Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / vera / classes / sparcBenchUtils.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: sparcBenchUtils.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
// available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later version
// may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL is applied is
// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
// CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include <std_display_defines.vri>
#include <std_display_class.vrh>
#include <plusArgMacros.vri>
#include <defines.vri>
#include <cmp.vri>
#include <globals.vri>
#ifndef FC_BENCH
#include <verilog_tasks_ncu.vri>
// mem slam, reg slam
#include <verilog_tasks_misc.vri>
#include <std_display_class.vrh>
#include <baseParamsClass.vrh>
#include <sparcParams.vrh>
#include <baseUtilsClass.vrh>
#include <memArray.vrh>
#ifndef CCM_BENCH
#ifndef FC_BENCH
#include <ccx_tag_class.vrh>
#include <sparcBenchUtils_if.vrh>
#define CLASSNAME SparcBenchUtils
#define CLASSNAMEQ "SparcBenchUtils"
class CLASSNAME extends BaseUtils {
local string className = "SparcBenchUtils";
local StandardDisplay dbg;
local reg noNCUcheck = 0;
local reg failNCUcheck = 0;
// rands
local randc reg [5:0] startThread;
local randc reg [2:0] randCID;
local rand integer parkWait;
// end rands
// constraints
constraint parkWait_c {
parkWait <= gParam.por_delay_max;
parkWait >= gParam.por_delay_min;
// end constraints
task new(StandardDisplay dbgHndl, integer clockPeriod = 100);
task resetDut();
function reg ioSpaceAccess(reg [63:0] addr, // full addr of request
var reg [127:0] data, // r/w data
reg read = 1, // request is read, else write
reg [7:0] size = 8'hff, // write byte mask
integer thread = 99, // please provide
integer myPort = 99); // optional for messaging
function reg [127:0] copyDataByte (reg [127:0] data,
reg [7:0] size,
reg [3:0] offset);
function reg [63:0] evictAddr (reg [7:0] core_enable,
var reg [2:0] cidUsed,
reg [3:0] cid = 4'hf,
integer dCacheWeight = 60);
function reg [127:0] evictVector (reg [7:0] core_enable,
reg [63:0] evict_pa,
reg [2:0] cpuId,
var reg [7:0] targets);
function reg [63:0] getThreadEnables();
function reg [63:0] getRunStatus();
function reg [2:0] whichBank(reg [63:0] addr);
// Do not call randomize() in this classes new() task.
// The final class extention of this class must (does) do that in its new()!
// Go ahead an assume that the first set of random numbers are available.
task CLASSNAME::new(StandardDisplay dbgHndl, integer clockPeriod = 100) {, clockPeriod);
this.dbg = dbgHndl;
if (mChkPlusarg(noNCUcheck)) noNCUcheck = 1;
if (mChkPlusarg(failNCUcheck)) failNCUcheck = 1;
// call AFTER time zero
function reg [63:0] CLASSNAME::getThreadEnables() {
//getThreadEnables = sparcBenchUtils_if.th_check_enable; // -vcs_run_args=+thread=1
getThreadEnables = gParam.finishMask; // this is better
// call AFTER time zero. gets core_running_status.
function reg [63:0] CLASSNAME::getRunStatus() {
getRunStatus = sparcBenchUtils_if.core_running_status;
// return which bank this address goes to.
// for partial bank mode
function reg [2:0] CLASSNAME::whichBank(reg [63:0] addr) {
case (gParam.bank_set_mask) {
1: whichBank = addr[6];
2: whichBank = {2'b01,addr[6]};
3: whichBank = {1'b0,addr[7:6]};
4: whichBank = {2'b10,addr[6]};
5: whichBank = {addr[7],1'b0,addr[6]};
6: whichBank = {addr[7],~addr[7],addr[6]};
8: whichBank = {2'b11,addr[6]};
9: whichBank = {addr[7],addr[7],addr[6]};
10: whichBank = {addr[7],1'b1,addr[6]};
12: whichBank = {1'b1,addr[7],addr[6]};
15: whichBank = {addr[8],addr[7],addr[6]};
default: error("bank_set_mask is illegal\n");
// start threads
// rules:
// 1 - always start with the lowest core, after that randomize core selection.
// 2 - in a core, always start the lowest thread first.
