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/classes/baseUtilsClass.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/ccxDevices/ccxDevBaseBFM.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/ccxDevices/ccxDevMemBFM.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/classes/sparcBenchUtils.vr \
$(BENCH_DIR)/classes/utilsClass.vr \
$(BENCH_DIR)/classes/sparcEnv.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/ccxDevices/basePktClass.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/ccxDevices/cpxPktClass.vr \
$(COMMON_VERA)/ccxDevices/pcxPktClass.vr \
# The bench_top.vr file and the vera/NTB diag...
# default bench top for vera/ntb
BENCH_TOP = $(BENCH_DIR)/spc2_top.vr
# If using NTB all-in-one compile method (no vera diags), the top is straightforward.
# NTB_DIAG will not be defined.
BENCH_TOP = $(BENCH_DIR)/sparc_top.vr
# If using ntb_lib ( method, there may be a diag and the diag
# and top may be the same (common with RVM method). This is up to the developer.
# If your diag is a class or task definition then you will have a permanent top
# and a potential diag so use the next 2 lines.
# BENCH_TOP += $(BENCH_DIR)/sparc_top.vr
# Otherwise, if your diag is *also* the bench top (common with RVM method),
# then BENCH_TOP and NTB_DIAG are the same. We will use the passed in NTB_DIAG
# as the BENCH_TOP.
### NTB ONLY ###
# make an include path list so files can be found.
NTB_INCDIR := $(subst $(SPACE),"+",$(VPATH))
# -ntb_opts are compile time opts
NTB_OPTS ?= -ntb_opts check+dep_check+tb_timescale=1ps/1ps+partsel+compat
ifdef USE_RVM
NTB_OPTS += +rvm
# nullcheck for debug but is SLOW
# If defines come in as -DTHIS then make them NTB style
NTB_DEFS := $(subst -D,-ntb_define$(SPACE),$(VERA_DEFS))
NTB_DEFS += $(subst -D,-ntb_define$(SPACE),$(VERA_DEFS2))
NTB_DEFS += $(subst -D,-ntb_define$(SPACE),$(VERA_SYS_DEFS))
# applies to the compile AND the all-in-one compile.
NTB_COMMON := -ntb_define NTB $(NTB_DEFS) \
-ntb_filext .vr+.vrh+.vri+.vrl+.vh+ $(NTB_OPTS) -ntb_incdir $(NTB_INCDIR) \
# How to compile VCS for lib file use. This will create a $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist
# file that sims uses directly when doing the VCS build (using the vshell).
+define+NTB +define+NTB_LIB $(VERA_LIBDIR)/${SYS_NAME}_top_shell.v
# command to do the file compile and to do the vshell compile.
-ntb_sfname ${SYS_NAME}_top_shell.v -ntb_sname vera_top -ntb_spath $(VERA_LIBDIR) \
+error+5 -ntb_define NTB_LIB $(NTB_COMMON)
# How to compile NTB and VCS together at once (all-in-one method).
# This will create a $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist file that sims
# uses directly when doing the VCS build.
### VERA & NTB ###
DEPENDENCIES := $(foreach dir,$(VPATH),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.vr?))
### VERA ONLY ###
# all .vr files without full path
# ORDERD_VRH := $(patsubst %.vr,$(VERA_LIBDIR)/%.vrh,$(ORDERD_LIST))
# targets list. .vro's we want to make.
ORDERD_VRO := $(patsubst %.vr,$(VERA_LIBDIR)/%.vro,$(ORDERD_LIST))
VERA_OPTS ?= -max_error 5 -q
VERA_INCDIR := $(subst $(SPACE),$(SPACE)-I,$(VPATH))
# targets
# default target is vera
all: vera
# Make a flist for VCS to use during simv compile.
# Make the NTB vshell file to use during simv compile if ntb_lib.
# NTB diag is handled later in ntb_diag:
ntb_build: $(TESTING) makedir $(VERA_LIBDIR)/${SYS_NAME}_top_shell.v
@if (test -f $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist) then rm -f $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist ; fi
@echo $(NTB_LIB_FLIST) > $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist
# NTB/VCS all-in-one compile. Just make a flist for simv compile.
# This method does NOT allow you to build in unique vera diags.
ntb_build: $(TESTING) makedir
@if (test -f $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist) then rm -f $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist ; fi
@echo $(NTB_ALL_FLIST) > $(VERA_LIBDIR)/ntb_flist
rm -rf $(VERA_LIBDIR)/* ; rm -f $(VERA_LIBDIR)/../${SYS_NAME}_top_shell.v
# Second pass of the NTB two pass compile method.
# This compiles in a unique location using a unique (or default/dummy) vera diag.
ntb_diag: $(TESTING) $(VERA_LIBDIR)/
@if (test ! -d $(VERA_LIBDIR)) then mkdir -p $(VERA_LIBDIR) ; fi
@echo "<<Invoke Dir>>" ${PWD} "\n"
@echo "<<BENCH_DIR>>" $(BENCH_DIR) "\n"
@echo "<<NTB_INCDIR>>" $(NTB_INCDIR) "\n"
@echo "<<VERA_INCDIR>>" $(VERA_INCDIR) "\n"
@echo "<<ORDERD_VRO>>" $(ORDERD_VRO) "\n"
@echo "<<NTB_BUILD_ARGS>>" $(NTB_BUILD_ARGS) "\n"
@echo "<<NTB_DIAG_ARGS>>" $(NTB_DIAG_ARGS) "\n"
@echo "<<VERA_VRO>>" $(VERA_VRO) "\n"
@echo "<<NTB_ALL_FLIST>>" $(NTB_ALL_FLIST) "\n"
@echo "<<NTB_LIB_FLIST>>" $(NTB_LIB_FLIST) "\n"
@echo "<<VERA_LIBDIR>>" $(VERA_LIBDIR) "\n"
@echo "<<NTB_DIAG>>" $(NTB_DIAG) "\n"
# Original Vera, not NTB, targets
vera: $(TESTING) makedir copy_vera_stuff copy_dep $(ORDERD_VRO)
# When using vera diags, you must copy any include files/$(DEPENDENCIES)
# that the diag needs into VERA_LIBDIR.
# Be aware, you could possibly get name collisions in $(VERA_LIBDIR)
# which could cause problems. See VPATH
@vera -V
@rm -f $(VERA_LIBDIR)/../$(SYS_NAME)_top_shell.v
@cp -fp include/*vcon* $(VERA_LIBDIR)
@echo "To make a vrh for your class do --> " $(VERA_VRH) "path_to_class"
# lowest level rules
# vera vr files:
# About $(DEPENDENCIES)... This is a list of vrh/vri files that are in
# the directories identified by the bench developer. Vera is given
# this list in the form of include paths. Vera will compile with the
# ORIGINAL vrh/vri file, not a copy. You -->MUST<-- use #include <file>
# syntax, not #include "file", if you want Vera's -I to find the right
# include file every time. See VPATH.
# This dependency technique is not perfect (there are more explicit
# ways) but what it WILL do is base a Vera compile on whether any Vera
# include/dependency file has changed. If any $(DEPENDENCIES) file has
# changed, a new .vro file will be made for every .vr file. If only a
# single .vr file has changed, a new .vro is made only for that .vr
# file.
@$(ECHO) $(INDENT) ">>>> Vera: compiling $(notdir $<)"
ifeq ($(TESTING), test)
@$(ECHO) $(VERA_VRO) $< $@
@$(VERA_VRO) $< $@
# ntb w/ lib file use, shell file:
# Will rebuild the shell if any DEPENDENCIES file or BENCH_TOP or Makefile has changed.
@$(ECHO) $(INDENT) ">>>> Vera/NTB: compiling NTB testbench shell file (-ntb_shell_only) from ${PWD}: $(NTB_LIB)"
ifeq ($(TESTING), test)
@$(ECHO) $(NTB_LIB_COMPILE) -ntb_shell_only
$(NTB_LIB_COMPILE) -ntb_shell_only
# ntb w/ lib file use, file:
# Will rebuild if any DEPENDENCIES file or ORDERD_SRC_LIST or the Makefile file has changed.
# add $(VERA_LIBDIR)/diagChanged to end of next line for sims 1.272
@$(ECHO) $(INDENT) ">>>> Vera/NTB: compiling NTB testbench file (-ntb_noshell) from ${PWD}: $(NTB_LIB)"
ifeq ($(TESTING), test)
@$(ECHO) $(NTB_LIB_COMPILE) $(NTB_DIAG_ARGS) -ntb_noshell
$(NTB_LIB_COMPILE) $(NTB_DIAG_ARGS) -ntb_noshell
ifndef DEBUG