// 3 - after each core has had its lowest thread started, randomize the
// rest of the threads.
task CLASSNAME::resetDut () {
//reg [31:0] resetThis;
reg [63:0] threadEnables;
integer core, tid, tmp;
integer lowCore; // lowest core from threadEnables
integer lowThread [8]; // lowest thread in each core
reg [63:0] doneThreads; // have been started already
reg [7:0] doneCores; // have been started already
#ifndef FC_BENCH
for (tid=0; tid<8; tid++) lowThread[tid] = 32'hx;
void = this.rand_mode(OFF, "startThread");
// do not unpark too early.
if (sparcBenchUtils_if.core_cycle_cnt < 12)
repeat (12 - sparcBenchUtils_if.core_cycle_cnt)
@(negedge sparcBenchUtils_if.clk);
// range is 28-48 (38 ideal) cycles from time zero if +forcePORstate
if (gParam.forcePORstate) {
if (sparcBenchUtils_if.core_cycle_cnt < 38)
repeat (38 - sparcBenchUtils_if.core_cycle_cnt)
@(negedge sparcBenchUtils_if.clk);
threadEnables = sparcBenchUtils_if.th_check_enable; // -vcs_run_args=+thread=1
if (! threadEnables) {
psprintf("Unparking threads: th_check_enable = 0, Will not unpark ANY threads!!!"));
psprintf("Unparking threads: th_check_enable = %h",threadEnables));
// find lowest core
for (core=0; core<8; core++) {
if (|threadEnables[7+(core*8):core*8]) {
lowCore = core;
} else doneCores[core] = 1;
// find lowest thread in each core
for (core=lowCore; core<8; core++) {
for (tid=0; tid<8; tid++) {
if (threadEnables[tid+(8*core)] == 1) {
lowThread[core] = tid;
doneThreads = ~threadEnables; // call unused tids done for starters
psprintf("Unparking: low core = %0d, low threads (0-07): %1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d",lowCore,lowThread[7],lowThread[6],lowThread[5],lowThread[4],lowThread[3],lowThread[2],lowThread[1],lowThread[0]));
psprintf("Unparking: low core = %0d, low threads (0-63): %2d,%2d,%2d,%2d,%2d,%2d,%2d,%2d",lowCore,lowThread[7]+56,lowThread[6]+48,lowThread[5]+40,lowThread[4]+32,lowThread[3]+24,lowThread[2]+16,lowThread[1]+8,lowThread[0]));
// POR threads in random orders after lowest core lowest tid
// but lowest first for each core.
// this is lowest first...
tmp = (lowCore*8)+lowThread[lowCore];
1 << tmp, tmp);
doneThreads[tmp] = 1; // mark it done
doneCores[lowCore] = &doneThreads[7+(lowCore*8):lowCore*8]; // core done?
psprintf("T%0d unparked (lowest tid in lowest core)\n",tmp));
// quick check
if (doneThreads !== 64'hffffffffffffffff) {
// now the rest
// start the lowest thread on each core (except lowest core).
// they could be chosen at random or sequential.
repeat (8) {
core = randCID;
void = this.randomize();
if (core == lowCore || doneCores[core]) continue;
if (lowThread[core] !== 32'hx) {
tmp = (core*8)+lowThread[core];
// parkWait = urandom_range(gParam.por_delay_max,gParam.por_delay_min);
// PR_DEBUG (className, MON_DEBUG,
// psprintf("T%0d post unpark delay %d\n",get_cycle(),resetThis,del));
repeat (parkWait) @(posedge sparcBenchUtils_if.clk);
1 << tmp, tmp);
psprintf("T%0d unparked (lowest tid in core)\n",tmp));
doneThreads[tmp] = 1; // mark it done
doneCores[core] = &doneThreads[7+(core*8):core*8]; // core done?
// start the remaining threads at random
repeat (64) {
if (doneThreads[startThread] == 0) {
void = this.randomize();
// parkWait = urandom_range(gParam.por_delay_max,gParam.por_delay_min);
// PR_DEBUG (className, MON_DEBUG,
// psprintf("T%0d post unpark delay %d\n",get_cycle(),resetThis,del));
repeat (parkWait) @(posedge sparcBenchUtils_if.clk);
1 << startThread,
psprintf("T%0d unparked (remaining non-lowest tids)\n",startThread));
doneThreads[startThread] = 1; // mark it done
void = this.rand_mode(ON, "startThread");
void = this.randomize();
void = this.rand_mode(OFF, "startThread");
task CLASSNAME::resetDut () {
reg [31:0] tid, resetThis;
reg [63:0] threadEnables;
integer lowThread, del;
#ifndef FC_BENCH
void = this.rand_mode(OFF, "startThread");
repeat (5) @(negedge sparcBenchUtils_if.clk);
threadEnables = sparcBenchUtils_if.th_check_enable; // -vcs_run_args=+thread=1
psprintf("Unparking threads: th_check_enable = %h",threadEnables));
// find lowest thread
for (tid=0; tid<=63; tid++) {
if (threadEnables[tid] == 1) {
lowThread = tid;
//POR threads in random orders after lowest
psprintf("T%0d unparked (first)\n",lowThread));
repeat (64) {
if (threadEnables[startThread] == 1 && startThread !== lowThread) {
del = urandom_range(gParam.por_delay_max,gParam.por_delay_min);
// PR_DEBUG (className, MON_DEBUG,
// psprintf("T%0d post unpark delay %d\n",get_cycle(),resetThis,del));
repeat (del) @(posedge sparcBenchUtils_if.clk);
psprintf("T%0d unparked\n",startThread));
void = this.rand_mode(ON, "startThread");
void = this.randomize();
void = this.rand_mode(OFF, "startThread");
// Is address allowed at NCU for a read or write? Returns true if the
// r/w was OK. If the return is false, the response packet MUST set the
// error indication just as a real NCU would. The caller has to do
// this!!! Also returns the data for the address to the caller. Zeros
// will be returned for addresses that have never been written (except
// 0x82 RNG).
// Certain ASI registers (CMP) may be implemented in verilog.
// We will detect that here and do the right thing.
// Any write to any address that isn't explicitly defined will be
// silently dropped. That includes reserved and not supported regions.
// It also includes unimplemented addresses within a region. (For
// example, the 0x90 region is for IO mapped ASI registers, but there
// aren't very many. Any write to an address that isn't mapped to a
// register will get dropped by NCU RTL, *BUT* this function allows the
// Real world store example:
// * The LSU sends the NCU a store.
// * The NCU acks the store - always.
// * Since the store is ack'ed, software sees it as done.
// * The NCU trys to figure out where the write should go.
// If it can't figure it out, it drops it.
// * The SOC units themselves could also drop it if the NCU
// forwarded them a request that they don't support.
// This function will use the following table to define it's behavior.
// Any range identified with ERROR *must* cause a load error response packet
// to be returned to the core. THE USER/CALLER MUST DO THIS!!! This will
// cause a trap to be taken by the core. In order for nas to take the
// same trap, we need to add this case to the current interrupt sync
// mechanism. Reads from 0x82 will return random data. Currently, only
// 0xFF will be considered 100% read only.
// OLD Address [39:32] behavior
// OLD --------------- --------
// OLD 0x80 NCU R/W allowed
// OLD 0x81 NIU R/W allowed
// OLD * 0x82 RNG (Random Number Generator) IGNORE writes
// OLD * 0x83 CCU R/W allowed
// OLD 0x84 MCUs R/W allowed
// OLD 0x85 TCU (JTAG/TAP. NCU/Core will not initiate) ERROR on read
// OLD * 0x86 TAP to ASI (not supported) ERROR on read
// OLD * 0x87 TAP to L2 CSR (not supported) ERROR on read
// OLD 0x88 DMUCSR R/W allowed
// OLD 0x89 RST R/W allowed
// OLD 0x8A-0x8F Reserved ERROR on read
// OLD 0x90 ASI CPU shared registers R/W allowed
// OLD 0x91-0x9F Reserved ERROR on read
// OLD 0xA0-0xBF L2 CSR (never comes to NCU) ERROR on read
// OLD 0xC0-0xCF PCIE (64GB) / DMUPIO R/W allowed
// OLD 0xD0-0xFE Reserved ERROR on read
// OLD 0xFF SSI (boot ROM) IGNORE writes
// Address [39:32] behavior
// --------------- --------
// 0x80 NCU R/W allowed
// 0x81 NIU R/W allowed
// 0x82 Reserved ERROR on read
// 0x83 CCU (+0x30 is Random Number Generator) R/W allowed
// 0x84 MCUs R/W allowed
// 0x85 TCU (JTAG/TAP) R/W allowed
// 0x86 Debug R/W allowed
// 0x87 Reserved ERROR on read
// 0x88 DMU R/W allowed
// 0x89 RST R/W allowed
// 0x8A-0x8F Reserved ERROR on read
// 0x90 ASI CPU shared registers R/W allowed
// 0x91-0x9F Reserved ERROR on read
// 0xA0-0xBF L2 CSR (never goes to NCU) ERROR on read
// 0xC0-0xCF PCIE (64GB) / DMUPIO R/W allowed
// 0xD0-0xFE Reserved ERROR on read
// 0xFF SSI (boot ROM) IGNORE writes
// To disable the CPX pkt error response and allow full R/W of ALL
// addresses by the NCU model (except writes to 0xFF) +noNCUcheck can be
// used. Until Riesling/nas is updated with interrupt sync, and a
// specific knowledge of the I/O map, +noNCUcheck could possibly be used.
// The plus arg +noNCUcheck is normally not recommended because it
// presents a behavior that IS NOT at all like a real N2 (so forget I
// even mentioned it)!
// To always fail the simulation on error ("ERROR on read" space was
// accessed or 0xFF was written), use +failNCUcheck. This would be a good
// way to find "bad" diags.
function reg CLASSNAME::ioSpaceAccess(reg [63:0] addr, // full addr of request
var reg [127:0] data, // r/w data
reg read = 1, // request is read, else write
reg [7:0] size = 8'hff, // write mask, read size
integer thread = 99,
integer myPort = 99) // optional for messaging
reg [63:0] tmp64;
#ifndef NCURTL
#ifndef FC_BENCH
PR_INFO ("ioaccess", MON_INFO,
psprintf("addr = %h data = %h R/W = %b size = %h thread = %0d myPort = %0d",
ioSpaceAccess = 1; // no error
addr = addr & 64'hfffffffffffffff8;
if (read) data = 128'hdeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddead;
// detect special registers implemented in verilog.
if (
(addr[IO_ASI_ADDR_NCU] == 8'h90 &&
(addr == ASI_RESET_STAT)
) {
if (thread == 99) thread = addr[IO_ASI_ADDR_CT];
if (read == 0)
data = {tmp64,tmp64};
PR_INFO ("ioaccess", MON_INFO,
psprintf("err = %b Special IO Register Access (i.e. CMP reg, etc)",
case (addr[IO_ASI_ADDR_NCU]) {
8'h80, 8'h81, 8'h83, 8'h84, 8'h85, 8'h86, 8'h88, 8'h89: {
// 8'h83 +0x30 is Random Number Generator
if (addr[39:0] == 40'h83_0000_0030) {
if (read) {
data[63:0] = {urandom(),urandom()};
// review getting socket errors
#ifndef GATESIM
} else {
if (read) data = gMem.read128(addr,myPort, 1);
else gMem.writeBM(addr, data[63:0], size, myPort);
8'h82, 8'h87, 8'h8a, 8'h8b, 8'h8c, 8'h8d, 8'h8e, 8'h8f: { // reserved
ioSpaceAccess = 0;
} // case
case (addr[39:36]) {
4'h9: {// 0x90 ASI CPU shared registers
if (addr[IO_ASI_ADDR_NCU] == 8'h90) { // 0x90 ASI CPU shared registers
// Certain ASI registers (CMP) may be implemented in verilog.
// The code that calls this function MUST filter those out
// and do the right thing. We will not attempt that here!!!
if (read) data = gMem.read128(addr,myPort, 1);
else gMem.writeBM(addr, data[63:0], size, myPort);
} else {// 0x91-0x9F Reserved ERROR
ioSpaceAccess = 0;
4'hA: {// 0xA0-0xBF L2 CSR (handled by CCX directly and does not come to NCU) ERROR
PR_ERROR (CLASSNAMEQ, MON_ERR, psprintf ("T%d Bench ERROR FAIL: - L2 CSR address seen at NCU, this is bad! (addr=%0h (%0h),data=%0h,mask=%0h,read=%0h",thread,addr,addr[39:32],data,size,read));
4'hB: {// 0xA0-0xBF L2 CSR (handled by CCX directly and does not come to NCU) ERROR
PR_ERROR (CLASSNAMEQ, MON_ERR, psprintf ("T%d Bench ERROR FAIL: - L2 CSR address seen at NCU, this is bad! (addr=%0h (%0h),data=%0h,mask=%0h,read=%0h",thread,addr,addr[39:32],data,size,read));
4'hC: {// 0xC0-0xCF PCIE (64GB) / DMUPIO
if (read) data = gMem.read128(addr,myPort, 1);
else gMem.writeBM(addr, data[63:0], size, myPort);
4'hD: {// 0xD0-0xFE Reserved ERROR
ioSpaceAccess = 0;
4'hE: {// 0xD0-0xFE Reserved ERROR
ioSpaceAccess = 0;
4'hF: {// 0xD0-0xFE Reserved ERROR
if (addr[39:32] == 8'hFF) {// 0xFF SSI (boot ROM) ERROR on write
if (read) {
if (read) data = gMem.read128(addr,myPort, 1);
} else ioSpaceAccess = 0;
} else {// 0xD0-0xFE Reserved ERROR
ioSpaceAccess = 0;
} // case
// if +failNCUcheck fail the sim right now!
if (ioSpaceAccess == 0 && failNCUcheck == 1)
PR_ERROR (CLASSNAMEQ, MON_ERR, psprintf ("T%d Bench ERROR FAIL: - Attempt to access I/O address/ASI in a way that is NOT allowed. (addr=%0h (%0h),data=%0h,mask=%0h,read=%0h",thread,addr,addr[39:32],data,size,read));
// if +noNCUcheck, always return a happy value
// and (almost) always do the access
if (noNCUcheck) {
ioSpaceAccess = 1;
if (read == 1 && addr[39:32] !== 8'h82)
data = gMem.read128(addr,myPort, 1);
if (read == 0 && addr[39:32] !== 8'hFF)
gMem.writeBM(addr, data[63:0], size, myPort);
PR_INFO ("ioaccess", MON_INFO,
psprintf("err = %b Normal IO Register Access",
// replicate data bytes across all data bytes depending on size.
// big endian, so the high bit bytes replicate from high bit
// end to low bit end.
function reg[127:0] CLASSNAME::copyDataByte (reg [127:0] data,
reg [7:0] size,
reg [3:0] offset)
reg [127:0] tmpData = 0;
// start with the addressed byte at byte 0
data = data << (8*offset);
case (size) {
8'h0: {// 1 byte
repeat (16) {
tmpData = tmpData >> 8; // seems backwards but works
tmpData[127:120] = data[127:120];
8'h1: {// 2 bytes
repeat (8) {
tmpData = tmpData >> 16;
tmpData[127:112] = data[127:112];
8'h2: {// 4 bytes
repeat (4) {
tmpData = tmpData >> 32;
tmpData[127:96] = data[127:96];
8'h3: {// 8 bytes
repeat (2) {
tmpData = tmpData >> 64;
tmpData[127:64] = data[127:64];
8'h4: {// 16 bytes
tmpData = data;
default: PR_ERROR("copyDataByte", MON_ERR, psprintf ("ERROR bad size=%b passed in.",size));
copyDataByte = tmpData;
// Evictions use 2 functions, evictAddr & evictVector.
// "Eviction loop" code will call evictAddr to get address, then BFM will call
// evictVector to get the vector and modify the shadow tag.
// "Eviction loop" code will call task enqueueEvict in the correct bfm to
// request the invalidate after evictAddr has been called.
// The evict User Event that takes PA, will call task enqueueEvict in the
// correct bfm to request the invalidate.
// Pick a random core and search for a line with a valid entry.
// mem_index - itag 0..63, dtag 0..127
// evict_index is normalized index between 0..31
// used to search for tag in all lines in the group (aka L2 cache line)
// returns a valid address.
// Inputs:
// core_enable = 8 bit vector, 1 bit per core
// cid = N, to limit search to that core.
// dCacheWeight = N to weight I/D caches. 100 % based
// Outputs:
// found address if any, all F's otherwise.
// cidUsed = a core that had the address
function reg [63:0] CLASSNAME::evictAddr(reg [7:0] core_enable,
var reg [2:0] cidUsed,
reg [3:0] cid = 4'hf,
integer dCacheWeight = 60) // 100 % based
reg evict=0; // =1, if valid entry found in the table
reg [6:0] mem_index=0; // raw index from tag table search
reg [28:0] evict_tag=0; // tag that is being evicted
reg [4:0] evict_index=0; // Normalized between 0..31
reg junk;
reg dCacheAddr = 0;
#ifndef CCM_BENCH
#ifndef FC_BENCH
cidUsed = 0;
if (cid == 4'hf) {
// Pick cid out of the enabled cores.
// This runs in zero time so randCID is safe from other calls to randomize().
while (!core_enable[randCID]) {
void = this.randomize();
cidUsed = randCID;
} else {
// check the cid
cidUsed = cid;
if (!core_enable[cidUsed])
PR_ERROR("evict", MON_ERR,
psprintf (" BENCH ERROR - selected core not available!"));
randcase {
100-dCacheWeight: {
// Get raw index that has a valid entry
itag[cidUsed].search_tagmem(evict,mem_index); // set evict=1, if valid entry found
// found nothing
if (! evict) return;
// Normalize between 0..31
evict_index = mem_index / 2;
// Get the tag that will be evicted
dCacheWeight: {
// Get raw index that has a valid entry
dtag[cidUsed].search_tagmem(evict,mem_index); // set evict=1, if valid entry found
// found nothing
if (! evict) return;
// Normalize between 0..31
evict_index = mem_index / 4;
// Get the tag that will be evicted
dCacheAddr = 1;
evictAddr = {evict_tag,evict_index,6'b0};
PR_INFO ("evict", MON_INFO,
psprintf("EVICTION evictAddr PA{[39:6],6'b0}=%h evict_tag(pa[39:11])=%h evict_index(pa[10:6])=%h core=%0d dCacheAddr=%0d",
// Evict a PA from the L1 cache in all cores that are enabled.
// The value that is returned as evictVector has the format as defined
// in the CCX packet spec as Vinv.
// Pass in address. Will check all enabled cores for hit at that address and return
// an eviction vector for all matching/hitting cores.
// Inputs:
// core_enable = 8 bit vector, 1 bit per core
// evict_pa = address to evict
// cpuId = CPU associated with evict_pa being cached
// Output:
// evictVector = 0, no entries to evict.
// targets = cores that will be the target of the evict packet.
function reg [127:0] CLASSNAME::evictVector(reg [7:0] core_enable,
reg [63:0] evict_pa,
reg [2:0] cpuId,
var reg [7:0] targets)
reg evict=0; // 1, if valid entry found in the table
reg [6:0] mem_index=0; // raw index from tag table search
reg [28:0] evict_tag=0; // tag that is being evicted
reg [4:0] evict_index=0; // Normalized between 0..31
reg [3:0] dmatch=0;
reg [3:0] imatch=0,i;
reg [111:0] i_vect=0,d_vect=0,e_vect=0;
#ifndef CCM_BENCH
#ifndef FC_BENCH
targets = 0;
evictVector = 0;
// Get index & tag from User argument
evict_tag = evict_pa[39:11];
evict_index = evict_pa[10:6];
mem_index = evict_pa[10:4]; // tag class array index
// If valid tag found in tag table, evict it in both itag & dtag
PR_INFO ("evict", MON_INFO,
psprintf("EVICTION evictVector PA{[39:6],6'b0}=%h evict_tag(pa[39:11])=%h evict_index(pa[10:6])=%h core=%0d mem_index(pa[10:4])=%h",
// If valid tag found in tag table, evict it in both itag & dtag
i_vect = 0;
d_vect = 0;
e_vect = 0;
// evict the pa in all cores L1 cache
for (i=0; i<=7; i=i+1) {
if (core_enable[i]) {
itag[i].evict_group(evict_tag, evict_index, i_vect);
dtag[i].evict_group(evict_tag, evict_index, d_vect);
if ((i_vect!=0)|(d_vect!=0)) {
targets[i] = 1'b1;
// Create invalidation vector that is returned in CPX pkt
e_vect = e_vect | i_vect | d_vect;
if (e_vect) {
// Debug messages
PR_INFO ("evict", MON_INFO,
psprintf("EVICTION evictVector PA[39:0]=%h tag=%h evict_index(pa[10:6])=%h mem_index(pa[10:4])=%h+",evict_pa,evict_tag,evict_index,mem_index));
PR_INFO ("evict", MON_INFO,
psprintf("EVICTION \taddr: 0x%12h 0x%12h 0x%12h 0x%12h", evict_pa+48,evict_pa+32, evict_pa+16, evict_pa));
PR_INFO ("evict", MON_INFO,
psprintf("EVICTION \titag: Vinv[111:88] = %h [87:56] = %h [55:32] = %h [31:0] = %h ",
PR_INFO ("evict", MON_INFO,
psprintf("EVICTION \tdtag: Vinv[111:88] = %h [87:56] = %h [55:32] = %h [31:0] = %h ",
PR_INFO ("evict", MON_INFO,
psprintf("EVICTION \t Vinv[111:88] = %h [87:56] = %h [55:32] = %h [31:0] = %h ",
// Create Vinv as defined in CCX packet spec
evictVector[127:117] = 11'b0;
evictVector[116:112] = evict_index;
evictVector[111:0] = e_vect;
} else {
// not an error because time elapsed and the L1 tags have changed!